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November 14, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-14

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* Purdue . . . . . 35 Michigan State 27 Illinois . .
Minnesota . . . 0 Indiana . . . .13 Wisconsin

. . . 51 Ohio State . . . 38 Arkansas . . . 24 Nebraska . . . 21 Mississippi . . .14 Slippery Rock
. . . 0 Iowa . . . . . . 0 SMU . . . . . . 3 Oklahoma St. .17 Tennessee . . .13 Clarion State .


See Editorial Page

Sir i an


Chance of
snow flurried

Seventy-Five Years of Editqrial Freedom







By CHUCK VETZNER 11 times Northwestern carried the dropped back to pass, but found
special To The Daily ball, McKelvey did the honors on no one open. He charged back to-
eight. ward the line of scrimmage and
EVANSTON, Ill.-Maybe it, was If Ron Rector hadn't fumbled began scanning the scene again.
like one of those acids that eats on play number 13, the opening f End Clayt Wilhite wasn't open,
through your stomach or like a drive would have been an accurate but he threw a great block, and
bowling ball knocking down the forecast of the way the game Gabler scampered to the 20.
pins. worked out. Gabler Scores
Whatever you call it or compare The Cats didn't get fancy too Five more runs moved it to the
it to, Bob McKelvey upset Mich- often, especially in the second three where Gabler swept end and
igan as he led Northwestern to a half when they only passed once. plunged into the end zone shoul-
34-22 win here yesterday after- Instead, they simply 'plodded der first.
noon. along, but making it four yards Next time the Blue had the ball,
McKelvey, a 220 pound junior and a cloud of dust, not three. Up things were more queasy. Rector
fullback from Bellville, Ill., looks to Northwestern's final touch- had quick-kicked to the 12, and
like he should be wearing a straw down, it only punted once. And by fourth down it was back on the
hat and munching on a blade of that was a third down quick-kick five.
grass. Instead, he gained 136 which set up the first score. Stan Kemp came in to punt and
yards in 35 tries and popped into A Pliable Middle the Wildcats licked their chops.
the end zone twice. "We felt we had to make Mich- Northwestern doesn't have speedy
"They talk about all the full- igan bend in the middle if we backs to return kicks, so the con-
backs in this league, but I were to win," Agase explained. centration is on blocking the
wouldn't trade ours for any of Michigan struck first, scoring at boots. No one lines up over center
them," gushed Wildcat coach Alex the end of the first quarter in its as the defensemen crowd around
Agase. "Now everybody is aware first drive of the game. The Blue end in an effort to reach the
of what a great back McKelvey went 88 yards in 21 plays and punter.
is. looked golden. Wally Gabler was Third Time's a Charm
McKelvey Stars splendid, completing three passes The play had worked twice
Rotund Alex might be getting and setting up the tally with some prior to yesterday's game. It has
a little carried away, but the dandy running. now succeeded thrice.
Michigan defense was certainly With 21 yards to go on second Kemp, standing seven yards
aware of his presence. The first down from the NU 38, Gabler deep in the end zone, took the

center, and gingerly put his right
foot into the ball.
Bob Hampton, who played high
school ball in Richmond, Ind., un-
der Hup Etchison, charged toward
Kemp and smashed the ball veryI
shortly after it left Kemp meta-
tarsus. It dribbled toward the side-
lines and Phil Clark fell on it at
the one-yard line.
Quarterback Denny Booth scored
on the next play. Agase gave
Hampton full credit for the block.
ever seen in that situation.
"He's one of the quickest kids I've
Blue Regain Lead
The Wolverines took the lead
back the next time they had the
ball. Gabler hit Jack Clancy for
16, and then Wilhite for identical
yardage, as the Blue moved down
to the Wildcat four.
A third down pass to Rick Sy-
gar failed, but his fourth down
21-yard field goal was good.
The lead should have held up at
half time but then with only 30
seconds to go, Agase stuck in
someone named D i c k Smith.
On his first play in the game,
Smith raced straight downfield
and Boothe threw a long passl

which got caught in the 22 mph
gail which was bending the flag
pole. When the pass came down,
Smith was waiting several yards
ahead of Mike Bass and Rick
The "Smith Special"
The 45-yard TD play is known,
uninspiringly enough, as the
"Smith special." What the name
lacks in creativity, it makes up
for iii performance. Agase explain-
ed that Smith is the only guy to
go out for the pass. "If he is not
open," he notes, "we eat the ball."
The Wildcats kept their mo-
mentum going in the second half
and scored on their first drive.
McKelvey and Rector did the
heavy work with Rector plowing
through from four yards out. The
longest single gain was a 16-yard
personal foul penalty.
Michigan came right back. With
the ball on the Wildcat 19, Gabler
ran right and saw nothing. He
ran left and eureka, Clancy was
wide open in the end zone. The
two-point conversion try was no
good, but not without our old col-
lege try.
See WILDCATS, Page 8

What's New
* At. 764 -1817'
Hot Line
City Council is not expected to vote on Mayor Wendell E.
Hulcher's appointments to the new housing commission at to-
marrow night's meeting, the mayor said yesterday.
An agreement was made earlier with the council that no
action would be taken without all council members- present, and
one councilman will be absent tomorrow night.
The votp on the appointees will therefoi'e be postponed until
the following Monday, Nov. 22.
** *
Registration for next semester's sorority rush will be held
on Nov. 15 and 16, from 4 to 8 p.m., at Stockwell Hall, Lloyd Hall
and South Quad; and on Nov. 1.7 and 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
in the Kalamazoo Room of the Women's League. Rush coun-
selors will be available to answer questions on Nov. 15 from 7-8
p.m., at Stockwell and Lloyd Halls and South Quad.
Prof. Whitmore Gray of the Law School will soon publish
his translation. of the new Soviet legal code, which was issued in
October, 1964, to replace the old civil code of 1922. The revision
is the culmination of the legal reforms that followed Stalin's
death. White's book will be the first English translation of the
Alaskan alumni ranked first in contributions to the Law
School's annual fund drive, -that school reported recently.
Not only all of the ten Alaskan alumni but also the father of
a freshman law student set a new record for supporting the
school with a 110 per cent contribution.
Long Distance
Approximately 700 people gathered at Columbia University
yesterday to hear various speakers protest the American involve-
ment in Viet Nam. Among those scheduled to speak was Tom
Hayden '60, former editor of The Daily.
Among the groups represented at the rally were the May 2nd
Movement; Students for a Democratic Society and local New York
City anti-war groups.
The speakers advocated that "the American radicals seek to
establish an independent political community."
Stanley Aronowitz, editor of Studies on the Left, said, "With-
out an independent political constituency of their own, the
radicals in U.S. will be left without a voice in national affairs."
After favorable reviews by the New York press, and advance-
tickets sales well into January, "An Evening's Frost" has received
an extended engagement at the Theatre De Lys.
The play was directed and conceived by Marcella Cisney,
written by Prof. Donald Hall, of the English department, and
originally given by the Professional Theatre Program in Ann
The first smash hit of the off-Broadway season, the play has
been sought for tours of Europe, Canada, and the U.S. as well as
for presentation in London at the Edinburgh Festival and for

Hold Second New Grant Plan


Conference r
New Student Higher
Education Committee
To Be Established
The University Student Eco-
nomic Union held its second
"Know Your University Day" con-
ference yesterday, in order to es-
tablish a Citizen Student Com-
mittee for-Higher Education in
the state.
A group of 50 interested stu-
dents congregated in Mason Hall
to discuss the tactics that state-
wide residents would procure in
order to make the people of Mich-
igan aware of the higher educa-
tion problems as well as tactics
which would raise money for this
Don Resnick, '68, president of
UMSEU, opened the conference
by sketching the problems of fi-
nancing hikher education intro-
ducing the guest speaker. Richard
Austin, delegate to the Constitu-
tional Convention, member of the
Blue Ribbon Committee for High-
er Education and member of the
Legislative Reapportionment Com-
mittee, spoke on the topic of free
public education.
Outlines Tactics
He was followed by Stephen
Daniels, '67, member of SGC, who
outlined the tactics the commit-
tee would use.
"Educating the people on state
problems would entail establish-
ment of a speaker's bureau and
appropriation of funds for higher
education would involve lobbying
the state Legislature."
The establishment of a Citizen
Student's Committee resulted in
a group of 20 who will meet in
January to discuss higher educa-
tion with authorities and set up a
committee plan.
Bookstore Information
In the meantime, the group is
working to send information to all
conference participants about the
current bookstore issue.
The first "Know Your Univer-
sity Day" conference was held
Oct. 7, and was attended by cler-
gymen, labor leaders, high school
principals and other civic lead-
ers from throughout the state.
Discussion of economic problems
at the first conference led to the
calling of the second.

To Ease'
Since the inception of massive
government participation in re-
search immediately following the
Second World War, universities
involved in federal programs have
been in conflict with the federal
government over whether educa-
tional institutions should assume
part of the financial responsibil-
ity for government projects con-
ducted on their campuses.
Until last spring, the govern-
ment had required universities to
pay a large portion of the indirect
costs of a project supported by re-
search grants. Indirect costs are
the expenses of the university
which are not direct faculty sal-
aries, wages and research mater-
ials. They range from such ex-
penses as administration of re-
search grants to cutting the front
lawns of the laboratories.
Recently, however, a new cost
sharing plan has been devised by
Congress which would save uni-
versities large sums of money.
Although the new plan would still
require institutions to shoulder
some of the financial burden for
research, the universities will meet
costs under a decreased percent-
age formula.
Reduce Burden
According to Congressman Wes-
ton Vivian (D-Michigan), the in-
tention of Congress is to reduce
the universities' financial burden
to somewhere around five per cent
of the total direct costs. Under
the present indirect cost payment
plan, expenses to the universities
are considerably greater.
For example, examine a project
with direct costs of $1 million
conducted on central campus. To-
tal wages and salaries for the pro-
gram would probably amount to
$650,000. Indirect costs, which are
computed by taking 46 per cent of
total salary and wage costs, would
come to $299,000. The federal
government presently reimburses
the University 20 per cent of the
total direct costs for indirect costs,
which is roughly $200,000. The
University, therefore, in order to

take advantage of federal research
monies, must make up -the in-
direct cost difference of $99,000
from other sources of revenue.
Under the new five per cent fig-
ure, indicated by Vivian, in the
cost sharing plan, the University
would pay only $50,000, a savings
of $49,000 on a program of $1
Circular Released
A preliminary circular on the
new cost sharing plan has been
issued by the Bureau of the Bud-
get, but a definite percentage fig-
ure will not be released before
January 1.
According to Robert Burroughs,
director of research administra-
tion, the Bureau of the Budget is
keeping on information on the
percentage figure very close. Bur-
roughs added, how ever, that the
Bureau is working very closely
with the American. Council on
Education in drawing the guide-
Of the $47 million worth bf re-
search conducted at the Univer-
sity for 1964-65 (this figure does
not include what the University
pay for -indirect costs), $38 mil-
lion comes from the federal gov-
ernment. Should the University
have to bear what will still amount
to a considerable expenditure of
funds under federal projects?
Welfare Needs Research
University officials feel that the
general welfare of the country re-
quires the amount of the research
that the government is presently
undertaking. The overall prestige
of the country to a great extent
relies on its high level of techno-
logical advancement.
Aowever, the University has
numerous other interests outside
the realm of federal concern
which must be cultivated. The
University will meet government
research needs, when they -are.
compatible wtih University objec-
tives, Burroughs indicated. If the
University is required to bear part
of the costs of government re-
search, the University will lack
See NEW, Page 6

WOLVERINE BACK CARL WARD struggles to break the hold of a Northwestern tackler in yester-
day's 34-22 Wolverine defeat at Evanston, Ill. Ward led all Michigan rushers, sprinting for 77 yards
in the game and averaging 5.5 yards a carry, to increase his hold on the team rushing lead for the
SGC Candidates Voice
Far-Reaching ProposalS

Candidates for Student Gov-
ernment Council expressed their
opinions yesterday on housing,
economic issues, academic affairs
and the SGC. Out of the 12 can-
didates, six will be elected on No-
vember 17.
Neill Hollenshead, '67, feels that
the bulk of the housing problem
is caused by a lack of communi-
cation between at least five hous-
ing boards working on the same
problems without any central con-
centration of effort. He thinks that
SGC should have a definite role
in the handling of the housing
problem, and cites the lack of
continuity in the operation of the
Off-Campus Advisory Board as a
case in point.
Robert Smith, '67, wants the
University to assume'more respon-
sibility for students' housing, and
recommends the establishment of
a board where students can go
to register any housing complaints
they may have, and also a stu-
dent-realtor board. This, he feels,
would eliminate many of the pres-
ent misunderstandings over re-
pair and maintenance. And 'he
calls for strengthening of the ex-
isting off-campus housing board.
Edward Robinson,. '67, is con-
cerned with the immediate goals,
such as an eight-month lease and
stronger existing housing boards,
but would also like council to
work on immediate implementa-
lion of the use of FHA funds to

build low- rent and high quality
student housing on the apart-
ment basis. He says that this could
be done with University approval,
without requiring any commitment
of University funds.,
As for the dormitory situa-
tion, he feels two matters should
be considered: 1) The inclusion of
students on the designing stage of
future housing facilities, 2) Uni-
versity pressure on the state Leg-
islature to change their ruling pro-
hibiting the use of state appro-
priations for dormitories.
Jim Wall, '67, feels "there is a
problem in raising enough capital
for the bookstore." He suggests
that about $3 could be billed to
the student during registration.
Thus $90,000 could be accumulat-
ed and the student would save
money because the books will be
sold at a 10 per cent reduction
in cost.
Alex Goodwin, '66, believes "that
a thoroughly researched report of
fact, combined with a document-
ed, forceful presentation, would
have incited the Regents to lookc
more favorably upon the goal."
Goodwin feels that, "because of
the type of research and presen-
tation recently carried on, SGC
has in fact lost a great amount
of its ammunition with which to
fight for this bookstore."
Academic Affairs
Robert Bodkin, '67, sponsored
a motion that UAC and SGC co-
sponsor a conference of represen-
tatives from all steering commit-

tees and college councils to dis-
cuss proposals and means of im-
plementation on various academic
Also,' Bodkin urged that SGC
mandate the SOC Educational Af-
fairs Committee to work with the
UAC academic affairs committee
for a conference. Bodkin feels that
this conference is necessary be-
cause "it would offer diversified
viewpoints to common problems
and do "a better job solving these
common problems."
"The whole purpose of an edu-
cation is to learn, not to just earn
a grade," says Ruth Baumann,
'68. She believes that.credit hours
-should be assignedfor extra-cur-
ricular activities and that the
whole system of evaluating credit
hours should be revised. Miss Bau-
mann feels that the grading sys-
tem should be re-evaluated and
that a pass-fail system should be
initiated in the residential college.
Joan Irwin, '66, believes that
students should Pe able to ap-
pear before the Administration
Board if they want to add or drop
a course.
Darryl Alexander, '69, feels that
a committee should be set up to
evaluate the structure of SGC and
"perhaps 'to reconstruct the SGC
body." This suggestionstems from
her belief that "freshmen and
sophomores are not adequately
"I do not consider myself a
writer or a speaker, but a doer,"
said Eduard Mauer, '66. "I am
far more concerned with values
than politics." Mauer is very in-
terested in forming new organiza-.
tions that students would "'beIn-
terested in, "almost any new or-
ganization as long as It would
activate student interest," he said.
Donald Resnick, '68, feels that
"the committee structure of SGC
should be abolished, for the most
part." He believes that certain
committees, such as publicity
should not be retained "because
they basically tend to become bog-
ged down in their own structure
and for the most part don't get
anything done."
Resnick would like to see ad
hoc committees set up. "The stu-
dent concerns committee, for ex-
ample, could be run on an ad
hoc basis easily, handling specific

Kennedy Urges Civic Action in Viet Nam

Faxon Begins Investigation

Special To The Daily
Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass),
who returned from an extensive
visit to Southeast Asia on Thurs-
day, urged yesterday that the
United States match its military
efforts in the Viet Nam war with
an equal effort in the political,
civic-action sphere.
Kennedy said that while the
value of "our tactical air support
for the war in the South is "quite
obvious," the strategic bombing in
the ort iaes nrimarily "nsvcho-

more attention should be paid to
such programs.
Kennedy was interviewed here
yesterday morning prior to his
departure for San Juan, Puerto
Rico, to address the national legis-
lators' conference. He spoke Fri-
day night at a dinner honoring
Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann
Arbor) and earlier dedicated the
John F. Kennedy House as the
state Democratic party's head-
Kennedy said he was highly im-
pressed by the dedication, morale
and effectiveness of U.S. forces
._ T- . . .., . ,. -.7 - 6V . ..-

Associate Managing Editor
While New York City was black-
ed out this week, the spotlight
eprtaaint reaminpci cn the Tni-

Most of the meeting focused on
the area of student housing, em-
phasizing the fact that the high
cost of University housing is
"probably the principal reason

alleviating the problem.
At the same. time Faxon's in-
vestigations came under fire from
Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor)
and others for duplication of the

uE~S~ -i~

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