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November 13, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-13

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eventy-Sixth Year

Council Candidates:


To Elect?

Where OpinPions Areree. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AFBOR, MICH.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The Student Exchange Proposal:
Wid dE enlng Educational Horizons

NOVEL IDEAS for the educational proc-
ess are neither easy to formulate nor
simple to promote. When an idea arises
which will offer the student a new learn-
ing experience, a broadened cultural life,
and an opportunity to extend to the lim-
its a knowledge of the variety of educa-
tion, it should not be discarded or buried
in the bureaucratic machine. The pro-
posal from the Harvard Undergraduate
Council to study the feasibility of a re-
ciprocal student transfer among colleges
around the country is such an idea.
A letter sent to measure the Univer-
sity's interest and receptiveness has been
passed like a cold potato down the lad-
der of authority till it now rests, sev-
eral weeks later, in the Honors Council
Steering Committee.
The proposal had been sent to 12
schools, and the University maintains
the noble distinction of being one of the
two which has failed to respond.
THE EXCHANGE IDEA, as explained
by the Harvard Council's Henry Sond-
heimer, chairman of the committee
which is investigating the proposal, is
still very abstract. Their final goal is an
exchange of about 50 students from each
of the involved colleges, possibly in the
second semester of the sophomore year.
There would be a full credit exchange
both ways, and expenses would be pref-
erably paid to the regular-attended uni-
Sondheimer feels that such things, as
rooming arrangements could be handled
by the schools involved, so that students
could get adequate housing. And no school
participating in the 'program would get
an over-abundance of students since dis-
tribution would be kept on an equal basis.
Many of the schools questioned, which
are Wisconsin, Chicago, Tulane, Stan-
ford, Swarthmore, Davidson, Harvey
Mudd, Oberlin, Lawrence, Carlton, Reed,
and the University, have responded with.
considerable enthusiasm. Several have
indicated serious obstacles, and others
conflicts which probably can be resolved.
Surely a student exchange on any large
level would involve problems and maybe
even slight changes in routines. Sond-
heimer explains that at Harvard there
is a very difficult problem, since the

administration there will not recognize
credit at any other institution, such as
a summer school course taken at anoth-
er university. Yet the Harvard commit-
tee is pursuing the idea with determina-
tion, and plans to see the dean next
sity? First, the groundwork must be
laid to contact the orginators of the pro-
posal, the Harvard Undergraduate Coun-
cil, their version of our Student Gov-
ernment Council, and indicate an inter-
est to explore the possibilities of the
Secondly, a committee should be es-
tablished to examine the obstacles fac-
ing the University and the procedure
necessary to put such a program into
Possibly, SGC could pause long enough
from considering the pros and cons of
the Viet Nam war to establish one of its
readily available ad hoc committees to
study the Harvard suggestion. Maybe the
exchange program would not be worth
the effort involved, but then again it
might open vast new areas to students
who have never had the atmosphere of a
small college like Reed, or a big city insti-
tution like Chicago, or an Ivy League-
school like Harvard.
The University has already broken the
ice of exchange programs with a note-
worthy agreement with Tuskegee Insti-
tute In Alabama. The administration's
endorsement of this idea must denote
some approval for the transfer concept.
Certainly there are new opportunities
among the 12 schools listed in all areas
of educational, social, and cultural in-
terest. There is no reason for delay, and
the difficulties involved in establishing
such a program must be discovered now,
so that work can begin immediately.
THE SORRY HISTORY of this propos-
al's handling in the University bu-
reaucracy must be altered soon. It is now
time to join the bandwagon of an idea
which may become an effective new in-
strument in the expansion of the Univer-
sity's horizon.

FOR THE PAST two weeks I
have attended interviews of the
candidates running for Student
Government Council conducted by
Assembly, Panhellenic Association,
Interfraternity Council and The
Daily, besides having extensive
individual conversations with each
of them. From these come the
following evaluations of the can-
didates and recommendations for
the coming elections.
The three criteria I think most
important in considering the can-
didates as prospective SGC coun-
cil members are 1) their ideas
concerning the immediate and
most important problems facing
SGC and how to approach solu-
tions or implement their own
views; 2) their experience in Uni-
versity activities as an indication
of their willingness to assume the
responsibility of the position and
of their knowledge in and of the
University; and 3) their ability
to express themselves as an in-
dication of how well they might
fare in situations in which they
must persuade others whether
they be other students, faculty,
administrators, regents or whom-
ever. '
a member of the University Activ-
ities Committee and chairman of
the Contemporary Discussion
Committee, Robinson has shown
a dedication to improving the stu-
dents' welfare as a "doer" rather
than just as a "sayer." He is a
member of GROUP political party
and was active in the SGC Com-
mittee for a University Bookstore.
As an SGC council member he
would sincerely represent the stu-
dents whether this meant any
conflict or not with other groups
-regents, administration, faculty
or whatever. -
His close association with a
range of groups concerned with
student problems such as the
University's Student Economic
Union and the Women's League
has exposed him to a variety of
attitudes ' and opinions which
while supporting entirely the
GROUP platform, he is not limit-
ed to it in his concept of what
SGC should do and how it should
implement its decisions. His elec-
tion would definitely benefit the
overall operations of SGC.

an excellent personnel director
(increasing SGC's participation
tremendously in the past year), a
University delegate for the 18th
National Student Congress and a
special assistant to an adminis-
trative vice-president of SGC,
Hollenshead has demonstrated
sincere desire 'and effort to im-
prove SGC. As a Reach candidate
he has emphasized the importance
of getting more and better stu-
dents into the SGC structure.
He is a platform-plus candidate
-to situations not bearing direct-
ly to his platform he has shown
an extensive and informed knowl-
edge of the working of the Uni-
versity. If elected, he would be
sincerely dedicated to the idea of
a working SGC as opposed to one
entirely dependent on its com-
mittee structure. He should be
the candidates, Resnick has shown
the greatest willingness to work
for the students' welfare. He is
presently UMSEU president and
a co-chairman of the SGC book-
store committee. As one of two
incumbents running, Resnick has
had much contact with the ad-
ministration and regents through
SGC-experience quite different
than through an activity such as
Homecoming or Winter Weekend.
His part in the thorough re-
search into the bookstore issue
and the subsequent detailed report
and its presentation to the ad-
ministration are an indication of
the quality of work Resnick has
given SGC and of the reason be-
hind his being elected UMSEU
president. He should definitely be
. JOAN IRWIN, '66: Miss Irwin
has the most intelligent and per-
ceptive conception of the Office
of Student Affairs of any of the
candidates. She realizes the power
structure is requisite for imple-
menting successfully any SGC
proposal for it is through-the OSA
that student organizations find
support and a means of communi-
cating effectively with regents,
faculty and the administration.
Working on Joint Judiciary
Council for the past year as well'
as with Panhel, she has had ex-
tensive contact with the students,

administrators and campus or-
ganizations. She is concerned
with (besides the bookstore and
low cost housing, which become
trite after a while of listening to
campaign pitches) issues such as
the residential college, North
Campus planning and the propos-
ed parking facilities for students.
She should be elected.
ROBERT BODKIN, '67: As the
second incumbent running, Bod-
kin has proved his willingness to
work in SGC for the students. He
has been mostly concerned in the
past year with housing, having
prepared a detailed economic re-
port for SGC on housing, working
with other groups on this subject
and as a member of the advisory
committee to the vice-president
for student affairs. He should be
RUTH BAUMAN,'68: As a mem-
ber of the executive committee
for UMSEU, the joint committee
on low cost housing and SGC's
committee for a bookstore she has
demonstrated in the past two
years a sincere willingness to work
for the students and to actively'
pursue solutions to their problems.
She seems. to know the Univer-
sity in terms of where to find
certain information concerning an
issue and to whom she must go
for approval of a solution.
She is a member of GROUP
and believes that SGC has the
responsibility to voice its opinion
on every issue directly concerning
the welfare of the student. She
should be elected.
AL GOODWIN, '66: As a mem-
ber of Reach, and actually the
brains behind the whole philoso-
phy of Reach, he has worked on
its formation for the past year.
He is a dynamic speaker who be-
lieves in the "business approach"
to implementation of SGC propo-
sals with 'the administration. He
has done extensive research into
the workings of the University,
speaking to many of those admin-

So What?
by sarasohn

istrators in policy making de-
cisions and is definitely an idea-
man from whom SGC could bene-
However, his business approach,
while beneficial from its point of
research, is harmful in trying to
implement a proposal with a dis-
agreeable administrator. The im-
portance he places on the "image"
of SGC will definitely conflict
with issues that are quite contro-
versial.- and demand SGC atten-
His enthusiasm for the develop-
ment of SGC is admirable yet his
past, dedication to activities in-
dicate that it might very well be
transient. His election is not vital
to SGC's well being.
PAT McCARTY, '67: Active in
Panhel, Literary College Steering
Commitee and a member of
Reach, Miss McCarty reads her
platform like a memorized script.
Outside of it, her ideas aren't
very original, some of those as-
sociated with her on various com-
mittees emphasize that she is very
difficult to work with-a quality
SGC members must not have if
they are' to be effective within or
outside the council meetings.
She has advocated a wait-and-
see attitude on the bookstore re-
port now somewhere in the ad-
ministration - such an attitude
might be dangerous to the effec-
tive implementation of SOC pro-
posals when time is of the essence.
In other words, time is a favor-
ite delay-and-kill tactic of the
administration and if an SGC
member feels that her responsibil-
ity ends with handing a, proposal
to an administrator and then
sitting back to await a decision,
not many proposals will ever be
accepted by the administration.
Miss McCarty would not add much
of significance to SGC and should
not be elected.
BOB SMITH, '67: He has de-
voted himself since being a fresh-
man to activities of the Home-
coming type and is at present a
member of Reach. He possibly
might have ideas for the improve-
ment of SGC. However, his com-
munication stinks.
His complete lack of dynamism
and confidence would definitely
hurt any proposal he might bring
up in council or .issue he wishes

to pursue. In comparison to the
other possible candidates. his elec-
tion would be a mistake.
the only freshman candidate, she
is a member of GROUP, worked
on SGC committees and in UM-
SEU. She needs at least another
semester of experience with the
University to be able to effectively
contribute as a working, knowl-
edgable council member.
Her campaign speeches never
left the exact words of her plat-
With a little more experience
within the SGC structure and the
same degree of enthusiasm she has
shown in her ten weeks here she
will be a quite capable candidate
next year.
EDWARD MAVER, '67: A very
intelligent student yet with almost
no idea of what SGC does, should
do in the future or how it should
do it. Mauer admitted his pri-
mary reason for running was to
gain experience in University pol-
itics primarily for the -benefit of
a personal project of his that is
entirely unrelated to the Univer-
His experience is very limited
and after listening to him, one
feels it was a mistake for him to
run in the , first place. His in-
terest in politics is admirable, yet
as the sole quality he can offer
SGC, it is useless. He definitely
should not be elected.
JIM WALL, '67: It is surprising
that he can claim experience on
various SGC committees since he
hasn't shown any cognizance of
the programs now being imple-
mented by various organizations
connected with proposals of his
that he seems to believe are orig-
inal. The fact that he speaks to
great length without ever reaching
the essential issues indicates his
complete lack in perceiving what
the issues actually are.
Wall never descends from the
platitudes of the well-born philos-
ophy of a stronger and more
representative SGC--to the prac-
tical issue of how to accomplish it
and Jin what areas SGC should
actively pursue next ,semester.
Much worse than not being able
to contribute anything to SOC,.
if elected he would detract from
SGC's effectiveness.



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Old UN Mu ddle:
Admit China?

Splitting the Ticket

ONE OF THE MOST inspiring aspects
of the current SGC campaign is that
issues-economic, political, administra-
tive and moral-have been pushed, pull-
ed and jarred onto a new plateau of
feverish discussion of basic student con-
cerns, where the "haves" and "have nots"
of knowledge, experience and potential
are being mechanically-but justly-seg-
This, elevation-phasing out process for
candidates manifests itself through con-
trast of the tacit (or clumsy) .and articu-
late tongues of the aspirant council mem-
bers, their relative familiarity with cur-
rent issues, administrative functions and
subtleties, and their comparative images
as prospective sources of legislation and
intelligent reasoning.
This breakdown renders two conclu-
sions. Most important is that if enough
intelligent voters draw the available dis-
tinctions, they can elect one of the most
functional, dynamic councils in SGC his-
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Acting Editorial Director
JUDITH FIELDS................Personnel Director
LAUREN BAHR.......... Associate Managing Editor
JUDITH WARREN ........Assistant Managing Editor
GAIL BLUMBERG................... Magazine Editor
PETER SARASOHN ............Contributing Editor
LLOYD GRAFF................ Acting Sports Editor
BHELDCN DAVIS ............... Acting Photo Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney, Clarence Fanto,
Mark R. Killingsworth, John Meredith, Leonard
Pratt, Bruce wasserstein.
DAY EDITORS: Merle Jacob, Carole Kaplan, Lynn
Metzger, Roger Rapoport; Harvey wasserman, Dick
Wingield, Charlotte wolter.
Blum, Babette Cohn, Gail Jorgenson, Robert Kliv-
ans, Lawrence Medow, Neil Shister, Joyce winslow.

after scrutiny of the candidates, is
that no intelligent voter in this election
should vote a straight Reach, GROUP
or independent ticket. This is because
the virtues are scattered. This can serve
as a boon to the council, which strives
to draw a meaningful mixture of theory
and method from its members.
An interesting development revealed
itself Thursday when several students
demonstrated in front of Reach head-
quarters on South University, accusing
both Reach and GROUP of a "power
grab." To the layman's eye there could
ostensibly be an attempt by Reach and
GROUP to sweep the campus down their
respective primrose lanes. While the mo-
tivation analysis of this group is soph-
omoric, the suggestion it makes is sound,
that is to view candidates and not par-
The two behemoths in this campaign
have served a beautiful and glorious end,
typical of a two party system, in spur-
ring the apathetic brute of democratic
concern into a state of semi-conscious-
ness. The campus is becoming alive with
the issues, aware of the concerns coun-
cil candidates must tackle-and the as-
sessment of candidate quality is many
times easier . .. because of the lines and
hues of difference between GROUP and
To this extent the independents in this
campaign should feel only gratitude-un-
less they planned on attaining a seat by
riding on obscurity and confusion of is-
sues, traits common to previous SGC elec-
THE DIDACTIC VALUE of this discus-
sion is slight and its conclusion can

.,.d Tib.*,Synif


five years the question of
whether Peking or Taipei shall
occupy the seats that belong to
China is again before the United
During these years there has
been a striking change in the
shape of the problem. Sentiment
has grown in most of the world
in favor of seating Peking on the
ground that Mainland China
really is China and that as a
matter of practical politics it must
ment in East Asia.
As this sentiment has grown,
the Peking government has stif-
fened the conditions which the
United Nations must meet before
it would accept the seats if they
were offered.
IF THE PEKING conditions are
to be taken literally as being what,
in his press conference on Sept.
29, Foreign Minister Chen Yi said
they are, the debate may be re-
garded as over and the question
disposed of.
For the position of Peking would
then be that it will not accept the
seats unless the United Nations
surrenders unconditionally,dnot
only on Taiwan but on a radical
revision of the charter and on
a purge,' directed by Peking, of
the membership of the United Na-
If all these conditions are to be
regarded as not within the realm
of accommodation and negotia-
tion, then Chen Yi must be un-
derstood as having renounced Pe-
king's entry into the United Na-
He must be understood as
preferring for ideological and
other reasons to continue to re-
main a hostile outsider.
problem is not how to keep Red
China out of the United Nations.
Arthur Goldberg was in effect
arguing a case which his Red
Chinese opponents had already
won for him.
Polemics are not statesmanship,
and our real problem and that
of the great majority of the loyal
supporters of the United Nations
is how the abyss between Red
China and the rest of mankind
is toabe bridged,rhow the aliena-
tion of the Mainland Chinese is
to be overcome, how China is to
be brought into the universal so-
Xhren w ammin Chen Vi's

honorably agree to this demand
or even tacitly assent to it. Not
all countries are in honor bound
as we are, but it is a virtual cer-
tainty that enough members will
join us in refusing to deprive
Taiwan-a state which has 11 mil-
lion people in it-of representation
in the United Nations. Those who
will refuse to expel Taiwan will
be enough, it appears, to deny the
two-thirds vote it would take to
expel Taiwan.
It is not certain that this dead-
lock over Taiwan will last for-
ever, or even far beyond the life-
time of Chiang Kai-shek. The
magnetic attraction of China on
Taiwan will be strong, and even-
tually a political deal reunifying
the two Chinas is a distinct pos-
Since that is only a future
eventuality, the only hope in the
near future for an agreed solution
is for the United Nations to rec-
ognize Peking as China and to
recognize Taiwan as Taiwan. This
is not precisely what has been
called in the past "the two China"
solution. For there would be only
one China.
But the solution would recog-
nize the independence of Taiwan
which, as a matter of fact, has not
been under the rule of the Chinese
Mainland since 1895. It would
amount to treating Taiwan, which
was conquered and colonized by
the Chinese from Fukien in the
17th century, as so many other
former colonies, now independent
UN members, have been treated.
TO BACK the independence of
Taiwan is to arouse the opposition
not only of Peking but of Chiang
Kai-shek as well. But in principle
an independent Taiwan, neutraliz-
ed under a UN guarantee, would
be in the spirit of the age. If in
the end Peking were to accept it,
it would not only solve the prob-
lem at the United Nations, but it
might well be a decisive step to-
ward peaceable coexistence in

"It's Amazing, But He Catches Quite A Few Suckers
That Way ..."

LetesAbout Discussion.

To the Editor:
as in virtually every election in
the past, and most probably, every
one in the future, all candidates
have adopted platforms advocat-
ing insipidly similar goals. For
vintage 1965-fall, academic re-
form, student economic welfare,
and enriched student-regent re-
lationships have emerged as the
primary gods to be worshipped by
idolatrous candidates.
There seems to be only one
criterion extant that canat all
be applied to alleviate "platform-
itis," which is contracted by read-
ing identical campaign promises,
and inhibits rational choice of
candidates. This one guiding light
is the actual proposals for action
that are made by the candidates.

has earned a reputation among
students proportional to that of
the plague-something to be
avoided at all costs.
Indicative of this repulsion felt
by an already apathetic student
body is the per cent of students
who are willing to vote for SGC
(which is the only legitimate stu-
dent governing body and spokes-
man on campus). Last election,
an anemic 15-16 per cent bothered
to vote. Further, candidates who
have trly desired to dynamize
SGC through action programs
have been few and have usually
been stifled by other members
whose roots have been feeding at
the floor of the council table.
THE PRESENT campaign is
fri to nrmAl nn -mnt. hn

descending to formulate any con-
crete methods of implementing
their divine ideas with action.
They criticize GROUP's work on
the bookstore, its contribution to
the Housing Committee, its sup-
port and aid to the Know Your
University Day. They contradict
the SGC plan by declining to be
concerned with international is-
sues and student opinion on these
They have remained silent in
the matter of Mr. Hornberger's
soundly criticized Viet Nam pro-
posal, while GROUP has called for
a boycott of this referendum and
is at this moment frantically at-
tempting to present a referenfum
that will allow each voter to
choose his personal preference as
to Viet Nam policy.


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