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November 10, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-10

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Sir b


Continued cold with
chance of late rain

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom




New York
SThrown' into
Power Returning
To Affected Areas;
City at StandstillE
By The Associated Press 'I
The mammoth complex of New
York City and many of its suburbs, !
the most populous metropolitan
area in the world, spent last night{
in frightening darkness. A power
blackout which hit most of thei
Northeast threw the city into tur-
moil at the height of the com-
muter rush hour yesterday after-
Consolidated Edison officials'
~reported that power was gradually
being restored early this morning.1
The power failure, affectingE
more than 10 million people in
the city and environs, came at
5:28 p.m. The blackout began first
with a dimming. Then the lights
flickered on again and off again
several times. But within minutes
virtually the whole city on the
ground, below and above the
g ru as dark.
ionsdActivity Halts
With startling suddenness, nor-
al activity stopped.
Building lights went out. Street
#lights went out. News tickers stop-
ped. Network radio and television
stations were silenced. Thousands
f of office workers were stranded
Iin elevators in black skyscrapers.
Air traffic stopped at the city's
two major airports-Kennedy and
rLaGuardia. Planes ciriny in the
air were unable to get down and
lanes on the ground were unable
mtake of. Radio and radar com-
munications apparently w e r e
blacked out. After about a half
hour, the planes in the air were
diverted to Newark, Philadelphia
and other eastern fields.
Emergency Lights
Along Kennedy International's
longest runway, emergency lights
were posted for emergency land-
The Transit Authority reported
at least 850,000 stranded in sub-
Sways. This did not include the
thousands of suburban commuters
wose trains suddenly were not
In at least one mid -Manhattan
subway station, hundreds of peo-!
pie were yelling in the darkness,
"What happened. What's goingf
on.", Huge Crowds
outside many subway stations,
huge crowds of commuters gather-
ed trying to get down - while
others were trying to get out.
There was some chaos in the
streets with traffic suddenly halt-
ing. But on some street corners
'ordinary citizens took on them-
selves the role of traffic police
and tried to direct traffic.
Many stores along Park and 5th
?.Avenues, even those with flash-
lights, barred their doors and put
up steel grills to avoid vandalism.
Emergency Meeting
Mayor Robert F. Wagner sped I
in a police car to city hall to meet
with the city's emergency board,
comprised of officials from the
health, police and hospital depart-
In many areas of the city the:
flow of water was suddenly stop-
ped because of the failure of elec-
trically operated pumps. The
emergency board's first action was
to order water diverted to a grav-
ity flow system._
Shortly before 7 p.m., a White
House aide telephoned city hall
that President Johnson would pro-
pvide whatever federal assistance
was needed.
Trains Stalled

In the confusion, thousands of
commuters were stalled at Grand
Central and Pennsylvania Sta-
tions, where the trains stood mo-
tionless without electric power.
In the stations and in Times
Square as well as many other
areas, New Yorkers lined up by
the thousands outside of telephone
booths trying to contact their
homes spread across the hundreds
of miles of the metropolitan area.

What's New
At 764-1817


Hot Line
Hearings on the University's use of its tuition and residence
hall incomes will be begun by Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) at
10 a.m. today in the Regents meeting room. Administrators are
scheduled to testify in the morning, and students in the after-
Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher said last night that he was not
surprised with the criticism aimed at his appointments to the
newly-established housing commission.
Hulcher referred to remarks by Dr. Albert Wheeler of the
NAACP, Fred M. Remley of the Federation for a Housing Com-
mission and H. 'C. Curry, Democratic councilman. All three
questioned the representative character of the commission, stat-
ing that the appointees with one exception had not been com-
mitted to solving the problems of low-income housing.
"I am not surprised," said Hulcher, "because it was my
intention to get broad, community leadership on the commission,
and in doing this I knew certain people would be unhappy."
While the criticism did not surprise the mayor, one endorse-
ment did, that of George Lemble, secretary of the Citizens Com-
mittee on Housing. Hulcher said he was surprised by the en-
dorsement because Lemble had publicly called for the appoint-
ment of one or more persons who had opposed the commission's
* * * *
Councilman Richard E. Balzhiser of the engineering depart-
ment asked Council Monday night to officially endorse the
President's policy on Viet Nam, and to oppose by all lawful means
civil disobedience and groups promoting it. Council will consider
the motion at its next meeting.
* * * *
The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs finally
agreed Monday to admit to future meetings a representative
from the Student Government Council.
SGC representatives have so far been admitted only to meet-
ings of subcommittee of SACUA, Gary Cunningham, president
of SGC, explained last night. He and several other SGC members
had informally asked for permission to send someone to the
meetings of SACUA, which coordinates the work of all the sub-
committees and serves as advisor to the University Senate.
t'* * * *
The Young Republicans elected the following people to office
last night:
Chairman, Ralph Heikkiner, '66; vice-chairman, Robert
Stocker, Grad; secretary, Carol Adams, '68. Representatives-at-
large are: Linda Vorhees, '68; Arthur Collingsworth, '67; James
Mitchell, Grad; and Dick Branch, Grad.
* * * *
Congressman Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) has an-
nounced that the University has received an $83,000 grant from
the National Science Foundation for a research project on heat
an water vapor exchange at air-sea interface. This work will be
under the direction of Prof. Donald J. Portman of the depart-
ment of meterology and oceanography. National Science Founda-
tion grants were also awarded to Profs. Donald L. Katz and John
E. Powers of the chemical engineering department for a project
on heat of mixing gaseous fluids ($39,600), and to Prof. Donald
J. Lewis of the math department for a project on "Number
Theory" ($26,300).
University President Harlan H. Hatcher and a committee
chosen by him have not yet decided who will be appointed as the
new dean of the Law School. No date has been set for the an-
nouncement of their choice.
A contract for construction of the University's East Medical
Center parking structure, which will accommodate 1,051 cars,
was awarded to Jeffress-Dyer, the low bidder, at the meeting of
the Regents recently. The contract will be in the amount of
$2,127,157. A total project budget of $2,774,000 was approved by
the Regents.
The Board of Governors of the Lawyers' Club plans a
$900,000 renovation, which will be primarily concerned with the
club's inadequate heating, plumbing and electrical systems. Other
items that will receive attention include cleaning and refinish-
ing the dining room, landscaping the grounds and replacing walks.

A lied For
Regents' Request for
Research Center
To Be Investigated
Charles Orlebeke, educational
assistant to Gov. George Romney,
yesterday confirmed that the
State Boar'd of Education has
plans to investigate the Univer-
sity's request for $1.06 million to
create a state-wide Center for
Research on Learning and Teach-
ing (CRLT).
He said the board is expected to
issue a recommendation to Rom-
ney's office to aid him in deciding
whether or.not to include the re-
quest in the state appropriation
which he will ask the Legislature
to give the University next year.

Selective Service cards in
every purse.
A two-year hitch in Ala-
bama registering Negroes.
. . . Membership in the Ready
Reserves of Project Head Start.
Sound impossible? Well, hold
on to your draft card!
Over a cup of insipid MUG cof-
fee, a high-ranking Peace Corps
official has sketched for me his
visionary blueprint to change the
Selective Service System, based on
suggestions he has culled while
touring the nation's campuses for
the corps.
Robert Satin, until recently the
director of the Peace Corps in
the restive Dominican Republic,
and now reassigned as a public
relations officer in the states, has
been impressed by such activist
groups as Students for Democratic
Society who claim that non-
militant service can be just as
valuable as two years in Viet Nam.
?Unique Idea

Why Not General Draft?j


Board President ThomsJ. From this attitude, Satin has
Brennan (D-Detroit), say nh built his unique proposal: Why not
saw "real value" in the program, let all draft-age citizens, male or
said he felt this year's "monitor- female, "serve" theirucountry.
ing" of budgeting procedures "I'd like to see a truly univer-
would "establish the board's right sal selective service system where
to work in these areas." men and women would be pre-
sented the choice of "serving"
No Master Plans their two years in the Peace Corps,
Brennan emphasized that the ! Marine Corps, Voter Registration
board would be operating without centers of the South, Project Head
its Master Plan for development Start, Teachers Corps, the Job
of the state's educational system Corps, or the Army," he declares.
as a whole, but felt that if the "That would mean that some-F
board began budget consultations time in the ten-year period be-
this year, it would thus "establish tween 18 and 28 every man and
a precedent" which would allow it woman would have put in two;
to do the same next year with its, years of service."
plan completed All Should Serve
University President Harlan H. His logic is that, "Everyone

j -Daily-Steve Goldstein
ROBERT SATIN, FORMER director of the Peace Corps in the
Dominican Republic, is currently on campus for the annual
recruiting campaign. During the Dominican revolt last April
Peace Corps volunteers were working in a rebel hospital patch-
ing up soldiers who had been shot by U.S. Marines.

Hatcher emphasized that he sup-
ports the board's proposed actions
regarding the CRLT. "It is ap-
propriate for them to consider new
educational ventures," he said.
Hatcher said that the board has
a "definite responsibility" to ad-
vise the Legislature on the state's
needs for new education programs.
"It's not a matter of rights,"
Hatcher commented, "it's a clearly
defined matter. The issue thus is
simply for the board to get on
with its work."
First Time!
Under the new proceedure,
Hatcher explained, the state con-
troller's office submits to thel
board descriptions of all college
programs for which state funds
are being requested for the first
time. (Prior to this, the center
has been supported entirely on
general University funds.)
The CRLT was originally es-
tablished in 1962, in close co-
operation with the Institute of
Human Adjustment.
Orlebeke characterized the
board's review of the CRLT as
being substantially different from
the rest of its planned activities
regarding the University's budget.
Not Geared Up
"The board is just not geared
up," he said. "It just does not
have the staff to thoroughly ana-
tyze the entire budgets of the
state colleges."
Therefore, he predicted, the
board will make no detailed rec-
See STATE, Page 6

should be 1-A because everyone operated through existing Selec-
has something to offer to his tive Service boards.
society. Each young person should Here's how:
be given the opportunity to use "Every high school senior could
whatever physical or intellectual take a placement test. At age 18
skills he has to further what has he could go to the Selective Serv-
loosely been called the American ice board to propose how he will
way of life." fulfil his two year service obliga-
Satin, a University graduate, tion."
believes the new system could be Students would have the option

of performing military or social
Some Possibility
According to Satin, "A young
person might take two years of
college, then serve two years in
the Peace Corps and finally re-
turn to complete college. Or a girl'
could go to college for four years'

Plans Probe
Of Failure
Report Breakdown
Caused by Disruption
Near Niagara Falls
President Johnson last night
ordered a sweeping investigation
of a massive power failure which
plunged New York City, Boston
and vast sections of the Northeast
into eerie darkness last night.
Utility experts told the Presi-
dent, however, that they are
"pretty well agreed" that no sabo-
tage was involved in the blackout.
800 Square Miles
The power failure hit cities,
towns and countryside in an arc
extending from north of Toronto,
Ontario, east to the New England
coast and south into Pennsylvania
and New Jersey. It was estimated
that more than. 30 million people
live in the affected area.
The cause was reportedly a dis-
ruption near Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
at a vital point in a vast grid sys-
ten carrying electricity to the
northeastern states.
Communications media in New
York were hard hit by the black-
out. Television networks hurriedly
switched programming to Wash-
ington, Chicago and Los Angeles.
The worldwide news - gathering
agencies, the Associated Press and
United Press International, pro-
vided emergency service from
neighboring cities unaffected by
the power failure. New York City's
newspapers failed to publish their
early editions. Countless commut-
ers were stranded in subways and
commuter trains in New York and
Riots and Lodting
Chaos broke out in some of the
affected areas. There were reports
of looting in Rochestbr, N.Y.
Massachusetts Gov. John Volpe
ordered police to a prison riot
near Boston which was quelled
after more than four hours bf wild
In general, however, most citi-
zens remained calm in the face
of an unprecedented emergency.
The power failure was the longest
and affected the largest area in
recent U.S. history.
Government officials in Wash-
Sington apparently accepted the
explanation that the breakdown
stemmed from technical difficul-
ties rather than a planned act of
sabotage. But the huge power
failure raised the issue of the vul-
nerability of the power system in
case of nuclear attack'. The Fed-
eral Power Commission will meet
in Washington later this week to
consider this question.
Power Overload
Richard L. Meier of the con-
servation department of the Nat-
ural Resources School explained
that a power overload might have
resulted from a high rate of elec-
tricity consumption in New York
City. Engineers have been .aware
of the sensitivity of the north-
eastern power grid, Meier said,
and plans have been formulated
for a major revamping of the sys-
tem by 1975.
The northeastern " grid, which
interconnects areas from southern
Ontario and Quebec to New Jer-
sey and Pennsylvania, including
all the New England and most of
the Middle Atlantic states, is
"highly susceptible" to power
overloadMeier said.
The New York State Power
Authority attributed the black-
out to a "load rejection" and

"power surge." The Robert Moses
plant at Niagara Falls, which has
a production capacity of more
than two million kilowatts of
power was knocked out.
A Consolidated Edison official
said the blackout in the New York
metropolitan area occurred when
its system suddenly found part of
its power supply being drained out
toward Niagara Falls, rather than
flowing from that area. This
caused power plants in the metro-
nolitan area to shut off auto-

Program Offers Junior Year
For Study in Aix-en-Provene

By LAUREN BAHR Wisconsin the junior year abroad
Assistant Managing Editor program at the University of Aix-
Marseille was born in September,
Six years ago the Literary Col- 1962 and is currently in its fourth I
lege Steering Committee became y6ado s retli.u
excited about starting a junior y ooperation.
year .abroad program and sent The program as it is set up now1
James H. Robertson, associate of provides for students in all courses
the literary college to Europe to of study except the sciences. "We
investigate the possibilities. felt it should be reasonably de-
"We decided that the kind of manding in order to attract top
program we wanted should not be students. with good competence in
located in a major metropolis French and an ability and promise
such as Paris, but should be a to learn more since all instruction
first-rate provincial university ?o-ss-


at in atypicaluniversity
town," Robertson said.
Pooling forces with the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin which was also
interested in such a program, the
city of Aix-en-Provence, France
was chosen as the best location for
the program.
Born in '62
Under the cosponsorship of the
University and the University of

French instruction at the college
level is divided into three areas:
the institute which is for foreign
students only; the Propedeutique
which is for French students in
their first year at college and the
Licence which is the regular de-
gree program. "We are aiming at
getting our students enrolled in
one of the latter two," Robertson

Prof. Jean Carduner of the
French department, who was di-
rector of the program during the
first two years explained that
a structured program of this type
offers many advantages over in-
dependent study.
"If you go alone to Paris, which
many people erroneously think is
France-the rest of the country
being some sort of desert-you
might possibly get some opportun-
ity to speak French if you can es-
cape from the Americans and find
the French." Carduner said.
Live Together
"A structured program enables
students to live and study with
French students.iBy attending the
programs specifically set up for
foreigners by the French univer-
President Johnson last night
summoned top military, diplo-
matic and political leaders to
Washington for a full-scale re-
view of world events Thursday.

ICC Asks 'U' for Co-op

0 -m~

- - -- n aj No specific reason was given
for holding such a meeting at
this time, but it was assumed
that the course of the war in
By RICHARD CHARIN The ICC has tentatively re- Viet Nam would'form the ma-
quested that the firm plan for a jor focus of the talks.
The Inter-Cooperative Council building with accommodations for
(ICC) has formally requested that 180 to 200 people. Suites with sin-
the University set aside a tract of gle or double bedrooms for six to sities, you will meet a lot of for-
land on North Campus for the eight people would each have s eign students but no French,"
construction of a co-op housing living room and small kitchen, and Carduner explained.
project. The request was contained would be connected to the main Adaptation to the French sys-
in a letter to Richard L. Cutler, a unit having a cafeteria. The tem can present problems Cardu-
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