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August 24, 1965 - Image 54

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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Golfers Drive Toward Big Ten Title

Intramural Facilities Promise
To Keep Everyone in Condition


1965 is the year when even
Arnold Palmer couldn't finish like
Arnold Palmer, and the Michigan
golf team had the same trouble.
But despite the lack of a patent-
ed Palmer surge the linksmen
captured second place in the Big

Boilermakers looked like brides-
Fade Away
Led by Captain-elect Newton's
73-67-140 total, the six-man Wol-
verine team trailed host Purdue
by only two strokes the first day,
passed the favorites after the sec-
ond day's first round, but then
faded on the final 18.
Next to last season's third and
1963's fourth-place finishes, how-
ever, this year's effort was not
only satisfying to Coach Bert
Katzenmeyer, but perhaps also
somewhat prophetic.
"I'm looking forward to next
season very much," Katzenmeyer
says. "Purdue will again be the
team to beat, and Indiana and
Ohio State will also be strong.
But we should be right up there
with them; and have a good shot
at the title."
High Hopes
Back in September, the Michi-
gan coach had the idea that his
charges might eliminate the step
from second to third and move
right into the title spot. That
was down in Florida after the
Miami Invitational when he said,
"This team has the potential to
win the Big Ten. It's up to them;
if they want to they can."
They wanted to alright, but an-
other aspect of the Miami tourna-
ment proved to be just a little
more prophetic; in that one too,
the Wolverines faded on the final
18 and fell from a possible third-
place finish to sixth.
After that first meet in Miami,
the linksters worked gradually to
their peak in the conference meet.
Their finish in the Southern In-
tercollegiate M e e t in Athens,

Georgia, on May 1-tenth-was
only fair, partly due to lack of
outdoor practice in the North.
Not Encouraging
Their fifth-place finish in a
field of six at Michigan State
wasn't very encouraging either,
bu the Boilermakers were still in
the process of development at that
time too. They finished fourth.
A strong defeat of the Spartans
on the Michigan course on May
17 and a week of concentrated

practice left the Wolverines in
good shape for the final test.
Leading the team from his 283
on the first southern trip to his
287 in the conference meet was
junior Bill Newton, the major rea-
son for an optimistic forecast for
1966. The Ann Arbor city cham-
pion will be joined next season by
Jim Evashevski, who also per-,
formed strongly at Purdue with a
302 for third among the Wolver-





Ten-their best finish since 1959-
and saw their ace junior, Bill
Newton, take the Western Confer-
ence individual crown.
Purdue, the host team, lived up
to expectations and took its sec-
ond straight title with 1,486
strokes, but for three rounds 'the

Sports Editor
It's Fall and a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of ...
football tickets.
How do you get them? What's the best way to beat the
One word of advice: Don't try to beat the system.
Ticket manager -Don Weir has almost the identical setup
for student tickets that he used last year and that will insure
every student of a chance to get the seats to which his status
in the University entiles him.
Once more, there will be a booth on the registration floor
in Waterman Gym where students will be able to purchase their
season tickets for the entire six-game home schedule for $12.
Checks payable to the Michigan Ticket Department or the cash
will entitle the student to an athletic card which will be marked
to identify the number of years at the University.
It's a straight seniority system, and when students go
down to the Athletic Department during the first week of
school, the coupons can be redeemed for a reserved seat at every
The faculty system works similarly, as most of the faculty
and employes of the University have been sold $15 athletic
cards' which give them rights to reserved football seats and free
admission to track, wrestling and baseball games.
Just as the football tickets for students have no connection
with basketball admission, the faculty still must pay an addi-
tional $1 for basketball admission.
As far as beating the system-the freshmen might try the
Block M seats, which put them in the center of the end zone
rather than, in the corners.
Any requests for tickets beyond the one per student limit
must be placed directly to the Athletic Department. Seats for
all home games are still available at $5 each, but tickets for
the Michigan State game Oct. 9 and the Ohio State game Nov.
20 are in high demand.
Tickets for the four away games-Northwestern, Illinois,
North Carolina and Minnesota-can also be obtained at the
Athletic Department Ticket Office for $5 apiece for each game.

Junior Bob Barclay and seniorI
Chuck West round off what ap-'
pears to be a strong starting
In addition, five freshmen from
what Katzenmeyer calls "a very
strong freshman team" will be
vying for starting roles.
But if the personell for '66 looks
solid, so was that of last spring,
and graduation will take a heavy
Mark Yahn, Captain Pete Pas-
sink and Frosty Evashevski all left
last May, and when they did
Katzenmeyer lost three reliable
All three won starting roles as
juniors, and provided the back-
bone of the Michigan squad this
!season. Evashevski finished sec-
ond the Michigan linksmen in the
conference meet this season after
reaching the quarter finals of the
NCAA's last year.
Ta-nkers Set
Eight Marks
(Continued from Page 8)
meet. But on the last day of com-
petition, the Trojans raced back
and beat out Indiana by a handful
of points.
What the Wolverines gained
from the NCAA's can now be seen
on the record board at Matt Mann
Pool. They bettered eight varsity
records, including the 400-yard
freestyle and medley relay marks.
One l a s t official formality
closed the season and brought
speculation on the next-the an-
nual swimming banquet. Rich
Walls was chosen to captain the
1965-66 tankers. After the banquet
Walls predicted that with the re-
turning talent at Michigan and
the graduation losses of other
national powers, the Wolverines
could have their best year ever.
And that's saying a lot after last
The team will miss Ed Booth
man, Ed Bartsch, Don Ewing and
Lanny Reppert, but it has a lot to
look forward to with thereturning
lettermen on the squad.

Any Michigan man who plans
to head for home next April in a
soft, flabby, out-of-shape condi-
tion should take notice that the
intramural staff has other ideas.
In order to combat physical de-
cadence among the American
college students, Earl Riskey, di-
rector of the intramural program
at Michigan, and his co-workers
have again set forth an ambitious
and extensive program. A total of
36 sports in 12 divisions will be
offered, ranging from wrestling
and touch football to horseshoes
and table tennis.
Divisional Competition
Heated competition takes place
each year to determine the over-
all champions in two of the larger
divisions, the residence halls and
social fraternities. Last year's ac-
tion saw the crowning of Wenley
House as champion of the resi-
dence halls as Delta Tau Delta
copped the fraternity title.
Wenley House, en route to its
second consecutive championship,
garnered 2001 points, the most
ever gathered in a season of in-
tramural competition at Michigan.
The previous high of 1920 was
set in 1956-57 by Gomberg House.
Seven Crowns
Winning seven of the 25 sports
championships on the residence
hall schedules, Wenley's athletes
showed complete domination when
track was on the card. Wenley
finished first in outdoor track,
indoor track, cross country and
the relays, in addition to the vic-
tories won in "A" volleyball, "A"
softball and tennis.
The next four finishers in the
residence hall division included
Cooley House, 1816 points; Gom-
berg House, 1689 points; Huber
House, 1675 points; and Taylor
House, 1510 points.
Closer Finish
In the social fraternity division,
domination by overall champion
Delta Tau Delta was not as great
as that of Wenley in the residence
halls circuit, but the fraternity
leaders managed to score victories
in four sports. Taking the top
spots in swimming, indoor track,
water polo and wrestling, Delta
Tau Delta finished with 1645
Delta Tau Delta was pushed
hard for the entire year by the
second place finisher, Sigma Phi
Epsilon which had 1584 points.
As late as March 25, the Delts had
only a 27-point lead over the Sig
Streak Ends
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, attempt-
ing to win their third straight
championship, won third place
honors with 1569 points. Phi
Gamma Delta, with 1481 points,
and Sigma Alpha Mu, tallying
1461, finished fourth and fifth re-
spectively. One of the biggest sur-

prises of the season was the term-
ination of SAE's string of victor-
ies in touch football, as Delta
Upsilon snatched the "A" crown.,
The I-M program will feature
student-faculty competition again
this year. An extremely success-
ful paxt of I-M activities, mid-
February will mark the beginning
of their fourteenth year in the
Large Participation
Speaking of the intramural
competition between the faculty
and students, Riskey says, "Other
universities marvel at the fact
that we have been able to estab-
lish such a comprehensive sched-
ule between the faculty and stu-
dents. No one can conceive of any
intramural programs which re-
quire largescale participation from
the faculty." Five hundred Mich-
igan faculty members participated
in the schedule last year.
Competition is carried on in
handball, tennis, squash, table
tennis, paddleball, volleyball, bas-
ketball and bowling. If past rec-
ords are any indication of whether
the students or their aging oppo-
nents will be victorious, 1965-66
will see the faculty win again, for
the students have been on the
bottom every year except one,
Co-ed Nights
Another outstanding feature of
the I-M program is the co-rec-
reational division. The Intramural
Bldg., which houses the I-M fa-
calities, is open every Friday eve-
ning for men and women students
and faculty. Visitors on co-rec-
reational 'night will find a wide
range of activities at their dis-
posal, including swimming, pad-
dleball volleyball and basketball.
The independent division, made
up of students who have no affil-
iation with a housing group, has
another full schedule ahead of it.
Most of the teams are composed
of students who have common in-
terests and desire to compete in
the intramural program.
Compete Often
A number of teams in the inde-
pendent division compete year
after year on an almost perma-
nent basis. Among this group are
the AFIT's, Maple Leafs, Guides
and UD's. The UD's won the much
coveted basketball title last year.
Professional fraternities a 1 s o
have a division, the scene of active
competition in 12 sports. Of the
20 fraternities which let off steam
in this bracket, the Law Club,
Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Chi and
Nu Sigma Nu have consistently
fought for the overall graduate
division crown.
Host Tourney
A highlight of the intramural
season last year was the hosting
by Michigan of the national pad-
dleball tournament, paddleball
ranking as one of the top draws

at the I-M Bldg.
A review of the best perform-
ances of recent years is indicative
of the high quality of play found
in Michigan intramural sports.
Jim Stock's 77 on the Michigan
Golf Course in '64, Ron Larson's
646 series in bowling competition
in '59, Bill Yearby's shot-put
heave of 48'5" in '63 and Allyn
Tate's 4:39.2 mile run indoors are
just a few examples.
Lockers are avaliable in the
building for a $5 fee for the fall
and winter semesters. This price
includes towel service and equip-
ment usage. At the end of the
year,$1 of the fee is refunded.
Students are urged to take ad-
vantage of the Michigan intra-
mural program and purchase
lockers early in the fall term-
the demand is heavy.
Matmen Set
For Fourth
Top in Row
(Continued from Page 9)
riddled start last year, the stocky
Dutchman surprised the confer-
ence experts to take the. title.
The 147-pound class is another
champion-plus category for the
Wolverines. Returning this year
will be the second half of the
souhomore surprise act of '65-
Jim Kamman, who captured the
Big Ten's 147-pound title. Kam-
man had to wait until midway in
the season for his first start, but
his performances were flawless
and a spot in the conference tour-
nament was the result.
Jenkins Returns
The man Kamman narrowly
beat out for that spot, Carl Jen-
kins, also returns this season and
the battle between these two for
the position will be a tight one.
It's likely however, that Keen may
do some juggling here also and
move one of the two-probably
Kamman-to 157.
In that class, sophomore Wayne
Hansen is also considered a strong
contender for the starting spot.
Heading the list of replace-
ments at 167 is junior Bill Water-
man. Waterman was injured at
the start of last season, but 'has
completely recovered and is cited
by Keen as a good bet for the
At X77 pounds Wayne Wentz
and Tom Saunders will vie for
the opening left by Stowell
About the only division that's
settled at this point is heavy-
weight, where sophomore Dave
Porter will "take over for Spaly
in good shape," as Keen puts It.

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