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August 24, 1965 - Image 53

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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- E . , AGUST24, 965 vlE xvUIaN JI.AIIX


In Big Ten wrestling
be the year of great exp
Predictions will be m
ful than foreigi policy
the nine Big Ten chall
appear much more
than usual about knock
pion Michigan off its th
seat at the top of the
Silenced for the pas
sons, the Al Lopezes of t
Conference will, once
calling for the fall of
kees" from Ann Arbor.
It's understandable.
Graduation Los
First, the Wolverine
tion loss-eight lette
possibly the worst it
Their closest competito
other hand, were hit
mild losses; and now at
schools can rightly b
contenders. And finally
ics will, ay-four straig
just too much to hope f
This is the year wh
gan's good thing comes
-as all good things do.
But this reporter is b
come March 5, a soft-s
lahoman named Cliff
pick up the big silver c
ed the Big Ten chamT
off a place in his trophy
place it beside thirteen
like it.
Keen, Michigan's co
1925, has had just too n

W res tilers
EY tice in winning for his conference Deitrick
, 1966 will counterparts. Joe Ar
6ctation. 50 Point Margin Dave P
ore plenti- Granted, Michigan wrestlers de Kt
critics, and may not pile up another record 88 d
engers will point score and take all but three aheadc
optimistic individual titles as they did in '65; In th
sing cham- but remember, they've got 50 fivesom
ree-season points to play with-that's how vidualI
Big Ten. far back the "runner-up" was in the
t two sea- last March.
he Western And with a group of juniors place fi
again be and seniors, a solid sophomore pionshii
the "Yan- crop-and most of all that Okla- As a
homan himself - Michigan: is
again the team to beat in the Big
ses Ten.
s gradua- "It's the worst graduation loss
rmen-was I've had," says Keen, who'll start
n history. his 41st season with the Wolver-
rs, on the ines this winer. "But I see no
with only reason to throw up our hands in
least four desepair. It's been tough before
oast title- and we've maiaged. We'll be in
'-the crit- the thick of this thing.
ht titles is Understatement
or. And those last two sentences
ten Michi- could be nominated for the under-
to an end statement of the year. But it
won't be the kind of race that has
etting that characterized the Western Confer-
poken Ok- ence for the past three seasons.
Keen will For along with Timberlake, An-
up award- thony, Buntin, Henderson and '
pions, dust many more of the athletic elite,
y case, and Keen saw five regulars and three
others just reliable alternates pick up their
degrees last May. three ti
ach since The five: Captain Rick Bay, three se
nuch prac- Chris Stowell, Bob Spaly, Lee that'sr




and Doug Horning; plus
rcure, Tony Feiock, and
een himself puts it, "We've
ly got some rebuilding
of us."
Four Titles
ree years of eligibility, the
e accounted for four mdi-
Big Ten titles, two seconds
Big Ten, and two third-
nishes in the NCAA cham-
team, the Wolverines won

At the NCAA touranment in
Larami, Wyoming, Michigan gain-
ed a respectable fifth-place finish,
with one man finishing second
in the nation in his weight class.
A key factor in the team effort,
as he had been for three seasons
was Captain Bay, who hit an indi-
vidual high in the Big Ten cham-
pionship matches and captured
the 167-pound title.
In four tournament matches,
Bay scored two pins in just 6:37
minutes and was awarded the

meet when he copped the 177-
pound title with four straight vic-
Spaly-a tall, well-built heavy-
weight who started as a junior,
and a senior, finished third in the
Sig Ten heavyweight class last
season. Then, in the NCAA chain-
pionshsip, he moved down to the'
191-pound class and won the con-
solation (third-place) title for the
second straight year.
Horning didn't become a regu-
lar starter until his senior year,
but then wrestled at both 130 and
137 when injuries hit the team
early in the season. In the Big
Tens, he wrestled in the 130-j
pound spot and lost only once-in1
the finals-for a second-place fin-
Deitrick's RecordE
Wrestling at both 147 and 157
during his three seeasons as a1
starter, Deitrick took the Big Ten
championship in the lower divis-
ion as a junior and finished third1
in the heavier last year. His ac-
complishments also include a
luarterfinal finish in the NCAA
tournament and a second-place
finish in the Midlands Open Tour-1
nament last Christmas.
In the 157 and 167 divisions,
Post and Feiock -both made sev-
eral starts and were called on
when injuries hit. Arcure saw
similar action in the 177 and
heavyweight classes.
But if graduation losses have
damaged Keen's legacy in the up-l
per weight divisions, things arel
looking better than ever in the
lower weight classes, where three

Mee ts
Big Ten champs return to the
Wolverine lineup.
Two Contenders
At 123 pounds, Keen has two
wrestlers who might well take the
Big Ten crown. One of them,
junior Bob Fehrs, already has cap-
tured the title once.
In a sensational rookie year
last season, Fehrs not only topped
the Big Ten but bested all com-
petitors in the Midlands tourney
and placed second in the NCAA's
as well.
Taking over for Michigan's 1964
Big Ten 123-pound champ, Ralph
Bahna, Fehrs led the squad in
falls with seven in dual meet com-
petition, and went undefeated in
the Big Ten.
The wrestler Fehrs narrowly
edged out in the finals of the
Midlands tourney was no n e
other than teammate Tino Lam-
bros, a senior who may wrestle
123 and allow Feehrs to competet
at 130. Lambros pushed Fehrs for
the starting spot last season and
nade two starts.
In the 130- and 137-pound class
Keen will also have plenty of tal-
ent to choose from and some more
juggling may be in order. Dave
iozeman, a senior who saw lim-
ited action last year after re-
covering from an automobile acci-
dent, could wrestle at 130 or 137.
If he picks the latter, he'll have
a pretty rugged time since the de-
fending champion in that class,
Bill Johannesan, Michigan's cap-
tain this year, returns for his final
season. After a slow, injury-
(Continued on Page 10)

Has Levi's Galore
for Gals and Guys


Bob Fehrs Pins Foe for Big Ten Title

itles during those same
easons and you can be sure
no coincidence. The four

wrestlers have seen Michigan lose
only once while they were in uni-
form, and they have currently pil-
ed up a fantastic 31-meet winning
Their development, and the
team's, reached its climax last
year when they manhandled all
the competition Big Ten had to
offfer and registered a record 88
points to win their third consecu-
tive conference title. Keen watch-
ed his wrestlers cop a record five
individual titles, two seconds and
a third-place finish in the eight
weight divisions.

meet's Outstanding W r e s t 1 e r
The performance was even more
remarkable in light of the fact
that Bay was sidelined at two dif-
ferent times during the season
due to a knee that was injured,
partially healed and then re-
injured. Fdr two weeks late in the
season he was forced off the mats
completely and the knee was put
in a cast.
"He was a great leader-an
example for the rest of the team,"
says Ken.
Stowell's Peak
Stowell, another starter since
his sophomore year, also hit his
peak in last season's Big Ten

Inexperienced Pucksters
Finish Fifth* in WCHA

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i . ".

it's worth a

(Continued from Page 6)
around the fundamentals which
always have to be stressed when
you have a young squad. We will
make quite a few mistakes, but I
think that we will be able to cover
up for these better this year.
"The league will be extremely
strong once again. MichiganTech
had 17 sophomores this year, and
they will be great. We have the
potential to do well, though.,"
Big Ten
For several years Renfrew has
expressed an interest in the for-
mation of a stronger Big Ten
h o c k e y conference. Presently
Michigan, Michigan State, Min-
nesota, Wisconsin and Ohio State
have sanctioned teams. At the oth-
er Big Ten schools there exist in-
dependent "clubs" that are await-
ing university approval so that
they can play intercollegiate hock-
y Reflecting on the progress of
the league, which crowns a cham-
pion every year despite the lim-
ited participation, Renfrew said,
"Not a whole lot has been accom-
plished in two years. Indiana will
enter competition actively in the
near future, and Ohio State is
changing over in their coaching
so that they will probably become
more active, too."
Thus, unless that league de-
velops rapidly, Michigan will con-
tinue to participate in both the
Big Ten and WCHA, which is
rather easy as games with Michi-
gan State and Minnesota overlap
and count in both standings.
New Scheduling
Commenting on scheduling,
Renfrew said, "We are getting to
the point where we will only
schedule a team twice in a season

and we will try to work out bet-
ter road trip plans with schools
such as Minnesota and North Da-
kota so that fans can see two
different opponents in one week-
end series."
Coming to fill in gaps in the
Wolverine ice squad are the fol-
lowing sophomores described in
thumbnail sketches by Coach Ren-
Harold Herman: goalie .
played on the Junior Red Wings
in Detroit ... needs experience in
WCHA play . . . good, stand-up
Bruce Koviak: forward ... cap-
tain of the Junior Wings when he
played for them .. . has a good
shot .. very strong skater
has to be exposed to competition
after a year off to see how quick-
ly he can get his shot away.
Ron Ullyot: forward. . . son of
Ken Ullyot who coaches the Ft.
Wayne Comets ... good skater...
good hockey sense.
Bill Lord: defenseman ... a real
rough customer . . . player foot-
ball linebacker ... from Minneso-
ta ... has a good shot . .. 5'".
Lee Martilla: forward. .. broth-
er of Mike, junior forward, has
knee trouble ... problematical
whether he can help us ... has
good hockey ability.
Tom Pullen: forward . . . has
good moves . . . will play football
in the fall before he comes out
with us . . . remains a question
mark because of his two-sport
Renfrew sums up the coming
season in "the world's toughest
amateur hockey league" by say-
ing, "It will be a real rough road,
over some real tough competition,
but it can be done."



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