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November 09, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-09

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'Alcoa Stands by Price Increase; Quarrel Rages

inum controversy grew hotter yes-
terday with industry spokesmen
defending their price increase and
Democratic congressional leaders
attacking it as inflationary.
L. E. Hickman, executive vice-
president of the Aluminum Com-
pany of America, said Alcoa has
no intention of cancelling its one-
half-cent-a-pound price increase
but he added:
"Every price increase must be
tested in the market place."
In a flurry of statements from
Democrats, party leaders of the
House and Senate lined up be-
hind the Johnson administra-
tion's decision to release 200,000
tons of stockpiled aluminum. And
most of them endorsed the ad-
ministration contention that the
boost is inflationary.
A young Republican leader, on'
the other hand, accused President

Johnson of "blatantly blackmail-
ing" the aluminum companies in
an effort to control prices in all
State Sen. Tom R. Van Sickle of
Kansas, chairman of the Young
Republican National Federation,
said the President "is now plung-
ing his powerful hands into the
pockets of private industry." In a
speech for one of a series of $10-
a-plate Young Republican dinners
around the country, Van Sickle
"On the one hand the President
uses the national stockpile , to
blackmail a major industry and
on the other hand meddles with
consumer prices in order to sat-
isfy the demands of the labor
House Speaker John W. McCor-
mack of Massachusetts and other
Democratic leaders cited defense
needs and the war in Viet Nam

as reasons for holding the price
"There is a serious moral issue
here," McCormack said in a state-
ment. He contended that those
responsible for national security
had no other course than to or-
der the release of the surplus.
"This is not the time to increase
prices," McCormack said. "It is
essential, particularly when this
country is at war in Viet Nam
and our sons and husbands are
dying there, that all sectors of
our country act responsibly in sup-
port of our men in uniform and
in support of the national secur-
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana and House
Democratic leader Carl Albert of
Oklahoma also issued statements
criticizing the industry's price in-
crease plans and supporting the

Sen. Stephen M. Young (D-
Ohio) described the price boost
as outrageous and said the indus-
try leaders responsible "appear to
me to be too greedy."
Hickman spoke at a news con-
ference called to discuss govern-
ment plans -for disposal of 200,000
tons of stockpiled aluminum dur-
ing the coming year.
He said the aluminum industry
had agreed to buy 200,000 tons
of the metal the day before the
government announced plans to
sell that amount from the stock-
He said the purchase agreement
was reached by Alcoa, Reynolds,
Kaiser and Olin Mathieson, the
giants of the industry, as part of
a long-range plan.
In answer to questions, Hick-
man said he would not say that
the government was pressuring the
industry to hold down prices. But,

he said, it was a "striking coin- dustry proposals were that the
cidence" that the government government would be in charge
stepped up its program of sales Df disposals under its plan and
the day after the first of a there was no provision for long-
round of aluminum price increases range planning in the government
was announced. program, he said.
The four companies made their Hickman said the industry is
offer to buy last Friday, Hickman interested in negotiating for dis-
said, and government negotiators posal of the entire 1.4 million tons
requested time to consult their su- of surplus aluminum in the gov-
periors. ernment stockpile.
"The next morning," Hickman The industry program, suggest-
said, "government officials opened ed last Friday, called for the
the meeting by reading a state- immediate disposal of 200,000 tons
ment which turned out to be a and the release of approximately
press release announcing the re- 100,000 tons a year until the sur-
lease of 200,000 tons and this was plus was absorbed.
given to the press later in the The government negotiators,
day." Hickman said, insisted that 200,-
Hickman said the effect on 000 tons of the metal must be re-
prices of the government action leased immediately before there
would "depend on the way the re- could be negotiations on a long-
lease of aluminum is handled." range program. He added that
The two principal differences the industry has asked for further
between the government and in- negotiations.
Card Burners To Be
Arrested in Private

GROUP members initiated and
carried out the Bookstore campaign
Vote GROUP for SGC

All students are

UN Committee Urges Halt

cordially invited to attend



Arms Spread

an International Tea
to be held Thurs., Nov.
at Jordan Hall from


"Vatican Asks
Extensive Revisions
May Reopen Debate
On Nuclear Defense
VATICAN CITY ()--The Vati-
can Ecumenical Council's draft
pronouncement on war was re-
ported yesterday to have been
drastically revised to spell out a
condemnation of unrestricted use
of nuclear weapons, even for de-
fensive purposes.
A reliable "source said the sec-
tion on war and peace in the
council's modern world schema
had been so broadly revised that
debate may be reopened on it.
Revision Details
Details of the revision were not
learned but council circles took
it for granted any changes gen-
erally went against the views of
most U.S. prelates, who had argu-
ed for recognition of defensive
nuclear weapons. If the Americans
had prevailed in their arguments,
revision would not have been ex-
The document was debated in
the Roman Catholic assembly last
month, then sent back to a draft-
ing commission for amendment
in the light .of the debate. No.
further debate had been expected.
Debate Reopened
While saying debate might be
reopened on' the ;nuclear war sec-
i tion, the council source said it
was unlikely discussion would be
resumed on other parts of the
revised modern world schema. This
would indicate no major changes
have been made in these sections,
including a passage on birth con-
Copies of the revised text are
expected to go out of the bishops
by the middle of November, giving
them time to debate the nuclear
section and complete voting on
the schema by Dec. 8,. when the
council is expected to end.
Final Vote
The bishops have been on a 10-
day recess during which the draft-
ing commission worked. The pre-
lates return today to their meeting
hall in St. Peter's.
When the council fathers re-
turn to work, they will begin final
voting on a schema on the laity.
This document seeks to give lay-
men a greater role in Roman
Catholic Church activity.
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The head of Rhode-
sia's judiciary, Sir Hugh Beadle,
defied Premier Ian Smith's Rho-
desian government last night by
flying to London for talks with
British leaders on the colony's in-
dependence crisis.
Smith was quoted in a number
of reports as saying his govern-
ment was highly displeased by.
Beadle's journey, which he de-
scribed as a private one.
Chief Justice Beadle's dramatic
move came after Smith told Prime
Minister Harold Wilson the Rho-
desian and British positions "seem
irreconcilable" over the white-
ruled colony's independence de-

Demands To
Go to Geneva
Vote Overwhelming;
France Only Major
Power To Abstain
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion joined yesterday in an over-
whelming vote in the General As-
sembly's main political committee
favoring a quick resumption of
negotiations in Geneva on a treaty
to halt the spread of nuclear
Of the major powers, only
France abstained in the 83-0 vote
for the compromise resolution,
which asked the reconvening of
the 17-nation disarmament body
for urgent consideration of an
agreement without loopholes to
prevent an increase :in the nuclear
club. Five other countries abstain-
Despite the unity in the ballot,
however, statements by the Soviet
and U.S. delegates afterward
showed both sides still far apart
on an actual treaty. The key dif-
ference involves nuclear arrange-
ments with the Atlantic Alliance.
With the specter of Red China's
newly acquired nuclear potential
casting a shadow over the inter-
national scene, both the United
States and the Soviet Unionhave
submitted proposed treaties.
Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T.
Fedorenko charged the United
States with putting the military
needs of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization above almost world-
wide desire for agreement on a
William C. Foster, chief U.S.
disarmament negotiator, said the
United States would go back to
Geneva with "renewed determina-
tion" to achieve agreement.
He reiterated the contention
that the treaty proposed by the
United States contained no loop-
holes giving NATO members ac-
cess to U.S. nuclear warheads.
The eight nonaligned nations in
the Geneva negotiations framed
the resolution to bridge two rival
resolutions put forward in the
committee by the two major

WASHINGTON 1P) - Men who
burn their draft cards in public
are likely to be arrested-if they
are arrested at all-far from the
cheering crowd.
FBI agents are under informal
instructions not to lend them-
selves to public spectacles by mak-
ing arrests on public platforms, it
was learned yesterday. Officials
feel that to do so would multiply
the publicity the protestors seek
and make them martyrs in the
eyes of their friends.
Refuse Comment
The FBI refused to comment on
its policy toward arresting de-
stroyers of draft cards-who, un-
der a new law, face penalties of
up to five years in prison and a
$10,000 fine.
But five-self-proclaimed paci-
fists who burned what they said
were their draft cards in New York
City Saturday left their Union
Square platform as free men.

And David Miller, 22, the first
to be arrested under the new law,
was free for three days before FBI
agents seized him on a quiet street
in a little New Hampshire village.
It was a far cry from his nation-
ally televised act of burning a
card from atop a sound truck at
a noisy Manhattan rally.
Home Arrests
Suspects may be arrested, the
source said, after they have left
the scene-preferably in the se-
clusion of their homes.
Another reason for the delayed
arrests is that the decision on
whether and when to make the
arrests is to be made by the Jus-
tice Department here. One of the
considerations in making that de-
cisio is the draft eligibility of the
draft-card burners. In Saturday's
incident, only one of the fisve men
involved is eligible for the draft;
the others are either too old or
classified 4F.

4;30-6.00 P.m.

Sponsored by International
Center and International
Affairs Committee of the

University Activities



Soviet Missile May
Violate '63 UN Rule


-Associated Press
SECOND LT. LAI VAN CU of the North Vietnamese army squats
on the Pleiku air field after he surrendered to U.S. forces.
U.S.Suffers Losses
As Raids Continue

man said yesterday the United
States is examining Soviet claims
of "orbital missiles" capable of
swooping down from space to
strike targets virtually anywhere
on earth.
State Department press officer
Robert J. McCloskey said one pur-
pose of the examination is to see
what bearing the alleged missiles
have on a United Nations resolu-
tion of October 1963 confirming
promises from the Soviet and
American governments not to sta-
tion mass destruction weapons in
outer space.
UN Assurance
McCloskey declined to speculate
yesterday on how the Soviet mis-
sile claims square with the assur-

ance given the United Nations.
The Soviet government display-
ed in a parade Sunday through
Red Square missiles described by
the Tass news agency as being
able to strike surprise blows from
orbits in space.
Red Square
"We've seen the reports and the
pictures of the parade in Red
Square," McCloskey said, "and
the claim by the Soviets that cer-
tain of the missiles could be fired
against earth targets from the
first or later orbits.
McCloskey said the examination
is being carried on at a highlevel
by several departments of the gov-
ernment, presumably meaning the
Defense Department and the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency.




SAIGON (YP)-In sweltering jun-
gles, U.S. airborne troops fought
a day-long battle yesterday in the
notorious Zone D against a strong
Viet Cong force equipped with
steel helmets and clad in unusual
uniforms. U.S. official said the
American troops killed 110 guer-
rillas and apparently drove the
others out of their jungle fortress.
In the air war, U.S. planes
blasted another Soviet-built mis-
sile site in North Viet Nam-the
seventh in four days-but ,the
cost in losses of American air-
craft and crews was high.
Raids Since Friday
A U.S. spokesman said the raids
since Friday near Hanoi and
Thanh Hoa destroyed two sites
and heavily damaged five others,

but seven U.S. aircraft were lost
and seven airmen are missing.
Five others were rescued by heli-
copters flying into Red territory.
The loss of seven airmen behind
enemy lines brought to 104 the
number of American airmen miss-
ing, killed or captured in North
Viet Nam since the attacks on
the Communist territory began
last February. Hanoi threatened
several months ago to bring cap-
tured pilots to trial as war crim-
inals but there is no sign it has
done so.
Moderate Casualties
Troops of the U.S. 173rd Air-
borne suffered moderate casualties
in their clash with what officers
estimated to be a main force bat-
talion of Viet Cong in Zone D.

TUESDAY, November 9, 12:00 Noon
U.M. International Center
Speaker: BREWSTER KNEEN, Executive Secretary,
Canadian Fellowship of Reconciliation

when and where?.

November 15-16
4:00-8:00 P.M., Stockwell,
Lloyd, and South Quad
(Hunt House) lounges

For reservations,
call 662-5529

Sponsored by the
Ecumenical Campus Center

i i

I.News Roundup

trying "by hook or crook" to keep
Peking out.
The exchange occurred on the
first day of this year's debate on
the China issue.
* *
NEW YORK-Dorothy Kilgal-
len, first of the female newspaper
columnists and a nationally known
radio and television personality,
was found dead in bed yesterday.
She was 52.
A heart attack was believed to
have caused her death, although
there was no official medical pro-
nouncement. A member of her
family said she had not been ill.
An autopsy was ordered, but police
called it routine.

HAVANA-Prime Minister Fidel
Castro's new "open-door" policy
is not wide open.
While assertingthat anyone
who want to go can do so, the
government has definitely closed
the door-at least for a time-on
two groups.
One of those is composed of
males in or near the age for
compulsory military service-16 to
The other group is composed of
technicians or other trained per-
sons whose departure would upset
production or services. Just who
is included in that classification
is unknown.
L O *g* j*w
LAGOS, Nigeria-A judge was

UNfProfessional Theatre Program-EN1IEIL
The Pulitzer Prize
by by playwright's provocative
new play
Alan. Schneider
The classic A new version set Designer: James Tilton
American comedy! of the poignant drama costume Designer: Nancy Potts
Directed by Directed by r
Ellis Rabb Stephen PorterKETT
Set Designer: James Tilton Set Designer: James Tilton t fheae

10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M., Women's
League, Kalamazoo Room

November 17-18

On November 15

Rush Counselors will answer questions
in the lounges of Stockwell, Lloyd
and South Quad Hunt House from
6:45 until 8:00 P.M.




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