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November 09, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-09

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Cloudy and windy,
increasingly cold

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom








Copies of the audit of the Uni-
'versity's books, completed last
Wednesday, have been printed
and were made public' yesterday
by the House Higher Education
Subcommittee which initiated the
audit last summer in response to:
the University's announcement of
a tuition hike.
Public hearings on the audit be-
4 in at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning
in the Regents Conference Room,,
on the second floor of the Ad-
ministration Bldg. The subcom-
mittee will hear testimony from
the administration in the morning
session and student testimony
"Aduring the afternoon.
Bob Go yer, Grad, of the Grad-
uate Student Council; Student*

Government Council President discuss any interpretations of the * The percentage of out-of- pose about 30.2 per cent of the have been designed for' in all but' ever, there may be question in
Gary Cunningham, '66; and co- audit's figures before the hearings state students in comparison with, total campus enrollment, non- a fewv cases. Consequently, the this area that the services offered
chairmen of the SGC committee begin. the percentage of the total tuition residents predominate in three of amount of square feet available compensate for the great increase
for a University bookstore Don Faxon said the administration they pay; the University's schools-the Law per student has also declined.I in h room and board rates put In.
Resnick, '68, and Steve Daniels, has been given "adequate time to . aacte reiec a. School, the natural resources most cases, in some instances close effect this year, an Increase of
'67, will speak on the role of the prepare statements" and to see* *r Capaitie isccmmdence halls school and the public health to 100 square feet per student. I$50, greater than Increases in any
University concerning student eco- that those who are knowledgeable wea resuit t accommodatend school. Exceptions are Fletcher Hall, the Iother state schools. Though the I
noicwlfrewthn h An nth fgre cnaiedi teures are, and The figures also show thtat out- Law Quad, Mary Markley Hall and University and Michigan State of-
husing, and student fees. He said that he has not been in- * Room and board rates and half of the tuition burden, al- stated, are housing less than they State charges $825 per year for'rcmuiy vrl tdn ui epeeta h erns fsaesuet hudraotOfr oss hcterpr e iia evcs ihgn
Subcaomite -DCh1airmand Rep, formed of which representatives of! services offered for these charges, though they compose only 30.2 per were resigned for. room and board while the Univer-
Jracg Fao (-Detroit) sades-t the administration wil tstify but with comparative figures from cent of the student body. Legisla- Though the University charges Isity charges between $895 and $1,-
trday gthat the audit oes noethe that heo uess xpec iPre other schools. !tors are very likely to be satisfied the highest room and board rates exlanstht h
rall gncets to te issueand whethe dentfr uiness b andeiac It is significant that the audit! with this situation because of their of all Michigan's state-supported I h ui loepan htte
and board rates is justified. He The audit, prepared by the contains a breakdown of enroll- feelings that out-of-staters take schools, it offers its students serv- ' do notindat foo all thne ex-ls
said that there are other factors state legislative auditor general's* ment figures on resident, non- up space that state residents could ices, such as maid and linen serv- dpenes of their oeraionh. Heat,
of hisisse nt ontine intheofice prsens fgues n te fl-resident proportions. The Legis- be . occupying, and that taxes of' ice, comparable to those of Mich- pne fteroeain.Ha,
ofgthis issue not ote winh office, mprnt fires i hefl lature traditionally opposes a high, state residents should not be spent, igan State University and even light, power, and general admin-
the nivrsit ca proideinfr- eEnrllmet bokendow 01ratio of out-of-state enrollment. educating non-residents. greater services than most other Istaieoeain r adfr
mation during the hearings, in-state out-of-state ratios for The audit figures show that al-' Residence halls are shown to be state schools, general fund, which Is composed'
Faxon said he preferred not to' each school and college; though out-of-state students com- housing more students than they According to -*the audit, how- of legislative appropriations as

well as student fees and tuition.
The fiscal autonomy of Individ-
ual residence halls is indicated
by7 the audit's report that, resi-
dence hall directors' salaries, resi-
dence hail business office salaries,
and business office supplies and
equipment costs are charged to
Individual residence halls.
>Faxon said his subcommittee is
also investigating several issues at
Wayne State University. Wayne
administrators have been instruct-
ed to report on the possibilities
of extending the protection of uni-
versity students, especially in
housing areas. This action was
taken In reaction to the recent
shooting sof a university student
and the alleged general inade-
quacy of police protection for stu-
dents, Faxon said.

Whit's New at 764-1817
The local branch of the American Civil Liberties Union will
help persons protesting the war in Viet Nam get legal aid if an
attempt is made to draft them because of their protest activities,
it was learned yesterday. "Selective service officials usurp the
authority of the l'aw and of their office when they harass lawful
political activity," Harold Cranefield, chairman of the local
ACLU , said in explaining his grou ' o ve. w Sc o l sa d t a
six to ten law schoo students have come to hims fo advie upne
stdProfitt felt the 1-A status was an roversight onythe pato
S student receiving an induction notice could apply to be classified
The residential college student advisory committee voted
yesterday to invite all freshmen, sophomores and graduate stu-
dents who applied for committee membership to an informal
meeting on Mon., 'Nov. 22. Twenty-six students applied to fill the
coposed mainly of upperclssen the committee edecidsedntoy
elite junor aefndasnior apianoters.n i reco in.
* ~
Muncip lour nugFacsL O'Bren ysedyend
anrti-ient Nahnsar sdgedmntr awtora the thdrawalo hi
$one bof th9igersiuctisun ths rested o sitting inin
* selective srice officel durigaIternhatia Drays of Proe He
Thear joudge saida hiln courn longe hans juisdictio inr thise
cae.r prst has g on iruiCr o nnapelrn the njxuris-eas.
ditonlies thr. neapeakigfo ld ruaxg sin Sam saise . a
Iecaed guit often charge. He saichat er anotreizedis
nt leanasigyiticanoee o roceedinsi nd thtthe U.p.-nn
othe thrdefyendatseddntresn his true convictions.
$26blih ie education bill thatrze isnxecnted todra splyndoan
fund foghr moreathan 140,000 tunts acr47iosn ther utry next
ivyerTeUniversity alsoesima e at bl thsistpogamwilce an
prmarng soucem forailing ofanfnd mrvailblres shere aboe
Jonson, bseakexing foiodr rolgrem in S Maroex.,
deaUredA: Itmastaahihshoseirayhrint's
conrycnapl o acoleo nvriyi tChe U.S-a

Grant Leads
To Seminar
For Editors
USSPA Uses Gift
To Aid Undcerstanding
Of College Writers









etd chncet disus oaneged -Five H o s g
alz hgreuati pn issYes and o ml n osien ..
'temns ofPresse nitiong themich"';:' ~- '~'
thanks to a $5,0 gr an ro ngc e p ons
ekusatina fonin.esme o T N wOgnzt
he foundatinwsCar egie-r Hosn
yesterda t ther moeyders teB O CRE
ing give to th nited Ste C H.~ 1 y i l 1c . . """"
tudenPressoiation,pc ichv-
rn e mpspreset .am s,0 scollsege oapite ayseeGlsen
ewspars. USmPA s pnd lhann Hiucher Appoimnts w i be" ""~""'"
three weektuens sea ers ndbr Otenb Neoclt M exbe M I- SUET R HW etra rprn h SuetBo evc o t pnn hc s
ary archpand Ail, an a fivse-. dI ih' etn.lne o oa.
Uweesgenara rtry .Seaig the sumrt oN Ogncizameting,
hl colege newspapers btrettr 1ftecm iso' u ss )
acommncten dtso n irrad the Bydeiao BOB p lC RE , )
sstane isuof cainal Ises.a nesadngo n ypty
edon bsudt aeditrsen mtd som ntowappth osin d andia grupR eS O O ie 11 O
junirstafn mnemers proesr ns,iv comissiner o the gnerwly
badinistradorstand nexpindesale housing -ncom misesins, inrmwhhtord.Hp-Egebthpnedt ftr,
journlisats. evns"ad4 sujc to re c oun pcipoal.zto h tdn okSrie h ulSSwl aeams t oee hc idrdte n
Newenory PEtrstv The fived aonted tho sftage rrsos osuetdmnsetiesoko et elbfr etigetbihdti al
uringhp the summe g, 20"di- deisag o the commission' a r- oe etokpiewlltebgnigo etsmse, saeaet ehstn n
terpers acssenry dto rsim n Mr Huher Aqpuintmot chimetan trhvn xaddiserirwoaesr ftercusst nl ad n rs rosad
ten fal wdly' m efr sitess o warst(5-yearokerm)f Mr. Wiliam cutpie nfehmntxsi-o t.
ofraindsusinadsrtn Conr. (1-yertWher , Mr ert cuignal vr negau u akBos
toeaut h otefcieL o el (2ya r haterm) Mrte A. n-atet hietebo h tuetBo evceas etcr aprakBoso
menHfaalznenvest s don d We h 4- e term).Piowell er Icei rvtl we n ln obybc hs ok h e oaino et r,
susrngnrroodinsrtin ab emerring COE isw th t nlyedn u raiato rmsuet hchte a eadsontpprakboso
Nhegror appointe s nvriyi a rw teghe htteuulpoeue ult okhsfrhre-
ing thecampuspresssuch aesutche's appintmensewillbeosa hl herDa- cd h oilyo Steve G oldse
editorialcen campaigns andou m m-inlselig aue Ttyhe he lcaedi UicrsoyTn-s t-
flit o stdens a reortrsnd oe o b hy c oua ne Mon- r STENT ARiEsHOWN yesteray. preprina the Snethden Boku Srice or dys opng doric iosB,
USPsgnea scetrHve Sekiatte concirl methng, nth ae fSS i
Nelsrsn ome al dtr ulcrsta i d he bsedg.'' apo nt-ne~tn eto eQ cagdo pcii eti i-cm uiy ente
Byg newsarsT have turned to he coission'sh purpth oe ,, enLadent B ookne, ok Seric eogtsoe hr ib ite nds,1
i-hecm etd"Mn col- mrts aoines rit meria ) sport mmdson f1 e cn ni hr samrktfrte ulctn
a "cotinuns icino the graeti mdsb- hedi tioncom p rubli seihich e, 3) l neIn sdb os nl x lehr hog hlslrtcoe p t pcaia
tate iss e ofn hgher eua- cmsndnesrstandingsfha d sympahy.pandta lhuhtebo -E gesi.o ah wl eei ohadte
neitery eng ept o needae " comuitoatiue readigB MEREITHs EtERprs reusigboaissadifrad rcsi n rbr hr n

Approves It
Several of Same
Members Opposed
Th Seat Adisr Cmite
rn Unversty Affirs le t nodob
yesterday abo wheetsad
onha proposal to estr the
majr fcut poleriy ornzt onsv
the body its aviesh Univssae
sity Senaed cainingelthe 1200h
Inha ote yesterday SnACmUA
uneanmul moedoedors siar
proposal whi Mch oul modifits
magn nystrucdure ndvadd, thir olc
body cas legsative asemly. prn
nT he proposal w gone te
etie University Senae on Nov
29 whreits hane senof, passage
are viewedvs excellentpi the
deison.e twa eiedt o
SACn had ndorsted a simiar
prpal lsti Mahiby rvsim 6-5l
bmai. I etra' oe h
severa reaining members ho-
hactd cat ntve vrotslas t spring
jonei the eACUArsbmentete-
ollowingst sring's endore-
menute the proposal.dgoet
theUiveprsiyveate whicUA rued-
ion pil"ta the enate deat-i
tmen apresinricil the pro- -a
pl"seiso hne.
Hoevriwa decided to posmet r-
poneat until the pc soig
Somy itibd ote faculty. a b
jete to th propsla tsod
atey ishedo o d elayiv ato
unti the aeSACUA iSbcomiee
on re'nvrtyd Fr eeomi anR-
spnsbiit ud Iron outtha df
fultisei the proposal.s srn
It i he evisiona tha finll
reeied rovctdala by SACAe
terday.wtdeateta it
-SACUA Chiran rof. Jamues
mnt descrbed sted new propoal-

a decent one," said Paul Goodman,
noted atuthor and lecturer, speak-
ing on "Mass Education - Cure
ad Coneuecs''
Goodnuclassified the Great
Society as based on a big busi-
ness-government coalition com-
bined with the great urban mass-
The need to keep expanding the
country's productivity, Goodman
thought, was the basis for the
vocations that are urged on the
young. He said, "if people were
encouraged to do those things
which give them the most satis-

Alu are from tne rather affluet
secton f twn. . therefore is also a profit-making The first efforts of the service students as well. Centicore does
He als pointed out that two of proposition, several factors enable this semester were met with en- not deal in hardbound texts but
the tooffr lwerpries o su-thusiasm from the adimnistration rather will be providing £he sup-
the appointees are on the board thmt fe oe rcst t-as well from students and faculty. plementary and often obscure
omreon of thehegrop SBS will be staffing its store Engle said that the overwhelming reading materials necessary for
ommece-oe o thre grupsaccording to the level of business response to the recent SGC peti- specific courses, in addition to
sion-ile onlyse oe poneeis' activity. Consequently they will tion is significant of student con- r e q u i r e d paperbacks, Wyman
sion-hile nly o 30ap orga- not have to employ managers and cern for the need for lower buok added.
a representative of the buins aviosrrgosaf-n
nizations that supportedthe com- expeinesudenstr ermpoys durm-
mission.eprecdsuetepoe u-e
'Would Ask Ruling ing the periods of slower business.
Wheeler stated that in the event Further, they will not be deal- ii id i i Lt e 4
that all of the appointees were ing with the high rents which
approved, his group would con- come from a large store area. TORONTO I:P)-Prime Minister. Foreign Secretary Paul Martin
sider asking for a federal ruling Originally sharing a store on Lester B. Pearson failed to win a spoke of the possibility of' a coali-'
on the representative quality of .South University, SBS is now bo- majority in yesterday's election. tion government made up of the

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