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November 05, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-05

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CYl r

lflirI 43aU


Windy, sunnychanging
to cloudy toward evening

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom



Views Creation

of Membership Committee

For the past few weeks, Pan-
hellenic Association has been de-
bating the possibility of a Pan-
hellenic membership committee,
similar in function to the present
Interfraternity Council member-
ship committee, which would work
toward the elimination of racial
and religious discrimination in the
University sorority system.
In 1959, the Regents passed
their bylaw 2.14, stating that the
University would not discriminate
against any person on the basis
of race, religion, creed, color, na-
tional origin, or ancestry. In 1960,
Student Government Council pass-
ed a comparable regulation per-
taining to student organizations,
and set up the SGC membership
committee to enforce it.

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Tne SG committee requested submit copies of their recommen-
that all sororities submit copies dation forms. In support of the
of any documents which they use SGC request, Panhel passed a res-
for membership recommendation, olution last spring urging all
and received membership state- houses to submit their "rec" forms
ments from all houses. by October 1, 1965. SGC set no
The membership recommenda- deadline.
tion forms are used by alumnae to To date, all but two of the
recommend rushees to sorority ac- houses, Kappa Delta and Sigma
tives. Many houses cannot pledge Kappa, have filed their forms.
a girl unless she has received at The possibility of a Panhellen-
least one recommend' from an i membership committee was first
alHowever, several houses failed considered about the time of the
to submit copies of their member- suggested submission date, Octo-
ship recommendation forms, stat- ber 1. For the past month, sorority
ing that these forms had no bear- presidents and Panhellenic offi-
ing on membership selection. vials have been investigating the
advantages and disadvantages of
The SGC membership commit- such a committee, and have found
tee, asserting that these forms do that the greatest obstacle to its
bear on membership selection, formation is coming from the na-
then requested that all sororities tional sorority organizations.

These "nationals" have the pow- night, "nationals feel this way be- to be in a position to use its mem-'
er to revoke the charter of any cause students are transient, and bership selection procedures for
local sorority chapter, disaffiliat- they don't want private documents discriminatory urposes. He com-
ing it from the national sorority. it the hands of students." mented, "The committee takes
In many cases, the nationals own One president suggested that what seems to be the most urgent
the actual sorority houses, so that perhaps the reason for this re- case."
if a chapter should lose its char- luctance to deal with students is Hoppe described the advantages
ter, it would not be able to "go based on the feeling that students of the IFC membership committee
local." would tend to be more progressive as follows:
According to some sorority pres- than administrators.1
idents, -their nationals would pre- Richard A. Hoppe, '66, president 1) IFC likes the idea of home
fer to settle any disagreements of Interfraternity Council, spoke rule" for fraternities. It looks bet-
between the University and soror- at a meeting of Panhel last week, ter to outsiders if they see that
ity policies as they have in the and explained the function, ad- fraternities have realized there are
past: by dealing with the Univer- vantages, and disadvantages of the problems in this area, and are
sity administration, either direct- IFC membership committee. trying to solve them.
ly or through legal counsel. * 2) A committee is more effec-
Hoppe said that the IFC com- tive if it understands the system
Mrs. Lynn Lewis, assistant to mittee reviews the documents sub- and the people it is dealing with.
the director of student activities mitted to the Office of Student The IFC committee has more time
and organizations, and advisor to Affairs, and has the power to and patience than the SGC com-
Panhel, said at a meeting of Pan- conduct investigations and hear- mittee would have.
hel's presidents' council Tuesday ings on any fraternity that seems 03) The IFC committee is in

a better position to answer the
questions of national organiza-
tions and locals at other univer-
Hoppe said that, despite these
obvious advantages, the operation
of the IFC membership commit-
tee has caused some disunity in
the fraternity system and a split
in the Fraternity Presidents' As-
He expressed the belief that
Panhel's chances of forming such
a committee are slim. I-e describ-
ed sorority nationals as "living in
the Civil War era," and said that
University sororities "will be lucky
if they get away with it." He add-
ed that he thinks the University
sorority system is bound to lose a
few houses if a Panhel member-
ship committee is formed, but said,

"On the whole, they'd be better
off that way than they are now."
Hoppe felt that despite anti-
discriminatory pressure from re-
gents and administrators, the Uni-
versity will never try to alienate
nationals, to prevent a blackball
or to try to eliminate alumni par-
This statement was confirmed
by John Feldkamp, assistant to the
vice-president for student affairs,
at the Panhellenic meeting Tues-
day night. Feldkamp expressed
strong approval of alumni parti-
cipation, and said that the Uni-
versity's conflict with sorority na-
tionals is on two issues:
* Sororities must be essentially
run by students if the experience
gained In the Greek system is to
See PANHEL, Page 6

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What's New at 764-1817

improbableSC C
Draft Status




The student driver regulations board will meet this morning
to receive the findings of University professors on the distribu-
tion, use and safety of motorcycles on the campus.
The research of the professors will be used by the board in
drawing up a technically worded plan for the regulation of cycles
by the city in cooperation with the University, and will be
a submitted to Councilman John Hathaway, who is considering
provisions for an ordinance of this type.
* ' * *
The faculty planning committee of the residential college
is currently deciding problems of rcurriculum for the proposed
college, Burton D. Thuma, director of the residential college,
said yesterday. The committee recently approved the idea of
trying out an experimental "logic and language" course in the
pilot project next year. This course, which may be used in the
residential college curriculum; will be operated similarly to the
intensive language course and the freshman seminar now being
offered in the pilot project.
* * * *
A new student-faculty group which believes that the academic
community must defend "the right of free speech for political
dissenters against the possible latent re-institution of McCarthy-
ism" is currently forming on campus. The organization will meet
Sunday evening in Rm. 3B of the Union at 7 p.m. to hear Ernest
Mazey, director of the Michigan branch of the American Civil
Liberties Union, speak on "Student Dissent, Government Policies
and Civil Liberties." A discussion period will follow the lecture.
The organization's membership includes both those who support
and those who oppose the administration's policies in Viet Nam.
*' * * *
Applications from students interested in attending Tuskegee
Institute in Alabama as part of the interinstitutional exchange
program established in 1963 are now being accepted by the Office
of Student Affairs. Forms may be obtained in Rm. 1011 SAB and
must be completed and returned by Nov. 15.
Reports that the undergraduate Asian Studies course was
being dropped were emphatically denied yesterday ' by Asst.
Prof. Aram Yengoyan of the Anthropology Dept., this semester's
coordinator of the Asian Studies course. Yengoyan said he had
heard several of these rumors; but that they had no basis and
the course will continue to be offered.
* 4 4
Six volunteers and two Washington staff members of the
Peace Corps will speak to classes and housing units next week.
A booth to be maintained in the lower lobby of the Union during
the week will open Monday. The Peace Corps delegation wants
"to make students aware of what Peace Corps is," said Mildred
Webber, Peace Corps liason with the University. The University
ranks fourth in the number of volunteers furnished the Peace
Corps since its inception, having supplied 156 volunteers.
Long Distance
At Stanford University there is a "docile battle" over which
side in Viet Nam should receive blood.
The pro U.S. Viet Nam policy group has blood pledges for
American and South Vietnamese troops and for civilians.
The group against U.S. policy in Viet Nam-has pledges and
money collected for civilian victims of American bombings in
both North Viet Nam and South Viet Nam under Communist
Viet Cong control. Said Brube Franklin, assistant professor of
English, "Americans should think of the North Vietnamese first
as people defending their nation from outsiders, and as Com-
munists second."

May Alter
Reclassification of
Graduate Students:
jResult of Mistakes



Nam Referendum

fFour graduate students at the SAea s
University, Mathew Raszka, Irv-
ing Adler, Larry Senor and Ken-
neth Stevenson, of the chemistry Delayed Until
department, are presently classi-
fied 1-A in their draft status.
In most reclassification cases,
it has so far been unusual that
natural science teaching fellows
would be made eligible for induc-
tion. committeeRealtors
(Charles'Judge, assistant to the Continue Negotiations
director of student organizations,P
also received notice of 1-A reclas- On 8-Month Proposal
sification yesterday. He has talk-
ed to his local board in Ames, By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER
Iowa, and they have said that they University S t u d e n t Rental
are willing to cooperate in grant- Agreements for off-campus hous-
ing him a deferment.) ing will not be available until the
To date, there have been no ma- beginning of the winter term, Mrs.
por changes in Michigan board Elizabeth A. Leslie, coordinator of
policies, Thomas Clark, selective Associated and Off-Campus Hous-
service counselor, said. Most often, ing said yesterday.
when notice of 1-A reclassifica-
tion is received by students who The reason for the delay this
meet the "requirements" for de- year is the negotiations now being
ferment, a misunderstanding has conducted between the Off-Cam-
occurred, Clark said. pus Housing office, its student ad-
Local draft boards operate in- visory committee and managers
an weso nldependently of all others and set an weso n Arbor apart-
up their own standards of defer- ments in order to draft a new
ment. Graduate students may re- eight-month lease plan.
ceive notice of 1-A reclassification Mrs. Leslie stressed that stu-
if they are not taking 15 credits dents need not be concerned over I
or are part time students, extend- the delay and that the leases
ing their period of study. would be ready in ample time for
Clark went on to suggest that students who wish to rent apart-
if graduate students are reclassi- ments under the University lease
field 1-A they should immediately plan next fall.
contact their local board and dis- An Option;
cuss the validity of the notice and She said that the plan that
then, if necessary, contact the se- seems most agreeable toboth the
lective service counseling office at Realtors and the University is one
the University. that would offer the student the
Letters and explanations of aca- option of either an eight-month
demic standing and relevance to or 12-month lease. The new lease
the national interest; health, and plan would go into operation in
safety can be sent back to the the last weeks of August, 1966.
local boards. The option of choosing an eight-
At present, Michigan draftmonth or 12-month lease will be
boards are completing all reclassi-offered, said Mrs. Leslie because
fications. I t h e eight - month arrangement!
If changes are made, they will would necessitate a rise in rents'
most probably be made to correct for Realtors who would lose money
mistaken 1-A status to 2-S. Ac- without summer occupancy. Stu-
cording to Clark, the local boards dents taking a 12-month lease
want all students to finish their would therefore have lower rent
degree requirements as undergrad- figures under the proposed plan.
uates, and only as graduates can The student advisory board has
they 'possibly lose their defer- discussed the probable increase in
ments. rents as a consequence of the'
' A student's standing in classi- eight-month lease at some length
fication can only be determined by with the owners. The student'
his local board. board has stipulated that any in-:
crease in rent must be made!
known before the signing of the
lease and is now working for a!
reasonable uniform increase to be
agreed upon by all of the Realtors.'
ve r n e n't' Restrictions
'ernrr ertt Mrs. Leslie added that if enough
of the owners refuse to co-operate
on the eight-month lease plan,
c ne University will cease to enforce
3s restrictions on registration for
student refusing tonpay during
th umer~~e, or tiying to break
which greatly enlarged federal their contracts.
participation in the field of edu- Under the current University
cation. lease enforcement plan, students
The Educational Opportunities delinquent in their rent payments
Act, more commonly referred to may be prohibited from registra-
as the "War on Poverty," Vivian tion or from graduation.
pointed out, is predominately a However, she felt that the ne-
program of grants to public school gotjations with the owners and
systems and related educational managers were proceeding well!
institutions. and that both sides were gener-
ai1'ii eao h en the arane-1

-Daily-Ron Berman
' "ALUMNI" OF THE FREIBURG program tell next year's Freiburg educational director, Prof.
entine Hubbs of the German department, -what's in store. From left around the semicircle:
na Broad, '66; Robert Levengood, '66; Hubbs; Tom Francis, '67; William Updegrove, '67 Carolyn
e, '67; and Janet Zapala, '66.
!J ff er1S Year of St- 901udy
t Unversty of Febr

Student Vote
On Poll Set
Petition Brought by
Hornberger Changes
First Council Plans
Student Government Council
last night abandoned its original
intention of running a student
preference poll on specificaalter-
natives in Viet Nam in favor of
an unqualified yes-no vote on
whether or not, "the student body
of the University of Michigan is
in basic agreement with the ad-
ministration's policy on Viet
The new motion was sponsored
by Lee Hornberger, '65, who col-
lected 1000 signatures in order to
call for a referendum on Viet
Nam in the Nov. 17 SGC election.
Hornberger initiated the referen-
dum because "the image of the
University of Michigan student is
such that many people think of
us all burning our draft cards and
demonstrating civil disobedience."
He introduced the referendum
because, "firstly, many people
worked hard in getting the signa-
tures and Ifelt that I did not
have the right to withh6ld them.
Secondly, my goal was not to ini-
tiate a poll but to pass a legisla-
tive motion that would be passed
by the student body."
Several Council members felt
that the referendum is, badly
worded and that it would not delve
into student opinion.
Christopher Mansfield, '66, felt
that "an opinion poll would be
much more educational and much
more revealing." Mansfield moved
to officially record that "SGC ob-
jects to the consideration due to
the unqualified commitment nes-
essarily connected with a vote
either way on this referendum.
SGC shall subsequently present re-
sults through either a responsible
student opinion poll, by a pro-
fessional organization or other al-
ternative methods." This motion
was passed.
Due to regulations and parli-
mentary procedure, the Council
members were powerless to omit
the referendum from the ballot
or to even change its wording.
Because of the 1,000 signatures,
they could only vote "yes" for the
motion which would mean that
SGC, speaking on behalf of the
student body is in basic agreement
with the Administration's policy;
or they could vote "no"~ which
would mean that the referendum
would then go on the ballot for
the students to vote on.
However, the council "refused
to consider it." Thus, if they do
.not reconsider it by next week,
the referendum will go on the
ballot automatically.
Steven Schwartz, '68, wanted
to keep it off the ballot by voting

By LAUREN BAHR University of Wisconsin and
Associate Managing Editor Wayne State University co-spon-
sors a junior year abroad pro-
The president of a university in gram in Freiburg, Germany. The
Germany is called "Your Magnifi- program has been in existence for
cence," a dean is called "Your two years and can accommodate
Respectability" and an associate approximately 45-50 students, 15-
dean is called "Your Almost Re- 18 from the University.
spectability." The program is supervised by
This is. only one of the many an educational director from one
new exciting things a student may of the three sponsoring universi
n ties who is there to make arrange-
learn by spending his junior year 'ments and settle any difficulties
abroad in Freiburg, Germany, ac- tha ay set yeary supe-
cording to "Your Almost Respect- iso may arise. Next year's super-
ability" James H. Robertson, asso- visor will be Prof. Valentine Hubbs
ciate dean of the literary college of the German department.
speaking at an organizational Students who attend the Uni-
meeting last night to inform in- versity of Freiburg receive both
terested students of the oppor credits and grades for the work
tunities to spend a year studying done in Germany since the year
in Germany. abroad under this program is con-
sidered as an extension of resi-
The University along with the dence work.-
Student Groups Back.
By NEIL SHISTER sorship of 10 academic depart-
ments in the literary coilege and
What began as the collective seven student organizations.
effort of an informal group of The cost of Lomax's three-week
students and faculty members stay was originally estimated to
last spring has blossomed into a be over $4000 and is being borne
unique program that will bring by the student organizations, the
famed author and philosoDher I of mc rA e Afr

The program is open to any
student with a fourth semester
proficiency in German, who has
a minimum overall grade-point
of "three point" and who shows
good competence and a high
prominence in his ability to mas-
ter German, Robertson said.
"It is not restricted to German
majors and there is tutorial help
provided throughout the year for
those who need it," he explained.
Spending a year at a German
university is much different than
' at an American university, Prof.
Clarence K. Pott, chairman of the
German department, said. "The
student at a German university is
left much 'more to himself. There
is not nearly the amount of su-
pervision as in this country," he
! Most of the students returning
from the program last year were
very enthusiastic. "It was one of
the most rewarding experiences of
my life," Janet Zapala, '66, said.w.
"German students are very
aware, very intellectually stimulat-
ing. They are the cream of the
crop of the nation since only about
five per cent of the German pop-
ulation ever gets to the universi-
ty level," Judith Operhall, '66,
The people were friendly, the
opportunities for travel were read-
ily available and the educational
experience was incomparable, were
some of the comments heard re-

Vivian Discusses Gonf

Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Ann
Arbor), in a speech before the
Michigan Education Conference in
Rackham Aud. yesterday, ques-
tioned whether or not fears of the
increased presence of the federal
government in educational financ-
ing is justified.
T noted that the rights which

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