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November 03, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-03

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See Editorial Page

llr i Au


Windy and warm with
late showers possible

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Plans Huge Celebration for Anniversary

in 1967

First of Two Articles
As 31,000 students of the Uni-
versity worry over tomorrow's
bluebook, next week's paper, and
the semester's finals, a select group
of administrators, faculty, and
students are diligently laying the
groundwork for an event so far in
the future that it is still only
circled spots on a calendar. Yet
this event, the Sesquicentennial
Celebration of the University, is
shaping up as one of the largest
celebrations in any college's his-
In 1967, the 150th year of the
University's existence, educators,
scholars, artists, and students
from all over the world will flock

to Ann Arbor in a variety of con-
ferences, celebrations, and cere-
As 1967 approaches, the Sesqui-
centennial's symbol, UM over a
150, will become more and more
predominant on the University's
landscape, and in its publications.
Richard L. Kennedy, the Execu-
tive Director of the Sesquicenten-
nial, described the preliminary
planning of the celebration as
"nearly complete," and added that
the event was now "moving into
the execution phase."
Kennedy and his staff have
been working on the 150th for
close to three years. The main
controlling body is the Central

Sesquicentennial C o m m i t t e e,
chaired by Dean Charles W. Join-
er of the Law School. Composed
of alumni, faculty, administration,
and students, the 16-man com-
mittee oversees the general plan-
ning for 1967.
The theme of the Sesquicenten-
nial is "Knowledge, Wisdom and
the Courage to Serve." It will be
carried out through five major
ceremonies, which form the basis
of the year's celebrations.
-Major Ceremony I will be
dedicated to the Alumni of the
University. More than one out of
every thousand Americans is an
alumnus or student of the Uni-
versity. They reach from the pin-
nacles of industrial corporations
to the heart of government de-
cision making.

The first major ceremony will be
an opportunity to honor the most
distinguished graduates of the
Mother of State Universities. The
celebration will occur on March
1-4, 1967. The highlight of the
event will be a splendid banquet
at Cobo Hall in Detroit, within a
few blocks of the site of the Uni-
versity's first classrooms. The fea-
tured speaker will be President
Johnson plus a host of other dig-
nitaries and alumni. The size of
the banquet is open to conjecture,
though each of the University's
215,000 alumni will receive an in-
-Major Ceremony II will take
place April 26-29, and will center
on "Higher Education in Tomor-
row's World." Representatives from
800 of the world's colleges and

universities will be invited to dis-
cuss the challenge to education in
future society.
This event will be simultaneous
with the 1967 commencement ex-
ercises during which a colorful
procession of the world's academic
leaders will highlight the gradu-
-Major Ceremony III will once
again focus on the role of the
University in society, this time in
the context of "The University and
the Body Politic." On July 12-15,
statesmen, educators and econ-
omists will probe the responsibili-
ties of higher education and the
reciprocal obligations of the public
to the university. Included in this
conference will be a special cere-
mony honoring the representatives

of foreign governments present in
Ann Arbor.
-Major Ceremony IV will bring
to the campus an assortment of
the world's most distinguished
men to discuss the Sesquicenten-
nial theme "Knowledge, Wisdom
and the Courage to Serve." Known
as the "Thirty Great Minds" cere-
mony, it will include scholars,
artists, government leaders, and
authors participating in lectures,
seminars, and informal discus-
sions during the first week of
October in 1967.
Prof. Robert C. Angell, in charge
of the committee selecting the
"Thirty Great Minds" said that
the list of participants will not be
made known until next spring. He
explained that the University is
searching for international and

cultural diversity in its selections.
Attempts are being made to have
as much personal contact as pos-
sible with the "Thirty Great
Minds." Speculation is that classes
may be cancelled for a part of
the week in an effort to take ad-
vantage of the opportunity to meet
the world famous guests.
-Major Ceremony V will be a
world-wide conference on the
population. explosion problem in
developing nations. Researchers
will meet at the University Nov.
15-17 to assess current informa-
tion on this problem and point the
way toward a feasible solution.
All these ceremonies will be de-
signed to inform the student, edu-
cate the citizenry, and bring rec-
ognition to the Mother of State







Hughes Wins!
What's New at 764-1817Huge N.J.

"In the past a general question of the relation of hours to
credit has been raised by members of the faculty," Prof. Sheridan
Baker, chairman of the Literary College Curriculum Committee
said last night. In view of this a possible survey was discussed at
yesterday's committee meeting to delve into this problem.
It was decided that the faculty proposal passed last spring in
regard to the redistribution of hours will come before the Regents
at this month's meeting. This proposal would reduce the credit-
hour requirement of the students by having a required number
of courses rather than a required number of hours. If the Re-
gents pass it, the proposal will go into effect for the fall, 1966
Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher recently asked the Ann Arbor
Board of Realtors to ensure "the immediate availability of up to
a dozen existing renovated housing units for the current emer-
gency needs of families facing eviction or living in substandard
Hulcher's statement came as a reply to a letter by Douglas
V. Wilson, president of the Board, containing the names of five
realtors as suggested appointments to the newly-established
housing. commission. Wilson said that with the closeness of the
vote he felt it is prudent that the commission be composed of
individuals who are specialized in this particular field.
Ben Moore, president of Local 1583 of the American Federa-
tion of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFL-CIO), will
file a petition next week with the State Labor Mediation Board
to be recognized as the sole bargaining agent for the University
employes. Local 1583 is the fourth labor group to file with the
Board requesting recognition as bargaining agent.
The University contends that Michigan's labor legislation,
the Hutchinson Act as it was amended this summer does not
apply to the University and refuses to recognize any union as the
employes bargaining agents.
The Board will decide if the act applies to the University and
which union or unions will represent the employes at an open
meeting on Nov. 23 in Detroit.
"The newly revamped Philharmonic Hall at Lincoln Center,
New York City, is now one of the best halls today," Gyorgy San-
dor, internationally famous pianist said yesterday. Sandor, who
heads the Doctoral Program in Piano Performance here, will play
a Liszt-Bartok recital Dec. 14 at the hall, which recently under-
went a $1.3 million investment to correct acoustical deficiencies.
Sources indicate that the Board of Governors at the Law
* School will be considering over the next five or six weeks the
possibility of a room-rate increase. If any definite action is
taken, it is speculated that an announcement will be forthcom-
ing around February or March of next year. A similar type of
increase was put into effect last year and is in operation at the
A recent editorial in the Res Gesta, the weekly newspaper of
the Law School, stated that such an increase was inevitable due
to a $900,000 renovation plan which is to be supported in part by
student fees. However, it also urged the law students to express
their views as to how the Lawyers Club might cut costs and thus
"minimize the increase." It suggested that perhaps costs could be
reduced by decreasing the staff of the maid or janitorial service.


Cavanagh Re-elected;
Detroiters Apparently
Back Flouridation
Democratic Gov. R i c h a r d
triumphed in the New Jersey gu-
bernatorial sweepstakes yesterday
in a campaign which centered
around the issues of academic
In Detroit, voters returned in-
cumbent Mayor Jerome P. Cav-
anagh to a second term and ap-
parently approved fluoridation of
their water supply.
With 92 per cent of the state's
vote counted Hughes had 1,242,606
votes to 883,017 for his Republican
rival, State Sen. Wayne Dumont
Hughes' plurality of over 350,000
was the largest ever racked up in
a New Jersey gubernatorial elec-
tion. He got 58 per cent of the
vote. Only the landslide victories
of President Johnson last year
and former President Dwight D.
Eisenhower in 1956 outstripped
Hughes' tally.
Republican Disaster
The victory took on the propor-
tions of a second straight election
disaster for the Republicans, as
the Democrats took both houses
of the legislature behind Hughes.
Last time the Democrats control-
led the legislature was when they
rode in on Woodrow Wilson's coat-
tails in the 1912 election.
Hughes and the Democrats
cracked Republican strongholds
that only President Johnson had
broken last year in his landslide
plurality of 904,000. Hughes' mar-
gin could not reach that total]
but it threatened to break the 34-
year-old record plurality of 230,-
000 for a gubernatorial election.
The compound defeat leaves the
Republicans severely on the out-

-Associated Press
SEN. ROBERT F. KENNEDY (D-NY) and his wife wait in line to vote in New York City yesterday. A Republican councilman challenged
their right to vote by disputing their residency in the district. The Kennedys swore that they were both, living at the Hotel Carlyle on
76th Street, and then they cast their ballots.

Split Tickets Spur
Democratic Sweep
Of Other City Posts
Republican Congressman John
V. Lindsay yesterday won a
solid victory in New York City's
hotly contested mayoral election.
His triumph catapults him into
the forefront of contenders for
the GOP presidential nomination
in 1968 or 1972.
The victory was interpreted as
a catalyst for liberal Republican
forces across the nation.
Widespread ticket-spliting re-
sulted ina Democratic sweep of
most other city posts, including
City Council President and Comp-
With 85 per cent of the city's
ballots counted, Lindsay had
943,000, Beame 877,000, and Buck-
ley 276,000.
The CBS Television Network's
Vote Profile Analysis indicated
that Lindsay would wind up with
45 per cent of the vote, Beame
43 and Buckley 12.
Wide Margins
Beame won by wide margins in
Brooklyn and the' Bronx, both
with large Jewish populations
which swung behind the Demo-
cratic candidate. However, Lindsay
scored heavily in Manhattan,
Queens and Staten Island.
Conservative candidate William
F. Buckley rolled up fewer votes
than had been predicted for him.
He won about 12 per cent of the
city-wide vote.
The result of the contest was
viewed as highly significant for
Republicans throughout the 'na-
tion. Lindsay's victory not only
places him in a favorable position
for a possible future GOP presi-
dential nomination but also in-
creases the strength of the party's
moderate-liberal wing and figures
such as Gov. Mark Hatfield of
Oregon, New Jersey Senator Clif-
ford Case and California Senator
Thomas Kuchel.
Conservative Resurgence
However, political analysts had
contended that a Lindsay defeat,
spurred by Buckley's efforts could
lead to a resurgence of ultra-con-
servative forces.
The lead see-sawed all evening
between Beame and Lindsay. After
Lindsay took an early lead, Beame
surged ahead with a 28,000-vote
lead with 20 per cent of the votes
in. Then, as the proportion of
counted ballots approached 50 per
cent, Lindsay went into a slight
lead, lost it again, and then re-
gained it.
The reporting of returns was
slow because long lines of voters
were at many polling places at the
9 p.m. closing hours. These voters
were permitted to cast their bal-
lots, thus delaying reporting of
final totals. All polling places in
the city are automated.
Buckley Concedes



Legislative Appropriation Bid
Ranks Highest for State Schools

side in New Jersey, a state which By SHIRLEY ROSICK
was considered a GOP stronghold
only 12 years ago. In the dozen With all but three or four of the
years, the Democrats have taken state's colleges and universities
from the Republicans the gover- having submitted their proposed
norship, both houses of the legis- budgets and requests for legisla-
lature, one U.S. Senate seat, sev- tive appropriations for the next
en congressional seats and many academic year, the University has
of the county courthouses, submitted the largest request to
In his bid for re-election, the governor's budget department.
Hughes had been attacked by his The University's total provi-
opponent Republican State Sen. sional operating budget for 1966-
See HUGHES, Page 2 67 approved by the Regents Oct.
122 was $83.8 million, with a legis-
lative appropriation request of
$65.8 million. This compares with
requests of the two other largest

budget, $8.6 million has been
allotted for an expected increase
in enrollment of 18 per cent and
for salary increases. An increase
of $1.4 million has been set aside!
for other educational expenses.
These increases compare with
the hikes in the University's;
budget of $6.9 million for an ex-
pected rise of almost 2,000 over,

the present enrollment of 31,767
and $5.2 million for salary in-
creases and price inflation.
Total Request
The fact that the University's
total budget request and its allot-
ment for increased enrollment are
higher than those of both Mich-
igan State and Wayne may be
accounted for by the greater em-

I phasis on graduate training at the
University than at the other two
While direct costs to the Uni-
versity for training freshmen and
sophomores is $17.74 per student
per credit hour and $29.94 for
juniors and seniors, the cost for
training students engaged in doc-
toral programs comes to $125.01.

Leaflets on Draft Distributed

Negroes Reject Race Tyranny

state - supported



The Blapk Nationalist move-
ments have developed from pre-
civil war resistance to slavery and
are of the same character, C. Eric
Lincoln said yesterday afternoon
in the Multipurpose' Room of the
Undergraduate Library.

present day. He discussed the in-
fluence of different attitudes to-
ward slavery and toward Negroes
before and after the Civil War.
The present position of most
Negroes is an outgrowth of the
old accommodating tradition, in
which the Negro accepted slavery
and the white man's world order.

cluded. He said that the Black
Muslims see themselves as a peo-
ple of manifest destiny. The late
Black Muslim leader Malcolm X
said that everyone who is not
white is black. The black people
are in ascendahcy, according to
the Black Nationalist interpreta-
tion of history.

Michigan State University and
Wayne State University, whicha
submitted total operating budgets
of $65.2 million and $45.5 million
and legislative appropriation re-
quests of $50.6 million and $37.9
million respectively.
While the University's budget
shows a $16.1 million increase in

Controversy over conscientious
objection reached into the Ann.
Arbor High School recently. A pro-
ject aimed at the education of
high school students in conscien-
tious objection and its role in the
Viet Nam war is headed by

are not permitted use of school High,kPrincipal. Schreiber denies
facilities without reimbursing the any knowledge of the effect of
school. "This has been a long- the movement on students there.
standing policy of the school," he He added thathe saw no reason
said. for educating students in the pro-
Student Response Igram because they were not yet

the total operating budget from Michael Locker, Grad.
last year and a $14.6 million in- Last week, leaflets were handed
crease in requested legislative out to students across the street
appropriation. Michigan State's f Inm the shnn1 An informed

The students' responses have
been diverse, a movement spokes-
man within the high school indi-
cated. Although several students
are actively participating in this
movement in the high school, the

Teachers Sympathetic
Teachers at the high school are
reportedly sympathetic to the stu-
dents' expression of their views,
if not in full agvment with the

available for the draft.'

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