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October 30, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-30

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TRENTON, N.J. () - New Jer
sey chooses a governor and ne,
legislature Nov. 2 in an election
that could end several politica
The Democrats are within sigh
of a peak of political dominanc
they have not occupied sinc
Woodrow Wilson's term as gov
ernor half a century ago.
New Jersey was considereda
Republican state only a doze:
years ago. But weakened by pri
mary fights, election losses an
anemic finances, the Republican
are underdogs in this year's rac
for governor and are no bette
than even money to hold on t
the newly reapportioned legisla

- show him comfortably ahead. If
w he wins, it will be the fourth term
n in a row for the Democrats, the
Ll longest reign by either party in
the 20th century.
Wayne Dumont, Jr., a 14-year
t veteran of the state Senate, is try-
e ing to stop the Democratic streak.
e A 51-year-old lawyer from one of
- the state's few remaining rural
counties, he won a less-than-re-
a sounding endorsement from the
n GOP in a complicated screening
- committee procedure followed by a
d close primary election victory.
s Twice before he had lost Republi-
e can gubernatorial primary elec-
r tions.
Dumont emphasizes discussion
of such things as taxes, colleges,
the drought and what he calls
Hughes' lack of leadership. He ac-
cuses Hughes of wasteful spend-
- ing and failing to take the lead
s in raising large amounts of money



both he and Hughes agree the
state needs.
He has come up with one is-
sue that has emotional impact.
Prof. Eugene Genovese of Rutgers,
the state university. Genovese told
a "teach-in" last April that he
would welcome a Viet Cong victory
in Viet Nam. Dumont called for
dismissal of Genovese and a
"sleeper" issue was born.
Hughes emphasizes his agree-
ment with U.S. policy in Viet Nam
but has declined to force Rutgers
to fire Genovese. -He said it would
violate academic freedom.
Hughes admits the Genovese is-
sue will cost him votes.
Hughes, 56, is a former judge
who won an upset victory in 1961
over the late James P. Mitchell,
secretary of labor in the Dwight
D. Eisenhower cabinet. A remar-
ried widower with 10 children and
the state's first Roman Catholic

governor, Hughes is running this
year in a more restrained version
of his usual peppery platform
He blames most of New Jer-
sey's government problems on the
Republican majority caucus which
has ruled the state Senate for 50
Both Hughes and Dumont rep-
resent a sharp break with New
Jersey's past in one major respect
-both advocate a big, new state-
wide tax. Dumont has supported
a sales tax for years. Hughes
came out for an income tax two
years ago.
New Jersey is one of the'last
states in the nation without a
general sales or personal income
tax. It tried a sales tax for a
few months 30 years ago and the
ensuing outcry has made most
politicians gun-shy on the issue
ever since.

A court-ordered reapportion-
ment adds to the Republican prob-
lems. The U.S. Supreme Court's
"one-man, one-vote" doctrine has
produced a 29-member Senate that
gives added voting power to the
big counties. The present 21-mem-
ber Senate, with one man from
each county, has been a Republi-
can stronghold since 1913.
The 60-member Assembly will
not be changed in size. The Demo-
crats hope to win control there,
too, something they have done
only in seven of the past 50 years.
Winner of legislative control
gets a bonus - the privilege of
drawing up new federal congres-
sional districts. A court has or-
dered the redistricting. It will de-
termine whether the Democrats
can hold the 11-4 edge on the
congressional delegation they won
last year, their only majority since

Johnson Supports Beame in
New York's Mayorality Race

Democratic Gov.
4ughes is seeking a
year term. Polls by

Richard L
second four
both partie

President Johnson belatedly but
strongly endorsed Democrat Ab-
raham D. Beame for major of New
York yesterday-along with Dem-
ocrats anywhere who are running
in Tusday's elections.
With accompanying flings at
Beame's opponents, White House
press secretary Bill D. Moyers
said and then repeated that:
"Mr. Beame knows that the
President is strongly and enthus-
iastically behind him.'"
Beame is in a tight race against
U.S. Rep. John V. Lindsay, a lib-
eral, anti-Goldwater Republican
who has been wa-ing a non-
partisan banner. Lindsay, running
on a Republican-Liberal ticket, al-
so is opposed by editor-writer
William F. Buckley, Jr., who is
running on the Conservative tick-
Great Lift
Beame said in -New York the
Johnson endorsement, following
one from Vice-President Hubert H.
Humphrey, "is a great lift."
Some political railbirds figured
the absence up to now of a direct
presidential declaration of support
for Beame was helping Lindsay

gain ground in the closing days
of the campaign.
Yesterday it came in something
of a stump speech by Moyers, from
notes cleared in advance with
Johnson. Even then it wasn't vol-
unteered but was prompted by
questions at a news briefing at the
Texas White House.
"The President," Moyers said,
"conscientiously believes that the
Democratic party better serves the
people, of this country than the
Republican party, and he is al-
ways pleased and satisfied and
proud when qualified Democrats
are elected to office, and he sup-
ports them in their efforts. That
includes New York, Louisville, Ak-
ron, New Jersey-anywhere where
Democrats are running for office.'
Good Democrat
Moyers went on, saying how
Johnson never has tried to dic-
tate to others how to vote, but he
is a good Democrat, leader of the
party, believer in tpe platform, a
man who campaigned for Demo-
crats from the courthouse to the
White House in 1960 and 1964, a
man who never supported a Re-
publican nominee for office.
In the New York situation, he

said, Johnson doesn't believe his
unwillingness to dictate to others
how to vote should be misinter-
preted as an abdication of his re-
sponsibility as party leaders or
misconstrued as lack of support
for Beame.
Unfortunately, Moyers said, it
has been so construed and misin-
terpreted by persons who would
benefit from confusing the people
of New York.
Buckley supporters, he said, have
said the President has made a
deal with Lindsay. Lindsay sup-
porters, he said, are using souve-
nir presidential pens obtained at
bill-signing ceremonies to imply
their man has Johnson's support.
didate, he said, are saying in ef-
fect that Johnson has rebuked
"I want to {set the record
straight and in a very simple way,"
Moyers said. "Mr. Beame knows
that the President is strongly and
enthusiastically behind him.

Wilson Hints at Suspension
"Of Rhode sian Constitution

- Government

Si xth Plane
Downed by
Viet Cong
U.S. Paratroopers
Killed in Encounter
With Viet Guerrillas
SAIGON (P)-Shells fired by a
supporting artillery unit. killed six.
paratroopers and wounded three
of the U.S. 107st Airborne Division
in a drive yesterday against the
Viet Cong, a military spokesman
In the air war, American au-
thorities in effect wrote off a Navy
F8E Crusader jet that was blown
out of the sky on a bombing mis-
sion 60 miles southwest of Ranoi
Wednesday as the sixth U.S. plane
to fall victim of North Viet Nam's
Soviet-supplied missiles.
Aerial Action
A strike by B52 jet bombers
from Guam headed a day of in-
tensive aerial action against the
Viet Cong. The target of the B52s
was a suspected guerrilla storage
area 45 miles northwest of Sai-
gon. A scheduled check of the
area by Vietnamese troops was
called off because of bad weather.
Briefing officers said a total
of 230 combat sorties were flown
across South Viet Nam in the 24-
hour period ending at 6 a.m.
The artillery incident developed
during an operation in the Song
Am River basin, 12 miles north-
west of Qui Nhon, a port on the
South China Sea.
37 Cong Killed
Helicopter-borne units of the
101st had killed 37 Viet Cong and
were trying to root out the rest
of a Red detachment whose fire
has caused American pilots to dub
the area "Snipter Valley."
The spokesman said the six
paratroopers who were killed and
the three wounded were members
of a squad that inadvertently
moved into the artillery's line of
He did not have the identity of
the artillery unit. Only U.S. forces
were assigned to the operation, he
said, but he did not rule out the
possibility that Vietnamese gun
batteries might have been used
to support the drive.
Pilot Hunted
A long hunt over North Viet Nam
for the pilot of the Navy Crusader
was abandoned at dusk and a
spokesman said it was presumed a
surface to air missile fired from
a mobile installation was respon-
sible for destruction of the plane.
The Defense Department in
Washington reported Thursday
the probable loss of the plane to
a missile. Saigon authorities had
remained silent on the details un-
til forced to list the pilot as mis-
Missile Threat
Portable missile complexes have
posed a threat to planes on mis-
sions over North Viet Nam since
the first jet was brought down by
a missile July 24. These com-
plexes can be erected and dis-
mantled with 24 hours.
In addition, intelligence agents
say at least 30 fixed bases ring
Hanoi, the capital, and the key
port of Haiphong. The staffs are
presumed to include Soviet tech-

For NEW, LOW-RATE -residential
telephone answering service!

a Fa N
w -
% --
"You handle the Viet Cong ... I'll cover you against
the homefront!"
orld News Roundup

To Be Under
English Rule
Britain Holds Many
Key Economic Cards
To Force Compromise
SALISBURY, Rhodesia OP)--
Prime Minister Harold Wilson of
Britain exerted heavy pressure on
Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rho-
desia in a last-ditch bid yesterday
to prevent the white Rhodesian
government from grabbing inde-
Informants said Wilson even in-
dicated the British government
might suspend Rhodesia's consti-
tution, putting this central Afri-
can country under direct British,
administration until the racial
problem is adjusted to meet Lon-
don's approval.
Wilson is scheduled to leave for
home tomorrow. The white Rho-
desians feared that once he was
gone the British would fly in a
lot of administrators and seek to
take control from Smith's gov-
The British feared that if all
of Wilson's party left, the Smith
government would go through its
long-standing threat to declare ~n-
Informed sources said Wilson
told Smith Thursday night and
again yesterday that Britain had
many trump cards to play.
Britain could employ force to
encounter a declaration of indd-
pendence. There are a series of
economic sanctions the British
government could use with the
active support of many members
of the Commonwealth and the
United Nations.
With the last hope of a Smith-
Wilson compromise fading, in-
formants thought the employment
of economic measures was the step
most likely to be taken by the
British government.
Smith's white government wants
Rhodesia, an internally self-
governing colony, granted com-
plete independence on the basis
of the 1961 constitution.
Wilson insists that any Rho-
desian settlement must be ap-
proved by the entire Rhodesian
people. He does not believe that
this country, about three times
the size of England, can be con-
trolled indefinitely by its 225,000
minority. Wilson is insisting on
the steady political advancement
of Rhodesia's 3.8 million Africans.
British sources said the eco-
nomic measures envisaged by Wil-
son's government included a land
and sea blockade to cut off all oil
supplies to land-locked Rhodesia.



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By The Associated Press
SYRACUSE, N. Y. - Pacifist
David J. Miller, the first man to
be charged under a new federal
law prohibiting the destruction of
draft cards, returned to his home
town and to jail yesterday.
The 22-year-old Le' Moyne Col-
lege graduate, who gained nation-
al headlines when he burned what
he said was his draft card during
a peace demonstration Oct. 15,
was convicted in City Court of
unlawful intrusion on private pro-
perty and sentenced to 30 days in
the penitentiary.
* * *
AMCHITKA, Alaska - An 80-
kiloton thermonuclear device was
exploded 2,300 feet underground
on Amchitka Island yesterday in
an experiment to help distinguish
nuclear blasts from natural earth-
The blast, four times more pow-

erful than the atomic bombs of
World War II, was set off from
a control station seven miles from
the capped hole. It had been de-
layed since Wednesday by un-
favorable weather.
Ecumenical Council voted final ap-
proval yesterday of a key theolog-
cal document that could be cru-
cial for improving Roman Catho-
lic-Protestant church relations. It
deals with divine revelation and
upholds modern Bible research.
Nicholas Katzenbach stepped up
his efforts under the 1965 voting-
rights act Friday by ordering fed-
eral registrars into 12 more South-
ern counties.
It was the largest number of
counties designated at one time
so far, and boosted to 32 the total

of counties where special
trars have been called on1
eligible voters under the'
rights law signed Aug. 6.
*' * *

to list

WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and Soviet Am-
bassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin
conferred yesterday on disarma-
ment questions and related mat-
ters, the State Department an-
Press officer Robert J. Mc-
Closkey said Rusk arranged the
meeting, which lasted 13 minutes
and brought "no changes in the
position of either side."






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