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October 28, 1965 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-28

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Doc': Greatest Fan

of Them All



ByDAN OKRENT unlikely? Definitely not. Fact?
Most assuredly. Who? You guess-
You walk nervously out of the ed it.
elevator on the Physics and As- Dr. Hazel Marie Losh, B.A., M.A.,
tronomy Building's eighth floor, Ph.D., full professor of astronomy,
then somewhat more boldly to- secretary-treasurer of the Michi-
ward Room 857, and, finally, with gan chapter of Phi Beta Kappa for
all the cool of the syndicated col- the past 27 years. More common-
umnist, chin up and chest out, ly known as "Doc" Losh, sports
you anticipate the hight of the fan extraordinaire.
110-pound would-be fullback you Having taught astronomy in
have heard so much about. Ann Arbor for what has seemed,
But, upon entering the room, in- to students of the campus legends,
troducing yourself, and explaining to be a millenium (38 years, to
your mission, you find she is hard- be exact), the unmarried Doc Losh
ly what you had expected. has become a fixture, not unlike
A'Fullback' the Tappan Oak, the Engine Arch
She? A "she" fullback? Highly and 'the Econ building. Not un-
improbable, true. Well, then, try like these landmarks in renown,
. 65-year-old cheerleader. More "perhaps, but, evidently dissim-
ilar in function and performance.
Doc Losh is alive.
Greying Maybe
Very much alive. When Sports
Illustrated referred to her last year
as a "white-haired old professor,"
she was crushed, and remains in-
dignant today. "Greying, maybe,"
she argues. "White-haired, never."
Number one fan of the football
team, she has distinguished her-
V.. self in innumerable pep rallies
with her immeasurable loyalty.
"I take a great interest in all the
boys on the team as people, not
only as heroes. Football develops
their individual personalities, and
I feel that this function of the
sport alone justifies its existence.
"I have known very many of
)fMichigan's footbd1l players, hav-
' ing instructed them in many of
my classes through the years.
i They, the players, and not the
hoop-la involved in the game, have
caused my great interest in foot-
ball." This is Hazel Losh's tribute
to the team she loves, the men in
her life.
Why has she, of all those on
the faculty, built such a close
HAZEL LOSH bond to our varsity athletes. For'

some reason, Astro has bee
favorite elective field for the
Ed majors in the athletic de
ment. Concurrently, these
students have funneled into
Losh's classes.
Why? Well, part of the Doc
saga includes a familiar p
concerning the code of the
fessor allegedly uses in gra
"A for Athlete, B for Boy,
C for Coed," it goes, and
vehemently denies its exist
Cards Tr
Groat to

n the "All my grading is done equitably Losh is also the proud possessor of
Phys and honestly," she exclaims, "and a literal cache of fraternity pins
part- membership on a varsity athletic from her friend-athlete-students.
same squad is not a criterion for an Often worn on her blouse like
Doc A"; however, legends are hard to medals for war service, they are
deny, and it is worthy of note tangible testimonies from those
Losh that Dr. Losh is nearly alone whose gratitude for the benefits
hrase among those professors who per- of her inspired tutelage is partic-
pro- sonally grade each student in a urally marked. Among memen-
ading. lecture section, rather than dele- toes which she cherishes are cou-
and gate this authority to laboratory toes which she cherishes are
she or recitation instructors. countless, autographed pictures,
tence. Coincidentally or not so, Doc footballs, hockey sticks, and oth-
er effects displayed in her clut-
tered cubicle of an office.
'ade Vh iteAll these, plus a heartful of
memories, remain with Doc Losh
today. And today, Doc Losh re-
mains with us, to continue her
I undying love affair with the men
Philadelphof the Maize and Blue.


By The Associated Press Mahaffey's departure from Phi-I
ST. LOUIS - Bill White and'ladelphia was a foregone conclu-
Dick Groat, the remaining two siOn after he and Manager Gene
St. Louis Cardinal infield regulars Mauch publicly fueded most of
of 1965, and reserve catcher Bob the season. Maffey, 27, was i 22
Uecker were traded yesterday to games last season, won two and
lost five and had a earned run.
the Philadelphia Phils for out-:sve a.esrned rux
fielder Alex Johnson, pitcher Art average of 6.21. His best offi
MaffeyanexJhsrvcatcherPat seasons with Philadelphia when
Mahaffey and reserve catcher Pat he was 19-14.
The six-man swap left the His addition gives the Cardinals'
Cardinals, who won the 1964 at least seven veteran hurlers
World Series with what was re- plus a number of classy rookies.
garded as one of the finest in
fields in the majors, bereft ofe
name infielders but with a bevy e
of right field candidates and an t i e Released'
overstocked pitching staff.
Only the Beginning BY Kansas Cit
The swap, obviously the prelude
to more trading, gives the PhilliesByTeAsctePrs
two first baseman and three short- By The Associated Press
stops, all of whom have played KANSAS CITY - The Kansas
regularly. City Athletics added eight players
The departure of first baseman to their roster yesterday, dropped
White and shortstop Groat follow- four, and gave Satchel Paige,!
ed that of third baseman Ken legendary 60-year-old pitcher, his
Boyer, who went to the New York unconditional release.
Mets last week for pitcher Al Piei tl ne otatt
Jackson and third baseman Char- Paige is still under contract to
ley Smith in a deal that started I GAbe Saperstein, owner of the Har-
the hous claigpeitdatrlem Globetrotters, but the A's!
the champins ofp1964 pluetedsaid there is a good possibility
to seventh place this season. Satchel will be hired as a pitching
Thinking Ahead coach.
"Johnson gives us one of the The oldest active player in base-
fastest outfields in baseball," said ball today was signed by the Ath-
Cardinal Manager Red Schoen- letics early in Septerpnber. At that
dienst, who obviously was think- time they expected to use him for
ing of the spacious new park the the remainder of the season as a
Cardinals move into next season. relief pitcher.

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"HEAD" for the Hills
We at Tee & Ski are proud to annotnce that we are now a franchised
retail outlet for HEAD skis and poles. As you know, the HEAD line
is the Rolls-Royce of ski equipment. These skis are designed for
function, not fad and their familiar combination of black and silver
is part of their changeless style. No matter if you are beginner or
advanced skier, you will find HEAD skis will give you the added
control to put you in front of your class. We also carry a complete
line of boots, poles and'accessories. Why not beat the crowd and
come out today to see Ann Arbor's most complete line of skiing
equipment. Incidentally, we hear the snow is right over the horizon.
Ann Arbor's only ski shop with complete ski facilities.
Hill, tow and lessons available at the shop.

Our roving Daily photographer
caught this, candid shot of Miss
LIynda Bird Johnson as she drop-
ped her grid picks entry into one
of her father's private mailboxes.
At the time the picture was snap-
ped she was saying, "I will win,
won't I?"
Our Daily photographer premis-
ed nothing despite thinly veiled
threats, thusdleaving the contest
wide open for anyone entering by
Friday midnight. This week's prize
is two tickets to "The Ipcress File"
now showing at the Michigan
1. Wisconsin at MICHIGAN
* (pick score)
2. Purdue at. Illinois
3. Iowa at Indiana
4. Northwestern at Mich. State
5. Minnesota at Ohio State,
6. Nebraska at Missouri
7. Rice at Texas Tech
8. Florida at Auburn
9. Texas at SMU
10. LSU vs. Mississippi at Jackson


Petitioning for
Petitions available Monday, Oct. 25 through Friday, Oct.
29 at front desk of UAC main office, 2nd floor Union.
People needed for Scheduling, Treasury, Publicity, Book-
let, Special Events.

2455 South State, 1 mile south of Campus.

Phone: 662-7307

11. Kansas State at Kansas
12. Duke at Georgia Tech
13. Georgia at North Carolina"
14. Colorado at Oklahoma
15. Penn State at California
16. Stanford at Washington
17. Texas Christian at Baylor
18. Maryland at South Carolina
19. West Virginia at Kentucky
20. Nebraska Wesleyan at
William Jewell College

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At many companies the opportunity to work on
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After receiving his B.A. in Physics in June, 1962,
Dale joined our College Graduate Program and
was assigned to our Research Laboratories.
Recently he was given the responsibility for cor-
recting cab vibration occurring on a particular
type of truck. His studies showed that tire eccen-
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Rich, new, double-ply iridescent yarns in
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tricity was the cause

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Tests of this experimental system show the problem to be reduced to an
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That's typical of the kind of meaningful assignments given to employes
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tunity to work on important problems demanding fresh solutions, we offer



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