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October 27, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-27

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~~1w Mi ian lkitig
Seventy-Sixth Year

Italy- Communication Beyond Words


Were OponsAre Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AItBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.



'Reach': a Worthwhile Attempt
To Solve Student Problems

NEW STUDENT organization entitled
Reach has stepped into the currents of
University student movements, aspiring
to offer a wide range of students the priv-
ilege of speaking out for what they want,
and to bear a heavy burden in Imple-
menting the sentiments of such, a broad
w -constituency.
Reach will run four students for Stu-
dent Government Council in the com-
ing election. The names of the candidates
will be announced at a Reach organiza-
tional meeting next Sunday.
Reach must be discussed within the
context of the current student activist
situation at the University.
along its, course, breaking into myri-
ads of demonstrations, crusades, projects,
teach-ins, requests and pleas for a more
Tewarding environment for the student,
several trends have made themselves ap-
Commendable progress has been
:made in the form of analyzing housing
problems, prices and the benefits of a
University bookstore and balancing these
considerations against the real and sub-
*stantial obstacles in the paths of student
-Small groups of assiduous people have
,worked and continue to work toward the
different problems. That is, the work
load of analyzing housing problems in a
survey-report manner has fallen to the
plot of those most interested; likewide
with the University bookstore project and
such "common interest" projects as
"Know Your University Day" recently
sponsored by the University of Michigan
Student Economic Union.
-University student groups have tend-
'ed to express only the opinions of a sin-
.gle narrow interest. A case at hand is
ithat of "The International Days of Pro-
test." This demonstration, held Oct. 15
wand 1, no matter how bad or good its
,motivations and objectives, offered only
negligible opportunities for an expression
of campus-wide interest and opinion.
Spearheaded from the central offices of
,Students for a Democratic Society, the
demonstration involved only about 200-
'400 University students and was some-
what less convincing than .it could have
been had a pro and con balance been
struck, denoting objectivity.
In essence, then, student causes wheth-
er political, economic or social have fallen
to the theory, "Unto each his own." Be-
cause of this expression of only one side
*of a given question, student movements
have been viewed, correctly, as not repre-
senting the "whole" student opinion.
Serve Now,
Trvel Later
ANN ARBOR-In the wake of recent
demonstrations against U.S. policy in
Viet Nam, James A. Poulter of Ann Arbor
placed an advertisement in the Ann Ar-
%bor News offering to pay for a ticket for
,anyone wishing to move to North Viet
am or Communist China.
Yesterday the News received the fol-
lowing letter of acceptance.
, "Dear Sir:
"I have just read James A. Poulter's
jadvertisement saying he would pay the
Bost for anyone to China or Viet Nam
'who wished to go there.
"I accept his offer, but I will not be
* able to fulfill my end of the deal until
,,sometime in 1967, 1968 or 1969. But I do

appreciate Mr. Poulter's kindness and I
do accept if we can make some kind of
arrangement that will enable me to ac-
~ cept at a later date.
"Morris Flint
"No. 83244, Southern Michigan Prison."
Editorial Staff

WHAT IS REACH working for in the
context of these trends?
Reach in theory will attempt to pro-
vide a sounding board for the "whole"
student opinion. It will attempt to aug-
ment its value by concentrating on com-
mon student interests such as housing
problems, rising educational expenses, the
improvement of University education and
an improvement of administrative effi-
ciency in handling the problems of stu-
dent organizations such as SGC.
These goals are important and have
been standing in need of analytic and
problematic approach for some time.
How does Reach aspire to accomplish
these goals?
-A wide representation is the basis of
the organization. Reach has members on
its executive board from both Students
for a Democratic Society and Young Re-
publicans. It includes non-politically ori-
ented persons on the board and hopes
for this diversification to multiply with
the growth of the organization.
-The structure of the organization is
geared toward (1) research, (2) public
relations and (3) campaigning. The re-
search bureau is broken down into many
committees and subcommittees involving
graduate students in several fields who
will attempt to draw documented re-
search reports on issues at the discretion
of the Reach executive board.
The public relations bureau is designed
to contact all students through various
speaker programs, seminars and ques-
tionnaire projects. These contacts will be
made through housing units, clubs and or-
The campaigning bureau is also based
on the diversified constituency theory,
with the hope of drawing voters from a
wide range of student interests.
and structure considered in relation to
the problems of the University today?
This question demands two answers:
one in terms of Reach's goals as connect-
ed to its research and public relations bu-
reaus and another in terms of the imple-
mentation of Reach's goals through its
political function or campaigning bureau.
Inevitably, and unfortunately, politics
-whether on the campus or in the Unit.
ed Nations-cannot combine idealism and
political realism. That is, Reach may per-
form a very satisfactory and laudatory
function of joining student interest with
the cream of University research minds,
but its candidates to Student Government
Council enter into the obligations of in-
dividual decision making and voting, the
diversified constituency cannot necessar-
ily be satisfied. This may amount to again
voting for the "trees" instead of the "for-
est." At this point the implementation of
Reach proposals could fall short.
Is it necessary that Reach candidates
(prospective representatives) to SGC be-
come involved in questions which will
alienate them from parts of their con-
stituency? This is a question which time
will have to answer completely. It is pos-
sible at this time, however, to conjecture
that the individual representatives would
have to be selective in their efforts on
SGC because of the myriads of demands
they will of necessity receive. There will
have to be an order of priority for de-
However, having at least a chance to
express their opinion to a broad sound-
ing board may be an appealing opportu-
nity for some organizations, and this may
offset the frustration of holding a low
position on the list of priority.
HOW CAN REACH serve its constituency
aside from representatives on SGC?

Spokesmen from Reach contend that
the research bureau will be at the disposal
of SGC and the campus at large. They
also believe that their public relations
bureau can serve as a more adequate
means of drawing together student opin-
Reach is, therefore, directed toward
crucial problemsa t this University-for-
mulating a wider sounding board for stu-
dent demands, attempting to lend au-
thenticity to their work with research and
striving to give voice to some persons
a ,r..,, m n in nun+il ninw h ha n

I GOT INTO Rapallo around 11
at night and felt kind of lost
not being able to speak the lan-
guage at all.
I had spent the entire day driv-
ing from Nice with a very nice
typical "we've saved for three
years for this trip" couple from
Long Island.
In Nice's American Express Of-
fice (little bits of America scat-
tered all over Europe), I had met
the wife in line waiting for mail.
When you are in line for 45
minutes, there's no helping speak-
ing to the people near you. "Where
was I going?" and "Am I alone?"
and I had a free ride all the way.
Americans are so nice-when they
are away from home.
France is indescribably, unbeliev-
ably, fantastically magnificent.
We like so many others saw much
of the Riviera through a car
window-which is a bit more ex-
citing and personal than a tech-
nicolor movie.
Going through Italian customs,
we received our allotment of gaso-
line coupons for cheap petrol, an
Italian road map published by
Shell and a pamphlet of useful
Italian phrases like: "Where is a
hotel?" "Where is a bathroom?"
"Please." "Thank you." And "Do
you have any ...?"'
We went through Genoa and
then to Rapallo which is just past
Portofino. It might be labeled a
poor man's portofino. The couple
dropped me in the middle of town
and left.

I started walking away from the
beach, inland, away from hotel-
strip looking for a cheap place to
stay. I walked for an hour, getting
"directions" (I spoke no Italian
whatsoever) to cheap pensions
(hotels with meals included).
I finally found a semi-boarding
house pension called the ARS
Hotel. Europeans constantly bor-
row English words such as Bar,
American Style Cafe and in this
case, hotel.
The manager was about to turn
me away but saw how forlorn I
looked and pitied me. He rented
me a room. No one there spoke
any English but we got along
fairly well. You learn a few words
or else use a very primitive sign
I STAYED for four days. The
quaint old town was pushed up
against the coastline, almost
seeming to fall into the water in
some places. There was a narrow
rocky beach on the bay for which
you had to pay to enter. At one
end of the town, though, was a
cement wharf which putted out
almost across the entire bay- this
was free.
You could lie there feeling as if
you were on a boat out in the
water-looking up at the moun-
tains rising straight up in back of
the town. Most of my time was
spent there sleeping, dreaming and
The second day there I discover-
ed the manager's daughter. We
went swimming together and the
night before I left, she took me

So What?
by sarasohn
to a dance at a hotel up in the
mountains overlooking the town.
For 1500 lira (about $2.50) we
enjoyed two beers each and a
six-piece band with two female
singers. We danced, drank and
watched the lights of the harbor
until two in the morning-some-
times seeing the borkers leaving
on their usual nightly rounds.
TWO DANCES were popular
there. One was called "Let's Kiss."
I was fascinated until I learned
that it was exactly like our "Bunny
Hop." The other dance I nick-
named "The Clutch." Each per-
son wraps his or her body around
the other's-and then tries to
dance in this awkward position. Its
uncomfortable, to say the least,
yet if you are a romantic, its fun.
I'm not, I guess.
The Italian men are unbeliev-
ably suave. I watched one guy-
definitely an artist-dancing slow-
ly with his date. He knew as many
or possibly more pressure points
on the human body than any judo
expert. I tried imitating his moves,
quite unconcerned with the pos-
sible effects on my partner.
As the evening went by, my date
kept repeating the words "ti amo"
of which I had no idea of the

meaning. In addition, by that time
the novelty of figuring out what
she was trying to tell me had
worn off so I just agreed and
smiled, not realizing the trouble
that it might cause me.
Eventually, however, it began to
bother me. Calling a waiter, I
asked him if he spoke English. A
little, he said in Italian.
"What does this mean?" I asked
him. He coudln't say it in English.
"What about in French?" I
asked. He said it meant the same
as "Je taime." I understood, but
by that time it was much too
late. She now had the biggest
smile on her face and I wondered
how she had taken the whole
morning I was to leave Rapallo
and head southward-we sat to-
gether in her parlor-like den. I
was all set to leave having packed
my one small bag.
Her father came in to say good-
bye. He pointed, motioning for us
to move closer together, and said
in the only English he knew
(which he had learned for this
.special occasion), "You . . . both
together . . . to New York, Huh?"
After much confusion in the
following minutes, I left quite
quickly, not exactly knowing what
I had said, promised or intimated.
I just had a feeling that this was
the perfect time for my exit.
If you are ever in Rapailo-a
truly worthwhile frip off the well-
beaten path-do drop in and give
my love to the family.

when you don't speak the same
language, but still it's a lot of fun.
The problems are almost identical
as when you do speak the
same language. It is just that you
aren't as aware of them at the
Is language really so important.
though? How many songs do we
really dig today of which we can't
comprehend one word? It's what's
behind those words that we can
feel and that gives them their
true meaning.
Do Americans speak the same
English at all?-language that we
all understand or to which, ;n
fact, we even listen?
Love, Democracy, Happiness,
Morally Right, Evil, the American-
Way-so many people have been
throwing them around lately, that
it's difficult to keep up with the
changes in their meanings.
The Daily editors regret any
misintrpretations that were
placed by our readers upon
James Schutze's column yester-
day morning ("The Master
Plan"). The author meant his
material simply as humorous
satire and did not intend it
to reflect maliciously upon the
motives or character of anyone,
nor to make any substantive
remarks about current news
-Robert Johnston,


The Press Distorted Ku tzen bach 's Words

Collegiate Press Service
WASHINGTON-We didn't like
it either. There were the eight-
column headlines on Monday
morning: "U.S. Links Reds to
Viet Policy Protests." The random
campaign of red-baiting suddenly
seemed intense.
So we called the Department of
Justice and asked if we might see
the transcript of Attorney Gen-
eral Katzenbach's remarks to a
Chicago press conference-the
only source for the story. The
commercial press, we remembered,
has a strange habit of distorting
statements so that they lose all
The Associated Press lead sen-
tence, as quoted in the Washing-
ton Post, read as follows: "Attorn-
ey General Nicholas Katzenbach
said tonight that Communists are
active in marches and demon-
strations protesting America's
presence in the Viet Nam war and
that the justice department has
begun an investigation."
TO BEGIN WITH, the steno-
graphic transcript clearly inai-
cates that the thrust of Katzen-

bach's remarks aimed not at Com-
munist activity in the protest
movement but at the question of
draft dodging. When he did deal
with the question of Communist
activity, he carefully limited the
extent of involvement, stressing
that Communists would naturally
participate in a movement such as
the anti-Viet Nam campaign. Here
are his exact remarks:
Q: Would you see any tie in to
Hanoi or Peking or Moscow, or
K: In this sense only: That
whenever you have a movement'
of this kind, which is consistent
with the views of the Communists,
you are likely to find some Com-
munists involved in it.
Q: But does that mean that they
are running it?
K: No, I don't think that means
they are running it. I think it
means that whenever you have
this kind of a movement, you are
likely to have some Communists
involved in it.
downgrading the importance of
Communist involvement, the news-
papers were hell-bent on upgrad-

ing it. They made no effort to in-
clude any of Katzenbach's quali-
This situation was particularly
true with regard to statements
about Students for a Democratic
Society. After repeating the same
question concerning Communist
activity and hearing Katzenbach
repeat his original reply, the press
went on to ask:
Q: Are they (Communists) in
leadership in this organization
K: By and large, no.
Q: Are they in SDS, sir?
K: There are some people who
are Communists or who are very
closely associated with Comnmun-
ists or at least claim to be, in SDS.
Q: What, if anything, can you
do about it, or are you doing about
K: Well, what we can do about
it, we will know better when we
know what all the facts are.
Q: Just so we understand this
right now, sir, these people that
you are talking about, are they in
a leadership position in SDS?
K: By and large, no.
Q: That means that there are

K: It means by and large, no.
only quotes the one tentative
statement which connects SDS
and alleged Communists. It then
adds, "The Attorney General said
he is awaiting results of the in-
vestigation to determine the
strength of the SDS and whether
there are any direct ties between
the SDS and the Communist
Party." Katzenbach never men-
tions or implies "direct ties." Fur-
ther, the story does not contain
his major qualifying remark, made
three times: "By and large, no."
We could go on. The Associated.
Press story, for instance, gayly
implies that Katzenbach raised the
issue of treason when, in response
to three similar questions, Katzen-
bach declared that treason was not
really the issue.
The point is more serious, how-
ever, than just another job of ir-
responsible reporting. Raising the
"Red" flag in this country is dan-
gerous and frightening. There are
more than enough hounds angrily
awaiting the hunt.
In a recent column, for instance,
David Lawrence declares that "The

American government has strong
suspicions that the student dem-
onstrations have been aided, if not
instigated, by agents of the Soviet
Union and of Red China in this
THIS IS sheer rot, as is the
hastily-compiled "study" of the
"Anti-Viet Nam Agitation and the
Teach-In Movement: The Prob-
lem of Communist Infiltration
and Exploitation" which Senator
,Thomas J. Dodd produced last
week. We found this work remark-
able in its inaccuracies, distortions
and smears.
Few deny that the Viet -Nam
issue is extremely complex. It de-
serves debate, and the methods of
protest can certainly be called into
question. But the "Communist"
label simply can't be thrown
around. It will bring out thehworst
in this country, destroying a lot
of decent human beings who have
aboslutely nothing to be ashamed
The spectre of another McCar-
thyite orgy should be enough to
make all intelligent Americans
speak out, quickly and loudly. The
attorney general should be one of
the first.


Letters: Debate over the Viet Nam Anti-War Protests

To the Editor:
THE REACTION to the Viet
Nam protest demonstrations is
somewhat disconcerting. The par-
ticipants are being condemned as
Communists, immature beatniks,
and unwitting aiders of "the
enemy." Part of this is undoubt-
edly due to an astounded public-
astounded to learn that so many
people feel so strongly about Viet
Nam-attempting to rationalize
away the tremendous impact of
the demonstrations.
On the other hand, part of it
may have been caused by a failure
of the demonstrators to make their
position on Viet Nam crystal clear.
For example, it was not clear to
me whether the. demonstrators
were advocating the immediate
and complete withdrawal of all
American troops, the continued
presence of the troops but a more
sincere effort to come to an agree-
ment with the National Liberation
Front, or were simply protesting
against possible future increases
in the troop commitment or other
forms of escalation.
Regardless of the reasons for the
bad public image, Iebelieve there
are ways to improve it. First, of
course, statements should be is-
sued by the various participating
organizations making it clear ex-
actly what their position is and
giving their reasons for their po-
sitions. The presentpublicityem-
phasis needs to be taken away
from the issue of conscientious
objection andudraft avoidance to
the issues of the war in Viet Nam.
SECOND, the challenge of Ma-
rine Corps Commander Greene-
a challenge undoubtedly issued out
of complete ignorance of the draft
situation-should be accepted.
General Greene may have unwit-
tingly opened the door to the
creation of a draft exemption for
volunteers to a civilian cadre in
South Viet Nam. This opportunity
and its publicity value should not
be lost.
Third, and perhaps of greatest

Although the amount of par-
ticipation from Hanoi may still be
in doubt, the fact of their par-
ticipation in the war cannot be
questioned. Regardless of who was
right in the beginning, the true
pacifist would have no difficulty
in protesting the war efforts of
North Viet Nam as well as the war
efforts of the United States. The
pacifists who marched to Wash-
ington to protest the arms race
marched on to Moscow to protest
the actions of both countries in
Red Square.
I SUGGEST, therefore, that
statements be issued condemning
the North Vietnamese participa-
tion as well as our own. This point
should be adopted and made clear
in all future activities and demon-
Finally, the point could be dra-
matically made by sending a note
to the Ho Chi Minh government
requesting permission to come to
Hanoi to lead a demonstration
against the war efforts of both
Washington and Hanoi. It is high-
ly unlikely that Ho Chi Minh n ill
allow a demonstration against his
own government on his own soil.
It is even more unlikely that
Washington would give a small
group of students permission to
leave the country for such a prcj-
ect. Nevertheless, the effort would
accomplish the dual purpose of
disassociating the protest move-
ment from the Hanoi war effort
and improving the public image
at home. Less dramatic coinmuni-
cations with Hanoi may accom-
plish the same purposes.
-Thomas E. Towe, '68L
To the Editor:
A FEW DAYS AGO I ate in the
University Hospital cafeteria
near a group of medical students.
One curly-headed lad kept re-
peating rather loudly, "What are
we doing in Viet Nam?" Several
apparently agreed with him, one
mildly objected, and others seem-
-A - 1:1x-. t hn+~so A hr a

loud shouting about "Let them
fight their own wars over there.
Don't send our boys to Europe
again." I- didn't read about it-I
heard it. I never heard it again
after December 8th.
Before. each of the two great
wars the Germans and their allies
put on vast propaganda cam-
paigns, stirring their people up
against the rest of the world. They
reached out, taking over unpro-
tected countries-the Ruhr, Su-
detenland, finally Poland before
allied reaction occurred. Italy
blithely bombed and invaded
Ethiopia, and we all looked the
other way. Thus we put our stamp
of approval on the depredations
of the Axis Powers. We were even
more blind in the Oriental direc-
THE WAR LORDS in Red China
are doing exactly what Hitler and
,his gang did in the '30s, arming,
marching, shouting, building up a
hatred against the white race that
will last for a generation or two.
They are telling us they will de-
stroy us-and take over the world,
just as Hitler did. I hope and be-
lieve that this time there are
more Americans taking them ser-
iously than there were who feared
I don't think the boys in the
cafeteria are stupid, or cowardly-
I think they are idealists. They
hate the thought of war and all
the cruelty and misery and death.
They are going to be doctors, dedi-
cating their lives to curing disease,
and they think it is wrong for our
army to be in a distant land,
shooting and being shot.
What they miss is that we are
fighting a preliminary bout with
Red China, and if we lose it the
next one will be far, far worse.
They fall for the Oriental leger-
demain that Hanoi is independent
of Peking, the war in %Tieu NarA is5
a civil war. The greater idealism is
that being shown by our troops in
the combat area-that we will
honor our commitments, cost what

not only is that hard work, but
just when you have your mind
made up, along comes somebody
else with a lot of arguments for
the other side and you end up all
My way-and now, I'm delighted
to see, somebody else's, and a girl,
too!-is so much simpler. You
just use your two good eyes that
God gave you and you look at
him! Nobody who really knew he
had something to say and could
convince people would go around
looking unpleasant-not to even
mention acting unpleasant! Just
ask any advertising man, and they
ought to know, because they have
a job telling people all the facts
about their products and keeping
up the best informed buyers in
the world.
Or look at any of the great
figures from our nation's past. Can
you imagine Jesus Christ wearing
sandals and a shirt that wasn't
even ironed? Would Patrick Henry
have gone around ran tng and
raving and telling people to go out
and intentionally disobey the laws
of their very own established gov-
ernment? Can you picture Abra-
ham Lincoln in a beard?
NOW, IN A well run democracy
such as ours, everything is done
by the will of the majority. I sup-
pose if these awful beatniks have
to have opinions that are different
from everybody else's, there's
nothing we can do about it, at
least as long as they keep quiet
about it and don't bother the rest
of us who have already made op
our minds.
After all, you can't see some-
body's opinions (if he keeps quiet
about them like I said). But if
they get up and begin talking
about their opinions (and remem-
ber, I just mean opinions that are
different from the ones the rest
of us believe, and are therefore by
definition obnoxious), or if they go
around dressing differently from
everybody else, well, that's some-
thing else again. That's coming
out in public and being blatant

some people who just go around
complaining about things and
never suggest solutions. She has
come up with a real neat idea
which I would like to see the
government adopt. That is to get
all those beatniks out of those
clubs or whatever they are-you
know, where you come and talk
about the war in Viet Minh (or is
it Viet Cong-anyway, that place
in China)-and let in all us right-
thinking, loyal Americasns who
don't go around disagreeing with
everybody else just, to get our
name in the papers.
In fact, she suggests that we
ought to go out in the dormitories
and invite everybody to join, so
that nobody will feel left out just
because he's too shy co come to the
meetings if nobody toyl him he's
wanted. I think these meetings
could be a lot of fun if everybody
were there. And I even have a.
suggestion (if nobody-minds, that
is). Let's have the meetings in the
middle of the week, say Wednes-
day. That way you'd have some-
thing to look forward to after the
football games, instead of having
to wait around and be bored all
week until the next Saturday.
-James A. Loudon, Grad
State of Mind?
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to Mr. Karl Phares'
letter of Oct. 22: Virginity is a
state of mind, and any (typical?)
girl who pets heavily with two
different guys on Friday and Sa-
turday, saving her. "virginity" for
her marriage, for her husband, has
long been walking the streets.
Or, as someone else put it, "He
who hath committed adultery with
her in his heart .n.
-Miriam Fitzpatrick, '69


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