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October 23, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-23

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See Editorial Page


l 6fir


Slightly warmer
and less windy

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom










By ROGER RAPOPORT brary systems has broadened in Microfilms. The company sells advertising a commercial product. sity of Michigan dissertations were graduate school, the negative (or versity of Michigan doesn't make
In 198 Eugene Power acquired jscope. copies at a commercial profit. As According to Power University microfilmed by the company at a microfilm) being kept on file at positive copies, University Micro-
pcIn EugeAn ower qud Eugene Power the President of a result University Microfilms may Microfilms did not obtain consent. charge of $25. However, the at- the University of Michigan Li- films does."
space in a former Ann Arbor un- University Microfilms is also a be violating the terms of copy- " For the past year University torney general's letter stipulated brary where positive film copies
dertaker's parlor, invested $1,500 Regent of the University. Under- right on many of the theses writ- Microfilms has had microfilming that this practice had to be sus- (printed copies made from the Asked about the discrepancy be-
,and thus brought to life Univer standably this prompts curiosity ten at the University of Michigan cameras in a small room on the pended. negative) will be made on request tween this arraneement and the
sity Microfilms. current relationship with the mic- since 1957. third floor of the Undergraduate However, the Attorney General at the announced rates." terms of the agreement signed by
years rofilm company. " In 1958 after the University Library to microfilm University said University Microfilms could the doctoralcA.amary-
ago University Microfilms has at- An examination of the current spent about $50,000 to develop a books for commercial sale. The buy University of Michigan dis- According to John Gantt, head Director Frederick A. Wagman re-
tained international stature in the relationship between University shelflist of books for the under- company pays no rent for the sertations from the library and of the library's photoduplication plied; "I don't know if this agree-
literary world and become a pro- Microfilms and the University re- graduate library, University Micro- privilege. reproduce them for commercial service, "We (the library) do the ment was worded properly but I do
fitable and respected multi-million veals the following: films, microfilmed the entire set All four of these developments sale. It also stated that Univer- filming and then we let University know that it doesn't make any dif-
dollaof catalogue cards at no charge. have occurred since 1956 when sity Microfilms could continue to Microfilms have the negative. ference to me because as far as
dolienepis.*University Microfilms is sell- of Theyouestore t thehafilni avandcursellncI'm56 concernedMicrI'mmsdelightednuetoto
The company's primary line of ing copies of University of Michi- The company now sells the set of Power became a Regent. microfilm University books. They store the film and sell I'm concerned I'm delighted to
business is microfilming rare, out gan doctoral theses. This appar- 57,000 cards to new libraries for In 1956 Power wrote the State Since that opinion was render- copies." keep our microfilms with every-
of print and foreign language ently violates a student-University $1,900. Attorney General for a legal opin- ed nine years ago, the four pre- University Microfilms pays no one else's (other universities) in
books and manuscripts for sale "agreement" signed by virtually " University Microfilms uses ion on his company's relationship viously mentioned developments charge for getting the negative University Microfilm's vault."
to scholars, libraries and laymen. all University of Michigan doc- the name of the University to ad- with the University. have evolved. What is the nature and stores it in a special vault A prominent local attorney has
In addition the company micro- toral candidates. The agreement vertise the product calling it "The The Attorney General's 1956 of these four relationships? along with those from many other a different view. He believes that
films doto'al theses - and has gives the University the right to University of Michigan Under- letter stipulated that Regent The "agreement" for publication universities. University Micro- this business arrangement appears
microflimed a library shelf list. microfilm, store and sell copies of graduate Shelflist." According to Power could sell nothing to the of doctoral theses signed by most films prints and distributes ab- to be a violation of the written
As University Microfilms has students' theses.. In fact, micro- the University attorney consent University. A state law forbids doctoral students states specific- stracts (brief summaries) of these "agreement." Hence, s e v e r a 1
grown its' relationship with the films of University doctoral theses must be obtained from the Uni- Regents to sell anything to a ally, "The manuscript is to be at no charge, thousand graduate students in the
University library and other li- are actually stored at University versity for the use of its name in University. Prior to 1956 Univer- microfilmed and returned to the According to Gantt, "The Uni- past ten years may well have had

their agreements violated by the
Moreover he points out "If the
student copyrighted his thesis no
one could sell it without his per-
The attorney also commented
that this verbal agreement be-
tween the University and the
microfilm company for transfer
and publication of the student's
thesis could be construed as a
According to an informed
source, the University's legal of-
fice has suggested to Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont that this re-
lationship could possibly be in
violation of a state law.
The law states that, "No regent
. shall be personally, directly,
See POWER'S, Page 2

Get I





Humphrey Criticizes1
P rotests in Detro'Otp

--Daily-Richard Steiner
UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS promotes the sale of its "University of Michigan Shelflist," with this
advertisement, part of which is shown above.
Regent prove $16
Million Budget Hike

Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Vice-President Hu-
bert Humphrey said last night
that since the Johnson adminis-
tration has "made considerable
progress-thanks to the efforts of
all the American people--on the,
domestic front, our international
problems will now have top prior-,
ity0" 0
Humphrey spoke at the Detroit
Economic Club after a day-long
whirlwind trip through Michigan
which also included speeches in
Livonia and -Rochester.
The Vice-President also made

petitive they they must become, dent declared, "We need not .only!
competitive." Operation Head Start-but Oper-
In his speech, at Rochester, the ation Catch Up as well."
Vice-President expanded on the It is understood that consider-
theme of education, noting that able support developed within the
Michigan will receive $42 million administration early in the year
under the elementary and second- for such an "Operation Catch Up"
ary education act of 1965 alone. -in the form of a job corps for
- Adding that education and older men and women-but the
training were "the underpinning plan was finally shelved in favor
of our economy, the Vice-Presi- of the excise tax cut.



Smith Foresees N

The Regents yesterday submit-
ted a request to the Legislature for
a $65.$ million appropriation, $14.6
million over last year's request.
They approved a total provisional
operating budget for the academic
year 1966-67 of $83.8 million, $16.1
million above the budget for 1965-
In other action, discussion on
the proposed University-operated
bookstore was postponed pending
completion of a report. from the
office of Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard Cutler, and
the contract for the construction
of the East Medical Center Park-

ing Structure by Jeffress-Dyer,
:Inc., was approved.
Of the $16.1 million increase in
the budget over last year, $6.9
million is for increased enroll-
ment. An increase of almost 2000
over this year's enrollment of 31,-
767 is expected.
Salary Increase
A $5.2 million increase is set
aside for salaries and price infla-
tion. This includes an eight per
cent rise in teaching salaries.
A $2.8 million increase Was re-
quested to make up the deficiency
created when the Legislature did
not fully approve last year's re-
uest of $512 million-

a scathmng attack on the recent
for urter dvelpmen ofthedemonstrations opposing the ad-
further eveloment h ministrations Viet Nam policy.
Center for Research on Learning
and Teaching. Right To Be Heard
Cooperative Program "I believe everyone has a right
The University's center, in oper- to be heard-although I don't
ation since 1962, plans to launch believe they always have the right
a cooperative program with other to be taken seriously," he said.
state institutions to establish: "Democracy isn't only the right to
--A computer network among be right-it must also include the
the state colleges and universi- right to be wrong," he added.
.ties; But, the Vice-President asked,
-A clearing house for college referring to the International
teaching materials and innova- Days of Protest over administra-
tions;ndetion policy, "Do you think those
-Research and experimentation demonstrations were organized by
on methods of increasing ain im- some fine little social club? They
proving individual instruction in were organized by an internation:.

Of Prof essors'


.e , Released on
Appeal Bond
h Circuit Court To Issue
eec Ruling in December;
Alternatives Weighed
'e Vice-President's off-the- By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER
remarks, some well-qualified A sentence of 0 days in jail and
ervers believed, indicated the
program might be under re- a $65 fine was handed out yes-
ed consideration. In an August terday to the 36 University stu-
ress to a group of Young dents and faculty members who
nocrats, the Vice - President participated in a sit-in last week
de an equally strong indication at the Ann Arbor Selective Serv-
t Operation Head Start would ice office to protest the war in
made permanent, as was an- Viet Nam.
nced recently. The sentence was delivered. in
Municipal Court by Judge Francis
L. O'Brien who said, "You were
not arrested and you are not be-
ing sentenced for expression of
Probe views upon the Americanforeign
policy in Viet Nam. Your act was
deliberately planned and delib-
I eaerately executed."
1 V 1 t e 5s All of therdemonstrators se-
Itenced yesterday had pleaded noo
contendere, which means that the
defendant will accept the punish-
o from 1947 to 1954. The Daily ment of the court but will not ad-
ker of Dec. 24, 1952' and of mit his guilt. Three women stu-
. 14, 1953 carried the name dents had entered the same plea
Anatol Rapoport as a signer at an arraignment the night of
a petition to President Truman their arrest last week. Two were
ing clemency for Julius and fined $50 and one' was fined $25
el Rosenberg. at that time without jail sen-
A release of the United Press tences.
ed Sept. 9, 1963 reported that
atol Rapoport was associated Stay Refused
h an organization called Host- Immediately after the senten-.
s for Peace, which was active ing the protestors' attorney, Pe-
propoting contacts between ter Darrow, asked for a stay of
erican and Soviet citizens. execution of the sentence on the
The records of the House Com- grounds that it would seriously im-
tee on Un-American Activities pair the academic work of the
loses that Rapoport has been students involved. His request was
ociated with a number of or- refused by Judge O'Brien
iizations which have been cited After a brief consultation with
Communist front organizations the 33 demonstrators, Darrow filed
h as the American Peace Cru- an appeal bond with the court that
e, Labor Youth League, Na- would, through the normal pro-
al Council of the Arts, Sci- cedure of court action, delay exe-
es and Professionsand the cution of the sentence until the
mittee A n nouncment County Circuit Court could con-
oriterA unmnvene, December 6, to reconsider
W orker Ann uncement the case.
The Worker of June 13, 1965,'In explaining his action Darrow
,e 11, carried an announcement said that there were now several
he following effect: n alternatives open to the demon-
'Participants in last month's 9rtr.
ch-in on foreign policy on Viet s
m have formed a permanent in- Alternatives Listed
university committee for debate They could withdraw the appeal
foreign policy. The action was Dec. 5, in which case the sentence
en at a meeting of about 40 could begin immediately or the
fessors from 40 colleges, at the Circuit Court could''still exercise
versity of Michigan in Ann Ar- jurisdictionand repeat the procs
ess of arraignment, plea, and sen-
It will include students as well tencing.
The Senate Internal Security Or, if they felt that there were
committee sent to Mr. Rapo- grounds on which to contest the

Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith said yesterday
that the University will not inves-
tigate the activities of two pro-
fessors who have been charged
by the Senate Internal Security
subcommittee of having "Commu-
nist affiliations and sympathies."
The professors, Anatol Rapoport
of the mathematical biology de-
partment and Nathaniel Coburn
of the mathematics department

in the teach-in movement who al- cag
legedly have "Communist affilia- Woi
tions and sympathies." Jan
Although a Justice Department of.
spokesman said yesterday that of a
there would be an investigative urg
follow-up by them on the sub- Eth
committee's report, he indicated
that the 19 men who were listed dat
as having "Communist affiliations Ana
and sympathies" have not broken, witl
to the best of his knowledge, any age
federal law, in
I . Comnlete Text 1

A $1 million increase

h t' New
Hot Line
The Michigan Alumni Fund, 16 foundations, busin
cerns, as well as other persons and organizations presen
Regents with $408,172 in gifts during their regulari
meeting yesterday.
Lbong Distance
In answer to alleged inadequate and negligent .t
college students at several campuses are being asked t
evaluations of the effectiveness of their professors. This
is being adopted at Cornell University after a study revea
the situation was deteriorating because of the students'
Yale University recently completed a similar study;
suggested that honors students, immediately after gra
npride . written annraisal' nf their educ.tion. The info

Sour large d institutionsr; al apparatus. 95 per cent of the were both involved in the teach- The complete report text on,
was asked -improved methods for train- demonstrators are no more Com- in movement. Rapoport's alleged affiliations fol-
ing teaching fellows and part-time munists than you or I. But the The subcommittee's charges lows: -mit
instructors, and 1 international Communist move- were issued in a report last week "Anatol Rapoport of the mathe- disc
-Curriculum revisions.1 ment organized it (the protest) entitled, "The Anti-Viet Nam Agi- matical biology department of the asst
Meanwhile, Vice-President for and masterminded it." tation and the Teach-in Move- University of Michigan is listed gan
Student Affairs Richard Cutler h yment: The Problem of Communist I as a sponsor of the National as
said that his office will proceed hDuring his trip yesterday, Hum- Infiltration and Exploitation." I Teach-In on the Viet Nam 'war, se}
with as much speed as possible phrey made no major policy state- fitainadExliain" Tach-In196on pg 7o the VitNia
ments and spent much of his time Dodd Originated Report May 15, 1965 on page 17 of the tion
in preparing a report on a Uni- o Although the report was com- official pamphlet. The mailing ad-
Vs p dBillie S. Farnum D-Drayton piled by the research staff of the dress of the sponsoring organiza- Un
it is essentially a research project, Plains) and Detroit Mayor Jerome subcommhittee, it was essentially, tions is given as Interuniversity Co
it would be futile to set a deadline P. Cavanagh. according to Washington newsmen Committeefor Public Hearings on
for the report's completion, Cut- New Efforts Sen. Thomas J. Dodd's (D-Conn) Viet Nam, Post- Office Box 1383,' "
ess con- lersad However, arpr hudNwEfrsAnnAroMc. 48106.Thspt
ited the be organized and published before But in careful allusions in his "baby." Arbor, Mich., This post pag
monthly the end of the present academic prepared text, and also in of f-~ According to the report, "there ~ office box was rented by Anatol to
'year, hehaidde the-cuff remarks, the Vice-Pesi- is nothing in thepublic record to Rapoport. Anatol Rapoport wast
reM-dent hinted at ossible significant suggest that the leaders of the born in Russia May 22, 1911 and tea
egents onn the 'new administration efforts in .in- anti-Viet Nam agitation and of emigrated to the United States in Na
geePwriomne ternational economics and the the teach-in movement have 1922. His reorefllws
eaching, 1929 Regents' ruling prohibiting s progam s sght to demarcate their position "The bulletin of the South Shore
o make any University sponsored economic on Viet Nam from th Communist Club of the Communist- Party inI tak
system venture, thought to be a major Possibly foreshadowing a major position on Viet Nam or to re- Chicago dated Feb. 1946 announc-
le ht1block to the establishment of a drive at improving the couatry's psto nVe a rt e hcg ae e.14 non-P
led that Unversity-operate boostore. in asingl unfavorable pcepudiate Communist support or to ed that a benefit concert. was to Uni
lack of.of trade, Humphrey noted" that establish criteria and controls de- be held March 2, 1946 at 7634 bor
utionsince itry s not ah b w this balance had declined by about signad to prevent Communist in- South Yates, Chicago. It was fur- «
it was lution, since it is not a bylaw, 1 to 2 billion dollars within the filtration- and exploitation of their ther announced that Anatol Rap- as
duation, si n ht gte prese . Re past year. movement." oport, accomplished pianist and'"
rmntin i ht h "American business-with its - "In the absence of such effort mathematician would perform on sub

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