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C, * r
:4Iat it
Rainy, clearing
this afternoon
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
The rate of increase in appro-
priations for higher education in
Michigan is considerably below the
national average, according to a
report released this summer by
the Office of Institutional Re-
Prof. Harvey Brazer of the eco-
nomics department explained that
this means Michigan and thus the
University, may not be able to
maintain their position as leaders
in education.
Michigan's progress in meeting
the demands of modern education
does not compare favorably with
advances made throughout the
country, the report states. The
percentage increase from 1956 to
1965 in total state appropriations
to all state-supported four-year)
educational institutions ranks this
state 43rd in the nation.
The report supports this with
the following evidence:
--Although appropriations per
capita and per student are pres-
ently above the United States
average, and though the propor-
tion of state appropriations to
taxes and to income has increased,
appropriations per student in
Michigan have grown by only one-
third the average increase across
the nation;
-While in Michigan the in-
crease in per capita taxes cor-
responds to a climb in rank from
30th to 21st, the increase in per
capita appropriations to higher
education shows a decline in
Michigan's relative position among
the states. The average percentage
appropriations increase in the
United States has almost doubled,
but in Michigan appropriations
compared to income has grown
by less than one fourth;
-Appropriations as a percen-
tage of per capita taxes increased
throughout the nation by 2.7 per
cent and by 0.36 per cent in
Michigan, dropping this state's
rank from 10th to 26th.
Why does this situation exist in
Michigan? How does it affect the
level of education provided by
state institutions, and especially,
in what ways does it limit the
development of the University?
Brazer explained the system
which is responsible. Decisions
concerning the collection and dis-
tribution of revenue for education
are directed by certain state tax
structures and Legislative pro-
Appropriations for education are
allocated from the state general
funds. The principal sources of
revenue for general funds are the
sales tax, business activities tax,
corporate franchise tax and taxes
on cigarettes, alcohol and beer.
The process which determines
what percentage of the general
funds will be appropriated to edu-
cation is fairly complex. Each,
state agency which is granted
funds submits a request to the
office of the state controller; the
University request is due to be
approved by the Regents today.
From the controllers office they
are sent with recommendations to
the governor who in turn reviews
them and suggests certain action
to the state Legislature. The Legis-
lature makes the final decision by
a process which "seems to be a
mystery" according to one qua'i-
fied observer.
Although modified by the limits
set by available tax revenue and
surplus funds, it is the Legisla-
ture's opinion of relative needs
and the persuasion of various in-
terest groups which determine the
division of funds.
Policy regarding tax increases,
which eventually benefit the Uni-
versity, is formulated by legislative
initiative, recommendations from
the governor and public opinon.
A major factor in these de-
cisions is the yearly expansion of
the state economy, which causes
the largest annual increase in
tax revenue. This year approxi-
mately $134 million was added to
state coffers in this way.
The controversy over a state
income tax is closely related to de-
velopments in this area. The Leg-
islature and governor have to co-
operate in formulating a anified
income tax, ostensibly because the
annual expansion of the economy
will inevitably increase tax rev-
However, although this will en-
able short-range goals to be met,
it will not provide for the needs'
of the future.
Brazer said that "sooner or later
the Legislature will do something,j
but it is not clear what they will
do," as recent rate increased onj
existing taxes prove insufficient
to finance the state's needs.
Essentially it is the leadership
group of the majority party whichj
directs action concerning the tax
structure. Yet according to Brazer,
there is "no clearcut policy that's
Brazer commented that, while
there are "substantial deficiencies
in Michigan's appropriations . .
it compares favorably with otner
progressive states."
He further explained that the
University's position of leadership
in education was threatened from
1957 to 1962 when a lag in appro-
priations prevented sufficient in-
creases in salary levels to main-
tain the desired quality in faculty.
Because this was related to the
tax structure, Brazer predicted a
decline in the state's educational
system "unless something is done
to change the revenue structure."
State appropriations restrict to
some extent the development of
each educational institution. The
trends in social needs and avail-
able resources combined with an
understanding of the University's
educational goals, standards and
processes partially explains the
direction and extent of future
growth within the University.
University plans are approved in
this way: administrative officials
meet with the deans of colleges to
review requests submitted by each.
These demands are evaluated and
adjusted to fit estimates of avail-
able revenues. The resulting rec-
ommendation must be approved
by the President of the University
before it is sent to the Regents.
When these plans are drawn up.
efforts are made not to sacrifice
quality for quantity, Vice-Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Allen
Smith explained, and care is taken
to develop resources adequately to
accommodate greater enrollments.
See MICHIGAN, Page 6
SGC Gives Athle
OK to Letter IneL1c
What's New
At 764-1817
The Regents will probably give their final approval to the
University's 1966-'67 budget request at their meeting at 2 p.m.
today, Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allen Smith said
yesterday. Proposals for a University-sponsored bookstore and
for repeal f a 1929 Regents ruling which has prohibited the
establishment of a bookstore were presented at the Regents'
informal meeting last night; thus there will be no presentation
at today's meeting.
The - advisory committee sponsoring the writer-in-residence
program early next year voted last night to bring Louis Lomax to
the campus from Jan. 24-Feb. 11. He will appear here for a series
of lectures, classroom visits and personal discussions with students
and faculty. Petitioning for committee chairihanships to plan the
program opens Monday; petition forms will be available in the
University Activities Center office at the Michigan Union.
Long Distance
United States action in Viet Nam drew both "pro" and "con"
demonstrations by students from two Kalamazoo colleges Wed-
nesday, and a Michigan State University group has announced
plans to mail President Johnson a petition with up to 20,000
names in support of U.S. policy.
The Kalamazoo protest was staged by 12 students from
Kalamazoo College led by Prof. Stanley Segal of the college's
physics department. A counter demonstration was started by
about 10 students from Western Michigan University. The dem-
onstrations were without incident.
The Michigan State University petitioners are a group of
student military veterans organized as the "Ad Hoc Committee
of Students for Administration Policies in Viet Nam."
A faculty committee at Yale University has endorsed a report
proposing that written evaluations by a select group of students
be considered when decisions are made on candidates for per-
manent faculty tenure appointments. The plan has strong sup-
port, but it still must meet approval from several other
administrative groups before it can be finally adopted.
The Brown University faculty has proposed that students
be allowed to enroll in two courses in which they would receive
only pass or fail grades. A faculty spokesman said the trend
toward de-emphasizing, precise grading systems was a prime
motive for the decision.
The states of Ohio ant Indiana have informed the Atomic
Energy Commission that they will make available to the AEC
$10 million if the AEC locates a proposed $348 million atomic-
accelerator in their respective states. Vice-President for Research
Geoffrey Norman said he assumed the money was to be spent
for acquisition of the sites. He added that Michigan, in its
On Protests
nCouncil Divides, on
Selective Service
Official's Statements
Student Government Council
last night endorsed by an 8-6
vote a letter sent by Gary Cun-
ningham, '66, president of SGC,
and James McEvoy III, Grad, pres-
ident of GSC, to Sens. Philip Hart
and Patrick McNamara and Con-
gressman Weston Vivian, protest-
ing the "growing climate of re-
pression that is developing around
the debate on Viet Nam."
The letter was sent promptly
after Col. Arthur Holmes, direc-
tor of the Michigan State Selec-
tive Service Board, and William
Merrill, chief assistant to the U.S.
attorney for the eastern district of
Michigan, indicated that investi-
gations of the students who were
arrested for sitting-in at the Se-
lective Service office would be un-
dertaken to determine whether or
not they were entitled to student
deferments from the draft.
Cunningham and McEvoy claim-
ed the investigations "unwarrant-
ed, a violation of the right of pe-
tition and a repressive action."
The council members urged the
politicians to "act with alacrity"
to prevent a "miscarriage of jus-
tice in the case of the students
at the University."
Voting to endorse the letter
were Laura Fitch, '66; Mickey Ei-
senberg, '67; Steven Schwartz, '67;
Steven Daniels, '67; Paula Cam-
eron, '67, and Georgia Berland,
'67, and Donald Resnick, '68, and
Susan Ness, '68.
A dissenter, Richard Hoppe, '66,
claimed that the implications of
the letter were a "gross misrepre-
sentation of the intent of the in-
Supporting Hoppe's position!
were John Winder, '65; Lee Horn-
berger, '66; Christopher Mans-
field, '66; Paul Pavlik, '66, and
Robert Bodkin, '67.
They reminded the other council1
members that Holmes and Merrill
indicated only that such actions
may affect the draft, status of thej
individuals involved, and main-,
tained that "it is reasonable to
presuhe that proper hearings1
oard Cor
-Daily-Jim Lines
THE WOODED TRACT OF LAND which the Ann Arbor Golf and Outing Club has offered to sell to the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics for $400,000 is pictured above. The triangular plot is completely undeveloped. If the sale is completed, it will be an-
other addition to the cost of the University Events Bldg. project, which now stands at $6.7 million.
New Organization To Debate
On U.S. Relations with China
sid ers
Plot Figures
In Purchase
Planned Acquisition.
Linked to Expansion
Of Stadium Blvd.
In connection with the con-
struction of the University Events
Bldg., the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics is plan-
ning to spend $400,000 for a small
plot of wooded land for the ap-
parent purpose ' f aiding the Ann
Arbortraffic situation, an inform-
ed source said recently.
The land to be used for this city
improvement is owned by the Ann
Arbor Golf and Outing Club. The
long narrow tract, which is com-
pletely undeveloped, is boredered
on the south by Stadium Blvd.,
the east bythe intramural ath-
letic fields, and the north by the
University Events Bldg., now un-
der construction.
This is the latest addition to a
long list of expenditures connect-
ed to the events building. The
price of the entire project has
risen to $6.7 million, almost dou-
ble the original allocation of $3.5
million for the building.
Stadium Blvd.
The source reported that the
sale is connected with the possible
widening of Stadium Blvd. A joint
study recently undertaken by the
city and the University suggested
the expansion of Stadium from
the intersection with West Main
to the railroad overpass.
Fred Mammel, director of pub-
lic works for the city, said the
reasons for widening the road are
two fold. "First, the proposal
would help to relieve congestion
at the intersection of Main and
Stadium, and secondly, it will
serve to lessen the heavier load of
traffic brought into the area by
the University Events Bldg.,"
Mammel stated.
According to Mammel, the
plans are not yet definite. "A final
decision should be reached within
the next few weeks," he added.
Under the proposal, the athletic
board would have to provide the
land for the expansion of Stadium
Blvd. The triangular tract owned
by the Ann Arbor Golf and Out-
ing Club is the only non-Univer-
sity property that figures into the
contemplated widening of the
Unusual Procedure
Mammel admitted that it was
not normal procedure for the
Board to provide all the land in
such a case, but emphasized that
"the University and city are co-
operating on the plans." In re-
gard to the land owned by the
club, he said, "The University and
the club will have to work that
When asked to comment on the
Ann Arbor Golf and Outing Club's
lrt.- ZCVXTATV9PY 'iT TF.r E
norl -inh cc- . n-fnl o -nl lh
proposal, had agreed to provide tne site if the proton accelerator would be held before any such; By KENNETH WIN IX L cern, suUn as armsc nuutr anu pu
is located in Michigan. Such an offer of money to purchase land, change was affected." the elimination of mutual trade dis
Norman commented, would not influence the choice of the AEC, The dissenters agreed that the A new nationwide organization and travel restrictions. im
since it was a fairly common offer. recent statements of some govern- will enter the debate on America's Rev. William Sloane Coffin of fin
ment officials do represent a "ser- Asian policies this weekend. Its Yale, one of ARFEP's founders,
Sen. Edward Robinson D-Dearborn announced yesterday ious danger to the protection of major facus will be China, not explained the group's reason for itt
e Eainvestigatin of faculty-administration relations the civil liberties of American ci- Viet Nam. epaingYale - based organization, mphizng China "A cease- ev
at Central Michigan University will continue in November. Last important to "distinguish between Americans for Reappraisal of Far po
impotantto dstiguis beteenvictory if we still refused to talk
spring Robinson criticized CMU for excluding the faculty from these statements and the investi- Eastern Policy (ARFEP), will be- with the Chinese." e
the decision-making process. He maintains that the resumed gation of the draft status of in- bi its activities Sunday with pub- sa
hearings will evoke strong "faculty support.":iiul h voatelw" lic meetings on more than 20 camn- ARE'acitesacodntop
herkesrng" yupr."dividuals who violate the law. puses across the country. The its organizers, will differ from the ho
University's session will be at 7:15 teach-in and Viet Nam Day move- ou
VIET NAM ISSUE: p.m. in the Multipurpose Rm. of ments in strategy as well as em- ize
the UGLI.
The meeting will hear live,
' broadcasts of talks by Prof. John
Protestors React to Charges Fairank of the history departSlim Marg
ment at Harvard University; so-'
caitleader Norman Thomas;
By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Thomas J Dodd (D-Conn) as two Casl Oglesby, piesident of Stu- Saturday Review Editor Norman c om p osit
and ALAN CHAPMAN people who have made unwar- dents for a Democratic Society, Cousins: Rep. William Fitts Ryan
ranted accusations against stu- announced that he had sent a (D-NY), and Michael Harrington
University groups opposing the dent protestors. telegram to Marine Corps Com. author of "The Other America.
war in Viet Nam yesterday react- "Must we go through another Wallace Greene stating that mem- A reactor panel of local professors By BOB CARNEY tio
ed to recent government allega- era in which every critic of the bers of SDS would be willing to and an open discussion will follow said
tions~~Myo Wenel Comuis inuilchero saidheboacat hoi
tions of Communist infiltration of government is labelled a Com- work on "constructive alternative" the broadcast. last night that the closeness of the of
the teach-in movement and pro- munist?" Mann asked. projects instead of serving in the Distributes Proposal margin in Tuesday's referendum of
posed a program of peaceful al- "Surely the administration re- army. Peace Corps service and do- In a "draft proposal" distribut- merely reaffirmed his views on as
ternatives to the draft. members the terrible damage done mestic social work were listed as on campus yesterday, ARFEP calls the proper composition of the co
Prof RAphard Mann nf the nv- tn the State Denartment and the accentable alternatives. on the United States to: , A A,, h,,i
asis. The group will eschew civil The Ann Arbor meeting this
sobedience and will take "a min- Sunday is being organized by
um of direct action," Rev. Cof- Profs. Harold Orbach of the Flint
n declared. Campus, Raphael Ezekiel of the
Instead, thegrouphopes to in-psychology department and
ate public discussions of, and Thomas Abeles of the chemistry
entually to win broad-based department. The local reactor
pular support for, a rapproache- panel will include Profs. William
ent with Peking. ARFEP leaders Zimmerman of the p o 1 i t i c a 1
v many foreign policy officials science department, Martin Pat-
-ivately symphasize with a less ice ftepyhlg eat
stile policy, but will not speak chen of the psychology depart-
t until public support material- ment and Kenneth Boulding of
es. the economics department.
in Will Not Change
ion 'Of COmmisSion
n to public service, understand-
g toward those in need of better
ousing conditions and possession
qualifications in one or more
pects of the business of housing
nstruction," the mayor said.
Hulcher's formula tends toward
man for the groups opposed to the
establishment of the housing com-
mission, emphasized the narrow-
ness of the margin, saying it was
'no mandate from the people."
"It seems, in light of the vote,
that at least two members of the