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October 21, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-21

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Seventy-Sixth Year

The Path to German Reunification

Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The New YorK World's Fair:
Suessful Portrayal of Life

N O ONE can doubt that there
are coming important changes
in the structure of the Western
Alliance. But serious examination
of the changes has not yet begun
because neither in West Germany
nor in this country is there a
consensus about what to do.
Thus, Chancellor Ludwig Erhard
has not yet found a way to recon-
cile the factions out of which
he must fashion his government,
and the divisive issue among these
factions is West German foreign
policy-toward Eastern Europe,
the Soviet Union, France and the
United States. In Washington, the
administration is divided within
itself, divided basically over bow
to deal with the conflicting views
of the West Germans.
The initiative and the prepon-
derant influence in the work of
reforming and renovating the'
Western Alliance has fallen by de-
fault into the hands of Gen:
Charles de Gaulle. For Britain is
unable for the time being to play
a leading role in the world. and
the United States is prevented by
the controversies in Bonn and in

this country from taking a clear
stand. But this is not an impos-
sible thing to do, and as compared
with many tragic issues elsewhere
in the world it is not even an ex-
ceedingly difficult thing to do.
IT WOULD BE a good begin-
ning if Washington ceased to
treat the modernizationand re-
form of NATO as an attack on
the alliance and as a manifesta-
tion of Gen. de Gaulle's personal
ambitions and prejudices. The
NATO treaty and the military
establishment constructed upon it
were put together half a genera-
tion ago, and the international
situation of 1965 is obviously very
different from what it was in 1949.,
Much has happened since then.
Notably, there has been the great
schism in the Communist world
and the Soviet-American detente
which followed the nuclear con-
frontation of 1962.
We ought to be the first, not
the reluctant last, to be arguing
for the modernization of NATO,
and we should be thinking about
how to do this, not about how, to

stand off Gen. de Gaulle. A clear
change of posture on our part
would do much to clear the air
and also to help the -West Ger-
mans make up their minds.
IN THE NEXT installment of
clarification must come tPe aban-
donment of the misconception that
there exists a choice for Germany
between defiance and reconcilia-
tion in Eastern Europe. There is
a faction in Germany, which has
its counterpart in Washington,
which nurses the illusion that the
Soviet Union can be forced be-
hind its own frontiers and that
East Germany can then be united
with West Germany-all this to be
done by a special German-Ameri-
can military combination.
Probably very few Germans,

even among those who give lip
service to this notion, really be-
lieve in the idea. More likely. they
harbor the idea that by being
joined to us in some special re-
lationship, including some kind of
nuclear relationship, the West
Germans will have something to
trade off when they sit down to
bargain with the Soviet Union.
On our;side, our German policy
has become a mixture of anti-
German prejudice and of appease-
ment. That military absurdity, the
multilateral mixed-manned nu-
clear force of surface ships, was
conceived in distrust of the Ger-
mans with the intention of fool-
ing them. Its basic assumption is
that the Germans will follow an-
other Hitler unless the present-day
Germans are given the illusion
that they, too, are a first-class,
that is to say a nuclear, power.
giene of German-American rela-
tions, we should give up the idea
of deceiving the Germans and of
appeasing them lest they do the
horrible things we impute to them.

The honest and healthy basis
of German-American relations is
mutual candor. Such candor re-
quires us to recognize that a na-
tion which is partitioned must
have no access to nuclear weapons.
Its vital interest is reunification
which must be achieved by recon-
ciliation with its former enemies,
most particularly those to. the
Reunification cannot be achiev-
ed by any kind of German nuclear
threat, either real or fictitious. It
can be achieved only by the Pres-
ident's policy of building bridges,
and, therefore," it is Incumbent
upon the Germans to stop com-
plaining and wondering about
every bridge we try to build.
THE GERMANS will find, as
we, too, shall find, that, as Ger-
many and America seek the solu-
tion of the problems of cecurlty
and reunification in an increased
agreement with the Soviet Union,
Gaullist France will not be our
enemy and our Inveterate oppon-
ent. We shall then all be realigned
(c) 1965, The Washington PosttGCo.


picky. critics-ranging .from "superfi-
ciality personified" to "nothing more than
64 acres worth of advertising-the World's
Fair was a success.
However, the theme of the Fair instead
of being "Peace Through Understand-
ing," should have been the much more
appropriate title of the awardlwinning
film presented at the Johnson's Wax ex-
hibit, "To Be Alive."'
The World's Fair exemplified more than
anythifg else, what it means "to be
alive." It was a tremendous monument to
man's beliefs, his artistic creations, and
the progress which has marked his evo-
lution through the ages. The human ele-
ment which was emphasized in the film'
is not lost sight of, as one remembers
that man's hopes for a better world made
the exhibits at the Fair possible.
not being culturally or intellectually
stimulating were closing their eyes to.
some of the best exhibits there. Michel-
angelo's "Pieta" was brought thousands
of miles to be on display at the Vatican
Pavilion and just about every country
pavilion, particularly those of Spain and
Mexico, had' an impressive section devoted
to its cultural products.
Several religious groups had pavilions,
ranging from Billy Graham to The Prot-
estant-Orthodox Center with its famous
film, "The Parable. For those who were
interested, the Fair offered many exhibits
exemplifying the hostory of man's more
intellectual and cultural accomplish-
Much of the Fair radiated man's prog-
ress through industry and science. Hun-'
dreds of people at a time looked into the
future, were exposed to the intracacies of
a scientific computer; or rode through the
history of communications.
All of these industrial exhibits were
free, and most showed creativity and orig-
inality in their production, making them
informative and amusing at the same
time. The history of electrical progress

was presented in a revolving theatre while
a ride on a "magic skyway" showed the
world of the future.
Nowhere else on earth could one be ex-
posed to such a diversity of informative
and entertaining exhibits.
ney made the Fair a haven for chil-
dren or anyone young at heart. Whether
one was taking a magical boat ride
through our "Small World," staring at a
caveman, or watching a realistic looking
dummy move and speak, Disney's influ-
ence made man's tremendous progress
seem even more remarkable.
True, the lines were long arid the
prices of many of the restaurants were
high, but these complaints are overshad-
owed when one remembers that favorite
exhibit, -or the beauty of the Unisphere
at night, surrounded by fountains and
A sense of unreality, as though one
were taking a trip through Fantasyland,
pervaded a visit to the Fair. It is easy
to forget that everything depicted at the
Fair was very much a part of reality; very
much a part of our present or not-too-
far-away future.
Monorails, trips to other planets, and
elaborate systems of irrigation do not
seem that remote when we remember that
the color televisions which amazed every-
one at the last World's Fair are now a
common household item.
THIS THEN was the greatest contribu-
tion of the World's Fair. It assembled
within its limits man's accomplishments
in a variety of fields of endeavor. No
wonder it seemed unreal! The results of
man's enterprise squeezed into 646 acres
is enough to make anyone disbelieve he's
in a world of reality.
The World's Fair, with its glimpses into
the past, its exhibits of the present, and.
its promises and predictions of the future
truly showed what it's like "to be alive."

State Aid to Church Schools-Justified?

WRAND Volunteer Day:
An Opportunity To Learn

THE WRAND Volunteer Day this Satur-
day is the work; of a few interested
students to offer participants a first hand
knowledge of the demonstration project
in the War on Poverty being conducted
in the old Willow Run area near here.
There are many- questions about
WRAND-The Willow Run Association
for Neighborhood Developnent - Which
arise almost automatically. Does the area
deserve the grant? Is the area impov-
erished? If so, in what way? Is WRAND
administering the grant properly. What
are WRAND's shortconings and assets?
How long will it take it to achieve what
it wants to accomplish?
All these questions deserve different
answers - personal answers arrived at
after seeing the area, the people and the
activities of WRAND first hand.
help from the University, a federal
grant from the Office of Economic Op-
The controversy over WRAND has ac-
celerated to phenomenal heights over the
past year, and has received substantial
attention in the New York Times, the De-
troit News, the Detroit Free Press, as
well as many other large publications,
reaching as far as the Russian newspa-
per Izvestia.
Stories have run on the Associated
Press and the United Press Internation-
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH FIELDS................Personnel Director
LAUREN BAHR .......... Associate Managing Editor
JUDITH WARREN........Assistant Managing Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER ...... Associate Editorial Director
GAIL BLUMBE"G................Magazine Editor
VTOY R AFF I . ..:.........ActingrSnorts Editor.

al. And the issues are the same - the
worth of the demonstration project ad-
ministred by WRAND, the possibility of
success, the future of the War on Pov-
erty itself.
To tackle these questions, one must
have a working knowledge of what
WRAND is aiming for, that is to remedy
social immobility-not economic poverty.
One must have a comprehension 'of the
struggles that have evolved within
WRAND itself, as well as its battles with
opponents who believe that the federal
grant, the aims and administration of
WRAND are wrong.
THESE ISSUES will be discussed by
workers in the project at a seminar
Saturday morning, launching the Volun-
teer Day. In the course of the day, par-
ticipants will\have a chance to work in
the WRAND community center, as well
as in the' community itself, with the op-
portunity to structure their own opinions
and gather their own observations.
The Volunteer Day will be held at the
WRAND community Center. Buses will
leave the -rnion at 8 a.m. Saturday morn-
ing and return at 5 in the afternoon. A
one-hour seminar will be held in the com-
munity center as soon as the bus arrives;
participants will then be encouraged to
do handiwork in the center or survey-
discussion work in the community.
Although the issues of the WRAND con-
troversy have been written on and aired
on the news media already, the Volunteer
Day has a definite value. This is that
the issues cannot easily by camouflaged,
warped or subjected to erroneous inter-
pretation-when people observe them for
The interesting fact is that WRAND is
not far from here-only about eight miles,
in Ypsilanti and Superior Townships. The
controversy surrounding it is great and
far reaching, encompassing questions on

To the Editor:'
W' HILE I AGREE with the gen-
eral thesis of Ruth Feuer-
stein's editorial on "Aid to Church
Schools," and commend her ob-
vious attempt to be fair minded,
I feel that several of her argu-
ments are based on assumptions
which are factually misleading.
She states: "Often In a paro-
chial school, church doctrines are
emphasized in subjects which
should be given more secularized
treatment - specifically, English
and history. Students in many
cases do not fully receive the
more well-rounded elucation of-
fered in a school which is not re-
ligiously oriented."
Unfortunately many other fac-
tors enter into the problem than
are included in this statement. To
begin with, Miss Feuerstein says
by implication that the teaching
of English and history in the
public school system tends toward
"objectivity," whereas in the paro-
chial schools it does not. It would
be lovely if things were that
simple. But the very fact that she
implies so casually that the teach-
ing of history in the public school
system is "objective," is a com-
mentary on the uncritical atmos-
phere engendered by a monolithic
public school system.
The truth is that history as
taught in the public school sys
tem tends to beuslanted towards
the traditional Ango-Saxon Pro-
testant interpretation of the Ren-
aissance and Reformation period,
and to the extent that it is a less
conscious and explicit bias I feel it
is more dangerous than the bias
to be found in Catholic, schools.
'Yet Catholic tax money helps pay
for this public school teaching.
stein has ignored in her argu-
ment the fact that church doc-
trines comprise part of the sub-
ject matter of both history and
Isn't it just as "subjective" to
underplay, ignore. skirt around
and sometimes to misinterpret and
ridicule religious doctrines in the
teaching of these disciplines, as
it is to "overemphasize" them?
(What, anyway, is one's criterion
for deciding what does and what
does not constitute "overempha-
Mary McCarthy, who attended
parochial school as a child, has
praised Catholic education for this
very "overemphasis." She says:
"Having to learn a little theology
as an adult in order to understand
a poem of Donne or Crashaw is
like being taught the Bible as
Great Literature in a college hu-
manities course, it does not stick
to the ribs. Yet most students in
America have no other recourse
than to take these vitamin in-
jections to make good their cul-
tural deficiency. If you were born
and brought up a Catholic, you
have absorbed a great deal cf
world history and the history of
ideas before you are twelve, and
it is like learning a language early,
the effect is indelible. Nobody else
in America, no other group, is in
this fortunate position."
WE OUGHT to recognize the
fact that 'there is no rigid line
dividing the "secular" from the
"sacred." No matter how "secular-
ized" the teaching of history is,
it will nevertheless betray some
sort of cultural bias; there is no
such thing as "neutral" history.
Since this is so, people ought to
be allowed to choose their own
"bias." The problems of good ver-
sus bad education is dependent
on many factors, but I really do
not feel that the teaching of re-
ligious matter per see has a casual
relationship to bad education.
-Helen Ratner, Grad
Vietnamese War

diction is coming true today in
our own country. It is not just
the fact that the anti-war demon-
strators were not afforded ade-
quate police protection during the
demonstrations on Friday; it is
not just that those who commit-
ted civil disobedience were not
released on the bail that had been
posted for them until after a pro-
test rally in front of the jail was
moved to campus; it is not just
that the Ann Arbor citizenry dem-
onstrated an intolerance of dis-
agreement which was reminiscent
of Southern segregationist mobs;
it is not just that students are. be-
ing threatened with the draft be-
cause they dared to protest the
administration's policies; it is not
just that the press has been
shamefacedly lying and misrepre-
senting both what is happening in
Viet Nam and what has been hap-
pening here in regard to protests;,
it is not any one of these things,
nor any one of the innumerable
cases of despotism that I could
cite; it is all of these taken to-
gether. ,
In the course of some remarks
I made to the anti-war demon-
strators last Saturday evening, I
said that the growth of a war psy-
chology in this country does not
yet justify the cry of "fascism."
But I would ask all those in this
community who pride themselves
on their:, intellectual abilities, re-
gardless of their political persua-
sions, to carefully consider the
following question.
tion comparable to the one you
now hold, but the time were
changed to 1929 and the place to
Germany, just when, if ever, would
you have decided that it was time
for you to actively oppose your
It is easy for us to sit here in
our comfort and condemn the
German intellectuals who did
nothing to oppose the rise of
Hitler (I do not mean to {imply
that all German intellectuals did
this-I am only talking of the
ones who remained silent and in-
active). But when does it become
obvious that your own govern-
ment, yea even the majority of
your fellow countrymen, have
taken an absolutely unjustifiable
stand which must be opposed by
any who value their roles as moral

Again let me emphasize that I
am not talking about the U.S.
actions in Viet Nam, but rather
about the frightening destruction
of freedom that the war seems to
be causing here. I am not claiming
that we have already come to the
point which justifies revolution, or
even anything at all beyond a
continued public insistence on
civil liberties for all.
But I do think that the situa-
tion is deteriorating at a suffi-
ciently fast pace to require that
we all at least begin thinking
about what we will do "if," and'
about just what circumstances
would be absolutely intolerable..
It can happen here, and I fear
that if people are drafted into the
army merely for opposing our for-
eign policy, then it has already
started to happen.
--Lawrence Caroline,
Department of Philosophy
To the Editor:
over U.S. involvement in Viet
Nam have come to resemble noth-
ing so much asan old-fashioned
revival with nihilistic overtones, a
cacophony of unimaginative epi-
thets and tiresome tirades de-
signed to purge devils, scourge
sin and quiet consciences. As such,
they are calculated to inflame pas-
sions rather than to sponsor' ser-
ious dialogue.
Consider the recent Daily edi-
torial by Douglass Chapman as a
case in point. To charge the John-
son administration with "gross
hypocrisy" in its Viet Nam policy,
as is the eminent journalist's dis-
position, is simply to indulge in
gross nonsense. To speak of the
"federal government's irrational-
ity" on the subject is to belie one's
'own. To label U.S. actions as
"butchery" -is to invite a punch in
the nose, not a calm and closely'
reasoned verbal rejoinder.
The same may be said 'of the
fishbowl and Diag demonstrations.
How, after all, does one discuss
dispassionately in the face of signs
declaring him to be supporting
"murderers" and "war, crimes?"
In addition to their poor taste,
such signs are palpably provoca-
tive. The resulting impulse is not
to think or to talk; it is to fight.
Furthermore, those who would
tease elephants ought to antici-
pate a stampede.'

THEN, TOO, contrary to their
insistances, the protesters' move-
ment is characterized not by an
affluence of alternatives, but by a
programmatic poverty. Stripped
of their sophomoric . sound-and-,
fury, the alternatives advanced
sum to one: namely, "get out."
Though attractive for its simpli-,
city and parsimony, it fails ut-
terly to grasp the realities of do-
mestic as well as of international
politics. It reflects nothing so
much as the shallowness of
thought endemic to the move-
ment, a fact which largely ex-
plains the ineptness of its opposi-
The recent campus conference
on Viet Nam exemplifies this fact.
For the most part, the alternatives
it espoused were as trite as old
college yells, as predictable as a
soap opera.
It is doubtful that good inten-
tiops, high hopes, and hard la-
bors could have spawned more
negligible results. The shiniest
wrappings are not going to boom
the sales of an empty package.
Whether or not there is a legal
or moral justification for our pres-
ence in Viet Nam, the fact re-
mains: we are there. Realism be-
gins at that point. Meaningful.
alternatives are founded upon that
fact. If the protest movement is
to become anything more than a
refuge T for the politically disaf-
fected, it must begin .there also.
FINALLY, the protesters' ful-
minations about brotherly love
and human compassion would
ring more true if these estimable
patriots evinced a greater charity
for our own policy makers. All
civilized men, which presumably
includes Lyndon Johnson, are
against killing. None in Wash-
ington can be, comfortable with
the status quo; all seek an honor-
able solution. -
What purpose is served by cast-
ing the administration as popu-
lated by villains, as motivated by
hypocrisy and as rampant with,
immorality? An enthusiastic hos-
tility- is the recourse of those
without reason.
I hold no brief for a realism of
acquiesance or for a morality of
obeisance to Washington. I seek
neither to praise nor to bury Lyn-
don Johnson. I confess my appre-
hension and concern over our
policies and I welcome dissent. My

objection is that the protest move-
ment's dissent is not regenerative
in spirit but destructive. It _s not
opening minds to alternatives; it
is closing them. It is not moving
us closer to peace; it is feeding
the "war psychology" it purports
to despise. And, it is doing these
things because it is intellectually
fatuous and tactically foolish. It
ought to be seen as such.
-Jerome M. Mileur, Grad
-Res ponsibility
To the Editor:
I REMEMBER that, about the
middle of September, there was
a lot of talk about exercising free-
dom with responsibility. I don't
remember the exact cause-some-
thing aboutan ugly sign in the
Fishbowl, I think. It doesn't real-
ly matter, though, because the im-
portant thing is that people brave-
ly wrote and said beautiful things
about discretion, good taste, keep-,
ing rules, responsibility, and other
great stuff like that. I remember
thinking (all warm and runny in-
side) that, here in Ann Arbor,
freedom was in .good hands.
Then came the Homecoming
Parade and the mobbing of the
anti-Viet Nam War float. Funny
thing about,that. The people who
had been saying things about re-
sponsibility didn't try to stop the
mob. They didn't call in the
police. They didn't even shout,
"Responsibility!" And the next
day they didn't say that the mob
was made up of outside agitators,
or that the mobbing was awful, or
that it was a mistake. They didn't
say anything at all-in print. And
the people I talked with, all good
law-and-order people, thought the
whole "affair" was humorous and
that "anyway, it serves those
peaceniks right."
WHAT I WANT to know is this:
Does "exercising freedom with re-
sponsibility" mean (among other
things) protecting 'people's free
speech, even when what they say
is ignorant, unpleasant, or just
not nice? Or does responsibility
mean not hurting people with
whom you disagree? Or does re-
sponsibility simply mean looking
out for your own views, rputa
tion, and neck?
-Michael Davis, Grad




Those Tricky French Communists


A NDERS ASKELOF (pronounc-
ed Askeleuv) and I bummed
around Paris for a week this past
summer. Andy and I met in the
train station, shared a room in
the Mont Matre area and saw
the sights together. t
Like typical tourists we devoted
one afternoon to sitting on the
banks of the Seine, drinking wine
and eating bread and cheese. It
was almost as they say it Is in
the books except the Seine looked
polluted, Andy wasn't a beautiful
French girl and it was sort of a
cloudy day. Yet, after we finished
our first bottle and had opened
the second, we both agreed it
couldn't be much better.
But suddenly it got better. What
appeared to be an authentic
French girl walked past us and I
whipped out my trusty Brownie
camera and began filming her.
She got very angry and came over
swearing (I think) at us in French.
Yup! We guessed right-she was
French, for sure.
,With our pigeon-French and her
pigeon-English, we all soon be-
came. friends. And, since we were
friends, Andy and I asked her to
show us around on Bastille Day,
their version of the Fourth of
July. We had heard of the wild

So What?
by sarasohn
authentic French meal that I had
hoped to have.
Then she warned us-her folks
were Communists. It certainly
would be interesting, I thought.
The next day, I met the whole
family which consisted of the two
parents, four brothers, three sis-
ters and one uncle. The entire
group lived in half of an old, run-
down quonset hut with four rooms
--kitchen, living-dining room. and
two bedrooms. We had a dinner
called pot pourri-the American
potluck-which was simple yet de-
licious, plus the usual abundance
of wine and' gigantic French
After dinner we argued about
politics, naturally. The mother
pointed at the television set which
someone was watching and sneer-
ingly said the one English word
she knew, "Capitalist." She was
referring to the W network. The
family hated capitalism and the
American government, which they
continually read about in L'-

didn't distribute the income he
received to others-as she believed
a good Communist should do.
They all were impressed with
my $18 camera and asked if I
could send them one if they sent
me the money when I returned to
the United States.
The!next morning, I went to the
offices of L'Humanite. I was sur-
prized to see a comic book stand
in the 'main lobby, selling Ameri-
can comic books translated into
French. I figured it must be pro-
paganda, yet couldn't, discover
what had been changed in the
stories. They had such characters
as Donald Duck, Tom Sawyer,
Bugs Bunny and Davey Crockett.

WHAT HAD they done to dis-,
tort Walt Disney's version of Da-
vey Crockett to turn it into pro-
The receptionist turned a few
of the pages, pointed to the bad
guys-the fur merchants who
stole from the Indians-and said,
"Rotten capitalists!" They didn't'
have to change anything, it seem-
So when the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities ; Committee Is fin-
ished with Students for a Demo-
cratic Society and calls in Walt
Disney, you'll understand why.
HUAC is only doing its duty pro-
tecting us from the subversive
elements in the U.S.

Scus Corner:
Joy's of A pathy

I OFTEN sit beside my record
player and stare at the refrig-
erator door for hours on end.
During these pleasureful periods
of serene unconcern, a deep' and
warming love of total apathy wells
up in my uncommitted and un-

cover him with the sweat of their
own squalidly personal convictions.
THERE IS IN apathy an ele-
ment of almost poetic bliss. I
would like to share that bliss with
others whose lives have so far

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