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October 21, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-21

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Y OCTOBER 21, 1965




Smith Delays


Upsurge in
Defense of,
Viet Poliy
Students, Groups
Plan Demonstrations
To Counter Protests
NEW YORK (P)-A boomerang-
ing counterwave built up yester-
day to the demonstrations against
United States military ,operations
in Viet Nam. Protests spiraled
against the protesters.
Both sides were rallying follow-
ers. From college campuses-the
same quarters from which some of
the attacks came on U.S. military
action-came some of the resurg-
ent defense for it.
At Yale University, a group of
students distributed pamphlets,
calling for a mass rally today to
demonstrate backing for Amer-
ica's course in Viet Nam.
Student Disapproval
Claiming that most students
disapproved of the anti-adminis-
tration demonstrations, the group
'included various student leaders.
At the University of Mississippi
in Oxford, the campus senate
'adopted. a strong resolution sup-
porting President Johnson's pol-
icies, and repudiating demonstra-
ti6ns against the American policy
in Asia.
At Lakeland High School near
Peekskill, N.Y., the senior class
prepared petitions to the Presdent
and the U.S. commander in Viet
Nam, Gen. William C. Westmore-
land, supporting the Viet Nam
More Protests ;Planned
Anti-draft and peace demon-
strations had burgeoned over the
weekend, and the movement con-
tinued to press its opposition to
the Viet Nam war, with more pro-
test demonstrations planned, in-
cluding a march next month on
Washington, D.C.
It was in reaction to these man-
ifestations that the pro-adminis-
tration groups began mustering
their own fellowing to the field.-
A newly formed citizens com-
mittee In New York said it was
planning a massive Fifth Avenue
parade of support for American
effort in Viet Nam, rivaling the
student march in New York Sat-
urday protesting it.
Jaycee Counterdrive
The national Jaycees announc-
ed a program of activities to un-
dercut the anti-Viet Nam demon-
strators-such as "packing" their
meetings and circulating critical
information about their leaders.
At Michigan State University,
a group of students, headed by
William Webb, a Detroit junior,
started a campaign for 15,000 stu-
dent signatures on a petition sup-
porting President Johnson. 1
Similar petitions were being cir-
V culated at West Virginia State
Blohd Drive
At Washington State Universi-
ty, the annual blood-donor drive
based its appeal on aiding the Viet
Nam military effort.
At Temple University in Phila-
delphia, Alpha Phi Omega, a na-
tional service fraternity, voted
unanimously for a "mail call Viet
Nam" project-to make sure each
of the 140,000 fighting men there
gets Christmas cards.
In Huntsville, Ala., the 2500-
member post of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars launched "Opera-
tion.Sweet Tooth" to show support
for Americans fighting in Viet
Nam--by sending them packages
of homemade cookies and candy.
Public Figures Protest
Numerous other organizations
and public figures cliallenged the
.4 protest demonstrations.

Former President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower called them "silly and
based on ignorance, without
knowledge of the continuing threat
of communism to this country."
In Providence, R.I., Gov. John
H. Chafee said students have a
right to demonstrate peacefully
against American involvement in
Viet Nam, but he deplored the sug-
gestions for draft-evasion and
blocking troop trains.
Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn)
termed some of the protest activ-
ities "tantamount to open insur-
rection." He said the United States
"cannot tolerate any back-stab-
bing activities" while Americans
are dying on the battlefield.
In Hartford, Conn., Gen. Lewis
B. Hershey, director of Selective
Service, said the protest demon-

-Associated Press
Moslem youths participate in anti-Communist demonstrations in Jakarta, Indonesia, yesterday as
they raised a banner declaring "The people insist the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) be banned."
urvival ances im for
Indonesian Communist Part

JAKARTA (JP)-The Indonesian
Communist party-PKI-is in ef-
fect standing on a scaffold with
a rope around its neck, but still
hoping for a reprieve.
A reprieve does not seem likely.
However, anything is possible in
this Southeast Asian nation of 105
million, which President Sukarno
has tried to run with new theo-
ries of government.
The army, since the abortive
Communist-backed coup of Sept.
30-Oct. 1, has conducted an elim-
ination campaign against the PKI.
The drive centers mainly on the
two most important islands, Java
and Sumatra.
Sukarno Efforts
The ailing president, 64, is us-
ing every man at his disposal to
save the Communists, whom he
refuses to condemn for their part
in the uprising.
Sukarno would like to commute
the sentence of the Communists,
but the army will not buy the idea.
It has temporarily suspended the
activities of the PKI and its af-
filiated organizations, while the
crackdown continues under mar-
tial law and a curfew.
Sukarno says Indonesia cannot
be run without Communist par-
ticipation in the government. The
army wants no part of the pres-
ent PKI in. his grand political
Army vs. President
It is a tug-of-war between the
army and Sukarno. The president
appears to be losing ground.
Communist party head D. N.
Aidit disappeared after the coup,
reportedly with the help of the
leftist air force commander, Vice
Marshal Omar Dhani. Aidit fled
to the Jogjakarta area in central
Java, where he put out an an-
nouncement saying he was in good
Aidit at Large
A Moslem party publication, Nu-
sa Putra, said the other day Aidit

has been arrested. But that story
still has not been confirmed. It
appears that Aidit-a friend of
Sukarno and enemy of the army
-is still at large.
M. H. Lukman and Njoto, the
second and third ranking leaders
respectively of the PKI, have not
been arrested. Both appeared at a
cabinet meeting Sukarno held in
his summer palace at Bogor, 40
miles south of Jakarta, five days
after the coup was crushed.
Thorough Sweep
The army's sweep against the
Communists has been thorough.

Thousands have been arrested.
Daily searches are made for arms,
believed to have been supplied by
the Chinese Communists.
Government department heads
are dismissing known Communists
and sympathizers.
The activities of every PKI-
affiliated university, high school,
trade, youth and women's orga-'
nization have been brought to a
standstill. {
The army's housecleaning may
take a long time. But it is not
accepting Sukarno's desire to
sweep the problem under the rug.

British See
Of Position
Discussions over
Terms of Statehood
Likely To Continue
LONDON ()-Rhodesia's all-
whitegovernment withheld its
threatened declaration of inde-
pendence and relieved British
leaders saw weakening resolve in
the delay.
Interrupting a long meeting of
his cabinet in Salisbury, Prime
Minister Ian Smith announced
yesterday "a decision in princi-
ple" had been taken on inde-
pendence, but he kept it secret.
Instead, Smith sent off to Prime
Minister Harold Wilson in Lon-
don another message, blending an
appeal with a threat, that seems
likely to keep the ball in play
between the two capitals for quite
a while.
On the surface, Smith's words
had the ring of an ultimatum,
British authorities said. If his
final demand is not met, he seem-
ed to be saying, then he will go it
alone and very soon, too.
But delving more deeply into
the body of Smith's letter, British
officials said they detected some
signs of a weakening posture. They
said they believe he is offering
Wilson the, chance to keep the
dialogue going between London
and Salisbury.
Accepts Five Principles
The giveaway passage in Smith's
letter, which the British said
seems to signal the chance of an
initiative by Wilson, read:
"I agree that I accepted your
five principles as a basis for ne-
gotiations and that they held the
field throughout all the discus-
sions from February until this
These five principles, submitted
by the British in February, have
become a subject of dispute. As
the British tell the story, Smith
first accepted them as a negotiat-
ing basis, then turned his back
on them. Now he appears to be
displaying revived interest in them.
5 Points for Statehood
In brief the five points repre-
sent Britain's terms for granting
Rhodesia statehood.
They call for guarantees:
-For unimpeded progress to-,
ward African rule.
-Against regressive amendment
of the constitution.
-For improving the political
status of the Africans now.
-To repeal all laws embodying
racial discrimination.
-To insure that an independ-
ence settlement is acceptable to
the Rhodesian people as a whole.
Aides said Wilson would be
ready personally to fly to Salis-
bury for talks or to send one or
more of his senior ministers to do
so. But he would expect Smith to
shelve his threatened unilateral
declaration of independence which,
Wilson has said, could spark race
trouble up and down the conti-
nent of Africa and even beyond.

Viet Congl
Attack in
U.S. Air Strikes Hit
Guerrillas; Sustain
Garrison in Battle
SAIGON ()-Hard hit by day-
light, a Viet Cong battalion press-
ed an attack with mortars and
small arms yesterday on a special
forces garrison of 300 Montag-
nard tribesmen and 10 United
States advisers at Plei Me, in the
central highlands.
The garrison held out with the
help of heavy air strikes at the
Red guerrillas. U.S. planes flew
100 sorties in support of the de-
fenders, and dropped them ammu-
The Viet Cong attacked Plei
Me, in hills 210 miles northeast
of Saigon, in one of two big
strikes Tuesday night, both of
which cost them heavy casualties.
Losses Heavy
They were estimated to have
lost from 60 to 100 men around
the special forces camp through-
out the day. Twenty died on the
perimeter barbed wire. Casualties
among the defenders were report-
ed light.
But four Americans were killed
when a U.S. Army helicopter was
shot down during the battle. A
B-57 bomber believed to have been
involved on a mission to Plei Me
crashed and one crewman was in-
A report from the government
base at Pleiku, 25 miles north of
Plei Me, said the action remain-
ed so brisk that medical helicop-
trs were unable to land to evac-
uate the wounded.
Two Drives
The Viet Cong's other major
move was an attack by two bat..
talions on a government post in
the Ba Long Valley, about 400
miles north of Saigon and only a
few miles from the frontier of
North Viet Nam. That drive was
U.S. advisers reported at one
point officers had counted 94 Viet
Cong bodies on the wire and in
the mud around the post and
"they're still counting." Vietna-
mese casualties were described as
The troops captured a wounded
man who said he was a North
Vietnamese regular. He said he
joined a Viet Cong grouping in
the area Monday.
Night Attack
Flareships helped the defenders
in both cases, lighting up the
night sky so they would keep
watch of Viet Cong movements.
Maj. Gen. Chai Mun-shin, 39,
a guerrilla warfare expert, arriv-
ed in Saigon to assume command
of the South Korean expedition-
ary force. He will head a 15,000-
man combat division, one brigade
of which already has landed, plus
engineering and medical units, to-
taling 2500 men, which have been
serving in South Viet Nam since
last year.




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World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
RAWALPINDI-Indian troops
are shooting across the East Paki-
stan border for the first time since
the UN-ordered cease-fire on Sept.
23, the Pakistan government
claimed yesterday.
The statement said that in the
Mehnder sector of Kashmir, 200
miles north of Rawalpindi, Indian
troops "violated the cease-fire
every day for the last week."
IOWA CITY-A University of
Iowa student burned what he said
was his draft card before a group
of students in the Memorial Un-
ion on the campus yesterday, say-
ing it was "something I had to
Steve Smith, 20, sophomore en-
gineering student from Marion,
Iowa, said he felt United States
policy in Viet Nam is immoral, and
"I feel, I am immoral if I stand
by and keep my mouth shut."
tisans and Dominican army reg-
ulars brought a halt yesterday to
two days of fighting that raised

fears of a collapse of the provi-
sional government.
Meanwhile, the government
worked on a sweeping weapons
search and seizure law designed
to prevent the kind of outbreaks
that left three civilians dead and
seven wounded Tuesday.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Teamsters
Union President James R. Hoffa
tapped the union's treasury for
$570,396 to pay his lawyers in
three criminal trials in the past
three years, the Labor Department
said yesterday.
"That's only the top of the ice-
berg," said Seymour Spelman, at-
torney for a group of anti-Hoffa
Teamsters suing for restitution of
the funds.
The Labor Department said the
Teamsters' money was spent for
Hoffa's legal fees in three trials
since 1962.

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