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August 24, 1965 - Image 40

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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College Plans Progress

17 Schools,


The site of what may be the
most important educational inno-
vation the University has ever
produced is now just the east
seven holes of a city golf course
near North Campus.
That innovation-the Residen-
tial College-will be an attempt
to combine the vast resources of
a large university with the secur-
ity and intimacy of a smaller
school, in a self-contained college
of about 1400 students located
close to the University's Central
No other large, established uni-
versity has ever attempted this
solution to the problems of rapid
growth of the "multiversity."
Near Woods
It will be located near an at-
tractive wooded area just north-
west of the University hospital
complex and southeast of North
But the Residential College will
not only be an innovation in size
and location, it, will also be rad-
ically new in many educational
concepts. Although curriculum has
not been definitely set by college
planners, several exciting changes
are being considered, including

abolition of course grades, a
three-year degree program, com-
prehensive examinations, a n d
equal student-faculty government.
The faculty for the Residential
College will be affiliated with both
the literary college and the Resi-
dential College. Many members
will rotate for periods of a few
years, full-time on one campus
and then full-time on the other,
while others will probably split
their time between the campuses.
At Central Campus
Teachers who wish to .teach
graduate courses, or to carry on
research requiring faciilties not
available at the Residential Col-
lege will do so on the Central
Buildings, in the words of a re-
port on the Residential College,
"should be educationally adequate,
not luxurious." Cost per student
will probably be about the same
as the regular literary college
once it is begun. First building
plans include the following spe-
-Residential facilities will in-
clude space for seminars and re-
lated activities, offering a wide
choice of arrangements, including
many single rooms and rooms with
:ooking facilities;

-Dining space will be of a min-
imally institutional sort to invite
lingering after dinner for con-
-A library of about 100,000
-A building for lectures, small-
er classes and seminars as well as,
offices for teachers and adminis-
-Recreational areas including
snack bars, gymnasium, and an
-Separate quarter for adapt-
able laboratories.
But the college's most impor-
tant principle is to provide flex-
ibility and room for experimenta-
tion in its plans. Among the pos-
sibilities being considered for
adoption in the new college are:
-Abolition of individual course
grades, or institution of a "high
pass, pass, or fail" grading sys-
-Computer - assisted instruc-
tional systems to free teachers
from routine administrative tasks;
-Living - dining l a n g u a g e
houses to afford practice in lan-
guage usage;
-Time-space programming that
would set up undergraduate work
so that students would finish in
three years, going two-and-a-half
terms per semester;
-Student - faculty government
with an equal division of power;
-There will be an emphasis on
independent work, coupled with
individual assessment;
-Comprehensive course exam-
inations will be held, based on
individual courses is only a
-Intensive experience in lan-
guage training is planned, geared
to individual needs, perhaps with

Burton D. Thuma

means, not an end.
The idea of the Residential Col-
lege is not old at the University.
In Spring, 1962, literary college
faculty members first officially
suggested a literary college unit;
by November, 1964, it was ac-
cepted and planning was under-
Student and faculty planning
committees met during the year,
freely exchanging ideas on how a
new college should be built and
planned and what the most ideal
edudcational conditions are.
Completion date was originally
set for 1966, but it has been
pushed back now to 1968. But this
fall students will begin taking pi-
lot project courses, experimental
courses which are intended to
find out how well proposed
changes in the Residential Col-
lege curriculum will work.
Fall, 1967
As early as Fall, 1967, Residen-
tial College students are expected
to begin cl'asses, although the first
year will probably be spent using
ventral campus facilities.
The two main planning bodies
of the Residential College are the
Faculty Planning Committee and
the Student Advisory Committee.
Literary College Associate Dean
Bu'ton D. Thuma is director of
the Residential College.
There are 12 literary college
faculty members on the College
Faculty Planning Committee, rep-
resenting most of the important
departments in the literary college
and including representatives of
the Dearborn branch.
There are also four consulting
members of the committee, repre-
senting the Center for Research
on Learning and Teaching, the
Education School, the University
libraries, and the Law School.

the addition of an "out" for stu-
dents not inclined toward foreign
Some Used
As the Residential College plans
move into the final stages some
of these ideas may be dropped,
but at least some of them will be
used, which alone would make the
new college an educational mile-
stone for the University.
Tentative admission plans for
the college are first come, first
serve, though no definite policies
have been determined. The aim
of the planners is to obtain a
cross-section of literary college
students and then to place them
in the combination of small col-
lege atmosphere and university
facilities that the Residential Col-
.ege will provide.
The principle in planning cur-
riculum emphasizes grades as a

The academic facilities of the
University extend far beyond the
diag which is the site of so much
undergraduate activity.
Seventeen schools and colleges
compose the University, two of
which are located outside of Ann
Arbor-the Flint College and the
Dearborn Center.
The School of Architecture and
Design offers a diversity of pro-
grams: a five-year professional
program leading to a bachelor of
architecture degree, a four-year
bachelor of science in land-
scape architecture, and various
curricula leading to a bachelor of
science in design. A' graduate pro-
gram is also part of the extensive
The dean of the college is Regi-
nald F. Malcolmson.
The School of Business Admin-
istration offers five degree pro-
grams, each of which requires
two years in liberal arts.
One of the programs leads to
a master's degree in hospital ad-
ministration, and is conducted
with the University Hospital and
the public health and Medical
The other degree programs per-
tain mainly to business and eco-
nomics. The school sponsors the
Bureau of Business Research, Bu-
ureau of Indudstrial Relations,
and Bureau of Hospital Adminis-
tration. Several conferences take
place throughout the year with
representatives of the business
and industrial world.
The physical facilities of the
business school are excellent and
much attention has recently been
paid to student housing problems.
The Dean of the Business School
is Floyd R. Bond.
The Dental school has been
in existence since 1875. Classes are
primarily held in the Dental Bldg.
and the W. K. Kellogg Institute.
New facilities are a necessity, and
a new building for the school
ranks high in priority among the
University's building plans.
Postgraduate and graduate
coursos are offered by the school.
The dean is William R. Mann.
The School of Education is situ-
ated in the University High.
School. The school offers two pro-
grams. The first is for those stu-
dents who are interested in sec-
ondary education and the second
covers subjects In which student
teaching is not available and
which are not frequently taught
in high schools.
The library facilities of the
school are on the second floor of
the UGLI and the school sponsors
semesters abroad with the Uni-
versity of Sheffield in England. In
1879, the University became the
first institution in the country
to offer a professorship in the
science and art of teaching.
The dean of the school is Wil-
lard C. Olson.
More than 3000 students are
enrolled in the Engineering Col-



A and D School Breeds Architects--and Artists

2We I

2//come yo to 4 rtor*

lege, which provides undergradu-
ate programs in 13 fields, eventu-
ally leading to a bachelor of sci-
ence 'degree.
An innovation in the engineer-
ing school is the interdisciplinary
program in bio-engineering. This
program combines work in the
biological and medical sciences
with those of engineering.
Altiough literary courses are
encouraged, there is no two year
language requirement in the En-
gineering School. The college
maintains its own English depart-
The third floor of the UGLI
contains the library facilities of
the engineering college.
The Graduate School is an ad-
ministrative unit granting 25 dif-
ferent degrees. The instruction
comes from the faculty and the
faculties of other schools.'
The Graduate School is located
in the Rackham building. Part of
the function of the school is the
coordination and approval of en-
trance applications. The sponsor-
ship of post-doctoral programs is
part of its program. The dean is
Stephen Spurr.
The Law School was established
in.1860, and it offers a three-year
course which ends in a bachelor of
law degree. Three graduate pro-
grams are also offered.
Students examine and analyze
the presentation and validity of
arguments in a given case. A
closed circuit television hookup
with Washtenaw Court aids great-
ly in this respect.
The professors of the Law
School edit the two publications in
existence pertaining to interna-
tional law.

The buildings that compose the
Law Quadrangle are a landmark
and are known to nearly all stu-
dents and many visitors.
Qualification for entering the
Law School consists of completion
of four years of college and pass-
ing an entrance examination. The
dean is Allan F. Smith.
Literary College
The Literary College is by far
the University's largest and most
diverse teaching division. In its
buildings, which fill most of cen-
tral campus, the literary college
offers departmental degree pro-
grams in 32 departments. In
addition, its catalogue lists eight
interdepartmental programs, 13
"special programs," and four pro-
grams each built around the study
of one area of the world: America,
the Far East, the Near East and
As the University's liberal-arts
division, the literary college also
offers liberal-arts courses to stu-
dents enrolled in or planning to
enroll in other University divi-
Business administration, dental,
and education school students
spend their first two years in the
Ii t e r a r y college. The college's
bachelor degrees also help qualify
students for law, medical and
other professional curricula. Even
after being enrolled in the spe-
cialized University divisions, stu-
dents often take advantage of
literary college courses.
Literary College departments
also offer graduate programs of
various descriptions. The dean
is William Haber.
The Medical School contains
more than 800 students and was
established in 1850. Offering work
in 21 departments, the school



'U' Supplies Academic Rules



We're actually 8 shops in one!

1. Bedspreads . . . bunk and twin sizes by Bates & Cannon.
Specially priced for school opening. From $5.95

Final Exam Time-the Cutoff Point for Some Students

2. U. of M. Monogrammed stationery
assorted colors.

four styles in

3: Huge assortment of desk accessories at only 99c each.
Free Gift Wrapping
Mailing service anywhere in U.S.A.
Monogramming of stationery, napkins, matches, etc. One-
day service.
Delivery Service.

For freshmen who lack academic
discipline, the University will pro-
vide plenty of its own when the
first term ends.
No matter which of the four
colleges they enter--literary, archi-
tecture, pharmacy or engineering
-about 19 out of every 20 stu-
dents admitted this fall will wit-
ness the spring in Ann Arbor. A
lagging grade-point will have sent
the other home.
But of the 19 students who re-
main in good standing on the aca-
demic roster, about three of them
ae h endhc r su -h-C nerfnrm-

within the next term. As a gen-
eral rule, freshmen are given the
year to "establish eligibility" to
continue their studies.
Later pn, other Sub.-C terms
will invoke "probation continued"
status for the student-or it may
mean something more serious. The
administrative board may issue
more stringent discipline such as
"Requested to Withdraw" or "Re-
quested Not to Register." These
decisions, which expel the student,
may be appealed at a hearing.
Tn the nzineevinoy on11pae .anv

undergraduate career. Under ex-
tenuating circumstances, the right
of appeal is granted.
Architecture and Design
The architecture and design col-
lege places the freshman "on not-
ification" when he falls below C
.n his first term, or in an ensuing
term. "Probation" is incurred
when the total grade-point dips
below a C average. If the lag is
too great, or repeated sub-C
terms are recorded, the student
will be asked by the assistant
dean to show cause for not being





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