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October 17, 1965 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-17

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'tiNDAY_ OVITOR1*.A.111- 1495


olurNiLpal, vsalunr'n id, lutla

(Continued from Page 2)
Men & women for Claims Examiner &
Claims Authorizer Trainees.
Social Security Admin., Ann Arbor -
Social Insurance Repres. Assist ap-
plicants for soc. security benefits. Lo-
cated in Ohio & Mich. primarily.
Great Lakes Naval Traing Center,
Great LakesIll.-Recruiting for Elec-
tronic Supply Office to fill trainee
positions in Supply, Mgmt., & Budget
Analysis, Computer Office & Personnel.
Manufacturers National Bank, Detroit
-Men & women. Degrees in Econ. &
Gen. Lib. Arts for positions in bank-
ing & Mgmt. Trng.
C.I.A., Wash., D.C.-See above.
General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis,
Minn.-Will interview PhD Psych.
grads for Mkt. Res. positions on Oct.
18 at the Bus. Admin. Placement Office,
254 Bus. Ad. Bldg., 764-1372. U.S. citi-
zenship not required.
Timken Roller Bearing Co., Canton,
Ohio-Math majors with BS & MS
degrees for positions in Mgmt. Trng.,
Mkt. .Res., & Statistics. Interviews on
Tues., Oct. 19 at the Engrg. Place-
ment Office, 128-H W. Engrg.
Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc. & Molil
Chem. Co.-Interviews on Oct. 18 &
19. Positions in Elec. Computing, Li-
brary (Tech.), & R. & D. for men &
women grads with MS & PhD's in An-
alyt., Gen., Inorg. & Phys. Chem., Lib.
Sci., Math & Physics. U.S. citizens
pref.See Chem. & Engrg. Placement
Radio Corp. of America-Will inter-
view Oct. 18 & 19 for positions in
Elec. computing, Territorial Sales,
Computer, Mktg., & Systems Program-
ming & R. & D. Degrees in Math &
physics. Sign schedule atsEngrg. Place-
ment Office, 128-H W. Engrg.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
THURS., OCT. 21-
Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor
Works, East Chicago, Ind.-Any Degree:
ChE & Met. BS-MS: CE, EE, IE, ME.
MS: Constr. BS: E Math for IE &
Computers, EM. Also Tech. Men with
MBA. R. & D., Des., Prod.
Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc., The Goss
Co., Chicago, Ill.-BS: EE, IE & ME.
R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales.
Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc., The Miehle
Co., Chicago, Ili.-BS: ME. Des., Prod.,
City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wis.-
BS-MS: ME. BS: CE. MS: Constr. &
Public Works Admin. Various Munici-
Pan American Petroleum Corp., Tul-
sa, Okla.-PhD: Communic. Sci. &
EE. Citizens & non-citizens becoming
citizen or permanent resident. Res.
THURS.-FRI., OCT. 21-22-
General Electric Co., All Co. locations
& activities-training programs & spe-
cific jobs-BS-MS: AE, ChE, EE, EM,
IE, Mat'ls., ME, Met., Naval & Marine,

all phases of Chem., Math & Physics.
Prof.: Applied Mech. MS: Communic.
Sci., Info, & Controls, Nuclear. ES:
E Math, E Physics, Sci. Engrg. R. &
D., Des., Prod., Sales.
Interstate Electronics Corp., Ana-
heim, Calif. (p.n.)-Any Degree: EE.-
MS-PhD: Info. & Controls. PhD: Me-
teor. & Ocean. Analog circuit design,-
Logic des., computer dev., Sys. Engrg.,
Propagation & antenna theory. Signal
processing & analysis. Computer ap-
plications engrg.
FRI., OCT. 22-
Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.
-Any Degree: EE, ME. BS-MS: IE.

R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
National Steel Corp., Detroit &' Weir- '
to, NW. Va.-Any Degree: ChE & Met.
BS: CE, EE, E Math, EM, E Plysics,
IE, Mat'ls., ME, Sci. Engrg., Math &
Chein. R. & D., Des., Prod.
Olin, N.Y., N.Y.-BS-MS: ChE. EM,
IE. ME, Met. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales.
U.S. Gov't., NASA, Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, Calif.-Any De-
gree: AE & Astro., EE, ME. BS: E
Physics. R. & D., Des.
U.S. Govt., Navy Dept., Bureau of
Yards & Docks-BS-MS: AE & Astro-
CE, EE, IE, ME. MS: Conctr., Sanitary,
Nuclear. R. & D., Des.


yours with


-Daily-Richard Steiner
THE DIAG WAS A FOREST of picket signs and hecklers' calls as students protesting United States intervention in Viet Nam staged
an eight-hour vigil ending at noon Friday. Students and Faculty members argued the pros and cons of the issues, ranging from rational
discussions to highly charged emotional diatribes.

1. Is it true you re planning
to get engaged?
I'm on the brink
of giving Jane my
Beethoven sweatshirt.
3. What about money for your
children's education?
My Uncle Henry is
very fond of me.
lie owns a steel mill.
5. I know something that can
help you meet almost all
your financial needs.
And be independent, too.
Nothing can do all that.

2. How are you going to guarantee
security to your family when
you're married?
I have a rich aunt,
you know.
4. Who'd pay off your mortgage
if you should die?
You never can tell.
Every time I help
an old man across the
street I give him
my name and address
in case he doesn't
have anyone to leave
his money to.
6. Living Insurance from
Equitable can. It can even
give you a lifetime income
when you retire.
I wonder if Uncle Henry
has it?



NOUNCEMENTS is available to official-
ly recognized and registered student
organizations only. Forms are avail-
able in Room 1011 SAB.
Gamma Delta, Sunday evening, Oct.
17, 6 p.m., supper; 6:45 p.m., program.
'The Gospel According to Peanuts,"
Charles Minneman, the director of reli-
tious affairs at EMU, speaker. All wel-
come, 1511 Washtenaw.
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, lunes
3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Vangan
Lutheran Student Chapel, Worship
services, 9:30 and 11 a.m., Sun., Oct.
17; 7 p.m., Film, "Raisin in the Sun,"
7:30 p.m., Lutheran Student Chapel,
Hill St. at Forest Ave.
* *' *4
University Lutheran Chapel, SundayI
morning services at 9:45 and 11:15 a.m.I
Bible class at 11:15na.m.:"God and
My Pocketbook." All welcome. Univer-
sity Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw.
* * ,4
German Club, A movie. Mon, night,
Oct. 18, 8 p.m., Multipurpose Room,
UGLI,,"Dev Ver Schwender," Ferdi-
nand Raimund

Aristocrat; Billiard Shape, $5.95 and $6.95
No matter what you smoke you'll
like Yello-Bole.The new formula,
honey lining insures Instant Mild-
ness; protects the imported briar
bowl-so completely, it's guaran-
teed against burn out for life. Why
not change your smoking habits
the easy way - the Yello-Bole
way. $2.50 to $6.95.
Spartan Checker Thorn
$2.50 $3.50 $4.95
Official Pipes New York World's Fair
Free Booklet tells how to smoke a pipe;
shows shapes, write: YELLO-BOLE
PIPES, INC., N.Y. 22, NY., Dept. 100.
e~y the makers of KAYWOODIE ;

-Daily-Richard Steiner -Daily-Richard Steiner
THE VIET NAM PROTEST demonstrators marched to the Selec- NOT ALL OF THE DEMONSTRATORS in Friday's activities
tive Service Office in Ann Arbor at the same time a float with were protesting against U.S. Viet Nam policy. Students bearing
an "end-the-war" theme was participating in the Homecoming these SPASM signs counter picketed the sit in at the Diag and
parade. Catcalls and threats of violence plagued the marchers. followed the marchers to the jail.

For information about Living Insurance, see The Man from Equitable.
For career opportunities at Equitable, see your Placement Officer, or
write: Patrick Scollard, Manpower Development Division.
The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States
Home Office: 1285 Ave. of the Americas, New York, N. Y. 10019 @Equitable 1965
An Equal Opportunity Employer


>r_ ._ .__..





for Donegal Shirts

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Iln Ilnn



Never underestimate the power
a° R of a sport shirt. A good one
can pick you up like four aces
in'a hand of stud. Take the
COUNTY LINE, for instance.
A handsome country wool with
a subtle urban polish. New
shorter point collar looks
great zipped closed or worn
casually open with a contrasting
"fill-in". Perfectly'matched
patch pockets button down with
king-size flaps. Pull-over
styling. Beautiful, rich-toned
plaids. Luxury fabric that's
100% wool and 100% machine
washable. A lot of shirt for
t ..$'1291
Sizes: S,M,L,XL
Colors: Plaids and Solid


ds I


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