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October 16, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-16

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Foreign Policy and the Intellectuals

Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Trutb Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Parade and Protest
On a Friday Afternoon

SOMEWHERE in the hoopla of the drums
and the blaring of the trumpets, five
blocks away from the judging stand in
front of the Union, the first acts of an
ever continuing morality play unfolded,.,
with'the floats and the bands of Home-
coming serving as backdrop.
Protests don't seem to mean too much
anymore, at least not to most of the Uni-
versity's students who seem to have be-
come insensitized to them. Four guys and
a guitar, protesting against protests, got
the biggest reaction and the most atten-
Lion from yesterday's "International Days
of Protest" rally on the Diag.
But there are some places where a
picket line against the government still
hits pretty hard, where you don't throw
around lines like "End the War" and
"Stop the Slaughter" too loosely. There
are places not replete with objective in-
tellectuals willing to tolerate dissent but
peopled, instead, with work-a-day world
kind of men to whom the United States
government, if not always completely
good, is never, ever bad.
Downtown Ann Arbor was such a place
Friday, and the protestors there, march-
ing in a block-long picket line with their
placard signs, needed a pretty thick skin.
STOCKBROKER stood in the door-
way of his office, benevolently look-
ing down as they marched, saying how it
was just like when he was in school and
"Communist cell blocks were the big
thing." But this was no way to express
dissent, he said, for "who would listen to
those kind of people? Hell, why don't they,
take baths or get their hair cut first?"
Most of the bystanders just stared, won-
deringly at first, resentfully later. To
most, to the men in their tired suits as
well as those in their blue work-shirts
and hard hats, to the wo~nen who had
brought their children down early to get
good places to'watch the parade, as well
as to the off-duty waitresses and the
secretaries staring out of their second
story.windows, the whole thing just didn't
seem to mean much. But after a while
they sensed that the status quo, the set
of precious absolutes with which they
had lived so long and so well, was being
challenged by a bunch of "p'unk kids who
have never been in uniform, who don't
even know what this country is all about."
One scraggily bearded marcher, proud-
ly pushing a baby stroller in which sat
his bewildered young son, sadly smiled as
the crowd heaped its abuse on him.
An old man watched. Unlike most of
the rest, he agreed with the marchers.
In an almost inaudible voice pocked by
broken English he murmured "enough
war. You leave and you're a hero, you
return shot up and nobody looks at you."
Y THEN THE BANDS were coming
down South Main Street and atten-
tion previously devoted to the protest
was now* directed towards the floats and

pretty girls. There was still an occasion-
al cry of "end the war in Viet Nam" but
most people were too preoccupied with
"downing the Boilermakers" to really
listen to it.
A few of the marchers left their circle
chain and took positions near the front
of the crowd, and then, like everybody
else, became engrossed in the spectacle
of the moment. Almost everybody else,
that is.
There were three to whom the parade
was secondary. Two of the three were big,
all had moderate sideburns and one of
them spoke with a Southern twinge. The
biggest of the three had prematurely
grey hair and wore a T-shirt, uncovering
a tatoo on his left arm of the Marine
Corps insignia. They were there to chal-
lenge, directly and physically, anybody's
right to question, and they had found
what they wanted, an isolated protestor
silently watching the parade.
He said nothing as they called him
"kike" and "Commie," but stared back
at them with a look of complete defiance,
so convinced in his purpose and genuine
in his principle that he seemed to knrw
they couldn't hurt him; and they seemed
to knew it too and it made them bitter.
"Boy, you better take down that sign
or I'm gonna flatten you." The sign and
its bearer remained unmoved.
THEN, SUDDENLY, came the inevitable
fight, although three on one is hardly
a fight. The sign was snapped and the
marcher was bloody before the police,
who were stationed ten feet away but
took twenty seconds to arrive, had brok-
en it up. And the police, who enforce
traffic violations with such unmerciful
justice, surrounded the marcher and his
molestors, joining hands and encircling
"Officer, that kid insulted the U.S. flag,
he waved the sign around while the flag
passed and started'yelling things."
The police took the grey-haired en-
forcer and the marcher away in a car,
still uncertain abqut what had really hap-
pened and evidently not too curious, for
the four witnesses who volunteered their
stories had to walk all the way over to
City Hall before anybody would even take
their names and still nobody wanted to
listen to them.
kid who had stepped in the fight to
prevent the marcher from being beaten
up worse than he was, asked, more to
himself than anybody around him, "I
wonder if I would do the same thing
The witnesses came back from City
Hall, the "Go-Go" girls and their float
were jerking their way by, and somewhere
in the distance a high school band was
playing "Hail to the Victors" off-key.

T HE VIET NAM protest move-
ment has invented one new
tactic, the teach-in, and adopted
another, nonviolent protest and
civil disobedience, from the mili-
tant civil rights group. If a syn-
thesis can be achieved, a vital
new force for the shaping of in-
ternational affairs will result.
The "professors" will have be-
come a part of the foreign af-
fairs decision-making process, and
will lend to it, hopefully, bad-
ly-needed new perspectives, ap-
proaches and ideas. Our State De-
partment has been obsolete since
at least the introduction of the
international telephone.
The role of the intellectuals in
world affairs is delineated by the
new assistant secretary of state for
educational and cultural affairs,
Charles Frankel, in "The Scrib-
blers and International Relations"
in the current issue of Foreign
Affairs quarterly.
Frankel, a philosophy professor
on leave from Columbia, pinpoints
legitimacy as a prerequisite of a
functioning government. "And to
a considerable extent," he says,
"the secular intellectuals of mod-
ern nations have supplanted the
clergy as the principal suppliers
and endorsers of the symbols of
THE COMMON international
catchwords which are, in fact, al-
most the sole content of interna-
tional dialogue, "are intellectuals'
terms." Frankel mentions "capi-
talism," "socialism," "freedom,"
"justice," and "exploitation" as ex-
While international diplomatic
communication is the province of
the state department and the

President, the terms in which it is
carried on are supplied by the in-
Therefore, Frankel says, "Over
the long run, a major nation's
foreign policy is unlikely to suc-
ceed, or will, at any rate, be-
come more costly and more com-
pletely dependent on violence and
the threat of violence, if it loses
the understanding and sympathy
of intellectuals in other countries
and at home."
been strengthened and been more
closely defined and made explicit
through the following circum-
-The emergence of a goldfish
bowl world where everybody can
watch everybody else, presently
via The New York Times, soon via
-The rapidly increasing tempo
of intellectual study of sociology,
economics, political science and
combinations of these at an in-
ternational level, providing whole
new yet still specialized, vocabu-
laries for the discussion of for-
eign affairs, and
-The rapidly rising level of
communications among the intel-
lectuals in this country; there is
for all practical purposes, only one
quarterly journal, Foreign Affairs,
in which the State Department
types can communicate among
themselves, there are thousands of
journals in the social sciences for
the intellectuals to communicate
It is also interesting to note in
this last respect that a well-devel-
oped communications network,
largely among psychologists and
sociologists all over the U.S., is

Michigan MAD
that what accounts for the rapid,
nationwide success of the teach-
in movement last spring.
that the teach-in has begun to
take on many of the attributes of
one of the intellectuals' favorite
means of communication, the con-
ference. Conferences are constant-
ly being held everywhere on every-
thing and have become an accept-
ed part of the professor's regular
Conferences, however, with all
their-seminars, speeches, banquets,
cocktail hours and crowds are not
designed to produce consensus, just
to disseminate new ideas, which
are always rampant at such af-
And consensus is what is need-
ed if the intellectuals are to go to
the State Department with some
force behind them. Prof. Christ-
opher Lasch of the University of
Iowa history department reports
on some of the problems of the
conference-type teach-in in the
current Nation.
Discussing the last teach-in
here, he says, "There were a few
bright spots in this lengthy pro-
gram, but the general effect was
dreary." This suggests not only
that the conference approach can't
get very far but that there is, in
fact, little to really talk about.
As Lasch says, the subject of
stopping the war in Viet Nam "has

very little intellectual content; a
certain number of points can be
made, and the subject is quickly
IF A COMMON level of dis-
course can be established, how-
ever, among the economists, so-
ciologists, political scientists and
others interested in Viet Nam (and
other international problems), and
new vocabulary worked up and
synthesized among these disci-
plines, then the teach-in-as-con-
ference will have much to recom-
mend it.
Possible areas for study men-
tioned in Lasch's article include
"the relation of the American Left
to Communism, the origins of the
"cold war," even Stalinism. Unfor-
tunately, traditional disciplinary
boundaries are going to work
strongly against any generalized
commingling on a useful level
among several academic depart-
Conferences on Viet Nam are
likely to produce "experts" on Viet
Nam who will have their own con-
ferences, and we will soon be back
where we started. There is some
hope that intellectuals on both
sides ideologically will climb down
from their self-created towers of
"capitalist imperialism," "gallop-.
ing socialism," "creeping Commu-
nism," and all the rest and start
to talk about relevant problems.
Once the "exciting" Viet Nam
conference is created there still
remains the initial problem of in-
teresting the State Department in
what is being said, Conferences
are of no use unless there is real
interchange among those who
have new ideas and perceptions of
international relations and those

who must utilize them.
THIS IS WHERE the civil dis-
obedience-peaceful protest concept
can be important. Only through
dint of force or threat of disrup-
tion or embarrassment will the
power of those who now handle
policy be shared. The immediate
impact of peaceful protest will
be reinforced by the long-range
importance of intellectual support,
for the intellectuals will under-
mine the legitimacy of the State
Department and its supporting in-
stitutions through their creation
of the very terms in which they
Whether or not a coalition of
dissident groups is going to get put
together to really pierce State De-
partment complacency remains to
be seen. It seems unlikely, how-
ever; measures of coping with pro-
test are fairly well-developed, and
the federal jails can support an
awful lot of draft-card burners.
But if the intellectuals will per-
sist in their questioning of the
basic assumptions of American
foreign policy and the processes by
which it is formulated; and if they
can begin to work among them-
selves to translate the study of
their disciplines into a common
vocabulary for discussing interna-
tional problems; and if they can
back this all up with their own
and students' constant harassment
of the conventional ways of ob-
fuscating and covering up these is-
sues; then a radical reorientation
of international thinking and pol-
icy-making is not only possible
but likely.
THE TEACH-IN may yet emerge



Homecoming, 1965Cause for Pride

To the Editor:
THE CITY of Ann Arbor and the
University have much to be
proud of as a result of the Home-
coming parade.
The student body can now say
that it has about 200 students who
are willing and most pleased to
attack violently anyone (women
included) who is opposed to the
U.S. policy in Viet Nam. I refer
to those patriots who attacked
the Viet Nam float and those
students who were around and on
it. I am now very much afraid to
be a student here. So would any-
one who saw the faces of those
patriots who so valiantly attacked
the float. There was pure murder
on those faces.
Ann Arbor now knows that it
has a police force which will stand
by while people are being attacked
and refuse to protect them. Why
was there no police protection for
the float and those on and around
it? It certainly was known to the
police that there would be such a
float. Did they forget or ignore
the fact that the original float
had been destroyed by vandals
the night before? Where were
those police who were assigned to
seeing that the parade went off
safely. Finally, why did those
three policemen that did come to
investigate the disturbance com-
pletely refuse to protect the float.
IT ALL makes me very proud
to be a student of the University
and a resident of Ann Arbor.
-Michael Lubin, '67
Centicore Survival
To the Editor:
TONIGHT on our way home
from the UGLI, we went into
the Centicore Bookstore on South
University to find some books we
couldn't find anywhere else on
campus. Fortunately we found
our books there and we also found
information that made us sit up
and take notice.
First of all, we would like to
say that we have all worked on
the movement for a University
Bookstore and we have strongly
supported this. However, we were
all unconscious of one very im-
portant aspect of this bookstore:
a University Bookstore could mean
the end of Centicore.
For those of you who are not
acquainted with Centicore, it is
a bookstore that carries not only
a wide selection of hardbound
books not usually found in our
'campus" bookstores, but it also
carries the , most comprehensive
collection of new and used paper-
backs that we've ever seen. The
owners sell new books for a 20
per cent discount, hardbound and
paperback, and an even greater
discount on used books. They are
not interested in the profit-
making aspect of running a book-
store but are sincerely interested
in providing more books than
those on the "Psych 101 Required
Reading Syllabus."
THEY ARE already working on
such a marginal basis that even
a 10 per cent loss of business
would necessitate their closing
down. We are still very much in
favor of the University Bookstore
L . ..nn 4 he e- o rn r - it 1^111

should not forget about Centi-
Students? or Merchants? Centi-
core merchants are for the stu-
dents. So ... Why not? DAMMIT!
-Leora Berns, '68
-Judy Kovan, '68
-Phyllis Shiovitz, '68
An Open Letter
To the Editor:
Irene Rurphy:
The purpose of this letter is to
provide you with information
which may be helpful to you in
eventually making a decision on
the bookstore issue. My personal
bias, of course, is in favor of a
University bookstore and any
controls which the Board of Re-
gents may deem appropriate to,
help regulate the inflationary
prices which are common in Ann
For several weeks I have been
sick with a cold and sore throat
and have had to buy a number of
4 ounce bottles of Benadryl Elixir.
The pharmacy in the U. of M.
Student Health Service sold me
several bottles of this drug for
80c a bottle. On one occasion I
was in a hurry and decided to buy
the same item at the State Street
Quarry, a local drug store. The
Quarry charged me $1.60 for the
same 4 ounce bottle of Benadryl
Inasmuch as the U. of M. Stu-
dent Health Service has a slight,
markup on drugs to offset operat-
ing overhead, it is apparent that
the Quarry operates with a gross
markup in excess of 100 per cent.
. Kindly note two things: 1) that
the operation of the U. of M.
Studtnt Health Service Pharmacy
is in direct violation of the Re-
gent's 1929 Ruling prohibiting
economic competition with pri-
vate community enterprises, and
2) that none of the drug stores
in Ann Arbor has been put "out
of business" because of this vio-

Neither have the Ann Arbor
restaurants lost any money be-
cause of the several excellent food
service facilities operated by the
University and open to the gen-
eral public. There are numerous
other violations of the 1929 Rul-
ing, and so far as I have been
able to determine, no one has been
put "out of business."
I would like to suggest that U.
of M. competition with private
community enterprises would
serve as a pricing check on the
local merchants. A legitimate
margin of profit is no objection on
the part of students and others
promoting the bookstore. However,
I would like to respectfully sug-
gest that available facts indicate
that the margin of profit obtain-
ed by Ann Arbor merchants ap-
proximates the "maximum that
the traffic can bear-_
I join the others who are con-
cerned about this problem in urg-
ing you and the other members of
the Board to investigate the mat-
ter fully and to cooperate with
the Student Government Council
Bookstore Committee in its at-
tempt to bring a message from the
students of the school to your at-
-George N. Vance, Jr. Grad
SGC Committee on the
University Bookstore
To the Editor:
IT IS OFTEN difficult to decide
when one should tolerate a vi-
rus with the hope that it will 'go
away or takehsome direct action
before it develops into something
serious. Perhaps many of us on
campus have been procrastinating
too long in making our diagnosis.
If the Wednesday, October 13th
issue is any indication, a virulent
minority, composed of innocents,
pro-Communists, plain ole draft-
dodgers, and left-wing nuts are
now using The Daily to saturate
the student body with their anti-

American propaganda. Perhaps
more of the Daily staff have also
been unduly ignoring certain
symtoms of malignancy?
The war in Viet Nam is ex-
tremely complex and difficult to
evaluate under the. best of cir-
cumstances. President Johnson
made a serious error by not in-
forming the American people of
the gravity of the situation there
much earlier than he did. How-
ever, the so-called "teach ins"
have probably done more to dis-
tort the issues than to clarify
them. Elements from both the ex-
treme Right and the extreme Left
have manipulated the situation
so that objective (two-sided) dis-
cussionshave been displaced by
propaganda circuses.
There also appears to be a neg-
ative correlation of significant
proportions between the vocifer-
ousness of some faculty members
and their knowledge about the
situation in Viet .Nam. I suggest
that The Daily formulate a list
of pertinent and pointed questions
on the war in Viet Nam and get
detailed responses from competent
people on both sides of the issue.
This should make more informa-
tive reading than some of the
current stuff gracing your pages.
THE LEFT-WING minority
group on this campus which seeks
to "end the war" has gone to
great pains to ;exaggerate every
s'American error in Viet Nam and
to distort the little evidence that
is available. They have been es-
pecially careful to omit any data
which reveals the large-scale de-
struction, the brutalities and the
savage murders being inflicted on
innocent people' in South Viet
Nam by the Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese Army 'units which
have invaded South Viet Nam.
They also fail to mention the
many refugees (reportedly 1,000,-
000 people) who have fled to South
Viet Nam to escape the terror of
Communism. The appeasers pur-
port to be concerned about "the
people of Viet Nam," but they are

apparently willing to write off
these people who rejected Ho Chi
Minh and who would surely be re-
taliated against if we let the
Communists succeed in their ag-
The appeasers also claim that
we are condemned by other na-
tions for our stand in Viet Nam,
but I understand that 24 nations
are actively participating in the
Allied effort in South Viet Nam.
(Does anyone have more data on
Finally, the charge is made that
we are doing nothing to help the
people of South Viet Nam in so-
cial or economic development. The
largest American economic pro-
gram in the world is the one in
South Viet Nam. Over 700 Ameri-
cans are 'working on socio-,'
economic projects. About 100 of
these civilians are working in the
provinces. The U.S. Agency for
International Development (AID)
is trying to recruit more Ameri-
cans-especially for the rural
areas-but qualified volunteers
are scarce. An advisor must serve
18 months without his family and
there are certain occupational
I do not write as an expert on
Viet Nam, but as a student who is
old-fashioned enough to be sen-
sitive to some rather vicious and
irresponsible attacks on his gov- ,
ernment. Most of us want peace
in Viet Nam, but let's make it
peace without appeasement!
-Jim Brady, Grad
IF ONLY America's race prbb-
lems were in some other coun- A
try, then she could step in there
and straighten them out.
-Dick Gregory

The Anti-Protestors

telling a story of ancient China, in
which a visitor remarked to his mandar-
in host how strange it was to observe
two carriage-drivers who had had an ac-
cident arguing vigorously in the street
about who was responsible without so
much as striking a blow.
"We believe," said his host, "that he
who strikes the first blow admits he has
given out of ideas."
It is by now fairly evident that the
so-called "dialogue" on Viet Nam has
totally given out of ideas. The many fal-
lacies of some of the opponents of the
war have been examined in great detail.,
It is now time, however, to focus on some
of the nonsense-and boorish behavior
-of some of the supporters of present
U.S. policy.
The defacing of the anti-Viet Nam war
homecoming float, as well as the al-
most incredible harassment of those on
the float yesterday is beneath contempt.
Those involved in these incidents--which
can only be termed outrageous - are a
group of criminals who deserve punish-
ment commensurate with their behavior.

however, is the assertion that those who
protest the war in Viet Nam and who of-
fer alternative policies are "unqualified"
to do so-that they lack the necessary
expertise to offer advice on the problem
and hence should be silent. (Apparently,
those who advance'this proposition think
they have the qualifications to disqualify
time there were a controversy over
some public matter, there would, indeed,
never be any controversy at all. If Amer-
ican society is still a democracy-which,2
despite the assertions of some of the pro-
testors, it still is-it is so because every
American has not only the right, but the
positive duty, to speak out on issues con-,
cerning his country. It is thus ironic that,
though we believe we are defending free-
dom by fighting in Viet Nam, some of the
war's supporters seem so eager to deprive
some of their fellow Americans of their
own freedom to participate in the affairs
of the great Republic.
The best way-indeed, ultimately the
only way-to expose and defeat bad ideas
is to come un with better ones: this is.

How To Combat The Paddleball Sellers

swarmed by a new, breed of
activist recently.
I discovered this elite quite by
accident in front of the Graduate
Library. Actually, I was walking
across the end of the Diag far-
thest from the library when a cute,
cuddly blond cut me off, thrust a
fly-back in front of my nose and
exclaimed, "Buy one, mister?" I
wasn't sure if it was a question
or an order, but being in my usual
financial state, I couldn't afford
the 15c for the ball and paddle.
She had heard the "broke-bit"
before, she said, and persisted
with her pitch. "Buy it for your
kids. Make sure they grow up
coordinated and not looked down
upon by the other kids on the
block." She wouldn't accept the
fact that I wasn't married and
"But everyone has one! You
don't want to be the only one
left out, do you?" she asked.
"Mv rnnmA.P nn,+ bmv nnP

So What?
by sarasohn
"I'm sorry."
"You are forgiven."
"It's just that this is the first
thing at college I've ever done
outside the classroom. I wanted so
badly to do well but I'm a failure.
I just can't do anything."
"Yes you can," I tried to say
"You are so sweet to say so, but
I know you are just saying it to
make me feel better."
"No, really, I'm not at all!"
"You are really a nice guy any-
way, and you don't look bad with-
out one."
"Thanks, but you're just saying
"No T'm not."

"I hope you are not mad at me
"No, I'm not at all. You've help-
ed me considerably to find myself.
How can I ever repay you?"
"Well, there is one way, but I'm
a little afraid you'll take it the
wrong way."
"Tell me. I'll be careful."
"Be sure to think it over care-
fully. Please see that the only
reason I'd ask something like this
is that I've grown attached to
you in the last few minutes. I feel
that we know each other suffi-
ciently to be able to assume cer-
tain liberties without any fear

of physical reprisal."
"Ask me. I :feel strong enough."
"WHAT BEGAN as a simple
economic relationship has bloomed
into something indescribably beau-
tiful. I feel closer to you than I
have ever been to anyone.
"Ask me. I'm a modern girl, so
don't feel .worried."
"It takes all the courage I have."
"Ask me. I feel I've known you
all my life."
"I can do it now. I'm sure."
"Congratulations! Ask me."
"May I borrow your fly-back?"

How To Protest?

"IRST OF ALL, we'll sleep on
nnthe lawn of the ROTC

mayor's office."

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