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October 14, 1965 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-14

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~Wa1Iy ~
A certain scorn wells up in the
4minds of old-timers when they
hear someone attempt to compare,
today's Michigan grid teams with
those of days past.
As they express this scorn, they
simultaneously lament the current
lack of Tom Harmons, Harry Kip-
kes, and Bennie Friedmans. But
not all are gone. After 34 years
of commendable and commentable
service, there is still Wally Weber.
"Coach" Weber, the master of
the simile, the pun, the play on'

Weber A



Boaters Buoyant About Club

words, and, in his own terminol-
ogy, ,"tongue gymnastics," has, in
his well-colored career, seen them
all, played them all, ribbed them
all, and, in a fashion only some-
one of his character could man-
age, been them all - a human
Perha'ps triteness might flavor
the use of a cliche, but the former
fullback, varsity backfield coach,
and head freshman coach has be-
come a living legend here in Ann
Arbor. Now confining his official
endeavors to the sphere of teach-
ing bowling for the Physical Edu-
cation department in the Union
lanes, his main-and true-func-
tion has been. that of serving as
the foremost of the football ban-
quet circuit after-dinner speakers.

Public relations, he calls it, and
he has related publicly in more
than 38 states in a span of 25
years with as many as 125 din-
ners a year. He is proud to point
out his accomplishments at the
foremost of football dinners, that
of the Chicago Quarterback club,
where he has appeared as many
years as he has been in the busi-
Lion's Share of Glories
Weber has had a part in as
many championship teams as per-
haps anyone in Michigan history.
At fullback on the 1925-26 varsity
teams, Weber shared in the glory
of two conference titles. Return-
EBER ing to Ann Arbor in the position

of backfield coach under Kipkes,
he helped mold, in three years in
that spot, three Big Ten winners
and two national champions.
From 1934 to 1959, as freshman
coach, Weber shaped such grid-
ders as Harmon, Bob Chappius,
the Elliott brothers (Bump and
Pete), Jimmy Pace, and Ron
Kramer, all of them All-Ameri-
cans, all of them stars on the
championship teams spawned in
the 25 years of his tutelage.
No Comparative Media
' Who were the best? Weber says
it would be "a grave injustice to
name some as 'the best.' It is irre-
vocably impossible to compare, in
any fashion, players or teams of
today with those of the pre-sub-
stitution era."
Speaking from the knowledged
position of observation and exper-
ience, the 62-year-old Weber
points out 'that one could not pos-
sibly compare someone like offen-
sive specialist Carl Ward, a star
in today's usage of the term, with
the 60-minute man of the '20's.
He uses his vast wealth of foot-
ball information - tell him the'
year and Michigan's opponent
and he'll describe the game - to
illustrate his point. "I don't mean
to detract from today's players,
but when was the last time you
saw an entire game played with-
out a single substitution on either
side? Michigan and Illinois did it
back in '26."
Still Active on Sidelines
Although nolonger a coach in
the official sense, Weber doesn't
separate himself from today's
teams, either. Down at the Ferry
Field daily for the '65 Wolverines'
practices, he takes more-than-ac-
tive interest in the team. *
In the booming voice that char-
acterizes his self-assured demean-

or, Weber expounds his formula
for success on the gridiron. "The
only way to build a winner is with
constant practice, relying on the
repetitive principle to make suc-
cessful maneuvers routine."
Word Wizard
Each week following a Saturday
game, it is Weber's job to present
and narrate the game's films.
Employing one of the many word-
plays which flavor his conversa-
tion, he states that in preparing
his "show" he is "busier than an
obstetrician at the birth of a
Weber prefers to emphasize the
character building aspects of
football, considering it more than
just a show. "Sportsmanship is
the golden rule in action. When
one man throws a block for his
teammate, he is, in a sense, por-
traying a great social interaction
in football togs. A team, and the
players on it, have one common
objective: to. win the game. There-
fore, when a boy learns football,
he is learning the principle of de-
Plans to Stick Around'
Plans for the future? The old-
in-numbers-only mentor just plans
to continue what he is doing now.
How long does he think he can
continue? "As long as they let
me," he says. "That is, until they

give me the 'road scholarship'."
Signs of change in the game in
the future? "The era of spectator
football as a man's diversion is
coming to an end. Every Saturday,
you'll find-happily-that half of
the people in the stands are fe-
male. This is due to public rela-
tions, "and I'm proud to be re-
sponsible for part of the accom-
To quote The Michigan Daily of
Sept. 22, 1931: "This fall marks
the arrival of a newcomer to the
Wolverine coaching staff, Wally
Webertbeing the latest addition to
the list of coaches." That was 34
years ago, but in spirit, Wally
Weber is still a newcomer.

Battered Blue Getting Bluer
Wit elnOut for Se ason

The University of Michigan
Sailing Club gives one of the best
deals on campus. After paying
his dues, a member has free use
of ten boats, transportation, and
The popularity of this offer
shows in the participation of over
400 people a year. Not all at one
time, but members can sail just
about as much as their grade-
points allow.
Swim 50 Yards
The only requirement for join-
ing is the ability to swim 50 yards.
Novices learn the ropes from Boat

The Michigan Wolverine foot-
ball team, which is quickly be-
coming more of a candidate for
Blue, Cross than for a second
straight Big Ten title, has now lost
defensive guard Barry Dehlin.
Dehlin is the third starter to
be lost for the season. Like the
other two, Jim Detwiler and Bill


Keating, Dehlin's problem is the
knee. He will be operated on to-
Dehlin was injured in the sea-
son opener at North Carolina'and
has sat out ever since. The doc-
tors did not decide until recently,
however, that he would need an
In the last few games, he has
been replaced by Dennis Flanagan
who will probably continue in the
starting role.
Most other injury cases appear
to be on the road to recovery. Carl
Ward who has bruised the crest
of his hip two straight games
should be ready for action this
Saturday against Purdue.
The same is true for end Jack
Clancy, who was hit hard late in
the game, and Wally Gabler, who
injured a rib..
Halfback John Rowser is also
rounding into a shape after a
hand injury just before the be-
ginning of the season. Rowser will
probably battle Rick Sygar for
Detwiler's now vacant halfback

School on Saturday mornings and
Shore School after the regular
Thursday night meetings, as well
as from sailing as crew. Any time
a skipper is available, except for
Saturday and Sunday mornings
when competition is held, a mem-
ber can sail.
Headed by Commodore Roger
Wallace, the club has all the
structure of a land-lubber organi-
zation, plus a hierarchy based on.
sailing skill. The skippers are ad-
vanced sailors, who can train
helmsman (intermediates), who in
turn teach the crew (beginners).
The current fleet includes ten
newly - purchased 15 - foot Skip-
jacks and a sloop which resembles
a scaled-down Flying Dutchman.
Founded in 1938 by a group of
Naval architects, the club sailed
on Whitmore Lake until 1952,
when it moved to its present loca-
tion on Base Lake, 20 miles north
B-Ball Tryouts
Tryouts begin for the fresh-
man basketball team this Mon-
day, Oct. 18, at 3:30 p.m. at
the Intramural Building..Those
going out should bring their
own equipment.
of Ann Arbor. Whitmore Lake is
still used for iceboating, however.
Regattas Held
Regattas are held on Saturdays
until Thanksgiving (or until the
lake freezes), with approximately:
ten clubs participating in each.
Competition standing is deter-
mined on a percentage basis-one
point for. finishing plus one for
every boat beaten, divided by pos-
sible points.
Two weeks ago, the racing team
walked off with a first place
trophy only to discover later that
the Detroit.Sailing Club had made
a mistake in figuring the score,
and Michigan had lost by three
points. The club had no better
luck last. week, naming in second

Big Event
The big event of the season is
the Robert Carey-Allan Price Re-
gatta held each year by the Uni-
versity as a memorial to two for-
mer club members. This year it
will take place on homecoming
Last year for the first time, the
Midwest competed with the East.
Only two Midwestern schools were
allowed representation, and Mich-
igan finished sixth at Annapolis.
(Wayne State, the other school,
finished second.)
At least six team members com-
pete in each regatta. Four men
compose a team, but they can be
switched for the school's advant-
age. Competitors are'members of
the Racing Club, a division of the
Sailing Club, and are undergrad-
There is no varsity intercolleg-
iate sailing because girls also com-
The club boasts such former
members as Timme Schneider,
North American Woman's Yacht
Racing Champion, and current
International Penguin Champions
Otto Scherer and Bruce Gold-
Executive Sailors
Technically a corporation, the
club finances itself by members'
dues. It uses University land and
workshops, but owns its own boats
and equipment.
The Sailing Club's handbook,
"The Michigan Sailor," is a
thorough manpal of rules, instruc-
tions and diagrams. It is current-
ly being revised and' updated, and
hopefully will be finished by next
Iceboating at Whitmore Lake
gives the especially hardy sailors
a chance to keep ship-shape dur-
ing the winter. This relatively new
sport is gaining popularity and
the club hopes to buy another ice-
boat to add to the two they al-
ready own.

to Wisconsin

in a regatta held

Full Time & Evening Employment
If you are .free four evenings each week and Saturdays, you can
maintair your studies and still enjoy a part-time job doing special

1. Purdue at MICHIGAN
(pick score)
2. Minnesota at Iowa
3. Indiana at Illinois
4. Ohio St. at Michigan St.
5. Wisconsin at Northwestern
6. Texas at Arkansas
7. Pittsburgh vs. Navy at
Washington, DC
8. Penn State at Syracuse
9. Washington at California
10. West Virginia vs. Virginia at

11. Yale at Columbia'
12. Auburn at Georgia Tech
13. Kansas at Oklahoma
14. UCLA at Missouri
15. North Carolina St. at Florida
16. Texas A&M at Texas
17. Stanford at Southern Cal?
18. Iowa State at Colorado
19. Richmond at Buffalo
20. Gallaudet at Lorton




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