Civil War in Indonesia Could Cause Disaster
Associated Press News Analyst
KUALA LUMPUR-A prolonged
civil war involving the Commu-
nists in Indonesia sould spell dis-
aster for that floundering South-
east Asian nation, already on the
brink of economic chaos.
The country, fifth largest in the
world, is ill-equipped to meet such
a strain and still maintain the
political and financial stability it
sorely needs to prevent a com-
plete collapse.
President Sukarno, struggling to
hold his one-man rule, has pub-
licly admitted he cannot control
the rampant inflation sweeping
' the nation.
He recently "ordered" that it be
eliminated in one year, saying In-
donesia is rich enough to stand
on its own feet. That was before
the current crisis began. Indones-
ian currency was in bad shape.
The rupiah had shot to 16,000 to
$1-an all-time high. The official
rate is 45 to $1.
Financial analysts attributed the
jump to efforts by 10,000 or more
Indian merchants to liquidate
their holdings. Indonesia had an-
nounced its support for Pakistan
against India in the Kashmir dis-
pute. Indian shops in Jakarta were
seized by the government after
violent Communist-led demonstra-
tions against the Indian Embassy.
The cost of living index in In-
donesia, using 1955's 100 as a base,
went to 1500 in mid-1965. Rice,
the staple food, has gone up 600
per cent since January and now is
virtually out of reach for the
average Indonesian.
But while the economy deter-j
iorated, more late model cars ap-
peared in Jakarta streets than ever
before. Luxury goods were avail-
able in the Chinese-dominated
markets. Wives of prominent mili-
tary and government officials ap-
peared in costly clothes and flash-
ed expensive jewelry.
Sukarno was fully aware ofj
what was happening. He became
irritated with propaganda and
daily demonstrations directed
against his government on price
The leader of this campaign was
Communist party boss D. N. Aid-
it, whose part in the present up-
heaval still is not clear. Aidit em-
ployed youth organizations to pa-
rade the streets of Jakarta with
banners condemning price manip-
ulators, corrupt officials and mili-
tarists declared to be growing fat
on graft.
Aidit, whose 3-million-member
Communist party is the largest
outside the Red Bloc, criticized
Sukarno for naming obscure min-
isters to his cabinet. The president
has had an unwieldly inner cab-
inet of more than 100 members.
Its attempts to solve Indonesia's
economic problems have failed.
The Communists concentrated
their attack on manipulators the
party said were racing the country
to ruin. Aidit received powerful
support throughout Java, the na-
tion's key island.
The Communists and their
sympathizers now are reported
concentrating in central Java
where they are strongly organiz-
ed. They are moving into sectors
where the fanatical Darul Islam,
who demanded a Moslem state for
Indonesia, fought the government
for 12 years. A civil war could re-
new this religious movement's ac-
tivities if the government's
strength deteriorated.
Since Sukarno told the United
States last year to "go to Hell"
with its aid and took Indonesia
out of the United Nations, he has
had to turn to his new alliance
with Red China for financial aid.
The Indonesian Communists are
being supported by the Chinese
Communists. If a civil war is in
the making against the Commu-
nists, Sukarno cannot be expected
to get the financial help from Pe-
king that he critically needs to
meet the financial crisis.
The army, bitter over the death
of six of its generals at the hands
of Indonesian Communist or pro-
Communist elements, is expected
to show no sympathy if Sukarno
presses for continued strong rela-
tions with Peking.
If Indonesia does not get eco-
nomic relief from somewhere and
a civil war cannot be prevented
from breaking out, . Sukarno's
"guided democracy" may have
reached the end of the road.
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Loyal Troops Battle Rebels.
U.S. Planes
Retaliate for
Gunner Raid
Communists Repeat
-Will Try Captives
As War Criminals
SAIGON (A) - United States
planes mounted new attacks
over North Viet Nam yesterday
after Communist gunners knock-
ed down three American aircraft
there Tuesday, a U.S. military
spokesman reported.
He said the four airmen on
the three U.S. Air Force planes
are listed as missing in Commu-
nist territory. The Communists
have declared they will try as
war criminals U.S. and South
Vietnamese pilots captured in
North Viet Nam.
In the ground war, the Viet-
namese army claimed it had kill-
ed 260 Viet Cong this week.
In one part of yesterday's air
offensive, 30 American planes hit
bridges, trucks and military stag-
ing areas in the North and in one
strike, against a military supply
camp about 40 miles south of
Vinh, pilots reported 85 per cent
of the target destroyed, spokes-
men said.
Seven Targets
Two F-105 Thunderchiefs and
four F-4C Phantoms, the types of
planes shot down Tuesday, flew
six missions against seven targets
in the North. Spokesmen said
light flak was reported but all
aircraft returned safely.
The most significant raid was
said to have been against a mili-
tary area 50 miles southeast of
Dien Bien Phu, where 11 build-
ings were reported destroyed and
10 others damaged.
Hanoi said 15 American air-
craft were shot down in the Tues-
day raids. It said previously 10
were downed.
F-4C Phantoms
The U.S. spokesman said the
three downed U.S. planes were an
F-4C Phantom. with a two-man
crew, and two F-105 Thunder-
chief fighters.
Two parachutes were observed
from the Phantom and one from
a Thunderchief, he said. The oth-
er Thunderchief was reported to
have disappeared and the spokes-
man said it was not known how it
was lost from sight. Search oper-
ations which lasted until dusk
turned up no trace of the four
The F-4C was on a nine-plane
raid on the Lang Hep ammuni-
tion depot 40 miles northeast of
Hanoi. Ten other Phantoms head-
ing for the same target were di-
verted to fly rescue cover after it
was downed, the spokesman said.
The Thunderchiefs were on a 20-
plane strike against the Lang
Met bridge, 45 miles northeast of
In South Viet Nam, U.S. and
Vietnamese pilots pounded Viet
Cong targets yesterday in more
than 200 sorties and Guam-based
U.S. B-52's blasted a suspected
Viet Cong training camp 75 miles
northwest of Saigon for the fifth
time in 10 days. It was the B-
52s' 39th raid of the war.
Highlands Operations
The Vietnamese claim said the
Viet Viet Cong were killed in ma-
jor operations in the central high-
lands and the Mekong Delta. The
claims were not confirmed by
U.S. body count.
The U.S. report listed 64 Amer-
"Shure, and isn't it
weren't needin' the
providence that the Yankees
stadium this year 'f er the
Series ?"
2000 Caught
By Loyalists
In Fighting
Seesaw Conflict Has
Three Changes in
Power Dominance
JAKARTA, Indonesia (I)-Loy-
al troops of the Diponegoro Divi-
sion, battling Communist-back-
ed rebels in central Java, have
crushed the insurgency within
Jogjakarta, Radio Jakarta an-
nounced last night.
About 2000 members of "Com-
munist paramilitary units" were
reported captured in various ac-
Jogjaqarta is a former capital
250 miles southeast of Jakarta,
which is under army control fol-
lowing an attempted coup and a
counter coup last weekend.
Seesaw Fighting
The battle report, which cam,
after accounts of seesaw fight-
ing in which Jogjakarta changed
hands three times, left undis-
closed the fate of two key fig-
ures in the rebel camp.
These were Col. Suherman, a
Diponegoro Division officer who
led the Jogjakarta uprising, and
Lt. Col. Untung, a battalion com-
mander of President Sukarno's
guards regiment. Untung was re-
ported to have fled to that city
after the collapse of the revolt
he aimed at rightist generals of
the high command here last
First Appearance
Sukarno had a brief chat with
reporters at the palace in his
first public appearance since the
attempted coup plunged Indonesia
into turmoil last Friday.
The president absolved the air
force of any connection with Un-
tung's movement. But Maj. Gen.
Suharto, who commanded the
troops that crushed the rebels in
Jakarta, declared in a broadcast
"it is impossible that some ele-
ments of the air force were not
Family Killed
Diplomatic sources said rebels
hunting Col. Karim, commander
of the military district based on
Jogjakarta, slew his wife and
eight children when they were
unable to find him. This was one
in a series of atrocity reports.
Radio Jakarta announced the
5-year-old daughter of Gen. Ab-
dul Nasution, the defense minis-
ter and armed forces chief, died
in a hospital last night of a bul-
let wound in the spine.
Shot by Rebels
The girl, whose name was not
given, was shot by rebels who
attempted to wipe out Nasution
and his family in their home
last Thursday night, the broad-
cast said. Nasution also was
The Jakarta station, which is
under army control, said Sukar-
no's cabinet condemned Untung's
coup attempt in a meeting with
the 64-year-old chief executive
at his summer palace in Bogor,
40 miles south of Jakarta, and
directed the army to take action
against those "who are responsi-
Will Act if
Presidenit To Enter
Hospital Tomorrow
For Small Operation
WASHINGTON ()-A kind of
extralegal pact-not spelled out in
any law-provides that Vice-
President Hubert H. Humphrey
will act as president if need be
during President Johnson's hos-
pital stay beginning tomorrow.
The President, who will enter
Bethesda Naval Hospital tomorrow
for removal of his gall bladder,
carried on a business-as-usual
schedule yesterday. Surgeons who
examined the President said there
is no possibility of malignancy
and that he should be in the hos-
pital for only a few days.
The agreement between John-
son and Humphrey was reached
because the founding fathers left
a gap, or at least a vague spot,
in the Constitution.
A p r o p o s e d constitutional
amendment designed to remedy
this and assure the smooth flow
of presidential power has been
passed by Congress and is now
before the states.
Eight Have Ratified
Eight of the required 38 state
legislatures have ratified it. Spon-
sors predict it wil go over the
top in 1967, and become the Con-
stitution's 25th Amendment.
Meanwhile, the Johnson-Hum-
phrey agreement, which is the
same as pacts in the Eisenhower
and Kennedy administration, pro-
"In the event of inability the
President would-if possible-so
inform the vice president, and the
vice-president would serve as act-
ing president, exercising the pow-
ers and duties of the office until
the inability has ended.
Inform Vice-President
"In the event of an inability
which would prevent the President
from so communicating with the
vice-president, the vice-president,
after such consultation as seems
to him appropriate under the cir-
cumstances, would decide upon the
devolution of the powers and
duties of the office and would
serve as acting president until
the inability had ended.
"The President, in either event,
would determine when the in-
ability had ended and at that
time would resume the full exer-
cise of the powers and duties of
the office."
The agreement was reached
soon after Johnson and Hum-
phrey were elected, the White
House said.
Busy Day
But on his next-to-last day at
the White House before surgery,
Johnson signed a $340-million
health bill without a word about
his own ailment, passed out sou-
venir pens, took a fast-paced walk,
greeted tourists, filmed a speech,
talked with NATO's secretary-
general and made an unscheduled
side trip to the National Press
Much of the afternoon was left
open, as it usually is. But John-
son's official schedule ran into
early evening, with the presenta-
tion of a bust of the late Winston
Johnson said Tuesday is any
presidential actions or decisions
are required while is is incapaci-
tated, Vice-President Hubert H.
Humphrey will act in his stead.
The President said he expects no
need for such steps "during the
short time that I shall not be
On Capital Hill, Senate Demo-
cratic Leader Mike Mansfield of
Montana said he does not anti-
cipate that Humphrey will have to
act for Johnson.
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By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Still groping
for a way out of a Senate fili-
buster, Democratic. leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana Wednes-
day set a 1 p.m. Friday for the
first test vote on a law giving
the states authority to ban the
union shop..
Mansfield announced he will
mave then to table and thus kill
his own motion to call up a bill
repealing Section 14B of the Taft-
Hartley Law, under which 19
states have banned union shop
surprise overnight military alert
here ended yesterday apparently
paving the way for a smooth tran-
sition of power to opposition can-
didates victorious in seven state
gubernatorial elections.
President Humberto Castello
Branco met with his War, Navy
and Air Force minister Wednes-
day morning as Army and Navy
units relaxed from the alert.
Sources in the presidential
palace,-said after the meeting that
the president, who has promised
that all legitimately elected can-
didates will take office, "has never
been stronger."
groes made another running at-
tempt to board school buses with
white children yesterday and
planned a night rally despite an
appeal by Gov. Carl E. Sanders
for a ,halt to demonstrations.
Sanders met with local and
state officials in Atlanta and an-
nounced that all parties had
agreed to abide by a federal court
decision in a case involving the
racial situation in Taliaferro
County. Sanders said a three-
judge federal court agreed to try
in Augusta next Tuesday a suit
filed by Negroes last month. The
suit, originally to have been heard
Nov. 4, charged county officials
with conspiring to maintain school
Court ruled yesterday that the
U.S. Communist party must pay
income taxes.
It upheld an Internal Revenue
Service finding that the party
owes $326,313 in income tax and
penalties for 1951.
VATICAN CITY-A view favor-
ed by many U.S. bishops that the
Roman Catholic Church approve
nuclear arms for defense ran into
stiff opposition in the Vatican
Ecumenical Council on yesterday.
At the same time a document
giving bishops an unprecedented
share of authorityrwith the Vati-
can won final approval.
The bishops also heard the
church law against contraception
openly challenged as out of date.
These developments marked the
council's first full working session
since Pope Paul VI came back
from New York where he spoke
of war and peace, poverty and
birth control to the UN General
M $
NEW DELHI, India ()- India
and Communist China accused
each other yesterday of new in-
trusions in the Tibet-Sikkim bor-
der through the Yak Pass.
An Indian note handed to the
Chinese Embassy in New Delhi
said Chinese troops in platoon
strength Monday made an "un-
successful attempt to encircle In-
dian defense personnel well within
Sikkim is an Indian protector-
ate and Tibet is controlled by Pe-
A spokesman for the Indian De-
fense Ministry said the Chinese
intruded 100 yardsinside Sikkim.
The Indian note said it was the
second Peking intrusion in the
area in three days and that on
Saturday 20 Chinese troops cross-
ed the pass and fired at a three-
man Indian border post.
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Speaker: Guy C. Larcom, City Administrator1