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Partly cloudy
Possibility of rain
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Willow Run Poverty Project Controversy Col
For about the past 18 months
dispute has been raging in
Ypsilanti and Superior Townships,
eight miles from Ann Arbor, over
the acceptance and administration
of a federal grant from the Office
of Economic Opportunity.
The Willow Run Association for
Neighborhood Development (WR-
AND) has come under strong
criticism from Ypsilanti Town-
ship's government and a large
portion of its' citizens.
What is poverty? This question,
the heart of the dispute, has been
tackled by the WRAND workers
and also by critics of the projects.
No common agreement has been
Workers in the "Willow Village"
project view poverty as a lack of
community mobilization, a lack
of community interaction and
communication. They are seeking
to institute participatory democ-
racy, according to WRAND mem-
ber Jesse Rutherford. He empha-
sized that this type of poverty crys
for community interest, participa-
tion and achievement-not neces-
sarily for money.
Critics of the project, on the
other hand, view poverty as solely
an economic deficiency and its
immediate effects and contend
that the "Willow Village" area
does not qualify as "poverty strik-
en" because the neighborhood has
the most modern schools, stores,
homes and a desirable proximity
to excellent medical facilities.
Equally as important as the
question regarding poverty is the
question, "What is Willow Vil-
Wilow Village is neither a geo-
graphic or a political entity.
Rather, it is an area straddling
Superior and Ypsilanti Township
borders, comprising five groups of
homes and apartments which
originally served housing needs
for the World War II bomber
plant at Willow Run.
The five scattered areas of
homes and apartments (built
since World War II) that make up
the village are generally identified
as Woolman Oval, Harvest Lane,
Appleridge, Bud and Blossom and
Clark Road. The first three of
these lie in Superior Township
and the second two in Ypsilanti
What has happened in this area
in the course of the past year and
a half which has shaped the con-
In March, 1964, WRAND was
incorporated by interested per-
sons. WRAND bought its building,
an abandoned school built during
World War II for use by the chil-
dren of government workers in
the old bomber production center
at Willow Run, in April, 1964, for
$15,000. Work began immediately
to restore the building as a cen-
ter for community action projects.
In January, 1965, President
Johnson announced a federal
grant of $188,252 and awarded by
the O.E.O., to aid the area. The
grant was to be administered by
the University's Institute of
Labor-Industrial Relations (ILIR)
and Wayne State University. It
was then "subcontracted" to
WRAND for continuation and ex-
pansion of the community action
projects which it had already be-
How the grant was obtained is
another question at the crux of
the controversy, critics saying it
was obtained through false in-
formation submitted to the federal
government in a report compiled
by the University's ILIR.
Proponents of the project say
the false information in the ILIR
report was revised prior to the
grant, adding that the falacies in
the report were not crucially rele-
vant to the purpose of the grant.
Several shortcomings in the
study were immediately apparent,
however. The only demographic
data available regarding the Vil-
lage was from the 1960 census,
somewhat out-of-date by late
Moreover, institute staff later
discovered one major error: the
unemployment rate for the area
was reported to be 30 per cent
for Negroes and 14 per cent for
The initial ILIR report, releas-
ed in November 1964, stated "Wil-
low Village is a community with-
out social services; there are no
medical facilities, no newspaper,
no self government, no recreation
or cultural or even entertainment
facilities. There are no stores in
the area and the school is a bus-
ride away."
But at the time the report was
made, there was a relatively new
shopping center located in the
center of the Grant area which
includes an A&P food market, a
fabric center, a small department
store, a barber shop, a doctor's
office and a laundramat.
Holmes elementary school, built
in 1960, is located in the south-
west section of the designated
area. Henry Ford elementary
school, built in 1964, is located in
the middle east section, and a high
school is located on the out-
The area is within one mile of
one hospital, three miles of an-
other and within eight miles of the
University hospital.
There is a city supervisor form
of government in both Ypsilanti
Township, which claims 67 per
cent of the Grant area, and in
Superior Township which con-
tains the rest of the area.
The report was presented in
language which did not differen-
tiate clearly between the recently
redeveloped area in Ypsilanti
Township and the section toward
which the grant was aimed-in
Superior Township.
The vagueness of the original
report, however, does not neces-
sarily reflect the administration
of the grant, for the pattern of
the project reflects clearly the
community's differences. Almost
all WRAND project activities are
conducted north of the township
line-that is, in the area of Su-
perior township's old Willow Vil-
In a similar manner, approxi-
mately 70 per cent of the parti-
cipants are residents of Superior
Township. Unfortunately, the orig-
inal document failed to distinguish
clearly between the largely white
areas of the old village which lie
in Ypsilanti Township and which
tend toward lower middle-class
incomes, and those areas of the,
village lying in Superior Town-
ship which are largely Negro, and
are striving for greater social mo-
bility and job opportunities.
See WRAND, Page 6
What's New
At 764-1817
Education Ruling
Barry Bluestone, '66, president of the University of Michigan
Student Employees Union, yesterday announced the agenda of
the "Know Your University Day Conference" of business, labor,
clergy, civil rights leaders and state legislators to be held all day
today in the Michigan Union.
The participants will meet for an opening session with a panel
discussion at 9:45 a.m. in the Union Ballroom followed by a
similar afternoon meeting at 2:00, a series of seminars beginning
at 3:15 and a closing session at 4:30. ,The panels and discussions
will be concerned with student economic welfare, the financing
of higher education and tactics of reform in critical areas. All
sessions will: be open to the public.
The Professional Theatre Program's Fourth Fall Festival will
be extended for an additional non-subscription week of repertory
performances, Robert Schnitzer, PTP executive director, an-
nounced yesterday.
The extra week will be added to the schedule to accommodate
an increased demand for tickets. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office for the newly sched-
uled performances of Nov 10 through 14.
George F. Lemble, secretary of the Citizens' Committee on
Housing, stated last night that although the city's proposed
Housing Commission is now officially on an Oct. 19 referendum,
petitions to place this issue on the ballot are still being returned.
By last Monday the City Clerk had recorded 999 signatures, 7
more than the 992 needed for a referendum. Since then the
number of signatures received has increased to about 1400 on
95 petitions. Lemble estimates that his committee originally
circulated about 400-500 petitions. Those people still holding
petitions have been urged to return them so that the signatures
may be recorded as a matter of formality.
The University has received grants from the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare totaling $743,065 for the months
of August and September. These grants, made on a continuing
basis, are designated for research in such fields as infectious
diseases, biophysical studies of proteins, and heart disease.
Petitioning for general co-chairmanship of Winter Weekend
will run through Friday, October 8. Interviews will be held
Sunday. Petitions can be picked up at the University Activities
Center offices. Winter Weekend is Feb. 26.
* * * *
Statewide planning and "franchising" of Michigan hospitals
and health facilities was urged yesterday in a major report by
Gov. George Romney's Action Committee on Health Care, headed
by Dr. Myron E. Wegman, dean of the School of Public Health.
The report stated that the state must develop a coordinated
planning program to build hospitals and other health facilities
only when and where the planning process shows that they are
needed, thereby avoiding wasteful duplication of facilities.
At tonight's meeting, SGC will consider a proposal to request
Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler to initiate a
study of the effectiveness of, current University policy toward
foreign students' activities. The study will primarily deal with an
examination of the International Center as a :binding force
between the foreign student and University.
Wireta p
;Rumors of the arrest of ten University students for the
illegal possession of liquor by the Ann Arbor police department
were confirmed yesterday. The students, allegedly drinking on
an apartment balcony, were arrested Saturday afternoon by
plainclothesmen who did not reveal their identities until gaining
admittance to the apartment. University officials were not avail-
able for comment last night.
* * * *
Reps. Paul H. Todds Jr. (D-Kalamazoo) and Weston E.
Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) will extend a formal invitation to the
committee picking a site for the Atomic Energy Commission's
$348 million atomic particle accelerator to visit Michigan's two
sites, one of which is located in Northfield Township, Washtenaw
,I -. -4- 1 "_ - - 4- e +. .. f(-1' onra acc Y ~
9500 Sign '
Petition for
U Bookstore
Several Thousandl
More Expected To
Demand 'Why Not?..'
Signatures on Student Govern-
ment Council's petition to estab-
lish a University bookstore reach-
ed the 9500 mark yesterday, and
all indications point to several
thousand more before the inten-
sive campaign ends Friday.
However, in a canvassing of
opinion last night,Regents had
no comment on their probable
decision on the issue. Regent Irene
Murphy of Birmingham said that
the issue was "a serious one" and
said it involved "putting people
out of business."
Mickey Eisenberg, '68, and
Donald Resnick, '68, members of
the ad hoc Committee for a Uni-
versity Bookstore, reported last
night that 1500 signatures were
acquired yesterday. They explain-
ed that once the petitions are
compiled, they will be joined with
the SGC report on the bookstore's
structure and submitted to the
Regent's Oct. 21 meeting.I
SGC will ask the Regents toj
reverse their ruling of the past
several decades and grant the es-
tablishment of a University-
sponsored bookstore in competi-
tion with local merchants.
Mrs. Murphy expressed the view
that the Regents must reach a
balance between merchants and
Limited by
New Moves
Board of Education
Only Can Establish
Schools, Programs
The state Senate yesterday
quickly and angrily reacted
against an informal opinion by
Attorney General Frank Kelley
which would restrict the Legis-
lature's authority to act in the
area of higher education.
Kelley's opinion, solicitedy
Sen. Edward J. Robinson (D-
Dearborn), states that the Legis-
lature cannot act to establish a
new state college or university
without first receiving a recom-
mendation on the issue from the
State Board of Education. Accord-
ing to Robinson, the ruling fur-
ther would prevent initiation of
new post-graduate programs at
existing institutions in absence of
a state board ruling.
The Senate responded by pass-
Lines ing an enabling act to establish an
in the osteopathic college without wait-
ing for a state board recommen-
dation; Board President Thomas
Brennan said last night he had
earlier requested that the Legis-
lature delay action until the board
can find time to consider the mat-
Violent Disagreement
Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint),
who personally "disagrees violent-
ly" with the attorney general, said
16 of the 18 participants indyes-
terday afternoon's Senate debate
onsulting simply attacked Kelley's opinion
to help without referring to the merits or
d feasible demerits of the osteopathic college
evelop itself. The final vote on the issue
deveTope was 23-7.
ech. Tat As an informal opinion, Kelley's
e pleased statement is not legally binding;
orking to Kelley said, however, that he will
be glad to write a formal opinion
eady be- if one is requested.
the pro- He explained that the ruling is
based on an interpretation of the
fished by intent of the delegates at the con-
stitutional convention of 1962. It
is documented with references to
the notes of the convention and
to comments by then delegates
George Romney and Adelaide
However, Alvin Bentley (R-
Owosso), chairman of Con-Con's
committee on Education, remark-
ed last night that "we certainly
did not intend to stop the Legis-
lature from acting without a rec-
ommendation from the state
naround" board."
the fed- Emphasizing that he has not yet
fused to seen the rulingsand is thus giv-
an said Ing only his first, tentative reac-
s have to tion, Bentley called the board an
SHOWN ABOVE IS THE ANN ARBOR FARMER'S MARKET, the subject of a graduate planning seminar by University students
schools of Architecture and Design and Natural Resources.
Seminar Studies City Market,
May Lead to Area Planning
NEW YORK (AP)-A 24-page
mediator's report containing "a
possible settlement area" was
delivered last night to negotia-
tors trying to end this city's
22-day partial newspaper shut-
If negotiators fail to reach a
settlement by tonight, Mayor
Robert F. Wagner said he
would step in.'
Thomas J. Murphy, execu-
tive vice-president of the strik-
ing guild, said he did not look
"happily" on Wagner's inter-
vention. He told newsmen that
Wagner's formula to end the
dispute would be an attempt
"to compromise the guild's col-
lective bargaining program."
He added: "I expect the guild
will reject it."
"We are seeking the greatest
good for the students and the
greatest equity for all others," she
Mrs. Murphy recalled one other
time in her term as Regent when
Following a suggestion by City
Administrator Guy C. Larcom, a
a graduate seminar has under-
taken a study of the Ann Arbor
Farmers'Market and its possible
expansion with regard to the sur-
rounding downtown area.
The seminar consists of 11 stu-
dents in the colleges of Architec-
ture and Design and the School of
Natural Resources. Working with
the students on the seminar are
Profs. C. Theodore Larson and
John Hyde, both of the School of
Architecture and Design, and Al-
fred Swinyard, director of the
University's bureau of business re-
search and Ralph Bergsma, visit-
ing lecturer in landscape archi-
"The thesis of the seminar is
the Farmers' Market," said Hyde,
"but one also has to take a look
at the entire Ann Arbor area."
The study is emphasizing plan-
ning for "the future renewal of
Ann Arbor" and is "most con-
cerned about the relationship of
the market .to the surrounding
He noted that the market is
expanding and earning money
which could be put back into the
area. Pointing out that many cities
have developed market areas, Lar-
coin forsaw the possible building
of promenades and malls there.
He said he would especially like
to see exhibition places for artists
set up. Another aspect of the
study could be new traffic pat-
terns, he added. He said the city
would welcome whatever sugges-
tions the seminar comes up with.
Hyde emphasized that the study
is an educational one, attempting
to find out what the function of
the market should be. It wishes
to "present an imaginative plan"
for the market's expansion.
The project is being worked on
by graduate students who have in
it a "broad opportunity to create
without being tied to specific ob-
jectives or budgets," Larson said.
Many of those involved already.
have experience in planning and
The seminar will be c
with city departments
make the ideas presente
and practical for the c
year a similar seminarc
a plan for Reed City, Mi
city was reportedly quitE
with the plan and is w
implement it.
"The students have alr
come very excited about
ject," said Larson.
It is planned to be fin
next spring.
SSouth, North Viet Nam Lead
'Will Meet at Toronto Teach=]
The world's first public con-
frontation between representatives
of VietNaim's Rai-an govenment
The Ann Arbor-centered Inter-
University Committee for Debate
on Foreign Policy is helping to set
up a nationwide television hook-
up similar to the one for last
pation were given a "rur
in Washington. In effect,
eral government has re
take part, and Rosem
that U.S. policy will thus