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October 02, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-02

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See Editorial Page

C, 4r

411 A& r4tgan


Partly sunny, cool,
chance of showers

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
icials Remain Silent on heatre Disj
By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN greater importance. The Daily ject, Security and Exchange Com- gave the University 2000 shares of price a total of $1,800,000. E and R realty corporation in ex- reason
The controversy over Regent senior editors claimed in a front mission and University records Xerox whose market price that On the other hand, if they were change for 51,570 shares of Xerox remai
The coners nov Re page editorial earlier this week attest to the fact that Power has day was $413. As of January 6, sold at the time of receipt from common stock. Included among Ano
Eugene Power's anonymous dona- that Power's donations would not already donated stock for the pur- 1965 Xerox stock underwent a Power, the University would have the assets was all of the outstand- husha
tion to the University for a thea- cover the entire cost of the pro- pose of building a theatre. 5-1 split which gave the Univer- obtained a combined total of ing stock of University Micro- gifts i
tre continued torage yesterday as posed theatre and that the rest The theatre for which Power is sity 10,000 shares of stock worth $930,000. films. After the 5-1 split E and S set up
Regents and administrators re- of the money for that building donating money will cost an esti- about 830,000. Power became a member of the real estate possessed 258,750 shares ed by
fused to break a self imposed would come from the operational mated t h r e e million dollars. On December 22, 1964 Power board of directors of Xerox after c u r r e n t 1 y valued at about Wallac
silence barrier, funds budget. So far Power. has donated the gave anonymously 1000 shares of he sold to that corporation the $45,000,000. new t
Power and University President Such action, the senior editors equivalancy of 11,000 shares of Xerox to the University whose assets of the E (Eugene Power) One of the prime points of con- Power
Harlan Hatcher were among the claimed, would jeopardize such Xerox corporation for a special market price that day was $101 and S (Cayde Power) Realty Co. fusion in the controversy is why Murph
officials who refused to comment projects as the residential college fund set aside to finance the per share. in April 1962. the Regents have gone about tinguis
yesterday. and expansion of the Center for theatre. Both of these donations were In the annual report of Xerox recognizing the donations for the directo
The central issue of the con- Research on Learning and Teach- The donations were made in put aside in a "special fund." If for 1962 it says:' "As of April 27, theatre so secretively. For exam- the th
troversy is whether Power's dona- ing. December of 1963 and December the donated shares of Xerox have 1962, the company acquired all ple, one faculty critic said last this w
tion to build a theatre will en- Despite the unclear statements of 1964. not been sold by the University, of the assets and assumed sub- night, even if the donor wanted to ple ha
danger other University projects of oy University officials on the sub- On December 27, 1963 Power they are today worth at market stantially all of the liabilities of remain anonymous, there was no about

why the gift should have
aed unpublicized.
ther example of the hush-
atmosphere surrounding' the
s the fact that the Regents
a special committee head-
music school dean James
:e to study the need for a
heatre soon after, the first
gift. However, Regent Irene
y indicated that "many dis-
hed architects and stage
rs" have been at work on
ieatre while Wallace said
eek that none of these peo-
d contacted his committee
the theatre.

What's New
t 764-1817
The SGC Committee for a University Bookstore met Thurs-
day night to set up the machinery for an organized campaign.
The committee plans to circulate petitions urging the repeal of
the Regents ruling of 1929, which precludes the establishment of
a University-run bookstore. The committee was organized to work
for the creation of a bookstore which could save students up to
10 per cent on new textbooks, and stresses as a key argument
the existence of such a store on the University's Flint Campus.
The petitions will be submitted to the Board of Regents at their
meeting Oct. 21-22, as tangible evidence of student support.
' Committee members emphasize, however, that their object is not
to reveal student support so much as the true attitude of the
administration toward the economic welfare of those students.
* * * *
The University is receiving an anonymous donation of $1
million as part of its $55 million fund-raising drive. Paul G.
Goebel, national chairman of the coast-to-coast fund-raising
campaign announced that the total of all gifts -and pledges has
risen to $24,536,016. The purpose of the drive, according to
Goebel, is "to ensure the vital margin" of private support for
the University.
The Chrysler Corp. donated $1.3 million to the University's
fund-raising program yesterday. Lynn A. Townsend, president of
the corporation, told the National Leadership Conference of the
program that "the educational system of America is industry's
most important supplier," and "no other university has provided
us with so many people."
5 w,
Campus radio station WCBN will dedicate a new $60,000
studio complex at 10:30 a.m. today in the Student Activities
Building. Participating in the ceremony will be WillardSchroeder,
t past president of the National Association of Broadcasters, and
University President Harlan Hatcher.
* * * *
An Office of Religious Affairs census compiled from fall
registration figures indicates that Protestants lead in the re-
ligious preference of the student body at 7,176. There were 3,420
Catholic and 2,496 Jewish preferences listed. However, from a
total student body of 28,003, there were 14,277 students who
indicated no religious preference on their registrationnaires.
The figures were compiled by the ORA as a service to those
interested in a religious breakdown of the student population,
primarily for the benefit of the directors of campus religious
Ann Arbor will eventually be engulfed by the Detroit metro-
politan area, according to a report released yesterday by United
Community Services. The report predicts the metropolitan area
will grow to 5.1 million persons by 1980, chiefly along the Edsel
Ford, Chrysler and John Lodge expressways.
* * * *
The University Activities Center and the Literary College
Steering Committee have announced that the student counselling
seminars will be held Oct. 5 in rms. 3c, 3d and 3g of the Union.
Qualified seniors will be available to offer advice on their fields
of concentration, distribution requirements and methods of
approach in various courses. The seminar is mainly for freshmen
and sophomores. The departments represented will be zoology,
anthropology, economics, English, mathematics, philosophy, poli-
tical science, psychology, chemistry and sociology.
Some sororities at the University have responded to the recent
fuss over the distribution of birth control pills to students. They
have held polls among their sisters on whether or not the pills
ought to be distributed by the University. In the one case re-
ported (the others refused comment). favorable responses out-
numbered unfavorable responses "at least two to one," -one
sorority member stated yesterday. She asked that her sorority
not be named "for obvious reasons."
Serendlity Singers

Report Notes Si
Overcrowded S X





Dormitories D
Oxford Co-ops Filled Ddl
Final Report Due
Later This Month
Although the Office of Resi-!
dence Halls did not release a
final report on dormitory occu-
pancy for this semester as ex-
pected yesterday,.Director of Res-
idence Halls Eugene Haun releas-
ed interim figures based on counts
taken in mid-September.
The residence hall system con- =
tinues to be undersubscribed, by
11 students. However high levels
of overcrowding persist at sev-
eral dormitories.
Stockwell Hall was overcrowd-
ed by 79 students, South Quad-
rangle by 129, and East Quad-
rangle by 96. Haun said that in
all other dorms, a level of oc-
cupancy to regular units has been\ ;v
reached, and in some halls, un-
dersubscription has been attained.
Co-ops Filled
The Oxford Co-ops have been
filled, although Haun said Oxford
Apartments are still undersub-
In addition, Haun restated the
Office of Residence Halls' con-
tract policy. He said that, ex-
cept for specified reasons, be-
cause overcrowding has been elim-
inated in the system, no student
would be allowed to break a con-
The acceptable excuses include
illness, marriage, counselling or
expulsion from the University, or
financial hardship.
Implications for Greeks REGENT PAUL GOEBEL, national chairman,
tions for fraternity and sorority John Watline, Jr. of Los Angeles and Harold V
planners faced with possible un- raising drive, "The Vital Margin."
dersubscrption In their houses.
The residence hall policy will not
allow students to break contractsR
in order to move into fraternity or
sorority houses. R e e tG e
Haun stressed the need for fi-
nancial security in the residenceB
halls, saying that he could not, By NEIL SHISTR whether a fu
scope to those
jeopardize residence hall financ- Theafirst thing that impresses ford, Yale, M
ing to aid fraternities, you about Regent Paul Goebel isCorne, woul
Haun affirmed the need for stu- his size, for he is an old football Cornell, would
dent employes in the residence player from the days of FieldingS
hall system. He said that he might Yost who looks like he could still The firm
support a wage increase as a turn back an end sweep. te 20u aru
measure to aid residence hall The next thing you notice about f the countr
staffing, but felt the increase himhowfxt he y oereception to
would be detrimental to the Uni-~Ing by his side is a constant ef-
versity, threatening the budgets of fort to avoid being left behind money and d
other student-hiring organs which fort to aoi Gbegsefmt ben, campaign. Ba
would be forced to increase their This is what Goebel seems to er- of this resea
salaries if such a move were en- a big man it a hurry, and per- by the firm th
acted. ~~~has this is the tipoff to the man-hilyscef
acted. . Iner in which he is running the highly success
Haun said that future dormi- University's $55 million contribu- goa $ mi
tory overcrowding could be re- tion campaign. By mid-196
lieved next year in part with the Goebel recently announced that been reachedt
opening of the Cedar Bend apart- the University has received an ad- est with the di
ments on North Campus. He hop- ditional $1 million donation for been appoint
ed University music and engineer- the fund drive. man by his fel
ing students using North CampusT
facilities would . make use of the coh nvest smoeta nsHer was ore
project because of its proximity. institution to Goebel. In his in- considered to
Later in the month, the Office formal conversation he exhibits drive, even t
of Residence Halls is expected to a great sense of enthusiasm for previous exper
release a concluding statement. the school and its people, highly a universityf
Haun blamed the delay in the re_ different from the cold, almost was chosen ul
lease of the statement on a fluid detached objectivity one would ex- his wide range
policy for room transfer. pect from a regent. His speech is quaintances



Must Make
t:. . Next Move
Alumnae Use Forms
To Recommiend
k Rushees to Actives
Six sororities yesterday failed
to meet the deadline for the sub-
mission of membership recom-
mendation forms to Student Gov-
ernment Council's . Membership
Panhellenic Association had
>uggested October 1 as the date
for sororities to turn in the state-
ments. Committee President Ron
Serlin, '66, said yesterday that
14 sororities have filed their forms.
The six who have not submitted
them are: Alpha Epsilon Phi, Tri-
Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Kap-
pa Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta and
Sigma Kappa. Serlin said that
one sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon,
does not have a recommendation
The SGC Membership Commit-
tee was formed by the regents in
1963 to combat discrimination on
-,Daly-Jim Lines the basis of race or religion in
alumni representatives the membership selection of Uni-
sity's $55 million fund- versity organizations.
Membership Statements
The committee, when it receiv-
ed statements of membership se-
lection procedures from all Uni'-
versity chapters, found that some
.F~rivesororities had failed to submit
m e m b e r s h i p recommendation
forms as part of the pertinent in-
He is greatly impressed formation.
e loyalty and devotion of The "rec" forms are used by
eral alumni, attributing it alumnae to recommend rushees

National Alumni Chairman Jack Shuler of Detroit,, and other
Voegelin of Santa Barbara, Calif., discuss plans for the Univers
!el SparksFund

nd drive, similar in
conducted by Stan-
larvard,- M.I.T. and
be effective.
surveyed approxi-
mni in various areas
y, determining their
a drive and their
oth to contribute
devote time to the
sed on the results
rch, it was decided
hat a drive would be
ful with a potential
4 the decision had
to proceed in earn-
rive, and Goebel had
ed national chair-
low regents.
ne of several men
head the national
hough he had no
rience in conducting
fund campaign. He
timately because of
of contact and ac-
among University
knowledge of the
e University acquir-
ber of the Board of
his ability to de-
to the non-paying
roblem with which
en concerning him-
ast year is the es-
d strong local com-

ing out of enthusiasm on the lo-
cal level.
Commenting on Goebel's ef-
fectiveness as the national chair-
man and his work in setting up
local committees, Radock said
that his "enthusiasm, loyalty and
excitement have created a con-
tagious spiritawhich has helped
to motivate. and interest alumni
throughout the country,"
The drive has gathered mo-
mentum, in. part due to the $6
million gift from the Mott Foun-
dation and $1.3 million from
Chrysler Corporation, and Goe-
bel appears very 'optimistic about
meeting the goal of $55 million.
To date, $24.5 million has been
Fund Driv
Li*sts Futur

with the
the gen

to their realization that their ed-
ucation at the University was, to
a, large part, provided by others,
both taxpayers and donors, and
their willingness and desire to
perpetuate the system.
Goebel is the overseer who is
still creating his formal organiza-
tion. He is a man with a real pur-
pose and, as he puts it, "quite a
product to sell." The status of the
University in 20 years will, to a
large degree, depend upon this
man's efforts now, yet he wears
his role well, with little sense of
self-importance or pomposity.
e Group

(o -- Malaysian radio moni-
tors reported gunfire broke
out in Jakarta early today
and the Indonesian capital
was declared in a "state of
The monitors said Indone-
sian radio stations also re-
ported fighting in central
Java where a rebel colonel
was reported holding out.
The reports of new fight-
ing followed an attempted
military coup to oust Presi-
dent Sukarno, a coup which
had apparently failed yester-
(See earlier story, Page 3)-

'e Goals

punctuated by phrases such as
"how much this place did for me"
and "we have the world's greatest
S eren ad e kids up here." It is clearly evi-
dent how important it is to him
that the fund drive be successful
of the group's maneuverability, and that the University, as he
and songs began to sound very knows it, be preserved.
much alike after a while. Informal Talks
As the tall tenor, whom we in- The idea for the fund drive
terviewed after the concert told came out of informal talks be-
_ _ _

alumnus, his
workings of th
ed as a memb
Regents, and
vote full time
The real pr
Goebel has be
self for the l
tablishment of

By LAUREN BAHR tirely unsuitable structure" at
Associate Managing Editor Willow Run.) Cost: $660,000.
The University's fund drive Learning and Teaching
committeuietyhefndvariouCenter for Research on
comite oulie th ,aiu Learning and Teaching-a build-
projects in its "Vital Margin" pro- aing designed to meet its special
or htain theiramounts .o monyrequirements is needed to replace
chure released yesterday entitled the converted building it now oc-
"The Guide to Objectives." These cupies on Hill Street. The Center
objectives, not in the order of is basically concerned with re-
objecti, 'n in th od search towards understanding how
priority, include:.- -- -

to sorority actives. Many sorori-
ties cannot pledge a girl without
one or more "recommends" from
alumnae in her home town.
Plans for future action con-
cerning the six sororities that
have not filed forms are hazy.
Serlin announced recently that
"Panhellenic has hopes of form-
ing their own membership com-
Laura Fitch, .'66, president of
Panhellenic, said yesterday that
the idea has never been discussed

The lights dimmed, the crowd
hushed, and zowee - 12 Beatle
boots, two cowboy boots, and four

bingo-all nine wound up evenly
(often, impressively enough, per-
fectly symmetrical by height and
weight) distributed, three to a
microphone, 288 teeth shining


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