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September 30, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-30

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GENEVA (IP)-Communist North
Viet Nam has served notice that
captured American and South
Vietnamese pilots will meet the
fate of war criminals.
The announcement, sent to the
International Red Cross Commit-
tee here, was seen as implying the
death penalty for men shot down
in raid over North Viet Nam.
Although dated Aug. 31, the
iannouncement followed execution
by the Viet Cong guerrillas of two
American servicemen.
The Red Cross Committee dis-
closed the tone of the letter in
careful terms yesterday, saying it
constituted Hanoi's reply to an
earlier Red Cross appeal for ob-
.servance of international rules on
prisoners and civilian population
in the bitter conflict.

Privately, sources said the letter
contained "unusually violent lan-
guage." '
The United States warned North
Viet Nam yesterday against "war
crimes trials" of captured Ameri-
can pilots, saying such trials would
be merely a smokescreen for re-
prisals prohibited by a 1949 treaty
on prisoner treatment.
U.S. officials are privately con-
cernei about the threat of the
Hanoi government. At least a half
dozen American pilots are held in
North Viet Nam. In South Viet
Nam two captured American fight-
ing men were executed by the Viet
Cong two days ago and one ear-
lier in the year. The U.S. de-
nounced the executions as brutal
Some authorities in the U.S.

capital believe Communist tactics
may be moving the war into a
more savage stage. Executions of
captured U.S. flyers in the north
would raise serious questions of
possible counteraction by this
government, which could further
expand the conflict.
The threat of war crimes trials
was contained in a letter which
North Viet Nam sent to the Red
State Department Press Officer
Robert J.. McCloskey said yester-
day, "Any effort to brand the
pilots as war criminals and try
them in kangaroo fashion would
be a smokescreen for reprisals."
He said he meant reprisals for
the execution by the South Viet-
namese government of Commun-
ist Viet Cong terrorists captured





in South Viet Nam
McCloskey said war crimes trials
"would be a transparent attempt
to evade the clear prohibition on
reprisals, which is contained in
the 1949 Geneva Convention.
"Any effort to cloak such ac-
tions as so-called war crimes
through the device of mock trial
would be utterly unwarranted and
a deliberate evasion of the ob-
ligations undertaken by Hanoi
when it adhered to the 1949 con-
vention," he said.
Thus an apparent attempt by
Hanoi to create a legal basis for
action against American pilots
was rejected by the United States
with a warning that such action
would be considered illegal and a
violation of the treaty to which
both countries subscribed.

McCloskey said that if the
North Vietnamese take the threat-
ened action, the United States
"will continue to press the in-
ternational committee of the Red
Cross to bring its influence to
In the letter the North Viet-
namese government c h a r g e d
American and South Vietnamese
pilots with bombing "deliberately"
objects marked with the sign of
Red Cross.
The U.S. State Department has
previously denied such bombings.
The letter also charged that
hospitals, schools and villages in
North Viet Nam had been targets
of air and naval attacks and,
consequently, all captured enemy
pilots would be considered as war
criminals and tried.

The letter was in reply to a Red
Cross appeal to both sides to ob-
serve the Geneva convention for
the protection of prisoners and
The Communist government also
told the Red Cross it has stopped
the prisoners' privileges of writing
home because of "violations of the
regulations." Hanoi added that the
ban was temporary, subject to
eventual change.
The North Vietnamese regime
thus far has failed to reply to a
Red. Cross request to permit a
visit to prisoner camps or sub-
mit a list of prisoners held in
North Viet Nam.
The hint of execution for Amer-
icans captured by the Viet Cong
came from the official Hanoi daily,
Nhan Dan. The Communist pub-

lication said Capt. Humbert R.
Versace of Baltimore, Md., and
Sgt. Kenneth M. Roraback, whose
wife lives at Fayetteville, N.C., and
who were shot by the Viet Cong
Sunday, "would have been put to
death long ago had it not been
for the lenient policy" of the
Viet Cong.
In Saigon, U.S. officials said 38
American military personnel are
missing and many of them are
believed prisoners of the Viet
Air Force records in Washing-
ton list six pilots as prisoners and
29 other oficers as missing. The
Navy does not acknowledge that
any of its pilots are captured but
three of them listed as missing
have appeared in Communist pho-
tographs or films in the North.

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[ Home


Self-Defense Plea
Entered by Slayer



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-Associated Press
MAJ. GEN. M. N. BATRA (left), director of Indian Military Intelligence, greets Canadian Army
Maj. Gen. Bruce MacDonald, recently appointed the commander of the United Nations India-Paki-
stan Observer Mission in New Delhi Monday. MacDonald previously served with the UN in Cyprus.
India Claims Victories
,In Spite of Cease-Fire

Approval of Final
Plan Doubtful as
Adjournment Nears
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Johnson's home-rule plan for the
District of Columbia went down
the drain in the House yesterday.
In its place the House passed a
substitute measure providing for
a referendum on whether District
residents want home rule.
If they vote yes, a charter com-
mission would be elected to make
a seven-month study of what
form the city government should
take. Then .the charter would be
submitted to the voters and fin-
ally to Congress, which now over-
sees the District government.
Doubt Approval
But it was not clear that even
this modified home-rule plan ever
would get final congressional ap-
The Senate passed an entirely
different bill that would give Dis-
trict residents the right to elect
their own mayor and council next
year. It seems unlikely the Senate
will accept the drastically differ-
ent House version in the waning
days before adjournment.
President Johnson used his
powers of persuasion earlier this
month to get the "home-rule-now"
bill to the House floor.
This was done by a discharge
petition signed by 218 House mem-
bers to take the bill out of the
hands of a hostile House District
Republicans complained of arm
twisting by the White House. Per-
haps significantly, six Texas
Democrats whom the President
had persuaded to sign the petition
switched against home rule on a
preliminary vote two days ago.
The House approached the final
votes yesterday in an atmosphere
of parliamentary confusion. At
one point no less than five mem-
bers, including the Democratic and
Republican floor leaders, made
successive parliamentary inquiries
to find out what the situation was.
Sisk Substitution
The key vote came on the adop-
tion of the substitute bill, spon-
sored by Rep.,B. F. Sisk (D-Calif).
On a nonrecord teller vote, it was
approved 198 to 139, and this was
confirmed by a later roll-call vote
of 227 to 174.
That made it a brand-new ball
game. Backers of the administra-
tion's home-rule plan were faced
with the alternative of voting for
the Sisk substitute or getting
nothing at all.
The count on final passage was
283 to 117, with 197 Democrats
and 86 Republicans voting for the
substitute. Against it were 75
Democrats and 42 Republicans.
Sisk defended his plan as a
sincere effort to get the best kind
of city government for the District.
He denied it would delay self-
government unduly.
The bipartisan group of home-
rule advocates spoke one after an-
other against the Sisk amendment.

HAYNEVILLE (P)-Both sides
rested their case yesterday even-
ing in the manslaughter trial of
Thomas L. Coleman for the slay-
ing of a white civil rights worker.
The defense produced testimony
earlier in the day that the victim,
Jonathan M. Daniels, 27, a sem-
inary student from New Hamp-
shire, was armed with a pocket
The case went to the jury of
white men at 4:43 p.m.
Coleman's lawyers spent 70 min-
utes in their effort to show that
the defendant, a part-time dep-
uty sheriff, shot in self-defense
last Aug. 20 when Daniels, 27, of
Keene, N.H., was killed at a
Hayneville country store.
The prosecution rested after its
witnesses said Daniels was un-
armed. A statement that the vic-
tim's companion, a priest, was
shot as he turned to leave the
scene also was read by the prose-
The first defense witness, Joe
Bell Coker, a cousin of the de-
fendant, testified that he saw a
knife in Daniels' hand and that
the priest, the Rev. Richard Mor-
risroe of Chicago, held something
that looked like a pistol.
Another defense witness, Wil-
liam L. Bevis of Hayneville, testi-
fied that he saw two Negroes: take
something from the body of Dan-
iels, an Episcopal seminary stu-
dent, and from the fallen Father
Morrisroe, a Roman Catholic.
The defense concluded with 10
character witnesses for Coleman,
Bill Passed
By Congress
WASHINGTON (P) - Senate-
House conferees agreed yesterday
on a bill that would abolish im-
migration quotas based on national
origins and would put a ceiling
on Western Hemisphere immigra-
tion for the first time.
Heralding a basic change in the
nation's immigration policies, the
measure now goes back to the
House and Senate for final con-
gressional action which may ap-
prove it Thursday and send it to
the President.
The bill would scrap the 41-
year-old national origins quota
system over a, period of three
years. Beginning July 1, 1968 im-
migration from the Western
Hemisphere would be limited to
120,000 a year.
Ethnic Quotas Abandoned
Abolition of immigration quo-
tas based on the ethnic makeup
of the U.S. population in 1920
was the chief feature of the bill
urged by Johnson in a special mes-
sage to Congress last January.
Under the compromise bill, up
to 170,000 immigrants a year will
be admitted from nations outside
the Western Hemisphere, with no
more than 20,000 from any single
There is no country-by-country
limitation under the 120,000-a-
year quota set for Western Hemis-
phere nations.
60,000 More
Not counted in the limitations
are husbands, wives minor chil-
dren and parents of U.S. citizens.
Sponsors estimate the legisla-
tion will mean an increase of
about 60,000 immigrants a year to
a total of 355,000.

who did not take the stand in
defense of the charge, which car-
ries a miximum of 10 years in
In a statement read to the jury,
the prosecution said Father Mor-
risroe, still in a Chicago hospital,
would have testified that he was
shot as he turned to leave and that
he held only a dime in his hand.
Admits Shooting
A state investigator, Capt. E. J.
Dixon, testified that after the
slaying, Coleman admitted shoot-
ing both men but said he thought
Daniels had a knife and that "a
gun was mentioned."
A prosecution witness had said
he saw what resembled a knife in
the seminary student's hand and
what looked like a gun in the
priest's hand.

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NEW DELHI (f)-India claimed
yesterday it has gained the upper
hand in fighting that erupted be-
tween rangers and camel units in
the Rajasthan Desert despite the
cease-fire agreement with Paki-
A Defense Ministry spokesman
said "grievous losses in men and
" equipment" have been inflicted on
Pakistani units, which he charged
were trying to infiltrate the West
Indian State of Rajasthan.
He said 27 Pakistanis were kill-
ed and 26 captured in clashes
near the vilages of Kelnor, De-
dusar and Chotan.
Truce Violations
In Rawalpindi, a Pakistani
spokesman said Indian troops
committed another truce violation
Tuesday night in the Husseini-,
wala Khem Karen sector.
The spokesman alleged an In-
dian patrol "sneaked into an area
IO r
4 By The 4ssociated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson signed into law yester-
day a bill setting up a national
foundation for the arts and hu-
manities. The $21 million bill,
which will be distributed over the
next three years, will provide for
the creation of a national reper-
tory theatre, support for national
opera and ballet companies and
federal grants for artists to work
in schools and universities.
, University alumnus Arthur Mil-
ler, playwright, had -been invited
to attend the signing ceremonies,
along with 450 other artists, but
had refused to attend because
of the government's policies in,
South Viet Nam which Miller is
,"t'+' A Y7TT (itT1TrTYT:TT' - Tctn n

held by Pakistani troops." He said
one officer and six enlisted men
of the patrol were captured.
In New Delhi, the Indian spokes-
man said 'India has transmitted
to the United Nations charges that
Pakistan has committed 42 "ser-
ious violations" since the cease-
fire supposedly went into effect
before dawn last Thursday.
Kashmir Fighting
Scattered clashes were reported
in Kashmir, where Indian troops
continued to hunt down "Paki-
stani infiltrators" said to have
entered Indian-ruled territory.
The spokesman said 1000 guer-
rillas were believed to have left
Kashmir within the past week, but
the number still there was es-
timated at 3000. It was fighting
involving these guerrillas that
gradually escalated into the 22-
day conflict between India and

The Indian government is show-
ing extreme displeasure at the
United Nations approach to the
whole affair.
India Dissatisfaction
Foreign Secretary G. S. Jha
told newsmen that India was dis-
satisfied with what appeared to
be a UN attempt to create sepa-
rate observer groups-one for the
Kashmir area and another for
the Indian-Pakistani front south
of Kashmir.
India wants both sectors con-
trolled, fearing that a piecemeal
withdrawal of troops in only one
sector would leave Pakistan in an
advantageous position.
Envoys of the two nations made
plain at UN headquarters in New
York that neither intends to com-
ply immediately with a Security
Council order for the withdrawal
of troops to positions they held
Aug. 5.

grey, Loden. 5".15 sizes.







I News Roundup

The Michigan Bands Present

in a news conference at Atlanta
that state truancy laws will be
enforced to halt a Negro boycott
of the school in Taliaferro Coun-
ty. F
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson signed into law yesterday
legislation that provides $10,000
insurance for each member of the
armed services. Service men would
contribute $2 a month toward the
insurance and would have the op-
tion of not carrying the insurance
or carrying a smaller policy.
* * *
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson signed the $46.88-billion
defense appropriation bill for the
current fiscal year yesterday. The
appropriation is $85.6 million be-
low budget requests, but includes
the entire $1.7 billion asked by

nations; all of Asia, except Na-
tionalist China, Thailand and Ne-
pal; and about half of the Latin
American republics left to protest
South Africa's racial policies. 32
delegations including the U.S.,
Britain, and France, remained to
hear Muller's defense of apart-
heid race segregation.
-* * *
MOSCOW-The Central Com-
mittee of the Soviet Communist
party approved yesterday the re-
form of Soviet Industry, fired a
party official, and called for a
new party congress. The changes
aim at giving industrial workers
the same stimulation in the way
of pay and better homes that the
Central Committee last March
gave to farmers who, like the
workers, have been among the
most sluggish in Europe.f

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