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September 24, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-24

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See Editorial Page



Partly sunny,
windy ifk.afternoon

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
he Dail An Eiht-onth Chance for In)
By ROBERT JOHNSTON since we know you're not interest- a day, seven days a week at The freedoms-which is simply to say any University money in the build- will tell you that it's great to about
Editor ed in how good or bad they are, Daily and not have some good that we've got some things going ing or equipment. spend time among undergraduates. for a
Once every 25 years we ought to only in how good a job we do in reasons for doing so. for us, quite a few against us. Another and perhaps more ser- Students become, occasionally at It I
be able to indulge in a little self-o getting out this newspaper-the There are, of course, many in For instance, this university, ious operational problem is that least, excited, and get into loud and
congratulation, but, unfortunately, one you read. dividual and personal reasons, but where in loco parentis died four every single year The Daily argument, and are, some of them, draw
a Daily Senior Editor (there are However, most everyone does if they're good ones, they fall into years ago and where students are changes completely and at one eager to learn, to tackle new ideas actua
eight of us in case you are unin- give us credit for trying. For ex- two general categories: An abiding rapidly becoming an integral part time its entire Senior staff, all and to display them before the Daily
formed) is barely able to keep up ample, the most common question belief in and understanding of of what is glibly called the deci- eight of its editors, and the rest world. They are now eager even devio
ampl, th mot comonquesion whata n student newspaperunesad in a
with the crushing responsibilities asked of Daily staff members is greatu a .stdntnws;ana sion-making process, still main- of its staff is constantly in flux, to take on the world itself, ignor- paper
thrust upon him, responsibilities How do you do it? Don't you great university can do and as absolute theoretical control
he is expected to master in the every study?" The answer to the tentia effectivn seeing this translated in- over its student publications, re- a new crop of University executive and about tradition and about skills
short spfce of eight months. second part is easy - "Rarely" Funigatoeonsidrvenussttransltodfin-sfesrngyto consider students respon- officers every year by way of responsibility, who,
There is far too little time, as The answerto the first part is, in espri, and the newsprt ible enough or capable enough to comparison. (Most adults whe they talk of subst
Te re is froo lite t, a practice, a little harder -"Hard multiplied thousandsiof times to administer their own affairs. Such are the shifting sands on responsibility, really mean "Don't and
one races. from all-nighters to prciealtlehdr- Hd mold and direct opinion, to sharp- ad
exams to the problems of the next work." en values and conversation, to ex- It is not an onerous burden, but which The Daily operates. touch that problem, you might theirs
day's paper, for reflection and "Why do you do it?" is the next pand communication and under- it is an unjustifiable position to be Yet the fact that we are all rock the boat or really cause but ev
self-criticism, let alone for trum- question, and the answers are a standing, to provide grist for the in, you either have a student students, and students in a great something to happen." That is, becom
peting one's horn. little more complex. It is in fact a social machine that we are all a newspaper or you don't, and Uni- university, provide the peculiar you're responsible to the Estab- place
So let's just say we think we're question that anyone who has part of. versity ownership here says we strengths that make The Daily- lshment, dont cause it any trou- ful to
pretty good, yet know we could be spent any time at all on The As a student newspaper we don't. And, incidentally, that own- and a few other college papers- ble. Some at least are examining ingfu]
a lot better, and let it go at that. Daily has to ask and answer for tackle all these things under what ership is also unjustifiable financ- unique among the mass media. that line a little more carefully.) versit
We won't even ask you to compare himself. No one in his right mind are in some ways unusual con- ially, as there are absolutely no Any of the more interesting and Many are actually doing things. intert
us to other college newspapers, is going to spend up to 16 hours straints and in others unusual University subsidies nor is there exciting professors around here We're not going to hear much

the apathetic generation
s some of this spirit and life
action that The Daily can
upon, that The Daily can
lly be a part of, that The
can sometimes, directly or
asly, generate. For a student
is simply the sum total of
abilities, ideologies, learned
and goals of those students
at any given time, provide its
paper is uniquely theirs,
the 'university is uniquely
They don't have much time,
veryone can have, a chance at
ring really a part of the
so that it becomes meaning-
him and he becomes mean-
to it. It is this sort of Uni-
y-Daily-student interaction,
wined with the standards
See EDITOR, Page 2

What's New
Att, 764-1817

Eric Chester, '66, was elected chairman of Voice in its
membership meeting last night. A constitutional amendment
established an executive committee which places individual
responsibility for different areas of activity, such as program-
ming, publicity and communications.
Voice also announced backing of SGC on its attempt to
establish a University bookstore. They also presented a schedule
of educational programs on Viet Nam, which will consist of
diag rallies every Friday at noon, and a series of speaker
programs, the first of which will be held this Tuesday in the
Voice's Viet Nam Committee met recently and again dis-
cussed the question of whether civil disobedience tactics might
be employed in Voice's contribution to the October' 15th nation-
wide protest against the war in Viet Nam. It was generally felt
that any such tactics would center around the ROTC center
on campus.
Director of Residence Halls Eugene Haun said yesterday he
plans to release a final report on housing in University dormi-
tories October 1. Haun predicted that by then the only over-
crowding in University dormitories will remain because students
prefer converted rooms rather than moving into other accom-
* *
The first recorded "burn-in" in the nation took place late
last night as 30 students gathered on the Diag to burn Homer's
"Iliad." The group was composed of some members of a Great
Books 191 class which has been studying the book for three weeks.
Upperclass sorority rush ended last night with the pledging
of 158 of the 350 women who registered. Eighty-two per cent
of the places were filled this year as compared to sixty-seven per
cent last year when 141 women pledged out of 211 who registered
for rush.
* * *
The University awarded a total of 1,671 degrees at the end
of the summer term in August, Erich A. Walter, secretary of the
University, announced yesterday. There were 609 undergraduate
and 1,062 graduate degrees.
* *
The University Players have authorities searching for their
missing slide projector and slides. Sanford Security Service and
the University police force were given the serial number and a
description of the Carousel 800 projector after it was found
missing last weekend from its shelf across from 5102 Frieze
Bldg. The projector and slides can be returned by placing them
in the book drop outside the building's speech library..
S* ':'
The lead players for the UAC-MUSKET presentation of
"West Side Story" have been chosen. They are: Maria--Connie
Barron; Tony-Keith Jochim; Anita-Sandy Goetz; Bernardo-
Roger Browdy.
Currently on exhibit at the Undergraduate Library is a
collection compiled from the Library of Congress on the American
flag. The exhibition shows !actual changes within the flag itself
as related to the growth of the U.S. dating from early in the
nation's history. Also revealed are the many imaginative uses
to which reproductions of the flag have been put from patriotic
posters to advertising matter. The collection is being circulated
throughout the country under the auspices of the Smithsonian
Institution Traveling Exhibition Service.
Sources close to the Regents yesterday were denying rumors
that the establishment of a University-sponsored student book-
store would be discussed at the Regents meeting this afternoon.
The Regents, who have always refused to consider a University-
sponsored bookstore, will be faced with an unusually long agenda
today due to the cancelling of their regular monthly meeting in
Long Distance
The State Board of Education Wednesday gave final approval

May Amend
Cycle Noise
Councilman Seeks
To Lower Maximum
Decibel Requirement
The controversy over Council-
man John Hathaway's proposed
motorcycle ordinance continued to
spread yesterday with the revela-
tion of several significant develop-
First, Hathaway made it known
that before his proposal is put be-
fore the City Council he will move
to amend the city ordinance on
noise control in the section con-
cerning the decibel requirement.
As the ordinance now reads, any
vehicle which registers over 95
decibels of sound is in violation
of the law. Hathaway's amend-
ment will seek to lower the imitr
to 89 decibels.
Hathaway said that he decided
on the 89 figure after consultation
with Prof. Jay Bolt of the Uni-
versity's auto engineering labora-
tory. Bolt and Hathaway agreed
that the present decibel provision
-using the methods of testing
called for by the ordinance-is so
high that it is in effect no control
at all.
Bolt remarked that the lowest
figure on the books of any U.S.
city is 84. He stressed, however,
the importance of the methods
and scales of measurement used,
stating that a decibel figure alone
isn't a clear indicator of control.
He added that his letter to the
mayor calls for no change in pes
ent methods.
Hathaway indicated that the
standard muffler on cycles would
probably pass the requirement;
but he stated that the provision
would definitely not allow modi-
fication by owners-such as the
common practice of removing the
inner pipes of a muffler.
Concerning the proposed ordi-
nance on the regulation of motor-
cycles, Hathaway indicated that
the measurement of brake horse-
power by the city might differ
with that listed by the manufac-
This section is significant in
that the fee charged per horse-
power and the designation between
motorcycle and motor driven cycle
would be affected.
On the subject of the section
concerning the $3 fee per brake
horsepower - which would cost
some cyclists well over $100 -
Hathaway said yesterday that he
did not feel strongly about push-
ing for. its passage.
"It was my impression to begin
with that only a few cycles would
exceed the five horsepower limit,"
he said. "The purpose of the pro-
vision is not to put a burden on
the cyclist, but to pay for the
overhead involved inenforcing,
licensing and registering the
Another significant development
in the controversy over the )rdi-
nance was the formation yester-
day of an unofficial motorcycle
dealers association. John Oviatt,
spokesman for the six-member
group, said that the motorcycle
proposal pointed out the need for
representation of the interests of







Respond to
Constituent Demand
leads to Interest
In Quick Statemnent
Student" Government C o u n c i l
responded to Ann Arbor Council-
man. John Hathaway's proposed
motorcycle regulation ordinance
last'night by passing a motion re-
questing an immediate convention
of the Driving Regulations Board
to discuss the or'dinance, and to
improve communication between
representatives of the student
body and the City Council.

-Daily-Ron Berman
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL OFFICERS (from left) Michael Gross, '66, treasurer; Harlan Bloomer, '66, vice-president; Gary
Cunningham, '66, president, and Chuck Cooper, '66, administrative vice-president, during last night's meeting.
ELI Students Seek Integration,

Despite the recent liberalization
of University policy, foreign stu-
dents are stil not living with
Americans. Last year two boys
were prohibited from rooming
with foreign students. They pro-
tested, and last May the regula-
tions were changed.
Now the University and the
English Language Institute claim
they are in favor of international
housing. Richard L. Cutler, vice-
president for student affairs, says,
"The University is eager to have
foreign and American students live
together for the benefit of both."

But students apparently do not
know this. There have been no
brochures or posters to inform
American students about the new
regulation. John C. Catford, di-
rector of the English Language In-
stitute and George Luther, his
assistant, said, "We are definitely
for Americans and foreigners
rooming together, but ELI is
powerless. We have not publicized;
you can't push people. It is up
to the American students to do
"We held one mixer in May,"
Catford said. "Only six Americans
attended. This, I think, is indica-

tive of the lack of concern of
Americans for coming in contact
with foreign students," he added.
When it was pointed out to Cat-
ford that in May there are few
dorm residents, he said ELI held
another mixer Sept. 23. Because
of lack of space only 10 students
from each of the houses in West
Quad were invited.
John Snowpeck, resident adviser
for ELI students in the dorm, said
that of the 40 ELI students, half
would not be interested because of
age difference. But the other half,
those under 20, definitely are in-

Snowpeck said, "I've had boys
come to me asking for American
roommates. I told some they have
the right 'to choose Americans but
they can't just tap someone on
the shoulder and say they want to
room with him."
Nothing has been done in the
dorms to inform the Americans,
he said. "Someone could be ap-
pointed in each house to inform
people but it wouldurequire a lot
of leg work. I suppose something
could be done."
But, he added, there is the
problem of time. ELI students are
only here for 8-15 weeks. It would
be difficult for Americans to. ad-
just to that many new roommates.
Students interviewed however,
denied this. They felt adjustment
did not present any great prob-
One sophomore, Joseph Fein-
berg, '68M, suggested the Univer-
sity ask in the residence halls
questionnaire whether students
would like a foreign roommate.
Cutler said he saw no regulation
preventing resident halls from
simply giving ELI students regular
assinments ut f. added It. as

Administrative Vice - President
Charles Cooper, '66LSA, said,
"There was great constituent de-
mand for SOC action in this
.It was the feeling of Cooper,
who sponsored the motion, and
interested constituents that the
Driving Regulations Board should
meet as soon as possible to discuss
the Hathaway proposals so that
directive statements could be made
Proper Channel
In response to a question of
whether SGC can make proposals
regarding the ordinance, Cooper
said, "We believe! that the proper
channel for action is through the
Driving Regulations Board." He
added that it would be the role of
SGC to support the recommenda-
tions of the board.
Cooper is meeting with several
concerned students today to dis-
cuss the possibility of a petition
which might be presented toCity
Council with the Driving Board's
recommendations or at a public
"The primary thing we are con-
cerned with now," Cooper said,
"is not the validity or worth of the
various City Council proposals,
but the fact that there has been
virtually no communication with
the student body on these regula-
Express Concern
The motion passed last night di-
rects President Gary Cunningham,
'66LSA, to draft a letter to the
City Council expressing SGC's
concern over the lack of communi-
cations between the student body
and the City Council.
In addition, the motion pro-
vided for SGC to reaffirm its will-
ingness to meet at any time with
City Council or its individual
members to discuss common in-

Heyns' Speech Well Received

Students at the University of
California at Berkeley reportedly
are enthusiastic about Chancellor
Roger W. Heyns' recent major
speech there. The former vice-
president for academic affairs at
the University called for increased
student participation in formulat-

According to Robert Mundy, a
member of the executive commit-
tee of the Berkeley Free Student
Union, the students' main objec-
tions to the rules are that they
give the chancellor all final au-
thority, and that there had been
no student participation in the
drawing up of these rules. Mundy
said in a telephone interview that

termine "university standards of
conduct"-a term left vague, and
theoretically covering everything.
"A student has no way to disagree
with anything," Mundy said.
Berkeley's Graduate Coordinat-
ing Committee has already issued
a statement that committee mem-
bers will not obey the new rules
since they were not consulted in

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