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September 22, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-22

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See Editorial Page

Si tr 4Ufl


More humid
in afternoon

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
it Housing Commission: Composition Key


City Council's action Monday
night creating an Ann Arbor
Housing Commission was an un-
precedented step aimed at im-
proving the city's lower income
The five-member commission
will be the first "authority-type"
commission in Ann Arbor's his-
tory. It will have the power not
only to undertake such improve-
ment as it deems necessary with
federal funds-funds for which
the city would not be eligible
without the commission's exist-
Also, under the state statute
concerning municipal housing
commissions, the body will have
the power to "establish and revise
rents" in its housing units, and
to rent these units to low income

families "at a rate within the
financial reach of such persons.'"
As implied above and stated ex-
plicitly in the city's ordinance,
commission projects must main-
tain the basic requirement oA pay-
ing for themselves.
Significant Step
The very existence of such a
commission in Ann Arbor-not to
speak of the considerable degree
of autonomy allegated to this
commission-is a significant step
in alleviating the needs of the
city's lower-income groups. Sev-
eral important considerations,
however, are as yet unresolved,
and these will play a large part
in determining the character and
attitudes of the body.
The first of these considerations
is the area of commission-council
relations. While state law has set
down basic powers and duties of

city housing commissions, the
city's power of review over the
projects of such a commission has
not been outlined clearly. Accord-
ing to City Administrator Guy C.
Larcom, "the ,appropriation of
funds, acquisition of land, the
signing of contracts and the es-
tablishment of broad policies it
seems to me should be reviewable
by City Council."
The specific provisions and di-
rections of such review have yet
to be set down by council.
Second Consideration
A second important considera-
tion is the direction such a com-
mission will take in its early
stages. That is, while there seems
to be a general consensus of the
council members that the crea-
tion of the commission is a step
in the public interest, there is byl
no means a consensus as to what

level of activity the commission
should begin on.
The liberal members, on one
hand, are convinced there is no
question that the need for low-
cost public housing is an exten-
sive one. They cite the testimony
of citizens who have worked in-
tensively in this field; the lengthy
study of the council's housing
committee, which urged the crea-
tion of the commission; exceed-
ingly high rent rates; several lax
eviction laws, and cited numerous
case studies of families in crowd-
ed, unsafe and unsanitary hous-
At Monday night's meeting,
women from HOME, an organiza-
tion set up to obtain low-cost
housing for Negro families, cited
fourteen current cases of families
unable to find adequate housing.
Bunyon Bryant, president of Ann

Arbor CORE, emphasized the need
for immediate action to halt the
detrimental effects that inade-
quate housing was having on Ne-
gro family life.
Action Needed
For the first group, immediate
action is the most important func-
tion of the commission; the need
has been clearly shown. In the
words of Councilman Robert
Weeks, "The commission should
move on with deliberate speed."
On the other hand, it is the
feeling of other city officials and
council members that the need
has not been examined fully
enough; more research and pos-
sibly a report would be 'their
recommendation for the commis-
sion's first order of business.
For example, Councilman Doug-
las Crary in a report issued to
the council, recommends that the

commission proceed slowly at first
with smaller projects until the
extent of the need here is deter-
Some officials also suggested
that the commission should ad-
dress itself to middle- as well as
low-income housing and to low-
income housing financed through
private means.
Final Consideration
The final and most important'
consideration concerns the actual
composition of the commission as
to be appointed by Mayor Wendell
Hulcher and approved by the City
Councilmen are divided between
two theories on the commission's
composition: 1) that the body be
made up of a cross section of Ann
Arbor's residents-a representa-
tive composition, or 2) that the

commission be composed of citi-
zens who have been especially con-
cerned with and committed to the
needs of the city's lower income
bracket in relation to housing--
an interest-group composition.
Councilwoman Eunice Burns im-
plied Monday that she favors the
latter type when she urged the
mayor to apopint "dedicated lay-
men, vitally interested in the field
of low-income housing."
Similar Position
Councilman Weeks supports a
similar position. He feels that
while a completely representative
composition might actually be
self-defeating, at least one mem-
ber should be selected on this
basis. He emphasized, however,
that all members of the commis-
sion should have displayed not
only knowledge of the problem,

but also a previous commitment
to its solution.
Hulcher takes a somewhat more
moderate position. "My primary
criterion for appointing members
of the commission will be that
they be highly qualified in one
or more aspects of the business of
housing construction on behalf of
the city. They must be dedicated
to public service, responsive to
broad public interest, and at the
same time be understanding to-
ward, and sympathetic to those
who are in need of better housing
The five appointments, along
with amendments which might be
passed concerning the two con-
siderations discussed, above, will
have a great influence on the ef-
fectiveness of the commission.
They are sure to be the topic of
considerable controversy.






What's New
At 764-1817

Dr. Albert Wheeler, chairman of the Ann Arbor branch of
the NAACP, stated Monday night that although the city admin-
istrator's report regarding police compaint procedure was en-
couraging, it was misleading. The "report stated that there had
been very few complaints in recent months concerning police
enforcement and implied that this was a sign of much-improved
Dr. Wheeler noted, however, residents may be afraid to sub-
mit complaints to a board made up entirely of city officials. He
said that he was aware of several complaints including two cases
of alleged police brutality and asked if another forum, possibly
the Council itself couldn't be set up to hear these and future
complaints before inaction added to agitation within the Negro
The executive board of the University Republican Club
unanimously passed a resolution urging the University to aid
SGC in establishing a non-profit bookstore on campus. The col-
lege Republicans asked for the repeal of the 1929 Regents' ruling
outlawing the use of University property for "co-operative mer-
cantile organizations."
Motorcycle regulations proposed by Councilman John Hath-
away Monday night cannot be passed until thorough investiga-
tion has been made by the City Council, according to Robert P.
Weeks, University professor and city councilman. He said that
under Council procedure interested individuals, including stu-
dents, will be given opportunity to express opinion at public
hearings before the proposals can be ligslated. The entire process
should take several weeks, l and Weeks stressed that students
should not feel legislation is being rushed through Council with-
out their interests considered.
The Office of Academic Affairs and the literary college an-
nounced key administrative changes recently. Assistant Dean
Hayden Carruth, head of junior-senior counseling, has been
appointed to a newly created assistant deanship in the literary
college effective Oct. 1. He will be working under Dean William
Haber and Associate Dean William Hays.
Tentatively named to replace Carruth as head of the junior-
senior office is James Shaw who is currently assistant to Asso-
ciate Dean James Robertson. Robert Sauve, currently assistant
to Dean Haber, will become administrative assistant to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs Allen Smith. Suave has been
replaced by Robert Ledbetter, formerly an administrative assist-
ant at the University's Willow Run branch. Paul Spradlin of
the zoology department has been named administrative assist-
ant in the literary college.
The controversy over U.S. policy in Viet Nam has instigated
two new student camps on campus. One group, The Conference
on Viet Nam Steering Committee, headed by Arthur Collings-,
worth, '67, has collected 1200' signatures in support of President
Johnson's policy. These and other names to be petitioned in
housing units 'through Friday will be telegrammed to Washington
next week. Under consideration is a personal presentation of the
The other group, The Committee to Aid Viet Nam, condemns
present U.S. policies. Acting Chairman Stan Nadel, '66, empha-
sized that the committee circulated a petition only to obtain 20
signatures required to receive University recognition as an
organized group. They will maintain a booth in the Fishbowl
next week, although the booth will be under the auspices of
VOICE since the committee is not yet recognized officially.
W iretap
Many campus sororities have begun digging into the ques-
tion of whether they will submit their alumnae recommendation
farms-used to evaluate potential members-as required by SGC.
The final date is Oct. 1. but only a few more than the five re-

Bhutto in NY;
Seeks Longer
UN Deadline
Pakistani Mobs Riot
Protesting U.S. Stand
Over Indian Dispute
stan's Foreign Minister Zufikar Ali
Bhutto arrived in New York last
night and indicated he would ask
the UN Security Council to extend
the deadline for a cease-fire in the
India-Pakistan conflict.
The Security Council had de-
manded the cease-fire go into ef-
fect by 3 a.m. Wednesday. The
council hinted at economic pen-
alties and force if the combat-
ants rejected the demand.
The 11-nation council was
standing by for a possible post-
midnight meeting requested ear-
lier by the Pakistani delegation.
Bhutto rushed from the airport
for an immediate conference with
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg, council president.
He told newsmen at the airport
he had not brought his govern-
ment's acceptance of the cease-fire
deadline. Instead, he said, he
wanted an extension of the time.
Indian Prime Minister Lal.Ba-
hadur Shastri sent UN Secretary-
General U Thant India's accept-
ance idea of a cease-fire provided
Pakistan went along, and India
was given enough advance notice
to communicate properly with its
frontline troops.
He made it plain New Delhi
was agreeing to a simple truce
without any conditions, including
the disposition of the disputed
Kashmir problem which started it
all. He implied that Indian troops
at present on Pakistan territory
would stay put until suitable ne-
gotiations made a withdrawal
The prime minister planned to
make the position clear in a speech
today in Parliament.
In Pakistan yesterday, mobs at-
tacked U.S. property in a wave of
anti-Americanism arising from
U.S. support of a UN cease-fire
and President Johnson's announc-
ed neutrality in the Kashmir dis-
About 10,000 demonstrators rip-
ped a United Nations flag and set
fire to the U.S. Information Serv-
ice library in Karachi.
Authorities dispersed the mobs
and put out the flames.
Similar, outbreaks were report-
ed in Lahore, Pakistan's second
largest city.
At the front lines, sporadic
fighting continued.
A Pakistani air force spokesman
announced heat-seeking Sidewind-
er missiles fired by Pakistan's F-
104 Starfighter jets, also supplied
by the United States, downed an
Indian bomber that took part in a
raid on the Sargodha air base be-
fore dawn Tuesday. He said the
raiders did no damage to the
filsm,,. aev isaatnn

-Associated Press

PAKISTAN'S FOREIGN MINISTER ZUFIKAR BHUTTO, left, and his aides arriving in Rome yesterday for a brief stopover on the
way to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly sessions.
APO. Will Not Bring.,Case'to JIC,

China Says
India Meets
Peking Radio Claims
Indian Army Destroys
Its Own Installations
NEW DELHI()-The threat of
war between India and 'Red China
appeared to have eased drama-
tically early today, hours before
Peking's deadline to New Delhi to
dismantle military outposts in the
Peking- Radio announced that
Indian troops had crossed into
Chinese-held Tibet and hauled
down the posts the Chinese had
demanded be pulled back.
But India denied this morning
that it has dismantled military
installations on the Skkim-Tibet
border as Communist China de-
"That is &bsolutely false," an
official spokesman said in com-
menting on a Peking radio report
that the Indians had complied
with Communist China's demands.
"We have not cossed into Tibet
and we have not torn down any-
thing," the spokesman said.
The latest Chinese announce-
ment, issued by the official New
China News Agency, said Indian
troops destroyed 56 military in-
stallations said to have been built
in Chinese :territory along the
China-Sikkim boundary. The Chi-
nese said India pulled its forces
out of the area "to destroy evi-
The Communists said India's
pullout began Sept. 16.
The report followed the Indian
charge of Chinese intrusion into
India branded the Chinese ac-
tion as "premeditated acts of ag-
gression and provocation" and
urged Peking to "stop these mili-
tary intrusions."
An Indian spokesman reported
early that Indian and Red Chi-
nese troops had skirmished twice
in the past 24 hours in the dis-
puted mountain region and that
Indian forces had retreated in
each case rather than provoke the
The dual announcements were
seen as a 'possible prelude to a
declaration by Peking that it had
considered its demands on India
fulfilled. The Chinese had threat-
ened India with grave conse-
quences if the demands were not
The Peking and New Delhi an-
nouncements came in the midst of
worldwide diplomatic efforts to
preventdthe fighting between In-
dia and Pakistan over Kashmir
from escalating into a broader
war between India and Red
China last Friday gave India 72
hours to dismantle 56 alleged mil-
itiry outposts on Chinese-claimed
territory on the Sikkim frontier.
On Sunday, Peking extended the
deadline another three days.

The Fishbowl sign muddle took
another turn yesterday, as Alpha
Phi Omega President Rick Handel
officially disclaimed any wish to
bring charges against the Friends
of Student Nonviolent Coordinat-
ing Committee for putting up the
In addition, J. Duncan Sells,
director of student organizations,
said he had discussed the matter
with the Co-Chairmen of Joint
Judiciary Council and convinced
them that there was no grounds
for a case, even if someoie had
brought charges against Friends
of SNCC.
Handel, who Monday was re-
ported by Student Government
Council and Joint.Judiciary Coun-
cil members to be planning to take
Friends of SNCC before JJC,
charging them with illegal sign
content, said that APO never had
intended to bring formal charges.
He said he felt there has been
important "misinterpretations" of
SGC's and APO's role in the mat-
But not only was there con-
fusion about who, if anyone, was
bringing charges against whom.
J. Duncan Sells, director of stu-
dent organizations, said yesterday
no definite rule exists under which
Friends of SNCC could have been
tried, even if someone had decided
to try them.
What everyone has been assum-
ing, Sells said, is that a rule
,..., whih n- a nr3I + 1 that th

against Friends of SNCC.
And so how Slid the confusion
Handel yesterday said he felt
the confusion began when he first
reported the sign's content to SGC
officers. He mentioned that it
seemed they felt the sign was
illegal, assuming the existence of
a rule enforcing coordination of
actual sign content and prior
stated intentions.
When testifying before SGC,
Handel said he had intended to
only give the implication that the
sign's content "may have been in

violation of some rule." This was
implied when SGC simply turned
the issue over to JJC, but Handel
said that this was never his opin-
Generally, Handel said, "the
matter seems to be. one of a lot
of people not knowing the rules
they are operating under."
Steven Schwartz yesterday felt
that SGC had only transferred
"whatever complaints APO had"
to JJC, without making a judg-
ment on the validity of those
complaints. .

Both Sells and Handel said the
entire matter pointed up a need
for further deliniation of rules for
the Fishbowl's use.
Neither commented on what di-
rection the rules would take, but
Sells predicted action in the near
The sign issue first arose last
Thursday, when administrators
met in a marathon session dis-
cussing whether or not to try and
remove it. Their decision was that
the sign was in poor taste, but
that it had every legal right to be
there. .

UAC Backs Housing Forum

In the wake of pressing student
economic issues, 'the University
Activities Center Executive Coun-
cil has requested a policy state-
ment from the senior officers of
the organization concerning its
role as a student . organization
and the possibility of sponsoring
a forum for the student housing
issue, Jay Zulauf, UAC's public re-
lations chairman, said yesterday.
Policy statements fcr UAC can
only be issued through the presi-
The policy statement requested

tual understanding of the prob-
lems confronting all concerned.
'No Comment'
James Kropf, '66, president of
UAC, refused to make any com-
ment on the possibility of the
statement being included in a
policy position to be brought out
in the next week.
The concern of the organization
is with an objective presentation
of controversial issues for the stu-
dent body, Zulauf said. The two
voices dissenting the motions ex-
pressed concern that once UAC
injects itself into any issue, it
mnP n. rAM. -Minnnte vnuof,

elected representatives of the stu-
dent body, they nevertheless rep-
resent them in the area of serv-
ice. To deprive students of ob-
jective information on vital is-
sues would be self-defeating."
The board postponed a deci-
sion on whether to offer support
for a third motion: "our organiza-
tion supports the efforts of the
Student Government Council to
form a university bookstore. We
believe the University should es-
tablish a bookstore to provide stu-
dents with books and supplies at
the least possible cost."

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