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C, .4r
Cooling breezes
to blow in afternoon
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
What's New
At 764-1817
A one member majority of Student Government Council
voted last night to "support the stand taken by the University
administration in its recent defense of free speech" and its
policy on SNCC's Fishbowl poster condemning U.S. policy in
Viet Nam.
The roll call vote was 9-8. Nearly half the Council members
voted against the motion because they felt its original intent to
support the University's defense of free speech was negated by a
series of amendments. The amendments contended that SNCC
was technically in violation of a regulation concerning the
utilization of the Fishbowl and that the poster was "in poor
taste, highly subjective in its content and inconsistent with the*
stated objectives of the present International Conference on
Alternative Perspectives on Viet Nam." This was the same posi-
tion adopted Wednesday by the Office of Student Affairs.
In addition, the members opposing the Council motion said
they felt that it was not their right to make a value judgment on
the poster.
University Registrar Edward Groesbeck said yesterday that
he was "pretty sure" the University's fall enrollment will be
above the original estimate of 30,9000. Final total figures, along
with figures on this year's proportion of out-of-state students,
will be available next week, he said.
* * * *
Student Government Council, at its meeting last night, re-
ferred the charges brought against the Student Nonviolent Co-
ordinating Committee by Alpha Phi Omega to Joint Judiciary
Council. These charges involve placing a poster illegally in the
Fishbowl. They also voted unanimously to appropriate an addi-
tional $750 to the Committee on the University Bookstore, after
discussing their campaign in a closed session.
s* *- *
The dollar volume of the University's research for fiscal
year 1964-65 totaled $47.8 million, an increase of 13.8 per cent
over last year's $42.2 million total, Vice-President for Research
R A. Geoffrey Norman announced yesterday. Norman expressed
surprise over the continued rapid growth in research, noting that
the 13.8 per cent figure was just a little under the previous
year's growth rate. He predicted a year ago that the growth
would slow down because of pressures of space and time pressures
on the faculty. No figures were available yesterday on the level
of federal support for research last year, but it usually runs
about 75 per cent of the total, Norman said. Just two years ago
research here totaled $35.5 million.
* * * *
University President Harlan Hatcher will deliver his annual
report of the University to faculty and staff members October 4
in Rackham Lecture Hall. Recipients of the Distinguished
Service Award for instructors and assistant professors and of the
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award for senior faculty
members will be announced at that time.
Long .Distance
Dr. Daniel Katz of the psychology department has won the
1965 Kurt Lewin Memorial Award of the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues. He will receive the award
Sept. 29, 1966 at the American Psychological Association meeting
in New York.
Wayne State University will open on Sept. 23, with an
enrollment of about 29,000. This is an addition of about 4,000
over last year.
Michigan State University opens on Sept. 30, with about
35,000 students. The enrollment is up 5,000 from last year. This
includes about 7,500 freshmen, 2,000 transfer students, and 2,000
new graduate students. M.S.U.'s new Justin Morrill College will
begin with 400 freshmen. M.S.U.'s residence hall system now has
a capacity of 18,000 with the addition of Holmes Halls dormitories
this year.
Edward Geffner disclaimed last night any responsibility of
the local Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Com-
mittee organization for the content of the controversial sign put
up two days ago in the Fishbowl. The poster referred to U.S. "war
crimes in 'Viet Nam" and included an arrow pointing at two
armed forces recruiting tables nearby. Geffner said that the
SNCC group sponsored the sign and upheld its appearance on
free speech principle; but that SNCC-the organization-was not
necessarily in agreement with its statements. It turns out that
the sign is now sponsored by Voice, which submitted a form yes-
terday requesting permission to post such a sign in the Fishbowl.
The SNCC group will still have to appear before Student Govern-
ment Council for posting the sign in the first place without per-
The University granted accreditation to the Interlochen
National Music Camp, and launched a $25 .million expansion
fund campaign, Dr. Joseph E. Maddy president-founder of the
camp and academy, announced yesterday. He said the fund
raising drive would pay for proposed expansion, improvements
and scholarship endowments.
The Public Health Service has approved a $559,896 clinical
research grant to the University Medical Center, according to
yesterday's announcement by Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann
Arbor). The grant will aid the sixth year of a continuing research
program conducted by the Medical Center.
Shastri Hits
Peace Move
Fighting Front Quiet;
Rawalpindi Claims
Battle Victories
NEW DELHI () - Prime Min-
ister Lal Bahadur Shastri declar-
ed yesterday "Pakistan is intend-
ing to continue the fight." He
called on India's millions "to
cheerfully undergo hardships."
Shastri , told Parliament that
President Mohammed Ayub Khan
of Pakistan was only trying to
"beguile the world" with his talk
of peace.
Ayub's declaration Wednesday
that President Johnson could play
an important role by telling both
sides to quit fighting drew criti-
cism from an Indian government
Positive Response
"We have already made a posi-
tive response to appeals by John-
son and others," he said. "But
Pakistan now is just engaged in
political maneuvering."
Officials in Washington said the
Johnson administration had ask-
ed Ayub what kind of U.S. inter-
vention he believes could be effec-
Shastri said UN Secretary-Gen-
eral U Thant's peace mission to
India and Pakistan failed be-
cause Pakistan insisted on a con-
ditional cease-fire. But Thant said
in 'London on his way back to
New York he did not consider the
mission a failure and saw a pos-
sibility he would return to India
and Pakistan.
Fronts Quiet
The fighting fronts appeared
quiet, but Pakistan claimed it had
inflicted a heavy defeat Wednes-
day on the Indians around Sialkot,
on the northern front, and to the
east of Sialkot in southwest Kash-
A spokesman in Rawalpindi,
Pakistan's capital, said more than
60 Indian tanks were destroyed in
a battle near Sialkot and more
than 200 vehicles were left burn-
ing by Pakistani fighter-bombers
in raids on a large convoy south-
west of Jammu in Kashmir.
An Indian Defense Ministry
spokesman reported fighting only
in the Sialkot area,, indicating a
slackening everywhere else.
Pakistani Claims
Radio Pakistan claimed 326 In-
dian tanks and 91 planes have
been destroyed since Sept. 9.
In the air war, Radio Pakistan
reported Indian planes raided Pe-
shawar, an important base 100
miles west of Rawalpindi, and had
killed some civilians.
In his report to Parliament,
Shastri said he twice accepted
Thant's request to halt hostilities,
once Tuesday and once Wednes-
day, but each time Pakistan made
no response. Ayub said Thant's
-Associated Press
AS THE INDIAN-PAKISTANI WAR CONTINUED with little hope of early settlement, civilians began to feel the full brunt of the fight-
ing. In this ravaged Pakistani hamlet, 52 civilians were killed in a raid.
Controversial Student Viet Nam
'ar Cies'Sign Posted a
Students protesting the war in
Viet Nam posted again yesterday
their controversial sign accusing
U.S. soldiers of war crimes.
The sign, which resulted in
many complaints to administra-
tors from offended faculty and
students when it was first posted
on Wednesday, had an arrow
which pointed at armed forces re-
cruiters in a nearby booth.
Administrators debated wheth-
er to order that the sign be taken
down from about 11 until the late
afternoon on Wednesday. It was
discovered in the early afternoon
that the sign was posted illegal-
ly, but University officials decid-
ed -to give the students permission
to put up the posters again yes-
terday; However, the recruiters
were no longer present at the
Additional Sign
An additional sign was also set
up yesterday bearing a quote that
appeared in the New York Times,
from a speech made by President
Johnson to a student audience.
The quote read that Johnson
"would like to see them (the stu-
dents) develop as much fanati-
cism about the U.S. system of
government as young Nazis did
about their system during the
Opinions varied as to the rea-
sons for the recruiters' absences.
Different accounts of the rea-
son for their absence came first
from Jerry Gardner, assistant to
J. Duncan Sells, the director of
student organizations. He said
that, although the recruiters were
officially committed to be there
only from Monday to Wednesday,
the University had assumed that
they would be there another day
or two.
Other Commitments
Capt. T. G. LaForest, ranking
officer of the Naval ROTC on
campus said, however, that the
Navy and Marine representatives
had made arrangements over a
month ago for a three day stay,
and that they had commitments
elsewhere yesterday.
Stan Nadel, '66, one of the stu-
dents who put up, the sign, claim-
ed yesterday that at the conclu-
sion of the student group's first
meeting with the administrators at
3 p.m. Wednesday, a decision had
been reached to order the sign's
removal. The students were asked
shortly after that to come to a
meeting at the office of Vice-
President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler where they were
told that the sign could remain.
Gardner denied this, saying that
a final decision had not really
been reached at that time. He
added that, although the admin-
istrators all agreed that it was
offensive, negotiations had con-
tinued throughout the day.
Conference Objections
It had also been charged on sev-
eral occasions that the Interna-
tional Conference for Alternative
Perspectives on Viet Nam objected
to the Fishbowl sign. Nadel said
that only one or two sponsors of
the conference and none of the
participants objected to the sign.
He added that to his knowledge
there had been very little reaction
or pressure on the administration
from outside the University.
The signs as they now stand in
the Fishbowl are legal, having
Political ressure Generates Heat
As AEC Seeks Site for Atom Smasher
been approved by the service fra-
ternity Alpha Phi Omega which is
in charge of. tables in the Fish-
bowl. Nadel said that it was pos-
sible that the signs would not
be put up again tomorrow, but
that the group was planning to
have a table next week to dis-
tribute literature from the Nation-
al Liberation Front, the political
arm of the Viet Cong.
Support LBJ
On U.S. Asian
W ar Policy
An organization supporting the
United States' role in Vi'etNam
met last night to chart action to
support its announced purpose "to
support the President's proposals
to bring about a viable peace."
The organization, the Confer-
ence on Viet Nam Steering Com-
mittee, was formed immediately
after last year's teach-in in order
to present "both sides of the
issue," according to Arthur Col-
lingsworth, '66, its acting chair-
Specific programs suggested for
long-range action were a national
conference on Viet Nam, featur-
ing "proper speakers," to be held
here, a Foster Parents' Plan for
Vietnamese orphans, and a Peo-
ple-to-People program to aid an
entire village, such as was estab-
lished by Michigan State last year.
Collingsworth, who was in Viet
Nam this summer, estimated -the
cost of village aid at $1500 per
village per year, and the orphan
program at $15 per orphan per
They will have a table on the
Diag and in front of Hill Audi-
torium which will contain a state-
ment of purpose and a petition
for a telegram to be sent to Presi-
dent Johnson indicating the sup-
port of the signers. The statement
of purpose contains specific ro-
posals contained in an advertise-
ment in the Sept. 9 New York
Times, sponsored by the Commit-
tee for a Viable Peace in Viet
The telegram is similar to one
Border Area
U.S. Officials Fear
New Armed Clashes;
No Indian Reaction
NEW DELHI (P)-Red China
told India yesterday to pull out of
a Sikkim-Tibet border area claim-
ed by Peking in three days or face
"grave consequences." The Chi-
nese move apparently was aimed
at helping Pakistan in its war
with India.
A blunt Chinese note handed to
an Indian envoy in Peking In a
postmidnight summons to the
Foreign Office did not specify the
nature of the "grave conse-
quences." But the Chinese have
struck hard before in border con-
flicts with India, rolling the In-
dians back seriously in the heavy
fighting of 1962.
The note was broadcast by Pe-
king radio barely 24 hours after
reports reached Calcutta of un-
usually heavy concentrations of
Chinese troops at many points
along the border between India
and Communist-occupied Tibet.
Troop Concentrations
Most of the concentrations were
reported at the eastern passes for
a thousand miles through the
Himalayas along the disputed Mc-
Mahon demarcation line. Other
concentrations were reported in
the Chumbi valley north of Sik-
U.S. officials in Washington
watched the situation anxiously.
Diplomatic efforts for a peace-
ful solution of the India-Pakistan
war over Kashmir meanwhile had
a further setback yesterday. The
Indians gave a cold reception to a
suggestion by UN Secretary-
General U Thant for a direct
meeting of Indian Prime Minister
Lal Bahadur Shastri and Paki-
stani President Mohammed Ayub
"It would be like Churchill meet-
ing Hitler during the Battle of
Britain," an Indian official com-
There was no immediate word
of reaction by the New Delhi gov-
vernment, the first ultimatum by
Peking in a long daily exchange
of border protests.
Border troubles flared into
heavy Indian-Chinese fighting in
1962, when hard-hitting Chinese
forces rolled the Indians back at
several points in the Himalays.
The Sikkim area was not involved
in major conflict at that time.
. War of perves
It has come up in recent days,
however, as .China waged a war
of nerves against India in ap-
parent support of Pakistan. On
Sept. 8 Peking demanded that
India dismantle all military struc-
tures "built beyond or on the
China-Sikkim border." There was
no time limit in that demand,
In a reply Sept. 12, India told
Peking that India's "unfortunate
relations" with Pakistan had
nothing to do with -the China-
India border situation. The In-
dians also said "The involvement
of external forces in the current
unfortunate conflict with Pakistan
will only impede a peaceful solu-
China is the only major power
that has taken sides in the In-
dia-Pakistan conflict. Other capi-
tals, including Moscow, have pro-
posed a cease-fire.
Close Watch
In Washington, a State Depart-
ment spokesman said the United
States is maintaining a close
watch on the India-Communist
China border situation. He said
the United States is very con-
cerned over possible extension of
the India-Pakistan war.
Press officer Marshall Wright
would not comment specifically on
reports from Calcutta that un-
usually heavy Chinese. Communist
troop movements have been tak-
ing place on the Tibetan frontier.
Nor. would he confirm that the
United States has warned Com-
munist China not to cross the
Indian border. Reports to this
effect arose after a Warsaw meet-
ing between American and Chi-
nese Communist ambassadors
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON,-Massive poli-
tical heat is being generated to
try to influence the location of a
$348 million atom smasher for
which the Atomic Energy Com-
mission hopes to -request initial
funds next year.
The AEC, after months of study,
announced it has selected 85 pro-
posed sites for further evaluation
from an original group of 200
representing all states except
Alaska, Hawaii, Delaware, VerT
mont and New Hampshire. Among
the sites being considered is one
near the University in Northfield,
But close observers of the scene
in Washington speculated for The
Daily yesterday that the political
pressure created forced the AEC
to make public a maximum-size
list ofdtop choices tobe given to
a study group of the National
Academy of Sciences.
which were recently announced
by Vice-President for Research
A. Geoffrey Norman, are .in
Northfield Township, a small com-
munity north of Ann Arbor, and
in Battle Creek.
Although the University would
have no part in making the de-
cision for the smasher's operations
if it is located in Michigan, Nor-
man indicated that University
graduate students and faculty
would be closely involved in the
Norman favors Northfield for
this reason, and because of the
site's proximity to the facilities of
the University.
Governor George Romney claim-
ed in a recent interview, "We are
certain that the Michigan pro-
posals are among the very best
submitted. We will continue to
work closely with the National
Academy of Science site evalua-
tion committee and do all in our
power to show the committee
members that Michigan is the
best place to locate this accelera-
tor." Another governor has termed
this a race for the "scientific
prize of the century."
Meanwhile, Rep. Craig Hosmer
(R-Calif) said that the AEC's
site selection methods were so
badly bungled they should be be-
gun again. An AEC official denied'
the report, published in Houston,
Tex., that only 30 or 35 of the
85 sites announced to still be in
the running were actually being
Strike Shuts New York Papers
NEW YORK (A)-The New York
Times suspended publication last
night in the face of a strike by
the AFL-CIO New York Newspa-
per Guild, and six others of the
city's major dailies closed down
in sympathy and support.
circulation is 6 million.
The New York Post, an after-
noon daily which is not a member
of the Newspaper Publishers As-
sociation of New York, will con-
tinue to publish.
Local radio and television sta-
a daily circulation of about 307,-
The Guild called the suspension
of the six nonstruck dailies a
"lockout order" and directed idled
employes to fill out benefit forms.
A scale of strike benefits was set