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September 16, 1965 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-16

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PA"vR is .


K'tltxr. 7G v C.lN

M' Bench Ready for

Any Emergency




Major League Standings



There's a dearth of talent sit-
ting on the Michigan bench, and
hopefully this year it can stay
Somehow, through exceptional
conditioning or divine interven-
tion, the Wolverines have man-
aged to avoid the rash of presea-
son injuries which provided an
ominous note to the 1964 grid
season even before the first game.
And this note was stretched into
a medley when three more regu-
lars were hurt once the season
had started.
Enter good coaching, hard work,
and latent energy to replace the
injured Jack Clancy, John Row-
ser, Dick Vidmer, John Yanz,
Rich Hahn, and Barry Dehlin;
exit with one bowl of roses.
Despite the numerous physical

setbacks for Bump Elliott's Wol-
verines, someone always seemed
to step in to take up the slack.
Before the year started, Row-
ser, who as a sophomore started
at defensive, back, injured his
knee. Up popped two-sophs, Rich
Volk and Rick Sygar, who more
than held their own in stabilizing
Michigan's secondary.
When Clancy, a starting half-
back, suffered an injury early in
the fall, an unknown bruiser
named Jim Detwiler progressed
fast enough to average four yards
per carry as Clancy's replacement.
Back to the Bench
Then Yanz and Hahn, the first
string defensive guards were lost,
and once more Elliott had to look
to the bench for help. Up stepped
Bob Mielke and Gerry Mader,

both of whom provided strong up
front support for the remaining
And when linebacker Dehlin
came back to claim his lineback-
ing job after recovering from an
injury, he found himself out of
luck. Frank Nunley played such
tremendous ball that Dehlin had
to spend nst of the Rose Bowl
game on the bench.
The jinx has not yet struck this
season, except for John Rowser's
dislocated finger, which wiill
cause him to miss the first game.
But the bench is ready and able,

and the first stringers are versa-
tile enough to keep the team mov-
Craig Waits
For example, Craig Kirby, who
saw considerable action at offen-
sive end last season, lost his job
this year to Jack Clancy.
If misfortune should strike
Clancy again, Elliott would still
have an experienced end. Even
more important, should Clancy be
needed to fill in elsewhere, e.g.,
halfback, Kirby would be of im-
mense value.
Halfback Louis Lee, who let-

tered last season, provides a val-
uable back-up man, as does Row-
ser either offense or defense.
Rowser was never able to win
back his starting role in the sec-
ondary. That spot belongs to Mike
Bass who got his first chance in
the Iowa game last year when-
you guessed it-Dick Rindfuss was
QB Chatter
At quarterback, the big talk is
the battle between Dick Vidmer
and Wally Gabler. But defense-
man Volk isralways capable of
stepping there or at offensive
halfback. Furthermore both Bass
and Sygar can double as offensive

San Francisco
Los Angeles
St. Louis
New York

86 59
83 63
82 64
80 65
79 69
75 69
72 73
67 81
61 86
46 102

Pet. GB
.593 -
.568 3'
.562 4%
.552 6
.534 85Z
.521 10"
.497 14
.453 201'
.415 26
.311 41?A

W L Pet. GB
Minnesota 94 54 .635 -
Baltimore 83 63 .569 10
x-Chicago 84 64 .568 10
Detroit 81 66 .551 121x
Cleveland 78 66 .541 14
New York 73 76 .490 211
x-California 68 80 .460 26
Washington 64 83 .435 29
Boston 57 91 .385 37
Kansas City 53 92 .372 39
x--Second game not included.
Chicago 8, talitornia 1 (Ist game)
Cleveland 8, Boston 4
New York 5, Washington 3
Baltimore 3, Detroit 2
Minnesota 7. Kansas City 5
Kansas City at Minnesota
Clevelandat Boston
Only gamnes scheduled

Chicago 8, Los Angeles 6-
San Francisco 3, Houston 2
Milwaukee 4, Philadelphia 2
Cincinnati 2, New York 1
St. Louis 7, Pittsburgh 3
San Francisco at Houston (n)
Los Angeles at Chicago
Cincinnati at New York
Milwaukee at Philadelphia (n)
St. Louis at Pittsburgh (n)


U, 7
He's, Got a Team
To Keep Him Warm
Farmers press their cider, columnists unfurl old cliches, hawkers
honey raspy voices, and bands across the country honk out rusty
fight songs. The delightful ritual of football 'season begins.
And from law firms, corporate mazes, hospital offices, and assort-
ed businesses, college alumni everywhere feel a tingle of Saturday
expectation, or at least feel they would like to feel the tingle, and say
they feel it, because all their buddies say they feel it. From my obser-
vation, only a miniscule few really give a hoot about their alma mater
that got them their first job. But there are those few rabid alums
who get so tingled by the whole football thing that even wealth and
Wife become secondary to the big, big, big game.
I've always been fascinated by these gung-gung-ho-ho kind
of people. Some of them even cry if the team loses the big, big,
big game. Recently, I got a chance to talk with one friendy alum
of a school near here. An effervescent, bubbling, extroverted,
librarian, the jolly Rex Rahrah, had a good deal to say about
the alumnus phenomenon.
"Yeah, class of '29, good year-great team we had. The old man
was quite a coach. Knew him quite well. I mean, not quite well, pretty
well. Said hello to him once. He nodded to me as we crossed the
street. Yeah, quite a guy.
"You know, I haven't missed a home game in 32 years. Even
when my wife slashed her wrists the morning of the first game in '47
I made it to the stadium for the second quarter. Helluva game it was,
too. We won in the last ten seconds. Yeah, '47 was when I got
'Alumnus of the Year' award. Greatest thrill of my life. That was a
great year. Yeah.
"What makes me such a good alumnus. It's hard to put your
finger on. First thing I guess, is you got to have a lot of love. I
love my college with all my heart and soul. The turf on the field,
the splinters In the seats, the goal posts, the scoreboard, the locker
room, and even the rest rooms are closer to me than my own
.mother. And of course I love the team most of all. Those boys are
like my own sons. Some of them even nod to mein the locker
room after the games.
"Is it really important to me that the team win, you ask. Well,
naturally it's how you play the game that really counts. Sportsman-
ship is everything. This doesn't mean that I like a loser. A losing
team is a dishonor. It demeans the school. And there's this damn,
librarian who works with me who always rubs it in if we lose. It's
enough to make you want to cry. And to lose'is simply unAmerican.
Has an American ever been defeated in battle? That's why I can't
stand a loss. You have to hate your enemy. Show no mercy toward
him because he wouldn't show any towards you. You've got to be
vicious and mean. But, what's really terrific is the wonderful sports-
manship of our young men.
"You want to know why I root so hard for the team. Look,
everybody's got to have something to hold onto. Some guys got
families, others have their work, their research, their practice, and
a few got clubs, organizations, and stuff like that. I've got a team,
a school, a bunch of kids trying to win for me. Doesn't that ex-
plain it to you. kid.
"And this year we're going to win it all. Because we're great.
Don't you think so, kid? You do think so, don't you?"
U, 'f

Since this is the first week of The Daily football contest, and
since everyone is so anxious to win those two free tickets to the
Michigan Theatre (currently showing "Shenandoah"), we have
decided to give some special information on the teams.
Last year, Mankato lost to Bemidji State by one point. Stout
State is nicknamed the Bluedevils. John Huarte will not be able to
play for Notre Dame even though the Jets don't want him. The
Catawba Indians should not be confused with the Catalpa Leafs.
Sorry, we haven't found any good dope on Mars Hill, but you
should still be ready to make your selections. Entry blanks are avail-
able at The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St.
1. MICHIGAN at North Carolina 11. Purdue at Miami (Ohio)
(score) 12. Colorado at Wisconsin
2. Texas Christian at Nebraska 13 Syracuse at Navy
3. UCLA at Michigan State 14. Air Force at Wyoming
4. Alabama at Georgia 15. Army at Tennessee
5. Notre Dame at California 16. Auburn at Baylor
6.O regon State at Illinois 17. Buffalo at Boston College
7. Kansas State at Indiana 18. Arkansas vs. Oklahoma State
8. Washington State at Iowa at Little Rock
9. Minn. at USC (Friday nght) 19. Mankato at Stout State
10. Florida at Northwestern 20. Mars Hill at Catawba






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port Coats
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the natural shoulder look tl is
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ways in good taste.


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-60-1 owl *.N

In the Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel
FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, at 7:30 p.m.

Leaders: Judie Schiffman, Diane Kapp, Jeff Rossio
Choir: Mike Robbins, leader
At the organ, Joan Temkin
Next week, Sept. 24, the Services will be held at
the same time, but in the Brasley Lounge.
The Sunday Supper Club continues on Sept. 19
at 5:30 p.m.
Registration is still open for classes in Hebrew
and Basics of Judaism





sport coat
Fads and fashions come and go, but
the classic herringbone sport coat
holds its special place in the ward-
robe of every man of taste. Herring-
bones take to business or pleasure
-and travel well, too. Varsity-Town
carries on the great tradition with
this handsomely styled, impeccably
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::; : r.

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