Complexity Characterizes America's Farm 1
WASHINGTON (R)-The ques-
tion frequently is asked, "How's
the American farmer doing?"
Politicians, farm officials, farm
leaders, economists and even
farmers themselves have ready
answers. Of course, they seldom
are the same answer.
For instance, the Johnson ad-
ministration says farmers are bet-
ter off than at any time since the
early 1950s.
But some Republicans argue
that this is not true.
The American Farm Bureau
Federation says producers would
be a lot better off financially if
they did not have to operate
under government control pro-
The National Farmers Union
says farm conditions are not as
rosy as the administration say
they are. But unlike the rival
Farm Bureau, it blames what it
considers unsatisfactory farm re-
turns on farm programs that are
too weak rather than too strong.
"I am not too impressed," says
Farmers Union President James
G. Patton, "with the 'sunshine
and light' reports that are ema-
nating these days from the Agri-
culture Department's Economic
Research Service. Agriculture is
a static island in the midst of an
escalating economy."
The truth of the matter is, no
accurate generalized answer can
be given the question concerning
the farmer's economic situation.
The reason for this is that
there are many types of farmers
or farming operations in agricul-
ture and thousands of individual
producers in each type.
Incomes Vary
For example, in 1964, the net
income of farmers averaged lower
than in 1963 on 23 types of farm-
ing, higher on 18 and unchanged
on one among 42 important types
of commercial farmers in 24 maj-
or farming areas of the country.
An Agriculture D e p a r t m e n t
study shows that income changes
between 1963 and 1964 ranged
from a decline of 84 per cent for
nonirrigated cotton farms in the
high plains of Texas to an ?n-
crease of 146 per cent for cotton-
specialty crop farms in the San
Joaquin Valley of California.
Except for a few extremes, de-
clines in income in 1964 were gen-
erally greater than increases. On
more than three-fourths of the
farmers which had lower incomes,
the reduction was greater than 10
per cent. However, less than one-
half of the farms with higher in-
comes showed increases of more
than 10 per cent.
Big Factors
Factors having the most effect
on incomes in 1964 were changes
in farm production and in prices
received for products sold.
For example, net farm produc-
tion in 1964 ranged from 1 to 59
per cent below a year earlier on
16 types of farms and from 1 to
22 per cent higher on 25 types.
On wheat-grain sorghum farms
in the southern Great Plains there
was no measurably change in the
level of production.
Average prices received ranged
from 23 per cent below to 30 per
cent above those of 1963. They
averaged lower on 25 of the 42
types of farms studied, higher on
10 and about the same on seven'
farm types.
Potato Prices Up
The highest increases in prices
received were for farms which
grow potatoes as a specialty crop.
Potato prices shot up last year
as a result of a smaller crop. The
largest price reductions last year
occurred on wheat farms and on
Western cattle ranches.
Farm incomes also were influ-
enced by prices paid by operators
for goods and services used in
production and in family living.
Prices paid last year on these
typical farms averaged from 8
per cent below to 4 per cent above
those of 1963.
The department study showed
that operating expenses increased
on 27, declined on 14 and held un-
changed on one of these 42 types
of farms.
Net farm incomes on 31 of 41
types of farms in 1964 were from
1 to 89 per cent above the 1951-60
average. Net income of the re-
maining 10 types of farms were
from 1 to 69 per cent below the
Types of farms with lower in-
comes than in 1951-60 period in-
cluded dairy farms in western
Wisconsin and southeastern Min-
nesota; New Jersey egg farms;
Georgia poultry broiler farms;
nonirrigated cotton farms in the
high plains of Texas; tobacco-
livestock farms in the Bluegrass
country of Kentucky; c a t t 1e
ranches in the intermountain re-
gion and the Southwest; and
sheep ranches in Utah and Ne-
vada and the Southwest.
But incomes were higher than
in 1951-60 on all the typical wheat
farms and corn-belt farms.
The average incomes by types
of farms last year 'ranged from
$718 for broiler farms in Georgia
to $108,785 for large cotton-gen-
eral crop farms in San Joaquin
Valley of California.
'Types of farms which had an
average of $10,000 or more in 1964
included: cash grain farms in the
corn belt - $12,205; large-scale
cotton farms in the Mississippi
delta - $34,623; irrigated cotton
farms in the high plains of Texas
-$12,903; cotton-specialty farms
in the San Joaquin Valley-$58,-
290; medium-sized cotton-general
crop farms in the San Joaquin
Valley-$36,067; wheat and dry
pea farms in the Pacific North-
west-$15,190; wheat farms in the
Pacific Northwest-$13,836; north
Great Plains sheep ranches-$11,-
756; and Utah-Nevada sheep
U.S. Planes Hit Cong Base,
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
House Action
Near on Rival
Freedom Democrats,
Demand Ouster of
Mississippi Members
WASHINGTON ()-The stage
is being set for a showdown in the
House -of Representatives on the
Mississippi challenge - an effort
launched, last year to unseat the
five Mississippi House members.
The challenge was instituted by
members of the Mississippi Free-
dom Democratic party, a pre-
dominantly Negro group. It is
based on a contention the five
Mississippi representatives were
elected illegally last November
because Negroes were systematic-
ally barred from participating in
the election in violation of 'the
Present indications are that
there will be a vote on the chal-
lenge Sept. 15 or 16 and that it
will come on a resolution from the
House Administration Committee
to dismiss the challenge.
Targets of the effort are Reps.
William M. Colmer, Jamie Whit-
ten, Thomas G. Abernethy and
John Bell Williams, all veteran
Democratic House members, and
Prentise Walker, freshman Repub-
lican member.
Hearing Tomorrow
The House elections subcommit-
tee, to which the challenge has
been referred, has slated a closed
hearing for tomorrow morning to
hear arguments on a motion by
the representatives to dismiss the'
Should the nine-member sub-
committee accept the arguments
of the five Mississippi representa-
tives, the procedure would be for
it to adopt a resolution calling
for dismissal of the challenge.
This resolution then would go NO RE
tthe parent House Administra-
tion Committee, probanly Tuesday
or Wednesday. If the committee T
approves, the resolution then
would go to the House and an
expected y o t e Wednesday or
Thursday. Ne
Some of those in close touch
with the matter predict this course
of events.
Dismissal Move NEW YO
Such action would bring a dis- trasting ca
missal resolution to a House vote up a vigoro
in advance of a counter resolution Democratic
prepared by a group of House but the vot
members who support the chal- That mea
lenge by the Freedom Democrats. Tuesday's
This group, headed by Rep. Democrats
William Fitts Ryan (D-NY), re- succeed Ma:
cently served notice that if the a Democrat
House Administration, Committee three four-y
had not acted by Sept. 21, it The four
would call up a resolution on that Paul R.
date to dismiss the committee sharp-featur
from further consideration of the City Counci
matter and to declare the five Wagner, w
Mississippi House seats vacant, started in
For what it is worth, there was a $35 - a -
something of a test vote last Jan- driver.
uary when an effort was made to
prevent the Mississippians from Abraham
being sworn in. The vote was on wiry city c
a preliminary motion proceding with Wagn
adoption of a resolution to seat Beame, fro
the five. On this roll call it might years' exp
be said that 267 members voted budgets.
for the five House members, 149 Rep. Will
voted against them. rumpled Ivy
In support of their case, the "reform" m
Freedom Democrats filed volumin- He has repr
ous depositions intended to prove hattan dist
MisiDsinni Neagrne were knt Thre terms.
Routes Appea
77 Y
t t 7
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican
Ecumenical Council's topic on
modern world problems, in its lat-
est format, was described yester-
day as leaving all contraception
questions to a special papal com-
mission on birth control.
Informants said mention of
contraceptive methods would be
put into the council document
only if the commission named by
RainsS t l Pope Paul VI concludes its work
before the council ends.
Pope Paul, plunging into a new
V ie lal ese intense period of work with the
resumption of the Vatican Ecu-
1 W r menical Council, Saturday reaf-
G roun firmed Roman Catholic teaching
on the Eucharist and urged pray-
er's for his trip to the United
Bombing Weakens States.
G errillg Serkes 1 The council resumes, in its
Guerrilla Stronghold, fourth and final session, nex t
Casualties HeatyTuesday. The topic on modern
world problems is the major docu-
ment remaining for debate and
SAIGON () - Striking out of voting. It also is the longest.
low-hanging rain clouds, U.S. *
warplanes pounded the headquar- WASHINGTON - Sen. Thomas
ters of a Viet Cong regiment in J. Dodd, D-Conn., said yesterday
the jungles of the Mekong River Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is
Delta yesterday and apparently alienating congressional support-
cut off escape routes. ers with his "intemperate align-
U.S. officials in Saigon express- ment with the forces of appease-
ed belief 1,000 to 2,000 Viet Cong ment" in urging Red China's ad-
troops-including one long-hunted mission to the United Nations.
hard core battalion - might be "Dr. Martin Luther King is a
trapped. man of unquestioned competence
Heavy rains and 30-mile-an- in the field of civil rights," Dodd
hour winds stalled a South Viet- said in a statement, "but he has
namese ground effort to move in absolutely no competence to speak
against the guerrilla regiment. about complex matters of foreign
100 Air Strikes policy."
A U.S. spokesman in Saigon Another senator, Republican
said almost 100 air strikes were Strom Thurmond of South Caro-
made against the guerrilla head- lina, criticized U.N. Ambassador
quarters near Soc Trang on the Arthur J. Goldberg officially re-
Bach Nga Cai River by nightfall. ceiving King and Bayard Rustin,
Viet Cong casualties were believed another civil rights leader.
to be heavy.
Conrad Jr., who orbited the world
for a record eight days, are going
on a good-will mission to Greece,'
Turkey and Africa.
The White House announced
yesterday that Cooper and Con-
rad will come to Washington next
Tuesday to be greeted by Presi-
dent Johnson and to describe
their Gemini 5 flight to American
scientists. They will leave the next
day for a three-day visit to Ath-
ens where they will attend an in-
ternational aerospace conference.
They will leave Athens on Sept.
18 for Turkey where they will
spend the remainder of that day
plus Sept. 19 and 20.
turnout was reported as voters in
southwest Louisiana balloted yes-
terday for a new congressman in
an election seen as a possible test
of Gov. John J. McKeithen's mod-
erate approach to racial problems.
Five Democrats were running in
a special primary to succeed the
late Rept. T. Ashton Thompson, a
Democrat, who died July 1 in a
highway accident near Gastonia,
A runoff faced the two top men
Oct. 2, unless one man got a ma-
jority. The Democratic winner
will be automatically elected be-
cause no Republicans filed for the
SINGAPORE - Prime Minister
Lee Kuan Yew predicted yester-
day Communist China will defeat
the United States in the cold war
in Asia.
He said while the Chinese Com-
munists are calculating in 1,000-
year terms to spread communism,
the United States is only calculat-
ing in terms of the next presiden-
tial election,
"The United States is a very
powerful nation," Lee told a
television interviewer. "I some-
times wish they had some leaders
of equal power and consequence."
He expressed belief the cold war
in Asia cannot be won with guns.
* * *
MOSCOW - Soviet authorities
told the U.S. Embassy yesterday
they are holding an American
tourist accused of crossing the
border illegally from Norway into
the Soviet Union.
They informed the embassy that
the American, Newcomb Mott,.27,
Sheffield, Mass., was being detain-
ed at Murmansk at the northern
tip of European Russia.
A U.S. spokesman said the em-
bassy had requested and receiveu
permission for an American con-
sular officer to visit Mott.
AtUhe Spyd
. .
Associated Press photographer
Horst Faas flew over the area, 150
miles southeast of Saigon, and
reported the bombing attacks had
blasted and burned away thick
brush and jungle cover, exposing
Viet Cong bunkers. He said escape
routes from the headquarters area
seemed to be cut off.
U.S. aircraft and American-ad-
vised South Vietnamese groundl
troops had been hunting the Viet
Cong regiment for weeks.
The hard U.S. air attack came
after U.S. Army helicopters sight-
ed and assaulted about 100 guer-
rillas believed to be part of the
Viet Cong regiment that prevent-
ed the landing of government
WASHINGTON - Astronauts
L. Gordon Cooper Jr. and Charles
Mexican Handicraft Woolen Goods
Sweaters Sara pes
Pottery Gifts
NOTE: Men are welcome at
regular admission price.
ght Turnout Expected In
'w York Mayoral Primary
RK (P) - Four con-
ndidates are winding
ous campaign for the
nomination for mayor,
ers seem bored.
ans a light turnout for
primary, when the
pick a candidate to
yor Robert F. Wagner,
who is quitting after
year terms.
contenders are:
Screvane, 50, graying,
red president of the
il, who is endorsed by
vho lives in Queens,
city service in 1936 as
week garbage truck
editor William F. Buckley Jr., 39,
unopposed for the Conservative
pa) ty nomination.
The Democrats have flailed
away at each other-mostly in
friendly style - since June but
haven't found an issue to stir the
Screvane and Beame appear to
be in the lead. A very light turn-
out could help Beame who has
strong organization in Brooklyn
and the Bronx. But the Screvane
camp claims it will carry all five
boroughs even if as few as 600,000
of the 2.3 million eligible Demo-
cra ts vore
Both men have tried to disso-
ciate themselves from the Wagnerl
administration, Beame more so
than Screvane,-who has Wagner's
backing. They charge each other
with being dominated by political
O'Dwyer and Ryan say that
Beame and Screvane have just
divided up the "bosses," while
they are true "reformers." Ryan
has the official backing of the
"reform" movement, but many of
its leaders have come out for
Ryan and O'Dwyer have hit the
Wagner record hard, charging
bungling and indecision. As the
city's water crisis worsened, both
men scored points finding leaks
in the dwindling water supnly.
Cong Stronghold
The Viet Cong have longnheld
out in the steaming jungles in the
Mekong Delta and government
action in that area has been pick-
ing up over the past few weeks.
In other action, government
troops wound up an operation in
Quang Nam Province, 350 miles
north of Saigon, and reported
killing 104 guerrillas in a week of
fighting. Government casualties
were described as moderate.
Some units of the U.S. Marines
that joined in Operation Piranha
on the Batangan Peninsula dur-
ing the week joined in the Quang
Nam action Friday but made no
major contact with the guerrillas,
a U.S. spokesman said. The
Marines had been airlifted from
the peninsula where 198 Viet Cong
were reported killed in a four-day
Overrun Outpost
The Viet Cong scored a success
in Long Khanh Province, about
40 miles east of Saigon. The guer-
rillas overran an outpost at Gia
Tan, inflicting what officials de-.
scribed as moderate casualties on
the defenders. The guerrillas then
withdrew and government troops
reoccupied the outpost.
Guerrilla mortar crews pepper-
ed Kuan Loc, capital of Long
Khanh Province but inflicted what
the government called only light
casualties. In the same general
area, the Viet Cong attempted to
overrun the village of Gia Klem
but were beaten back.
In Saigon, U.S. officials report-
ed that American n1anes struck 30
A Festival of Spectacular Theatre Music and Dance
SEPT. 17: UNMARKED INTERCHANGE, an original total-theatre work by Ann
Arbor's ONCE Group (invited as American representatives at the Bienal de
Saao Paulo, Brazil)
SEPT. 18: CONCERT FOR ANN ARBOR, experimental dance from the N.Y. Thea-
tre Rally (Trisha Brown, Lucinda Childs, Alex Hay, Deborah Hay, Steve
Paxton, Robert Rauschenberg)
SEPT. 19: TALK 1, a premiere by the internationally famous composer JOHN
CAGE and pianist DAVID TUDOR
These programs will be presented on the TOP LEVEL of the MAYNARD STREET PARKING STRUCTURE,
Ann Arbor, at 8:30 each evening.
SINGLE ADMISSION $1.50 / SERIES $4.00 / Free admission to Dramatic Arts Center members ($5.00.
Membership includes -free admission to all DAC concert activities of the 1965-66 season).
Tickets or Membership by mail: DAC, BOX 179, Ann Arbor. Tickets only at Bob Marshall's Bookshop
and Music Center (N. University).
Fiscal Foe
D. Beame, 59, snort,
omptroller, who broke OVER VIETNAM:
er over fiscal policy.
m Brooklyn, has 20;
erience w i t h citya
iam F. Ryan, 43, tall,;
y League leader of the C
ovement in the party.
esented a liberal Man-
rict in Congress for! TOYKO (:) - Three of four a
Inta.rtpd TennP. cP ghinning In
.. .,.... ..,.. ....... .....,.,..,. .,.,.rr s I
piIng Lines
Rican Ties
nd supplies between Saigon and
other mainr nort. of SouthViet
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