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September 05, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-05

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See Editorial Page


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Thundershowers, high winds,
severe weather warning

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
'U' To Ask Record 18.2 Million for Constri
By LEONARD PRATT once work on a building has be- the Legislature over the summer. planning have been allocated. In- clared unconstitutional on that fected by the move. on th
gun the Legislature is committed However, the request for next stead of dividing planning funds basis. In a significant departure from Desig
Th University will request a to continue appropriating funds year is lower than was origin- up among the state's colleges as But even if the colleges were previous plans, $1.25 million is be- buildi
record $18.2 millin for building until it is completed. ally estimated. has been done in the past, this successful in a lawsuit, their plan- ing requested to begin work on --$I
design, construction and renova- If the Legislature appropriates Last year, total proposed con- year's Legislature allocated all ning problems would still be far planning and initial construction gradu
tion for next year, fIscal 1966-67, the full $13.8 million it will com- struction costs for 1966-67 were planning money to the state con- from over, because of a section of for the proposed residential col- Buildi
according to figures released by mit itself to spending an estimat- estimated at $25.5 million with troller. In order to get any plan- te bill which would keep any lege. The money would be the north
the Office of Business and Fi- ed total of $84.5 million on new new construction costs estimated ning done, the colleges must work planning money from being allo- first of three installments, even- -$
nance yesterday. The request, part University buildings during - the at $19.6 million. These figures through the controller's office. cated to anyone if the funds are tually totaling $5.25 million, to Buildi
of a five-year, $111.5 million Uni- next five years. were thus cut $7.3 million and $5.8 taken away from the controller's build the college's two primary solida
versity construction package, has million, respectively. Some key state educators have office. academic units. ment'
already been approved by the Re- In the past the University con- seen in thisschange a violation of
gents. struction requests have been heav New construction may be han- th colleges' constitutional autono- Whatever will be the constitu- In addition to money for the -$]
Of major importance are re- ily cut in Lansing. Requests for dicapped by confusion about the my from the Legislature, There tional result, construction plans residential college, requests for and C
quests for a total of $13.8 mil- $14.2 million for construction this way the state funds which have has been talk -of a joint lawsuit at all state colleges, including the new construction funds include: conso
lion in new construction, because year were cut to $4.1 million by been set aside for construction to have the bill's restriction de- University, seem likely to be af- -$1.5 million to continue work partm

e College of Architecture and
n's North Campus classroom
1.4 million for the Under-
ate Classroom and Office
ng proposed for a site just
of Hill Aud.:
1.6 million for the Science
ng, Unit I project to con-
te the psychology depart-
s offices under one roof, and
1.9 million for a Mathematics
lomputer Center to similarly
lidate the mathematics de-

What's New
At 764-1817
Director of Residence Halls Eugene Haun revealed yesterday
that the "freeze" on residence hall room changes will end Tues-
day, Sept. 7 After that day students may apply through their
staff men to have rooms changed.
The residence hall system will now reimburse Jewish students
who buy Kosher Saturday dinners at B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
tion. The new plan, supported by Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard Cutler, had long been urged by Hillel leaders.
* * * s
The University Activities Center will be opening a new room
in the MUG to be called the "Heritage Room." This third room
in the MUG will be set aside for professors to bring their classes
and for students and professors to meet and talk on an informal
basis. The UAC hopes to be able to supply free coffee to professors
who bring their classes to the "Heritage Room."
* * *
Five-hundred University men, primarily freshmen, registered
for fall fraternity rush at the University Activities Center
Activities Day, according to Interfraternity Council President
Richard Hoppe, '66. "This figure represents more than half of
the usual fall rush sign up," Hoppe said. Regular rush registration
begins September 7 at various locations on campus. "We expect
approximately 1300 to register, representing 500 more than last
fall's total registration," Hoppe added.
The latest Student Government Council ticket sales policy
was decided recently: By 3 p.m., nine days preceding a concert,
every housing unit must submit its requests for block tickets to
SGC. The maximum number of tickets allotted to each housing
unit is based on the size of the unit according to a schedule
worked out by SGC, with a maximum number of 3100. The
remaining tickets, plus any left over from block sales, will go on
sale on the Monday preceding the concert. Four tickets will be
allotted to each person.
Ignorance Is bliss, even the most educated ignorance. A
recent report by Prof. James Swinehart and Prof. John Kirscht
of the school of public health, analyzing undergrads who know
the dangers of smoking but continue it, reports that the smoker
merely develops psychological adjustments to the awareness of
the hazards. A typical adjustment reported in the study: "Yes,
I am threatened, but I'm going to be drafted and sent to Viet
Nam, so why worry about lung cancer?"
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has reportedly contacted
student leaders here and warned them that draft card-burning
demonstrations are "in the air" and to be vigilant against them,
a reliable student source said yesterday. No FBI official was
available for comment. The rumor also reported that the FBI
asked the student leaders to try to create student support
against such demonstrations, now illegal under a new law.
*, * * *
This week will be marked by student demonstrations for
better housing, sources at the Voice Political Party retreat
reported last night. Two diag rallies (Tuesday and Wednesday
noon), a mass meeting (Tuesday night), workshops and speeches
(Wednesday and Thursday nights), and complaints to Vice-
Presidents Richard Cutler and Wilbur Pierpont (Wednesday
morning) are part of the group's plan. If the two administrators
do not reply to the complaint by Friday, additional action will
be taken according to the group's timetable. A mass "sleep-in"
on the diag is also being discussed.
Administration officials are alarmed at the way local labor
shortages are delaying University building projects by an average
of several months. The officials, however, are sticking to their
original timetable for completion of residence hall construction
on North Campus. They predict 600 units will be available in
Cedar Bend Housing I by next fall, with 600 additional units
in Cedar Bend II constructed by the winter term. A dormitory
complex, Bursley Hall will open with 1200 spaces in the fall of
* * * *
Plans for organized civil disobedience by students on Oct. 15
to protest U.S. policy in Viet Nam are becoming more and more
concrete, sources reported yesterday.
Long Distance
Congressman Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) announced a
$28,830 Public Research Grant to Robert Jaffe of the University
for his study, "Steroid Metabolism in the Human Feto-Placental
Unit, yesterday.

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UN Demands

Troop Evacuation,




Bitter. Raids
May Lead To
All-Ohut War
Pakistani Units Move
Through Indian Lines
As Air Battles Rage
NEW DELHI (A')-India and
Pakistan unleashed tanks and jet
fighters yesterday in bitter battles
that appeared to be escalating
rapidly toward all-out war.
Cease-fire appeals from abroad
were spurned and both govern-
ments warned their civilian popu-
lations to prepare for the worst.
For India, the worst news of the
day came from the Chhamb sector
of southwest Kashmir where, an
Indian official announcement said,
a Pakistani tank-infantry attack
supported by jet fighters broke
through Indian lines despite dam-
aging attacks by Indian planes.
Fierce Fighting
A defense ministry spokesman
said bitter fighting was still under
way, and that the Pakistanis had
not been stopped in their drive
northeast, apparently toward im-
portant Indian roads and com-
munications lines.
The Indian Defense Ministry
said it did not know how the
Pakistanis got across the river-
whether by boat or by fording. It
seemed apparent, however, an im-
portant Indian line of defense had
been penetrated.
The Pakistani air force said
one of its American-made jet
fighters was shot down over Paki-
stan proper yesterday by an In-
dian Soviet-make MIG21 in the
second of two air battles on the
Kashmir front.
The Indians have been using
British-made jets in Kashmir, and
this was the first time they were
reported flying the delta wing-
supersonic MIG21 obtained from
the Soviet Union.
An air force spokesman said
an F86 Sabre was crippled by fire
from one of four MIGs and that,
the pilot bailed out. He was res-
cued by a Pakistani helicopter and
returned to."base.
The spokesman told newsmen
that at 3:30 p.m. an undeter-
mined number of Indian Hunter
jet fighters escorted by the four
MIGs "attacked our troop posi-
tions in the Azad-Pakistani Kash-
mir area."
"Pakistan air force F86s were
dispatched to intercept the In-
dian force," the spokesman said.
"When the Sabres were returning
to base and after they had crossedj
into Pakistani territory they were1
attacked by four Indian MIGs."

Other Peace
Moves Have
.Not Worked
Communist China
Unexpectedly Backs
Pakistan in Dispute
United Nations Security Council
last night called for an immedi-
ate cease-fire in Kashmir and
demanded the withdrawal of In-
dian and Pakistani troops which
have crossed the 1949 UN cease-
fire line.
The vote was unanimous on a
prO osal put forward by the six
elected members of the 11-na-
tion council.
Secretary-General U Thant was
directed to report back within
three days on the implementation
of the resolution.
The aim of the council was to
reinforce an appeal by the secre-
tary-general which already had
been rejected in effect by Indian
Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shas-
tri. Just before the vote India's
Ambassador Gopalaswami Parth-
asarathi indicated the council's
appeal also would be turned down.
Simple Issue
"The council does not seem to
be facing up to the simple issue
of aggression," he said. "A cease-
fire is a desirable objective, but
it can come only after Pakistan
has been condemned as an ag-
Pakistani Ambassador Amjad
Ali denied a long list of charges
made by the Indian representa-
tive. He said India was the first
to cross the cease-fire line in
May. Indiahsaid Pakistan start-
ed the current fighting by send-
ing armed Infiltrators across the
line Aug 5. Pakistan has already
ress International i ejected some peace measures.
ed Amiad All, Reaction to the rapidly-escalat-
ing warfare came from an ex-
pected source and an unexpected
one-U.S. and Communist China.
Communist China said early
this morning it supports "Paki-
stan's counter-attack in self-de-
eeagainst India's armed prov-
nflocations" in Kashmir.
The official Peking People's
Daily said "under such circum-
More are in the stances it is perfectly justified for
dent for Student Pakistan to strike back in self
L. Cutler an- defense."
sday's SGC meet- U.S. officials are deeply alarm-
fice is currently ed about the crisis between the
for a bookstore. two countries, both of which have
uld necessitate a close U.S. ties. Unless the dispute
29 Regents' bylaw is stopped quickly, they fear it
immercial enter- could develop into a full-scale
iy the University. war.
nation U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
ofaJohn berg, president of the council, said
ignation f John he had been instructed by Presi-
eryh with Inter- dent Lyndon B. Johnson to sup-
ersywit Iner-port both the cease-fire appeals
rcelas develope of the secretary-general and the
maintains that he Thant's Efforts
uccession because In his report to the council,
QC vice-president. Thant said he had first appealed
feel that a new to Indian and Pakistan privately
fbeelathat.anew for such withdrawals and cease-
ber called. They h n . ~idAmmitW

-United P
ARTHUR GOLDBERG (RIGHT) UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR to the United Nations, is shown talking with Sey
Pakistan's Ambassador, before emergency meeting of Security Council.
Lines, Crowding Open Fall i

Acting Assistant Managing Edit
As an estimated 30,900
dents, an increase of 1800
last year, trooped through WE
man Gym, various counseling
fices and overcrowded classro
the University girded itself
week to meet the academic yea

New and returning students
oW found a much-improved situation
in the residence halls, as com-
stu- pared to the overcrowding of last
over year. Unlike last year, there were
of- only 440 students assigned to con-
°f- verted rooms and there was no
oms, need for the temporary housing
last that had been instituted in past
ar. years.

Other adjustments in Univer-
sity personnel were made last
week within the ranks of admin-
istrators. Gordon Van Wylen was
appointed dean of the College of
Education, replacing the late
Stephen Atwood.
J. Duncan Sells, previously as-
sociate dean of Oakland Univer-
sity in Rochester, Mich., was ap-
pointed director of student activi-
ties and organizations. John Bing-
ley, who has served the Office of
Student Affairs since 1954, resign-
ed to take a position at Farm-
ington State College in Maine.
Bookstore Plans
Over the summer, plans were
made to open two discount book-
stores. The Student Book Service,
owned by Prof. Fred Shure of the!
nuclear engineering department

sponsored books
offing. Vice-Presi
Affairs Richard
nounced at Thurs
ing that his of
studying plansf
Such a store wo
change in the 19
banning any co
prise sponsored b
Due to the res
Eadie, Grad, wJ
Week, a controv
quadrangle Counc
over who will ri
Hornberger,.'67, n
has the right of s
he was elected IQ
The members of
Council,. however
election should

Students 'Retreat' .to Crusade

The setting was the University's
Fresh Air Camp; the event was

day's after - dinner discussion.
Shoeless Voice President Richard
Shortt, '66, suggested that per-
haps a radical is one who delivers

definition. A moderate, Bluestone
said, "is a student who walks into
a bookstore to buy books, and
then, when presented his book

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