Page Two
Friday, September 5, 1969
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 5, 1 969
mar s
coach ing
Bo takes on 'M' tradition
Associate Sports Editor
There's been Fielding, Fritz,
Bennie. Bump.
And now there's Bo.
Glenn Edward Schembechler
who compensates for his last
name with the nickname Bo
- has succeeded Chalmers
'Bump' Elliott as Michigan's
head football coach.
Schembechler's appointment
was announced December 27,
1968 after Elliott resigned to
accept the long vacant job as
Associate Director of Inter-
collegiate Athletics.
Schembechler's coaching ca-
reer includes six years at Miami
University in Oxford, Ohio-
where he compiled a winning
record of 40-17-3.
Miami was the starting ground
fr such noted football coaches
as Woody Hayes of Ohio State.
John Pont of Indiana and Ara
Parseghian of Notre Dame.
Athletic Director Don C a n-
ham explained the guidelines
for choosing the new coach.
"There were three major qual-
"We wanted a northern coach
because the style of play up
here differs so greatly from the
"We wanted someone from
a good educational institution
who knew what kind of prob-
lems we have at Michigan.
"And we didn't feel we could
afford to train a bright young
hopeful. We wanted an estab-
lished coach."
In looking for an established
coach, Michigan found a man
with experience as an assist-
ant under both Parseghian and
Hayes and, while head coach,
won two thirds of his games and
only placed his team below
second in the conference once.
Schembechler described his
coaching personality as "semi-
conservative. I don't like t h e
odds on risk plays. I like to
rely on what I know is success-
"And I'm a tough and un-
yielding coach if I think I'm
right," he added.
Despite his tough guy at-
titude towards coaching, Schem -
bechler feels he is equally de-
voted to the players as to the
He explained, "I like a close
association with the players. I
don't want to know them
just between four and six each
day at practice.
"My players take precedent
over anything if they have a
problem and need my counsel.
I'll be available at all times.
"I don't want them to feel
all I give a damn about is their
knocking around the football."
Schembechler also feels that
the player in turn has an obli-
gation to be a good representa-
tive of the team and to obey
the subsequent restrictions.
"When there are 75 people to-
gether there must be restrictions
on them in order to be success-
ful - it's not unlike a mili-
tary situation.
"Football requires more con-
centration than any other
sport, and therefore I don't
want a self-centered player on
my team."'
Schembechler practices wxhat
he preaches.
Devoted to the game twelve
months a year, Michigan's new
coach "feels guilty if I don't do
something about my job ev ry
day - Sundays too.
Although he is a fan of most
sports, especially baseball,
Schembechler has no hobbies,
Bo) Sch'Iemb echler
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except playing handball at noon
to keep in shape.
He explained that "since I
don't smoke, and I don't have
any hobbies, I eat when I'm
nervous. After a game I eat and
go to bed to work off nervous
energy. I sleep until ten t h e
next day and then go over to
see the game films. I like to get
at it right away.,
Young and personable, Schem-
bechler appea's to be much like
Elliott - only with a stronger
desire for his own way.
Asked if his name was de-
rived from some connection
with football or athletics -
as did the nicknames of Field-
ing "Hurry-up" Yost and Chal-
m1rs "Bump" Elliott - Schem-
bechler explained "When I was
about a year old my sister start-
ed calling me "Bo-Bo" pro-
bably because she couldn't pro-
nounce brother.
"It sttck with me all the
way through school. In fact. I
think some of my friends don't
even know my real first name."
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League Ballroom
Familiar cast aids six new assistants
By PAT ATKINS cepted a head coaching j o b in a Rose Bowl victory in 1954. A
For some, autumn begins when Niles, Ohio. transfer to Bowling Green the
Lucy pulls the pigskin from under Smith started his college career next year allowed him to make
Charlie Brown's flailing foot, at West Point, transferring to the 1956 title bound Falcon squad.
For the six new assistant Bowling Green after one year. A He went first to Findlay College,
Fcoaches, fall began last January two-way end, he captained t h e holding down an assistant foot-
That's when the season of foot- ooball team his senior year. ball coaching position a's well as
ball started for them here in Ann He accepted a coaching job at taking charge of wrestling and
Aballrted fr te Dick Hunterei Lima Shawnee High, w i t h two track. Then he returned f o r a
rboJeri'yTeHanlon,eLarrySmith, years as an assistant and three as year s sojourn at Bowling Green
JLJ head coach. In his three y e a r' as freshman football coach and
Young, Gary Moeller, and Chuck campaign he posted a 21-8-1 rec- wrestling coach.
toMicigan onye ofdstnce more ord, winning two titles. His last In 1960, he became head foot-
year at Lima, Shawnee led the ball coach at Shawnee, where he
than change, since all were mem- state of Ohio in defense and ran was joined by Smith in 1962. His-
bers of Coach Bo Schembechler'si through an undefeated season., teams took two consecutive titles,
Miami of Ohio staff last year. That was Smith's only position racking up a 28-10-2 record over
It is this common familiarity' before his debut at Miami. His four seasons. He notched f i v e
despite their status as Wolverine lack of traveling experience and years with Schembechler at Mi-
:newcomers which most impresses the fact that "I'm terrible at di- ami before the mass exodus to
the casual visitor. rections" caused him quite a bit Ann Arbor.
"We had a pleasant atmosphere of consternation the f i r s t two Gary Moeller, defensive end
at Miami," offensive line coach moths he was here. coach, also played for Ohio State.
Jerry Hanlon says. "That's what "I had a heck of a time." he ad- A center and linebacker, he was
made it so easy to come here. You mits. "I'm used to towns laid out on the 1961 championship team,
hate to lose that kind of thing. in squares and Ann Arbor has di- The following year he was cap-
In several instances, acquaint- agonals, curves, and one-way tain. He graduated from Ohio
ancc extends much further back streets galore. I used to 'get lost State with a degree in education
than the tenure of the six at going home, and it got so I'd car- and biological science.
Miami. ry a map in the car." His first and only football as-
* Dick Hunter. new defensive Smith, 29, from VanWert, Ohio, signment before Miami was to
backfield coach, is from Barber- has links with another VanWert Bellefontaine High School in
ton. Ohio, as is Schembechler. native on the Michigan staff. Ohio. After a year as assistant
"His mother and dad and mine Jim Young, defensive cooi- he took over as head coach in
live a few doors apart on the same dinator and linebacker coach, was 1965 and won two titles on his
street," Hunter explains. "We grew four years ahead of Smith in Van- two year record of 13-4-3.
up together." It was Schembech- Wert. Smith inherited the head * Chuck Stobart, offensive
ler, four years ahead of his neigh- job from Young at Shawnee High. backfield coach, has a traveling
bor and a recent graduate, who Young had several coaching posi- record comparable to Hanlon's,
helped recruit Hunter to Miami tions before he received his Shaw- listing seven schools on his work-
in 1951. . ee post, though. ing itinary.
As a quarterback for the Miami Also a collegiate football career. He graduated from Ohio Uni-
Redkins, then under Ara Par- le helped the Ohio State squad versity, and also worked for a
seghian. Hunter, helped his team to a conference championship and master's in education there.
to the Mid-American Conference
championship in 1954. That year
he was all conference quarterback
and the team's MVP.
Following his graduation. Hun-
ter returned to his hometown Bar-
berton high school for a three year
coaching assignment. lie went
from there to Denison University
in Granville, Ohio, until 1960.
He left Ohio for two years to
coach at Wake Forest. But in
1963 Hunter returned to the Buck-
eye state amd high school football
coaching, accepting an assistant
position in Wadsworth. After two
years he became coach and guided
the team to a league championship
and its first undefeated season.
Hunter has ties with another
new Michigan coach.
0 Jerry Hanlon, offensive line
coach, was a halfback on the
same team as Hunter at Miami
from 1953-55. He graduated from
Miami with a B.A. in education. Gary Moeller Jerry Hanlon
His coaching recoi'd, which hie
says "sounds like Gulliver's Trav-
els." includes seven schools. Han- IN A LL SP
lon, like Hunter, returned as a
football assistant to his .high
school, Taylom' High in North Bend,
after receiving his college degree.
The next year he wvent to Canton
Th e t y a e w n o C n osCatholic High, spending four years
as an asistant football coach and By ERIC SIEGEL points for the conference all
the final year as head basketball When t h e Wolverine gridmen sports crown, the Wolverines' miss
coach as well. failed in their attempt to conquer was only a point away from glory.
Three years at Youngstown Ur- the bruising Buckeyes last Novem- On the basis of 10 points for a
suline, and one at Cleveland St. ber in Columbus and had to settle first place finish, nine for second,'
Edwards preceeded Hanlon's move for second place in the Big Ten etc., Michigan gave away just one
into college coaching at the Uni- football standings, the miss was point in football to Ohio State in
versity of Dayton. A year later he as good as about 2500 miles. the race for the all sports cham-
joined Schembechler's staff at That's the approximate distance pionship.
Miami. from Ann Arbor, last year's cra- The point hardly mattered.
0 Larry Smith, offensive inter- dle of wishful thinking, to Pasa- though, because Ohio State, des-
ior line coach, caine to Michigan dena, the perrenial cradle of the pite winning the football crown
with Schembechler as freshman Rose Bowl.
coordinator, but was moved to his But when the Big Ten statis- and garnishing a tie for second
present spot when Bob Shaw ac- ticians began totaling up the I place with Illinois in the basket-
"-' 3
Uperciass Sororit
Starting quarterback for most of
his three years and a regular
on the baseball team, Stobart was
also a member of a national lead-'
ership honorary, education hon-
orary, and was senior athlete of
the year in 1958.
He began his coaching career
at Berne Union High School with
an 8-1 record. The next year he
was even more successful, reeling
off a 9-0 season at Gallipolis
High and grabbing the S o u t h-
eastern Ohio Championship.
For four years, he was station-
ary at Mt. Vernon, capping his
football stay with a 17 out of 18
game winning spree and an un-
beaten team in 1963.
In 1965 he moved into college
ball, with a position as offensive
backfield coach and head basket-
Jim Young
Dick Hunter
ball coach at Marshall Univer-
sity in Huntington. West Virgin-
ia. One year later he was at the
University of Cincinnati with a
similar post. And in 1967, he
moved to Miami, again taking the
offensive backfield coaching slot.
"I didn't hesitate coming here,"
Stobart says. "The transition was
a little smoother, since all of us
came up."
Hunter explains about the new
football surroundings, "We've
basically put in our own system.
All of us have the same posi-
tions we had at Miami."
Faniliarity, in this case any-
way, breeds camaraderie. That
quality and the optimism which
comes with a move up the coach-
ing scale may be a buoyant force
in Michigan football fortunes.
Larry Smith
4,,. revenge
Chuci Stobart
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sports standings.
The Buckeyes' poor showing ov-
erall was due to a dearth of
strength in the so-called minor
sports. In this case, the Buckeyes'
weakness was the Wolverines'
windfall, for it was largelyvOithe;
basis of strong showings in many
of the lesse' sports that Michigan
was able to cop its second straight
all-sports crown and its seventh
title in the last nine years.
With f i r s t place finishes in
hockey, gymnastics a n d tennis,
the Wolverines topped the confer-
ence with an average of 7.71
points per sport. Averages are ob-
tained by dividing the number of
points accumulated on the basis
of 10 for a first place finish, nine
for second, etc. and dividing by
the number of sports in which
each school entered a team.
In addition to this trio of Big
Ten titles and the runnerup spot
in the gridiron standings, the
Wolverines w e r e also aided in
their quest for the all spo'ts,
crown by the swim team, which
took second place in the confer-
ence. and the indoor and out-
ball race, could only manage a door track squads, both of which
fifth place showing in t h e all- placed third.
( , ry i
,a Am ..h orer-
Michigan's average was far
ahead of that posted by arch-ri-
val MSU, who's 7.04 mark w a s
nevertheless sufficient for second
place in the stgndings. Indiana
anld Minnlesota tied for third place
with identical 6.46 averages, with
the Buckeyes, at 5.96, rounding
out the top five.
In this year's competition, the
Spartans, as did the Wolverines,
took three individual crowns,
placing first in cross country,
wrestling and golf.
Purdue won t h e basketball
championship, Indiana p 1 a c e d
first in swimming, Minnesota was
tops among the baseball squads,
and Wisconsin paced both the in-
door and outdoor thinclads.
Oh, yes, and Ohio State had the
best fencing squad, the only minor
sport in which the Buckeyes ex-
celled. The Wolverines didn't even
field a fencing team, but they fin-
ished first in the overall compe-
tition anyway, without even don-
ning their armour and going into
It's too bad you couldn't say the
same thing about football.
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