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September 05, 1969 - Image 9

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Friday, September 5, 1969


Page Nine

Friday, September 5, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Page Nine

The Better

IF you want something more than just a stereo console, and
something less than a houseful of electronic equipment, see
the KLH* Model Twenty-Four.
The Model Twenty-Four is a complete stereo music system
that plays records, FM broadcasts, AM too if you wish, plus any-
thing (such as a tape recorder) you care to plug into it. Instead of
looking like a Victorian hope chest or an electrician's nightmare,
it comes in three compact and unobtrusive walnut cabinets that
slip gracefully into a living room. It won't take up much of your
valuable living space, and it doesn't take a pilot's license to operate.
But what sets it even further apart from other stereo equip-
ment is the level of performance it delivers. It sounds-believe us
-like twice the price. That's why it's the best-selling, most-talked-
about stereo system on the market.

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(Continued from Page 1)
disturbed about the situation.
"Right now, living here is not
too b a d," says Algis Kaumels,
73E, "but when we start classes,
studying is going to be a prob-
According to several of the
cafeteria occupants, one of the
key problems this week has been
"Families walk in and out all
the time," says James Blank,
73. "I was sitting in the cafe-
teria dressing and one of the
mothers walked in."
The cafeteria occupants say
that the large number of stu-
dents living in each dining room
makes sleeping a problem.
"I'm usually awakened four
or f i v e times a night," says
Another problem cited by the
cafeteria occupants is sanita-
"The bathroom is only a
short way' down the hall," says
Kaumels, "but to take a shower
we have to walk upstairs."
In addition to beds provided
for the displaced students, some
desks and chests of drawers
have been made available. How-
ever, most of the students' be-
longings are being stored until
the students can find perman-
ent housing.
The housing office has also
1hired "special personnel" to
handle the students' questions
and problems. In addition, staff
men are on duty 24 hours a day
outside the two occupied dining
rooms in West Quad. According
to West Quad Building Director
Leon West, the staffmen will
attempt to "keep as much peace
and order in there as possible."
Many students complain that
communication facilities a r e
"somewhat lacking," alluding to
the lack of telephones andthe
difficulties of receiving mail
and messages.
The communication problem
is particularly acute in Dining
Room ThreeyinMarkley Hall,
which is housing t h e foreign
The 36 students w h o come
from Thailand, Russia, Turkey,
Nationalist China, and six South
American countries a r r i v e d
Tuesday to study at the English
Language Institute.
All expected to be given rooms,
and many w e r e confused by
their unexpected quarters. But
with the aid of voluntary inter-
preters they have adjusted to
their temporary quarters.
"I feel a bit unhappy, but this
is not something o u t of this
world," says Antonio Rodriguez
of Mexico.
Meanwhile, Salowitz says the
Off-Campus Housing Office has
been asked to find housing for
the foreign students "as fast as
The Housing Office is making
similar efforts for the 300 fresh-
men. But officials have warned
the students to seek permanent
residences themselves
"This University cannot and
will not accept the final respon-
sibility for placing you in hous-
ing," said West at a meeting
with the occupants of the two
West Quad cafeterias.
But many of the affected stu-'

shortage displaces students


ei. a>S

dents feel their payment of the
$45 housing deposit before the
deadline should have guaran-
teed them a space.
"I sent in both my housing
deposit and application at the
beginning of May," says James
Quigley, '73.
"All summer they told me that
they would send me my contract
soon," he continues, "Six days
before I came up they sent me
a letter telling me I would have
to live in the dining room."
Housing officials have at-
tempted to fix rates for the stu-
dents according to the type of
emergency accommodation. Stu-
dents living in "highly irregular"
quarters-such as a cafeteria-
are being charged $1.00 per
night. The price per night for
students assigned to furnished
rooms-such as the Michigan
Union, is $2.50, which is the
average rate for a regular dorm
All displaced students have
the option of taking their meals
in the residence halls at a daily
rate of $2.50.
Usually a projected shortage of
either male or female housing
can be detected by the Commit-
tee on Residence Hall Planning
using estimates of the number
of students expected to apply for
dormitory space. In such a si-
tuation, either a women's or a
men's house would be converted
to house the overflow.
Last March, the committee
concluded that no changes would
be needed in the Residence hall
system for the 1969-70 academic
year. But their decision was
based on estimates which they
later discovered were incorrect.
Housing officials cite several
reasons why the estimates were
-2,561 freshmen applied for
dormitory space instead of the
projected 2,364. This projection
was based on data from two
other universities with no oc-
cupancy regulations for fresh-
-There was an unexpected
increase in the number of dor-
mitory residents who reapplied
for residence hall space.
Rent strikers who found them-
selves without an apartment may
have applied for dormitory
-Recent murders in the area
may have prompted many stu-
dents to live in residence halls.
-There was an unanticipated
increase in the number of male
"We used last year's housing
figures as a basis for our esti-
mates," says Salowitz. "We also
took into account the draft laws,
enrollment growth, and popula-
tion stability, but it's always a
guessing game for the planning
"When a particular house was
brought up as a possible candi-
date for conversion," he ex-
plains," that house's representa-
tive to the committee would ob-
University Housing Director
John Feldkamp feels that the
committee was also hampered by
a lack of solid evidence on which
to check their estimates. Hous-
ing applications for example
were lacking because the Re-
gents delayed their decision on
voluntary dormitory occupancy
for freshman until January.
"We could not send informa-
tion booklets to the freshmen
until March," he explains, "and
the initial housing applications
did not start filtering in until
sometime later.

-Daily-Jerry Weelsier

Crisis in city housing
plagues campus area

Ask anyone who owns KLH stereo equipment about its per-
formance and value. Then seek out the Model Twenty-Four and
judge it critically for yourself.
You won't have trouble finding one in a store. Just follow that
well-beaten path , rm 1111n11uiu ii 1i1w1;i

muH1sic Center, InC.

I ii1I Yi



300 S. Thaver

NO 5-8607

* "DA~AtwM M1 W~t ~A" IWLPIIIW omP

(Continued from Page 1)
that some 10 per cent of fresh-
man would seek housing else-
where, but only 2.5 per cent
stayed out of the dorms, leaving
more than 300 more dorm resi-
dents than planned for.
The dorm problem was com-
pounded by an unusually high
return rate of dormitory resi-
dents, 270 more than expected
among men alone.
The male-female balance also
added to the difficulty. About
100 men more than expected
wvere admitted as freshman, so
while the women's residence
halls have some vacancies, the
men's are filled to capacity.
Finally, some 590 spaces in
East Quad were taken out of
use for conversion to classrooms
for the Residential College.
All of these factors combined
to leave many students with no
place to live as late as the mid-
dle of the summer, when the
dorm crisis was discovered.
A University housing official
said, at least 150 students were
turned away in the last half of
the summer, forcing them to go
to an already tight private hous-
ing market.
The housing market has the
potential to meet the demand
for apartments, said Norman
Kraker, supervisor of the off-
campus housing bureau.
"We really have an excess of
housing this year," she said,
"but it's not the type that is in
"There are lots of three-,
four- and five-man apartments
available," she said, but most
students are looking for smaller
places where they can have
their own bedroom,

A check of ten major rental
agencies turned up very few
vacant apartments in the im-
mediate campus area, and they
were all for four men.
University Towers on South
University, for instance, had
only one vacant apartment out
of 240 in the building.
The apartments now available
are almost all for four men,
generally higher than average in
price and distant from cam-
On the other hand, there are
still some people looking for
roommates for their large apart-
ments. That is only a limited
solution, however.
"It's a matter of how do you
get acquainted with someone"
so that you can rent a four- or
five-man, Mrs. Kraker noted.

The problem for the foreign
student caught apartmentless is
a little more severe.
"Most of the foreign students
are older and want more pri-
vacy," explained Phyllis Ny-
quist, director of community-,
housing for the International
Center. "They want as few dis-
tractions as possible."
Mrs. Nyquist noted that
money was no small considera-
tion, "particularly considering
foreign exchange rates." The
cost of living in this coun-
try in comparison to their
countries makes the already
high costs in Ann Arbor nearly
impossible for foreign students.
"This year is the worst year-
the old homes that we used be-
fore are being torn down," Mrs.
Nyquist said.

caELRiFIs r

- --- - ------ ---

Chicago blacks ryeject
construction job, offer
CHICAGO (M - The Chicago posals "do not deal realistically"
construction industry yesterday of- with the coalition's demands which
fered 1,000 journeymen's jobs im- included not only minority em-
mediately to Negroes and training ployment in proportion to popu-
programs to boost further minor- lation but coalition control of hir-
ity group employment in the in- ing and training programs.
dustry. The offer was turned down He refused to await questions
as "unrealistic." and his only elaboration was that
Representatives of the Coalition "we would not be in control of our
for United Community Action, own program, and we must reject
headed by the Rev. C. T. Vivian, it."
walked out of a meeting where of- A builder at the meeting said the
ficials of the Chicago Building coalition group walked out of the
Trades Council and the Building meeting without discussing the
Construction Erployers Associ- program. An industry spokesman
aton presented their plan. said he knewof no plans for fur-
Vivian told newsmen the pro- ther meetflngs with the coalition,

i ~4

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Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays
Buffet, only 25c
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