Page Eight
Friday, September 5, 1969
Viet Cong announce cease-fire
i o t i n ud frm P a - e 1 r O u e e
all movies, shows and sports ev ents
will be canceled,," the governmient
radio said.
"Cadres, workers, government
staff members, members of t he
Vietnam Laodong Communist par } , < "
ty will wear a band of tvo colo f
red and black, or a black ribbon e t
the left side of the chest." Ft
despite the period of mouring,
Hanoi called on the neople and.
army to "contribute both tiei
minds and their force to the greatt
task of defeating the J.S. aggcs-t
sor' 'and "liberating South Viet-
Radio Peking chimed in urging
the North Vietnamese to'turn
grief into strength and deal still
heavier blows to U.S. imperialism."
In Saigon, President Nguyen
Van Thieu and Premier Tran :
Thien Khiem avoided speculation
on what member of Hanoi's poulit-
ical hierarchy might come to
In commenting on Ho's death,
both emphasized that the only
thing of importance to South Viet-
nam was whether there would by
any change in North Vietnamese
efforts to take over the South.
As to reports South Vietnam
might make an important new}
peace move in the aftermath of
Ho's death, Thieu said these were
"entirely unfounded."
Thieu said Ho's death would in- -Associated Press
fluence the internal situation and
the question was whether "these Leonid Breslinev, Soviet Communist party hiief, signs mourning for Ho.
henchmen of Russian and Chinese;
Communists" will continue the
fight In the South. FIRST TRY'EXPENSIVE.:
SGC sets
march for
Continued from Page 1)
gents - as a result of the action
on Sept. 19 - might accept this
alternative, but he considered it
an appeasement. According to Mc-
Laughlin it would be extremely
difficult for students to raise the
necessary funds by themselves.
Van Der Hout said that "it is
obvious that having been blatant-
ly ignored by going through the
'proper channels,' students will
not get a bookstore unless they
demonstrate their voice through
another means." McLaughlin, who
relinquished the chair to Darryl
Gorman to speak on the issue,
said the action "will not alienate
any of the Regents who are not
already on the wrong side of the
Van Der Hout, McLaughlin, Liv-
ingston, Carol Hollenshead and
Bob Nelson supported the motion,
while Roger Keats and Mike Far-
rell voted against it.
Farrell argued that the rally
and subsequent action would only
set the more conservative Regents
further against the bookstore.
"There are other means of doing
things," he said. At one point,
however, he advocated postponing
the rally until the Regents Oc-
tober meeting.
Council also agreed to contact
other groups for support of the
The University is currently the
only school in the Big Ten which
does not have a university book-
The Regents opposed the book-
store generally because they felt
that the $1.75 fee assessment
would be considered a tuition in-
crease by the state Legislature.
The reasoning was that next year's
state appropriations would be cut
on the assumption the University
had raised more money in student
Other Regents were dubious of
the financial soundness of having
student-dominated board of direc-
tors running the bookstore, as
SGC had earlier suggested.
Anthony J. Reilly of the U-M
faculty has won a James Mc-
Keen Cattell Award for the best
research design applying scientific
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In Washington, U.S. authorities
expected the state funeral services
for President Ho would bring a
confrontation in Hanoi of the
feuding leaders of Communist
China and the Soviet Union that
could pose deep-seated problems
for Ho's successor.
Vietnam experts believed it
would be less easy for the three
top-ranking survivors of Ho's re-
gime to walk the tightrope between
Moscow and Peking than it was
for their departed leader.
Peking announced without delay.
that Premier Chou En-lai would{
head the Chinese Communist dele-
gation to the services for Ho in.
Hanoi. Moscow did not say im-
mediately who would go, but it
was believed that Premier Alexei
Kosygin would represent the So-'
viet government and party.
Mailing system cuts Waiting;
registration proceeds smoothily
Contributing Editor
Aside from the introduction of
two new IBM forms, misplacedI
pink election cards, and the sun
blazing through the Waterman
skylight, registration went pretty
The 9508 students who received
and returned registration by mail ,
forms within the allotted time
did not need to enter the com-
plex ---except to pick up scholar-
ships or change a course that,
Fleming, MclLaughlin
address freshmen
Coutnued fromn I e 1) 'Let me make this standing of-
dum favoring the store, as an ex- fer to you," he said at the out-
ample of the lack of control stu- set." I will personally appea' at
dents have over their lives, ? any of your dormitories at which
"It's all right for the Regents to' you will gather a gioup. I will
levy fees on the student body but debate any subject about the Uni-
not okay for students to levy fees versity at your choice. I will an-
on the student body," he said, ap- swer any questions about the
parently alluding to the $1.75 fee University at your option and I'll
,know the facts."
increase students voted to pay fori
the bookstore in a referendum last The applause was thunderous
spring, although the cry "Murderers
"I think they're constitutionally aren't debatable" was heard mo-
opposed to us laving any money. ments lat2r.
The Regents seem to believe that Fleming indicated the admin-
students shoudn't have unfair ad- istration would not tolerate vio-
vantage over the bookstore owners. lence or physical destruction and
"They are no more responsive added that if for some reason he
looked good four months ago, but
no longer.
Associate registrar Douglas
Woolley said 13,300 registration
envelopes were mailed. "It was an
expensive process." Woolley said.
He noted that some packets were
sent to out-of-date addresses and
some students who traveled dur-
ing the summer returned home
after the deadline.
One woman received her mater-
ials but did not return them be-
cause she planned to drop and add
Not knowing she needed her
pink election card to verify her
credit hours she stood outside
Waterman for an hour before
being directed to the nearby Na-
tural Resources Bldg. to find the
vital paper.
An hour later she learned her
sociology course was closed.
Ernest Zimmerman. assistaiit to
the vice president for academic
affairs said the two new optical
scan forms - a course election
change form and an election re-
quest form were "run in parallel."
Both the new forms and the
more familiar ones were filled out
at Waterman tables.
Zimmerman said, "We re try-
ing something new. If it works
we will be able to automate more
of the registration process."
"We did have some design prob-
lems with the election request
form," he said.
The idea, still a few years in
the future, is to eliminate Water-
man gym from the registration
The most trouble came with the4
blue course form on which stu-
dents were asked to list division
number, course number, credit
hours, and class numbers.
erasing. methods to business and Indus-
All the approximately 12.000 trial problems. Reilly's paper
persons who did not advance clas- deals with the effects of differ-
sify had to fill out the election ent leadership styles on group per-
request form. formance.
Faculty report cites need
for revision of ROTC
The instruction sheet had to be'
read very carefully to be under-
stood and many did not have the
A woman who spent three days'
checking the form for errors call-
ed it "totally absurd."
The registration worker ($1.85j
an houri was especially critical on
the inch long line for the ten digit
student identification number.
If the penciled number ran into
the margin, the entire form would
abort. she said. She did a lot of
'olitinued from Page 3
port offered "exactly the kind of
choice we think should be consid-
"If the committee recommends
just, a revision, there's still room
for a decision on credit by the lit
school," he said. But he declined
siderations were not the sole fac-
tor motivating the reconsideration
of ROTC credit, asked the Senate
Assembly to consider the problem
from the widest angle - that of
t h e entire University's relation-
ship to ROTC.
The Senate Assembly accepted
to the people of the stake of
Michigan than President Fleming
is to students," he added,
It was this kind of comment
that Fleming tended to take in
stride, saying in his speech that
"I came prepared knowing I am
deficient in character, that I'm
over 30, that I'm evil. I should
tell you I beat my wife."
bigger than me," he said.
left his post, what mattered most
was the institution. "The insti-
tution is bigger than you and
Beginning Sept. 8 the Univer-
sity will offer the six courses
required for a certificate in real
estate. The classes will be at
Rackham Memorial in Detroit.
to say whether t h e curriculum ! the requt ana reIerreaUit Lu its
committee's original recommen- own committee an academic af-
dation for abolition of credit fairs, setting the Sept. 1 and Oct.
would then be acted upon by the 1 deadlines.
college's executive committee.
The Senate Assembly's study of
ROTC was prompted by Hays fol-
lowing several months of work in
the literary college on the ques-
The college's curriculum coin-
mittee recommended that no cred-
ti be g i v e n by the college for
ROTC. But the executive commit-
tee, feeling that academic con-
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