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September 05, 1969 - Image 6

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Pa Six


Friday, September S, 1969


--idt otme .1969



1 '



bus service

Night bus service to provide
greater security for University stu-!
dents on Central Campus area
began this week.
The new service, which operates
generally south and east of the j
center of the campus, supplements
the commuter service to NorthE
Nite Owl service runs every
evening of the week during its fallr
term trial. The service begins at!
7 p.m. at the rear of the Under-
graduate Library on South Uni-
versity Ave.
Buses decorated with Nite Owl
flags depart every 30 minutes, onI
the hour and half-hour, until the!
last one leaves at 12:30 a.m.
The buses stop in the apartment
and fraternity-sorority areas at
Hill and Tapan streets, Hill and
East University Ave., Hill and
Olivia, and Hill and Washtenaw

Map of the Nite Otcl Bits Ser


Thy go on to the Oxford Hous-
ing area, stopping at Oxford Road
and Geddes Avenue, and then to
the residence hall area along Ohi-
S.ervatory Street, stopping at Stock-
z well Hall and at Washington
?lHeights. The last stops are at Un-
c-ersity Hospital and the Michigain
' - ;League before the buses return to
the library.
The service is free, but riders
must show student, faculty or staff
identification cards. The Ann Ai-
- I or Tranisportationi Authority is'
oper1ating the buses under a on-
tr act with the University.
r Nite Owl service is another ef-
fi t by the University and city
oifficials to promote security. Oth-
erg hav'e included additional aright
oil 3 =lights in the campus area, addi-
-tional police patrols at night, and
escor t services which coeds canI
*~iceuse when walking, for example, toj
thenr homes from the library.
Maps of the service carrzy a mdes-
sage from Ann Arbor Police Chief}
Walter Krasny. The chief urges'
LJ LLET Istudents not to hitchhike, to stay,
L.JL ETINinl lighted areas, to travel in groups
ifpossible, to be sure that expected
arrival time is known to someone
else, avoid entering a car with
PICelliell L't .1,T CC 'omeone not well known, to avoid
3M005.A Ii. persons known to use drugs, to
notify police of any questionable
Carver Planning: 764-6338, '~ incident, and to record deslg'ip)-
gra planninentsjot ahin= cnd tions of cars and persons in~rolved
Library of occup. Info & counserling, in questionable incidents.
'General Divisioti: 764-745(1, <n>,;,, The message also reminds thie
and grad. students. Initerview in, cA- students : "Ultimately, of course,
rectories, literature and job ope)lisyotir personal safety lies in your
iro g~ernent nn-pofi, bsinsshands. Your own conduct and con-I
and industry.
Education Division: ;7#I sn cerni can either secure or jeopar-
iosblnd grad students. Paentin dize yotnr safety, day or night."
pbiprivate, overseas; elemn.; secon,, The North Campus bus servi(c
college, univ, positions in teachin and srigrsdneuistee -l
iSummer 1'lacemrent: 764-',460o,cin continue to run at five-minute in-
212, Lower Level.tjnderclassmntr r:s, tervals during the day and less
grad, marred, and foreign sturdenlt s, frequently at night up to :' a in. '
Po it iU(s in camps, resorts parkse tii The Central Campus stop Jor
nes, oruttiaiowid ad arod.Nor'th Campus buses is being
Wa.tch this column for current oven- moved from the Michigan League
igs government testing dates, inter- to the corner of Was'htenaw «nd
views, graduate program announce- Church St.
ment s, .end changes in the schedules of
inrterviewe rs.

All The News That's Fit To Print
{ You Can't Get Involved
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Official publication of the Univer-
s.ity of Michigan. Notices should be
~.eat in TY'PEWRiITEN f o r in to
ltuom 3 :52$ I-S.A. Bldg., before
Spm., of the day preceding publi-
,,titn rad by 2 p.m. Friday for
Sa{turday and Sunday. General
\otices may< be published a maxi-
)mnun of two times on request; 1Day
tCalendar items appear once only.
> ;i dent organizations notices a r e
niot accepte.d for publication. For
vmor, inf(wormation, phone 764-9270.
f Il).'Y, SEPTEMBER-lt 5
Geil Notices
Th[ TI'lh sology 101-102 ri'"rqwill
mee. i th NothLecture R"oom (also
tumbe :rd 3695 3rd floor, Medical
Science Buildinga 11, Friday, September
,19,11:00 a.
Htry 79 -will me sschedluled
taring onda, Setmber tha:e-8th
at 7:0,~m 1in AngellHall, Auditor-
nun C. Smia ssIgnments vwill be
gtven at he Mndayevening l1cc! are
No Secr.tions w;illmeet before the 1c
F ilms; for the Easic 01peration of
13- IM 029 Kepuch ill be shown
Septembeur 10, ;. 1:2 anti 15th thru
1t,?h %with shoings at u 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8
p _m. ini the Senaur Room of the

p uting Center. If you need further in-
formatio01, contact Miss Jacqueline
Parker at the Comiputing Center, 764-
To M.\embeirs of thle University Factil-
ty: The sMichia a Memorial-Phoenix
Project invites requests for grants to
support research within the scope of
the term. "peaceful uses of nuclear
energy 'Typical areas in which the
Project i nterested are: Nuclear
jweapons proliferation and disarma-
ment;Evaluation of hazards to ur-
ban populations from nuclear aetivi-
tics: Econoeiin studies of nuclear pow-
er' pr~oduction; Biological effects of ra-
d: ,tion; New uses of radioisotopes; New
trce techniques and novel applica-
lions f existing techniques; Direct!
convers ion of nuclear energy to elec-
tricalenry The fusion proses; Plas-
mas as; relatedi to controlled fusion.f
New rIesealrchi deas and pilot projects
ar tcarfrly iii'OurH ;ted. The re-
lationlship to peaceful 7u ssof nuc-
le.!nryhwve, it be clearly
stated In ?the application_. Routine use
of isotope trace r techniques will not
by itself justify support. Requests for
grantl s of $3,000 or less are considered
1ost ppropriate. Grants may cover
equip)ment., supplies, research assist-
ance, anti field trips. Except Lnd ie r
unusual circumstances, the Project will
nor, pay the salary of the principal in-
vest'. uator. AppIlcations for grants
should be returned to the Phoenix

* ISundays $ 9.00 10.50 19.50
r r
I r
* r
y r
School Address__...
I r
* r
iww __ ________wwwwwwwwww____________wwiiiw Ulili


__________________ _____________________________ *1

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Computing Center, The above will be Project by Friday, Septembei' 26, 1969.
<,,ho;,wn o>n;the, hour along ith "the Grants will beesmade by December 1,
f'lm "Advnced c rUse 4of theu 029 Key-
punch's being shown on the half hour. 1969. Application blanks may be ob-
The fim 'Bisie Operatiotn of the tained from the office of the Phoenix
vT5 ',wil be shown on September Proeject at the Phoenix Memorial Lab-
2 tid thr 26th with showings at 3,
anr 1 5 p.m. Tis will also be heldj oratory on the North Campus or by
'n th) eminar Room at the Comi-! calling 764-6213.

Thue University of Michigan Bands
announce an opening for the position
of Announcer for the marching band.
Hours: 4:00-6:00 p.m. weekda ys, 9:00-
11:30. 12:30-5:00 Saturdayvs. A ny in-
terested men with public epain x-
peirience may audition Sarturday , Sp-
tember 6, 3:30 pum., at W'ines Fielld

Subscribe to The Michigcan Daily
agreeable music
aan agreeable price

B. QuiltE



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ed nylon tricot Fobe in gold or o'range. 6-16 sizes. 18.00

1K 1r i. fir A k LmL _

I 1

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