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November 21, 1969 - Image 1

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IA4466F I#

Sunny with chance
of light snow

Vol. LXXX, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 21, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

SGC demands



admit more

black students
Student Government Council last night demanded the
University substantially increase the level of black enroll-
ment, and withdrew its appointees from Office of Student
Affairs (OSA) advisory committees which do not conform
with Council policies established last July.
Council supported a policy statement asking for "large
and sudden" increases in black admissions to all areas of the
University. In addition, Council allocated $100 to the Black
Students Union for transportation costs to help in recruiting
black students from Detroit high schools.
In the policy statement, Council demanded that Univer-
sity President Robben Fleming, along with the deans of the

Daily News Analysis
Housed in University High School
about half a block off central campus,
the University's School of Education
has steadily churned out teachers for
the state's elementary and high
schools. But less than half a year ago,
with the arrival of new Dean Wilbur
Cohen, reforms began occurring within
the school. And last Tuesday the school
faculty endorsed a set of principles
which one grad student termed "rev-
olutionary in schools of education."
The student, James C. Buntin, is a
member of the school's Black Caucus
which drafted a set of demands backed
overwhelmingly by the school's faculty.
By a vote of 63-11, the faculty en-
dorsed "in principle" demands calling


-A commitment to increase the
number of black faculty and students
to 20 per cent of the school. At the
present time, the school has two black
faculty members out of a staff of 110.
Black students constitute less than
three per cent of the school's enroll-
ment of over 5,000;
-Formation of an ad hoc commit-
tee of black students and faculty to
work on implementation of the de-
mands. The committee would be fin-
ancially supported by the school and
members would receive released time
for committee work;
-Establishment of a curriculum re-
levant to the needs of black students
and the black community. This cur-
riculum would concentrate on teach-
ing methods rather than a program
of black studies;
--Representation of blacks at all

levels of the school's decision-making
process. At the present time, stu-
dents sit on the school's executive coin-
mittee but have no voting power.
-Guaranteed support for black stu-
dents. This might include tutorial pro-
grams; and
--Guaranteed commitment by the
school's dean, executive committee and
faculty to award highest priority to
the fulfillment of the demands.
The demands did get unquestionable
and guaranteed support. In fact, they
passed easily at Tuesday's meeting, al-
most without discussion or debate.
None of the 11 dissenters voiced oppo-
This leads Buntin to say somewhat
incredulously, "I don't think these
guys realize what they've done." Even
one faculty member confided "I don't

know if they know wha
Others disagree strong
Joseph Payne says the demar
because the faculty recogni
was needed. "The demands
that radical; they are long o
fact, the faculty must hav
head buried in the sand s
not to have done something
five or 10 years ago."
Certainly there is little d
the faculty acted in good f
intends to carry out what it
But there are, as one faculty
puts it, "hookers." Although
of the faculty approves b
the enrollment and employm
tices of the school, it remain
how or when they intend t
the goal of 20 per cent.


Ed school
t they've One skeptic is Jack Eisner, head
of Students for Educational Inno-
ly. Prof. vation, the schools student group for
nds passed curricular reform. He thinks faculty
ized what members "didn't commit themselves to
s are not anything. They think the demands set
verdue. In a nice goal, but they don't think the
e had its Black Caucus can come through, so
omewhere they're not worried" about implemen-
like this tation.
Surprisingly, the Black Caucus and
loubt that not the school's administration or fac-
faith, and ulty is responsible for implementing
endorsed. the demands. Although he is unwilling
y member to set a target date, Buntin feels the
the bulk school could conceivably reach the
roadening desired percentage by 1972. But most
lent prac-
is unclear faculty expect a time lag of five to
o achieve 10 years.
See GRADUAL, Page 6

-,various schools and colleges,

raps Post,
NY Times
President Agnew, asserting there
is "growing monopolization of the
voices of public opinion," levied
heavy criticism last night at the
New York Times and the Wash-
ington Post.
In a followup speech to one last
week in which hie criticized the
news programming of the televi-
sion networks, Agnew said the day
is- over when the news media "en-
joyed a form of diplomatic im-
munity from comment and criti-
cism of what they said."
"When they ( the news media)
go beyond fair comment and cri-
ticism they will be called upon to
defend their statements and their
positions just as we must defend
ours. And when their criticism
becomes excessive or unjust, we
shall invite them down from their
ivory towers to enjoy the rough
and tumble of the public debate,"
he said.
Noting the demise of many daily
newspapers in New York City, Ag-
new said, "the New York Times
was a better newspaper when they
were alive than it is now that
they are gone."
Saying that much competition
has been stilled in recent years in
the newspaper industry, Agnew
declared that "lacking the vigor
of competition, some of those that
have survived have, let us face it,
grown fat and irresponsible."
Agnew noted that the Wash-
ington Post and the Baltimore Sun
--"scarcely house organs of the
N i x o n administration" - - gave
front page display last week to
expressions by House and Senate!
members of both parties endors-
ing President Nixon's Vietnam
''Yet the next morning the New
York Times, which considers it-
self America's paper of record, did
not carry a word. Why?" he
"If. a theology student, in Iowa
See AGNEW, Page 61
Ott today's
Pagye Three
" Apollo 12 starts back to
earth with geological moon
treastures onl board,
* Pentagon forecasts cut in
January draft quota.
* Haynsworth confirmation
sought today; outcome un-

allocate significant amounts
of money for increasing black
The education school has al-
ready begun such a plan, com-
mitting itself "in principle" to in-
creasing black enrollment to 20
per cent of the schools total en-
The 20 per cent figure is rough-
ly equal to the percentage of
blacks in the state.
SGC membmer Darryl Gorman,
who introduced the motion along
with SGC member Walter Lewis.
said last night, "We look forward
to an announcement within the
next few weeks from President
Fleming and the deans concerning
the funds they will commit to the
"At the same time," he added,
"we look forward to significantly
i n c r e a s i n g black enrollment
through modification of admission
The SGC policy statement also
urged that supportive services,
such as financial aid and tutor-
ing, be provided to insure the pro-
gress of black students at the
University, once they are enrolled.
The withdrawal of SOC ap-
pointees from a number of OSA
advisory boards came after the
administrators h e a d i n g these
boards did not comply with SGC
The guidelines, created in July,
demanded that:
-Decisions made by the boards
be binding on the administrators
which the board was advising and
be made the official policy of the
--All meetings be open:
- All student members of the
advisory boards be appointed by
SGC or a body designated by SGC;
-At least two-thirds of the vot-
ing members be students.
SGC sent memos to adminis-
trators in July outlining this new
position, and got an "unsatisfac-
tory" reply from most, according
to one Council member.
SGC member Bob Hirshon said
the action to withdraw appointees
was taken by Council because of
the feeling that "It's about time
we set up policy committees to deal
with our needs rather than setting
up advisory committees to the ad-
Mike Farrell, another SGC mem-
ber, agreed, saying, "There can be
no question that the time has;
come for the administration to
recognize that students should be
included in University decision-
In other action last night, Coun-
cil endorsed the recommendations
presented by an Ad Hoc Tenure:
Committee. composed of concern-'
ed students and faculty members.
The committee expressed con-
cern that the present tenure sys-
tem is "incapable of fulfilling its;
function to provide the most fruit-
ful education experience feasible,"
and proposed alternatives to theI
present system.




- (
- s -

"' ""

p ost
By The Associated Press
President N i x o n accepted
yesterday the resignation of
A m b a s s a d o r Henry Cabot
Lodge, head of the U.S. dele-
gation to the Paris peace talks.
This will probably at least
temporarily downgrade U.S.
participation in the' p e a c e
High administration officials ex-
plained this was not the purpose
of the moves involved in the
White House announcement which
said Lodge and his deputy, Law-
rence E. Walsh, are leaving the
Vietnam negotiations Dec. 8.
But no one disputed that the
practical result could be to lower
the political prestige of the U.S.
negotiating team - though that
depends on how rapidly Nixon
names a successor.
White House and State Depart-
ment authorities indicated they
had no firm idea yet on a possible
Leadership of the U.S. delega-
tion will fall to 49-year-old Philip
C. Habib, a career diplomat who
served last year on the negotiat-
ing delegation headed by Ambas-
sador W. Averell Harriman. He is
regarded as one of the U.S. gov-
ernment's knowledgeable men on
Vietnamese war and peace issues.
Lodge cited personal reasons in
his letter of resignation to the
President, which the White House
said was received Wednesday.
Friends had been saying for many
weeks that he was frustrated and
fed up with the lack of action in
the peace talks and would leave
by the end of the year.
"I strongly support your efforts!
to negotiate an end to the war.
You have left no stone unturned.
It is sad that the other side has
flatly refused to reciprocate in any
kind of meaningful way," added
Lodge in his resignation.
See LODGE, Page 7



-Daily-Sara Krulwich
President Fle t ii g ci airs (disc ussio nb bet wceeni st len ts (1and1 Regents
Regents biold first monthily'
meeting with1 faculty, students

-Associated Press
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge


"Who does a student call to find
out why the sidewalks are torn
up," asked Bill Price, Grad.
"Communications should not
have to depend on a group of peo-
ple who have become hnnoyed and
frustrated before they find a
source of information in the Uni-
versity," said Price.
Price, at yesterday's Regents-
faculty-student meeting, was voic-
ing some of the helplessness of
students who want to know what
is going on in the University and
want to be involved in the deci-
Yesterday's meeting--which Re-
gents. faculty, and students hope
was the first of a series of meet-
ings each month-centered around
communications and the dissemi-
nation of information within the'
University community.

The bylaws which govern the
University and are up before theI
Regents for revision, include a
proposed Committee on Com-
inunications which would be a
student-faculty g r o u p charged
with helping to resolve campus:
Disagreement arose yesterday'
when some participants continual-
ly related the students role in
University decision-making t o
communications, while others ex-
pressed the opinion that the two'
are not related.
Marty McLaughlin, president of
Student Government Council, said
University communications are
bad in part because students are
not actively included in decision-
"People who do know what's
going on in the University don't
want to let students in on the

decision-making." said McLaugh-
lin. He claimed student ignorance
of information could not be solved
unless students help make the 'de-
Education Prof. Joseph Payne,
chairman of Senate Advisory com-'
mittee on University A f f a iir s
(SACUA), disagreed with Mc-
Laughlin. He said the education
school executive committee in-
cludes two students but a problem
of relaying information to students
still exists.
President Fleming also said five
or eight students on a committee
does not mean that there will be
better communication.
"No decisions are made in a
void," said Regent Lawrence Lin-
demer (R-Stockbridge), "deci-
sions are made by considering al-
"But, we have a right to help
decide what the alternatives are,"
said Mike Farrell, SGC member.{
"We can advise and advise and
advise, but the vice president then
goes off on his own."
History Prof. Gerhard Weinberg,
a mnember of SAC'UA, believed stu-
dents do not realize that commit-
tee decisions are rarely made by
votes but analyzing situations and:
coming to a consensus of opinion.
McLaughlin claimed that al-
though there was considerable stu-
dent -faculty communication ovem
the language requirement, last
year the faculty completely ignored
the students and refuted the ad-
visory role of students.
SGC Coordinating Vice Presi-
dent Bruce Wilson said a record
number of students voted in the
bookstore referendum "only be-!

Panel supportsar
Iltbl1dg. p la n
The Advisory Committee on Recreation, Intramurals and
Club Sports yesterday reaffirmed its support for the construc-
tion of a new intramural building while recommending the
administration consult with students to determine the fund-
ing procedures.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith has in-
dicated the $5 million building - to be located on Forest Ave.
- would be funded through a student increase of at least
$7 per student per term. The administration has apparently


Peace Corps alters emphasis
By LINDSAY CHANEY still aiming their appeal at young grad- "It boils down to wanting to do so
Snd your parents to Africa,.S ou th uates. thing constructive rather than destruct
aerica, India or the South Seas. As of yesterday, the recruitment drive he explained.
had resulted in 20 applications and ap- Michael Laakko a senior in econo
ienced people with technical skills, the proximately five times the n u m b e r of is planning a career in developing na
..e Corps is actively seking middle- People visiting the recruiting center to economics and cites the "practical asp
....... y -kn--- "look around." of two years with the Peace Corps.



Draft lottery affects
student sonly slightl y
If you are a student and have been worrying about the
effects of the recently passed draft lottery bill, you may be
wasting your time.
The lottery system-which will become operational early next
year-appears to only slightly affect students, probably to their
The bill passed the Senate Wednesday and awaits President
Nixon's signature.
A major effect of the new system--which still includes the
present deferment structure-is its ,tendency to equalize a
student's chance of being inducted after graduation with every-
one else.

dropped plans for the c o n-
struction of a separate intra-
mural facility on North Cam-
The advisory committue's ac-
tion closely follows a Student
Government Council referendum
in which students voted that they
should have the author'ity to de-
termine when student fees should
be added to tuition for construc-
tion of University facilities.
The advisory committee is re-
sponsible to Athletic Director Don
Canham and initiated action on
the intramural facilities question
last spring.
The committee at that time rec-
ommended the construction of two
buildings--one on Forest Ave and
one on North Campus -- which
would be funded through a recur-
ring student tuition increase of up
to $15 per student per term.

aged people w ith practical experiencv in
any of a wide number of fields, accord-
ing to recruiter Ruth Writing. Miss Whit-
ing is one of the two Peace Corps re-
cruiters who have been on campus t h i s

The applicants gave a variety of rea-
sons for wanting to join the Peace Corps.
The University has always been a large
source of Peace Corps volunteers. Last year

The two specific aspects he mentioned
were the development of a language skill
and the first-hand knowledge of under-
developed countries which he believes in-
volves "getting to know just how poor poor

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