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November 19, 1969 - Image 7

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Wednesday, November 19, 1969


Page Seven

: W e d n e s d a y, N o v e m---b-er ..19, - --6-9-T--E--M-I-H--GA-N--D- -I-Y -P-g-e---ev-e-

- -- - - - . . . . . .

LSA to cut,

Ed faculty

calls for innovations

-Associated Press
Human peace symbol
Anti-war protesters form human peace symbol off the Pennsylvania Turnpike on their way back
from Washington last Sunday.

back T
(Continued from Page 1)
centrators. They will consist of
only about ten students and give
the students much individual at-
tention," the history department
chairman says.
While history graduate stu-
dents were at first upset about
I the plans, about which they
heard only rumors, at least two
other department had no such
Both the political science and
economics departments talked
the plan over with their teach-
ing fellows some time ago and
prevented any dispute or confus-
ion borne of ignorance.
Nonetheless, Graduate As-
sembly was concerned when it
learned of the plan and formed
a committee to approach admin-
stration officials for more in-
formation. The committee, seek-
ing specifics on the future status
of teaching fellows, is yet to
make a report.
Dean Hays discounts GA's
fears about the loss of financial
aid. "There might be a slight
loss, but the problem can be
ironed out in a few years with
a slight drop in admissions," he
He goes on to note that grad-
uate admissions are down some
400 from a few years ago, large-
ly because of the draft.
Most important, Hays says,
"Everyone who has an aid com-
mitment now will also be taken
care of in the future. The place
to make adjustment is in the in-
coming class."
The teaching fellows union is
still not convinced that all the
questions have been answered,
however, and is especially con-
cerned that the administration
has not produced figures to
prove the need for or value of
the new plan.

"There are many fine b 1 a c k
students in Flint, Saginaw, a n d
Bay City as well as Detroit who
would make excellent teachers if
they had the opportunity," he
Loving also explained that new
black faculty members would not
replace the current staff but rath-
er would supplement it.
"We're in an enviable position
with a nvw dean to move into a
new era," he said. Cohen, form-
er secretary of the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare,
took over as dean on July 1.
The ed school black caucus met
during the student-faculty retreat
at Waldenwoods two weeks ago
and began formulating the props-
als. The proposals were endorsed
last week and have been approv-
ed by the school's student group,
Students for Educational Innova-
tion (SEI).
The faculty yesterday also en-
dorsed three executive committee
recommendations adopted f r o m
proposals formulated at the re-
The most controversial recom-
mendation endorsed by thefacul-
ty was the concept of multi-
facted and experimental teacher
education programs.
The executive committee speci-
fically deleted from their recom-
mendation to the faculty the orig-
inal retreat proposal to phase out
the current teacher training pro-
Prof. Joseph Payne said the pro-
posal was struck because "the
language didn't grant positive as-
pects of the present teacher train-
ing program."
The program has already come
under fire from a special expert
evaluation of the school last year
which also called for elimination
of the program.
Although the current program
will be retained, Cohen promised
that "all experimental proposals
would be given adequate consider-

; i
s I

cally read into the minutes after
several unsuccessful attempts by
faculty members to recommend
phasing out the current program.
"If we produce this proposal,
nothing will happen-there will
be no available staff or resources
if money is poured into the exist-
ing program, argued Prof. Loren
"The only way to get the ex-
perimental programs on equal
ground is to have them all start
from scratch," he said. "The pres-
ent system should be an option as'

(Continued from Page 1) ation and taken into account with
the black student-faculty group priorities in existence at the time
which will work to implement the of approval."
caucus' demands. Cohen's statement was specifi-

on the school's reorganization, and
"explore fully the potential of an
assembly in any future organiza-
tional plan."
The issue of a permanent stu-
dent-faculty assembly will be be-
fore the school in the future." said'
Prof. Jerry Miller. "This proposal
gives us an opportunity to try such
an assembly out on a temporary
"The formation of the ad hoc
student-faculty assembly opens
the door to both students and fac-
ulty of the school to legitimately
pursue the intent of today's deci-
sions-an excellent and long over-
due action," said Jack Eisner,'
president of SEI.


Set pollution teach-in

future research and/or training
The executive committee yes-
terday appointed Prof. Robert
Dickson interim director of re-
"I hope the faculty did not leave
today's meeting with a false sense
of security," said Eisner after the
meeting. "In comparison to past
attempts to bring about change,
the faculty has taken a large and
very encouraging step towards the
improvement and reorganization
of the school.
"However, in the context of the
total possible change which must
take place over the next several
years, the step was a small one.

the other programs will be." The final proposal will involve "It is unforunate'that there
"I have not seen proposals for work toward improvement of the was little or no debate on the
teacher training substantially bet- general research climate of the motions and that some of the
ter than we have now," argued school "especially in regard to the important issues focused upon at
Payne. He said it was inconsistent type of reorganization that will the retreat were bypassed," he
to phase out one of the options. best foster research and research added.
The second recommendation training." "The faculty and administration
provides for immediate formation Also provided for are the crea- should realize that the motions
of an ad hoc student-faculty as- tion of an institutional evaluation passed today will be actively pur-
sembly to evaluate reorganizational unit to provide the school's pro- sued in the near future and it is
ideas prepared at the retreat, jects with evaluation consultants, with each new proposal that their
make recommendations to the and the development of a policy willingness to change will be
governing faculty and to students for the handling of present and tested."
Palestinian National liberation Movement
"Recently Returned from the
Commandoes Camps and Israel"
TIME: 7:309P.M. Room No. 35
DATE: Thursday, Nov. 20, 1969 Place: Michigan Union


(Continued from Page 6
Depart. Of Journalism Lecture: Norm-
an Isaacs, Exec. Editor, Louisville Cour-"
er-Journal, President, ASNE: Rackham
Amphitheater, 4:10 p.m.
Depart. Of Speech (Student Lab Thea-
ter): Final Dress Rehearsal and Rats
by Horowitz: Arena Theater, Frieze, 4:10
p m.
Univ. Philharmonia: Theo Alcantara,
conductor: Hill Aud., 8:00 p.m.
English Lecture: Jorge Luis Borges,
The Argentinan Short Story In the
XXth Centuy"Rackhamn ecture Hall,
8 00 p.m.
General Notices
\cademic Costume: May be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University
Avenue. Orders for Winter Commence-
ment Exercises should be placed im-
mediately, and MUST be placed before
November 29.
St udent Accounts: Your atteition is
alled to the following rules passed
by the Regents on February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts due
the University not later than the last
lay of classes of each semester or sum-
mner session. Student loans which are
not paid or renewed are subject to this
regulation; however, student loans not
Yet dlue are exempt. Any unpaid ac-
counts at the close of business on the
Ist day of classes will be reported to
he Cashier of the University and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
r summer session just complete will
ot be released, and no transcript of
Sredits will be issued
"b All students owing such ac-
conts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or summer
seion until payment has been made."
tose Bowl Travel Arrangements: If
U-M receives the invitation to play in
the 1970 Rose Bowl, the University in
cooperation with SGC, will again spon-
sor Rose Bowl travel arrangements for
Students, faculty, and staff, Tentative
planning is underway.
T'he University takes no responsibility
for other travel arrangements or chart-
Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Further information about the fol-
lowing programs is at career planning,
Tulane Graduate School of Business
administration offersA MA and PhD
programs, fellowships, loans and work-
study programs are available.
Notre Dame University, Indiana, of-
fers MBA program, a two year program
combining basic disciplines with sitya-
uonal analysis types of experience.
Fellowships in Conservation offered
by The National Wildlife Federation
anld State Affiliates, programs in Fish,
and Wildlife, range mgmt, conservation
educ., marine resources, journ and pub-
I( relations, radio and TV, environ-
mental pollution control, outdoor re-
creation, forestry and others.
George Washington University pro-
,Im ns in Rehabilitation Counseling,
wo year Masters with course and field
xt ork. Traineeships and grants available.
212 S.A.B., Lower Level
Civil Service Examination Applica-
tions for Summer Jobs with the Federal
civil Service have arrived. Pick up at
SP.S., 212 SAB. Deadline for tme.
examinations is Dec 5, 1969.
for informnation call
Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union
32 Trips Day
Join The Daily
Sports Staff
------- COUPON - ------

Continued from Page 1)
national teach-ins will depend on
grass-roots activities initiated by
students, campus by campus."
Scientists, students and con-
munity leaders are expected to
participate "to mobilize the con-
structive energies of American
youth in a massive effort to halt
the accelerating pollution and de-
struction of the environment," say
the co-chairmen.
Natural resources faculty and
students have indicated support
for the national teach-ins but have
said they would like more specific
information about the plans and
goals of the programs.
Prof. James Swan warned that
"mobilizing energy does not tell

much about those energies, or how
they will be mobilized."
Both Prof. Spenser W. Havlick
and Foresty Dept. chairman Prof.
Fred B. Knight agreed. Havlick
expressed hope that industrialists
and others responsible for large
amounts of pollution would be-
come involved in both local and
national teach-ins so that "instead
of accusing people we can estab-
lish a dialogue."
Assistant to the Dean Ernest A.
Woodman defended the approach
of the national organizers. "If they
get too specific, that limits the
scope," said Woodman. "This gives
them free reign to cover the whole


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-I--- --,- - --.---- I
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_____ ~Subscribe to The Michigan Daily_ _____
Sen. Muskie is not able to appear this
Friday. He w ill be rescheduled for
Winter Term
Tickets refunded at UAC offices
2nd floor Union


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