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November 16, 1969 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page Sra t a
Vo.LXXN.6 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 16, 1969 Ten Cents

ariable cloudiness with
chance of flo-snurries
Ten Pages






Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-An otherwise peaceful afternoon of pro-
test was badly marred yesterday when more than 5,000
demonstrators---led by members of the Youth International
Party (Yippies)-split away from the mass march and headed
for the Justice Department Bldg.
The group had planned to protest the Justice Depart-
ment's actions in the 'Chicago 8' conspiracy trial.
They were met by Metropolitan police from the special

Speciat To The Daily -
WASHINGTON -- The largest single anti-war protest in
the nation's history ended yesterday with a massive, climactic
march through the streets of the Capital and a rally at the
Washington Monument.
The crowd -- estimated at over 350,000 people-sang,
chanted and waved si ns as it filled Pennsylvania Ave.
and 15th St. from Capitol Hill to within a block of the White
Silent and unseen, behind the granite and marble facades
of federal buildings, 'Marine and paratroopers waited, the
government's insurance against violence. Guardsmen with

"civil disturbance unit." The
111 march
12,000 Michigan residents fill-
ing wide Constitution Ave. from
curb to curb for ten long city
blocks-joined the massive anti-
war march and rally here yes-
terda y.
About one third of the group,
one of the largest, at state con-
tingents. was from the Univer-
sity. University Profs. John
Bailey, Donald Hall, Dick Mann,
Rhoads Murphy and Sam Bass
Warner were reportedly among
the marchers.
The Michigan marchers sat h-
ered early around the 19th St.
Baptist Church, which was used
as headquarters for the state's
delegation all weekend. Around
8:30 a.m. about 6,000 people,
loosely strung along seven blocks.
began the procession from the
church early yesterday.
Gene Gladstone, Ann Arbor
and state New Mobilization of-
ticial, and Rep. John Conyers
(D-Detroit) led the march down
19th St. to Constitution Ave.

demonstrators threw rocks and
bottles at the officers, who
retaliated with a barrage of
tear gas and pepper fog.
The crowd gave ground, many
of the group throwing rocks and
bottles through windows of the
Justice Department. Gas entered
the building, sending Atty. Gen.
John Mitchell and others running
from his office choking.
The demonstrators attempted to
regroup, but were routed by an-
other barrage of gas.
In the meantime, a group of
demonstrators gathered near Laf-
ayette Park, perilously close to the
White House. Worried police of-
ficials ordered a gas attack to
disperse the group.
Thousands of persons were
trapped between police lines near
the Justice Department, and many
were overcome by the heavy con-
centrations of gas which had
accumulated in the area.
Medics scrambled from victim
to victim, giving some first aid
but mostly just warning people
not to rub their eyes.
A New York girl and young man
were taken away in a police am-
bulance. The girl, bleeding around
the eyes, said a tear gas cannister
exploded in her face.
Police said 83 people were ar-
rested, most of them chareed
with disorderly conduct, a mis-
demeanor, and one with carrying
a deadly weapon, a felony.
By 9 p.m. police reported "rela-
tively quiet" conditions in the
See VIPPIES, Page 6

--Daily-Jay Casidy
The(cr%)lt(Iof over 350,000 stream~is to the WahISinlgton)Ii Mmiattetit

Anti-war demonstrations


machine guns manned an ob-
servation post at one point
along the route.
Although well over 100,000
marched' the. 30 - block parade
route, at least 10,000 more had not
completed the march when the
parade permit expired at 12:30
p.m. Despite pushing and shouts
at the parade marshals who tried
to restrain them, they eventually
turned back and walked across
The Mall directly from the Capi-
tol to the monument.
At the monument the swelling
crowd heard speakers including
Mrs. Coretta King, Sen. George
McGovern, (D-S.D.) , Sen. Charles
Goodell, (R-N.Y.) and several
McGovern told the rally:
"We are not here to break a
President; we are here to break a
war and to begin a peace."
Added Mrs. King; "We have been
told- we cannot afford the humili-
ation of withdrawal. I feel that
even less can we afford the humil-
iation of pursuing a war for rig-
noble ends."
While yesterday's massive march
and rally were peaceful, they were
not without some tense moments.
Mobilization officials were afraid
of incidents provoked by militant
See 350,000, Page 10

Special To The Daily
war around, and turn to the
overwhelming problems of
America - that was what all
the speakers said, no matter
how they said it.
'Chicago 8" defendant Dave
Dellinger called for decentral-
ization and communal control
of virtually everything while
Mrs. Coretta King spoke of
"racial justice," the degenerat-
ing cities and alienation of the
younger generation.
Sen>,Charles Goodell (R-N.Y.)
and Sen. George McGovern (D-
S.D.) took the simplest, most
general path. Goodell said it
was more than time for the
United States to recognize the
See MASS, Page 10

By The Associated Press
Fromn Normal, Ill. to Madras,
India. hundreds of thousands
of antiwar demonst'ators con-
ducted mostly peaceful mora-
torium observances supporting
the Washington march.
The largest demonstration out-
side of Washington was held in
San Francisco where thous-
ands of war protesters s t a g e d
an orderly seven mile m a r c h
across the city. But the most

nation, aroundi

violent demonstrations occurred
in Paris yesterday as helmeted
club swinging police broke up
p r o t e s t s by thousands of
youths before they began.
New Mobilization West esti-
mated 250,000 protesters march-
ed in San Francisco, but police
said the crowds reached about
85,000. Led by 20 Vietnam war
veterans carrying a b a n n e r
reading "No more dead,"march-


March m
Slpecial 'To The Dai l
The afternoon wind was freezing cold
and marchers were hungry, tired, and foot-
weary from the hours of being hearded
through mass demonstration. but the at-
mosphere was lighthearted.
The people in the street for the mass
march, unlike those who gathered outside
the Justice Department later that, night
and the people at DuPont Circle the night
before, were feeling good despite the cold.
They were satisfied because the Morator-
ium happened, and from all appearances
was a success.
Standing in the midst of the march as
it passed down Washington's historic par-
ade route along Pennsylvania Ave. the




ers joined thousands more 'at
Golden Gate Park.
At the rally, Ralph Aber-
nathy, head of the Southern
Christian Leadership Confer-
ence, received a large ovation
when he said:
"Who is the one calloused in-
dividual who is going against
the current of history and so-
cial change to reinforce the
myth that America supports the
tear? Nixon's the one."
In most other cities, mean-
while, protests were not as well-
attended yesterday as they had
been in Chicago. New York and
Philadelphia Friday or one
month ago. There were also
scattered demonstrat ions of sup-
port for the President's Viet-
nam policy.
Paris authorities estimated
11,500 demonstrators rallied
there yesterday afternoon. But,
police roug'hly dispersed protes-
ters and no large demonstration
ocurred. The French government
has repeatedly tarned that a
Vietnam street protests would
be banned because Paris is host-
ing the peace negotiation .
Police reported 2.651 demon-
strators in Paris were being held
overnight for "verification of
identity." They will probably
be released without charges.
In Frankfurt, dlemonstraors
pelted rocks at American mili-
tary installations and charged
through police lines to throw
rocks at the American embassy

Berliners paraded five miles to
a downtown rally.
Although there were no re-
ported arrests of American serv-
icemen in West Germany, an
Army spokesman said he had
reports that soldiers were in-"
volved in.'demonstrations ''in a
couple of cit ies.'
Fifteen thousand protesters in
Copenhagen marched to the
U.S. Eibasy.
In London, more than 1000
demonstrators marched around
the American embassy yesterday
carrying anti-war placards. Al-
though a militant group stood
nearby chanting slogans, there
was no violence. A similar pro-
test of about 1000 persons took
place in Dublin.
Downtown Rome was clogged
with demonstrators yesterday.
About 300 demonstrators listened
to author Gore Vidal at a rally.
About 74 Peace Corps volun-
teers in Manilia presented a
petition to the U.S. ambassadors
calling for withdrawal from the
war. It. was signed by about
half of the 400 Peace Corps
volunteers there.
Demonstrations were also re-
ported in Chile, India and Can-
ad a
Meanile in a speech de-
li' ered in Kuala Lumpur yes-
teday former Alabama G o v.
George Wallace said most
Americans want military fore-
es out of Vietnam, but "t h e y
want to win the war with hon-

that he might be tired from the long hike
from the Capitol: "Not a bit tired. A little
stoned, but not tired." He walked off with
a bottle of Gallo under his arm.
One couple in their fifties gladly ac-
cepted a passed around joint. When ad-
miring more youthful marchers said their
parents didn't know they were in Washing-
ton, the couple explained their children
didn't know about them either.
The general good feeling in the crowd
had the effect of tiring its many diverse
segments-and this became a common
Still. the carnival was a political one-
a catch-all for causes of every description.
Communists, anarchists, and just plain old
faction-ridden radicals passed out litera-

onstrators was the number of American
flags. Without really being opposed to the
carriers of North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong banners, the American flags re-
minded the onlookers that, as one of the
speakers pointed out, the marchers love
the country enough to work for peace.
Part of the attention of the demonstra-
tors was directed back at a nation watch-
ing them. How would people interpret the
march? Would they connect the street
fighting of the night before, or any that
might follow, to Mobe or the direction of
the Moratorium? A grizzle-bearded aca-
demic, down for the day from New York,
thought any violence would not detract.
"The issues are different, the issue here
is the war" he explained. Others, though

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