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November 09, 1969 - Image 7

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Sunday, November 9, 1969


Page Seven

Sunday, November 9, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven







10th and


I have several areas of special interest in student affairs.
However, my main reason for seeking a seat on the Student Gov-
ernment Council is to see what I regard as the majority moder-
ate voice of students represented on the council. As a member
of SGC I will totally reject disruptive tactics as a means to an
end because such action endangers the freedom of others while
attaining questionable goals.
SGC presently lacks a clear purpose. It has dealt in matters
as far ranging as student parking to the Vietnam War morator-
ium. Perhaps part of the problem is that the role of SGC is not
clearly defined. If elected I will encourage SGC to take a long
look at itself; this may necessitate a constitutional convention;
it may necessitate reorganization of the present structure to a
structure more representative of the students. It must be recog-
nized and admitted that SGC IS limited in what it can do.
Rather than concern itself with such things as ROTC, SGC
would do better to concentrate on practical student problems:
the bookstore is a good example. If elected I will encourage:
1) either formation of a second campus newspaper or
revision of the framework of The Michigan Daily to more ade-
quately present what's happening on campus;
2) concentration of SGC's resources on protection of the
student as a consumer;
3) continuation of efforts to ease the student parking situa-
tion including removal of newly-installed parking meters by
securing petition signatures of the areas' residents who have
meters on their property;
4) student representation on curriculum committees;
5) organization of the university's interested students to
deal in a voluntary manner with the social problems of the
Ann Arbor area.
With reference to the various proposals which students
will be asked to vote on in this election I would state my advo-
cacy of the student bookstore and a voice in deciding whether
increased tuition should be aimed at new university facilities.
There is value in having the Vietnam question on the ballot but
I oppose the politicization of the university community as un-
wise to a learning atmosphere.

Seven main issues involve all students in this election. These
are ROTC, research grants given to the university by the fed-
eral government, the student bookstore, the right of privacy
regarding student records, low cost university housing, separate
dormitory room and board contracts, and improved nite owl
bus service.
In being the target of mass student outrage and demonstra-
tions ROTC has had to reappraise its program and has consid-
erably improved many aspects of its curriculum to fit their
student needs. However many students still feel that abolishing
ROTC is going to stop the war tomorrow and have all the boys
home next week, well I'm sorry this just is not so. I will vigor-
ously fight to keep this program on campus.
Many professors on this campus are while teaching, very
seriously involved in research. But to abolish the federal re-
search grants could have a profound effect upon the education
standards of this school, asmany professors leave to enter re-
search and give up their teaching. This prevents me from con-
doning any attempt to abolish the research grants given to this
A large number of problems on this campus have been
caused by a lack of communication between the university and
its students, the student bookstore is another of these. I pro-
pose that SGC and the university reappraise their stands and
enter into meaningful discussions with a desire to settle the
issue quickly and completely.
Another major issue is the privacy of a student's records.
The Constitution of SGC states in the Bill of Rights in section
A, number 23, that the student shall have "The right of the
privacy of their academic, non-academic, and disciplinary rec-
ords with the right of personal examination of such records."
However, it has been learned that professors and teaching fel-
lows have access to these records and can write their feelings
and impressions of any student on the student's records. Some
cases have reported that statements were misconstrued and in
other cases were outright lies, which when interpreted could
hurt a student's chances of success in his later life. But the
biggest mistake of all is the fact that the student cannot exam-
ine his records and prove that these statements are false.
Low cost university housing and separate dormitory room
and board contracts along with improved nite-owl bus service
are all projects which should be vigorously attacked to improve
a student's well-being and lower the cost of attending school;
and should I be elected to SGC, along with the four other issues,
these will be my goals.#

Academics Committee
Government Relations Committee
Office of Student Organizations Policy Board
Chairman, ad hoc Regent bylaw drafting committee
Former Personnel Director
Student Government Council can be an effective vehicle for
improving the academic environment of the University, for
aiding the student consumer, and for changes to give students an
effective voice in the University.
1. COUNSELING. Counselors should be geared less toward
enforcing requirements and more toward aiding the student in
meeting their interests and plans with good courses.
2. CONSUMER PROTECTION-SGC should expand the
University Discount Store to new campus locations and into
dorms. SGC should immediately investigate the possibility of
establishing a student cooperative -to include food.
3. OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING-The Rent Strike deserves the
full support of students and SGC. The University should build
additional low rent housing.
4. DORMS. Dormitories should offer separate room and
board contracts and one-semester contracts. The present Regen-
tal policy of still requiring parents' permission to not have hours
should be eliminated immediately.
charges of SGC unrepresentativeness are due to a lack of com-
munications between SGC and the students. SGC should move
quickly to bridge this gap.
6. UNIVERSITY BUDGET. Students should participate in
the formulation of the budget.
7. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS. SGC should maintain a
year round program of communications with the legislature.
8. ADMISSIONS. Increased recruitment of low-income and
minority students should be undertaken,
9. ACADEMICS. SGC should aid existing student depart-
ments. SGC should support the L.S.A. Assembly and a student-
faculty executive committee in L.S.A. and other colleges
10 MICHIGAN UNION. The Union should be under the di-
rection of a student-controlled board.
11. REGENT BYLAWS. SGC should work for quick adop-
tion of the proposed bylaws.
12. Referenda-I support and encourage students to vote
"yes" on the fees and bookstore referendum.

Member of:
Bookstore Committee
Union Space Allocation Committee
Martha Cook Committee
Co-op Study Committee
Board of Directors of the Michigan Co-op
In the University there are two groups; those who feel that
they can bring issues to light by the use of power tactics; and
the other group, those who work within the system to solve
issues while at the same time use the system itself to modify
the system.
It is all too true that the University is run by an established
power pyramid and to buck this pyramid by the use of force
will only bring about disaster to those applying the force. If one
is to obtain a change in this system he must become part of the
system and then change it from within.
In running for re-election I stand with all "two" few in
number on council that hold these views. We recognize all of the
same issues that plague SGC and the Student Body. The main
difference is how these problems are to be solved. SGC and I
both hold the student interest as the pinacle. I do not feel that
direct power tactics are necessary to bring about change and
reform in the above areas.
My work record with SGC has been one devoted to bringing
about better student services. I have worked on committees de-
voted to end this. I do not feel that with disruptive actions such
as the L.S.&.A. incident that the majority of the student body's
wishes were being represented by the 108-Militant tactics are
not necessary to achieve a given end unless all mneans of com-
munication between Administration and Students are served.
Re-election will bring about continued work toward better
communications between the students and the Administration in
helping to create effective channels to these ends. I will also de-
vote much time in the establishment of a Michigan Co-operative
Society that has its founding already and can add much in the
way of service by selling a total range of products. The Student
Credit Union and Discount Store are only an infant with respect
to the potential growth of these student orientated services,
Finally, I will devote time in bringing about the peaceful
change of the Michigan Union into a Michigan "Student" Union,
that is controlled by a student majority board. Located within
the Student Union would be student opera.ted and controlled en-
terprises that would be 24 hour operations in nature, offering a
student service at any hour- The choice is voting for those who
advocate the use of power as a means to an "end" or one who
uses the means to obtain the power.


Jay L.



We, individually and collectively, have become increasingly
concerned about the lack of creativity emanating from the
Student Government Council What clearly should be an effec-
tive, active, and dynamic body is at best now only impotent, su-
perfluous, and static even in its finer moments, the SGC goes
only so far as to ratify the suggestions and/or actions of others.
On every important issue of concern to a significant segment of
the Students of the University, the SGC either does absolutely
nothing, or appoints someone else to do it, almost as if this kind
of non-action were the tradition which it is rapidly becoming.
The mass of students can hardly be expected to care, and
much less to be enthusiastic, about such a group. The low num-
ber of voters in SGC election, the proliferation of ad hoc com-
mittees, and the generally decried "apathy," are all symptomatic
of the present moribund SGC. This malaise will only perpetuate
itself if there is not an immediate and radical redetermination
and redirection of priorities.
Our triple candidacy is primarily a response to this stag-
nancy. We seek to revitalize the SGC, and so to form a crea-
tive and responsive Student Government Council. In this in-
terest, we offer the following programme to you, the students
of the University.
I. The general dearth of concern about your govern-
ment is to a great extent traceable to the lack of available,
accurate, and up-to-date information about the SGC. This in
turn is presumably due to the fact that the SGC does very little
that is worth advertising. The SGC must open itself up to those

budget a concerted campaign of public relations, both in the
dissemination and the collection of information and opinions.
To do this, one or several experienced persons should be found
to coordinate the effort.
I. Students must be permitted representation on the Uni-
versity organs which levy and determine the allocation of assess-
ments made on students.
III. The committee in each of the fifteen schools which de-
termines the courses to be offered should be comprised of mem-
bers of the faculty and the students of that school
IV. The merchants in the Central Campus area have, in
general, consistently shown very little restraint in their endless
quest for higher and higher profits. The effect on local prices
has, of course, been by no means inconsiderable. It is the clear
responsibility of the SGC to continue its Consumer Reports
which it has, in a rare moment of brilliance, begun.
V. The SGC must pressure the Administration, the Office
of Admisions, and the Office of Student Financial Aids, to ad-
mit and finance a significantly higher proportion of students
from racial minority and lower socio-economic groups.
VI. The SGC must pressure the Administration to improve
the physical plant of the University, in order to make it more
conducive to the dynamic and creative environment for which
this University is supposed to stand.
VII. We urge and support a "yes" vote on each of the
three referenda on the ballot for the November 10 and 11 elec-
VIII. One chronic difficulty of the SGC is the almost com-

result of the fact that only Juniors and Seniors tend to involve
themselves with the SGC.
(1) meetings between Freshman Orientation Groups and
representatives from SGC;
(2) the SGC-CSJ Constitution should be amended to pro-
vide for the establishment of an advisory committee
of former officers and members-at-large of the SGC,
to serve for a minimum of one month, or however
long the SGC shall determine, after the expiration of
their formal terms. The committee shall be invested
with no legislative or executive power;
3) the institution of a mass publicity-education pro-
gramme as provided for in item (I of this platform.
It is long past the time for the Student Government Coun-
cil to be jolted out of the doldrums that have made effective
action impossible in recent years. What the SGC needs now is
a group of students who are qualified and willing to work for
action and not inaction. We offer our joint candidacy as a
possible solution to this problem
We will welcome any suggestions which you might have re-
garding our candidacies or our positions on the above or any
other issues of concern to you. If you would like to .speak with
us, you may call at the following numbers, or come to our
Jay Dillon - 764-5755 - 313 Chicago House
Jay Hack - 764-7705 - 414 Chicago House

Lewis Y"
My goal is making the University experience relevant to all
people, black people in particular. My platform is therefore
directed toward the needs of blacks. This should not be con-
strued as an ignorance of other campus issues; however, I feel
that the University's efforts in relating to the black students and
the urban community have been placed too far in the back-
ground. Immediate attention and action is necessary through
all channels. The SGC is one channel towards the student gain-
ing his fair representation in the decision making process; it
should be explored for its full worth.
With these goals in mind, my platform:
Curriculum committees with ain equal representation of
students and faculty should establish more courses which deal
with today's relevant issues on both international and domestic
The Black Studies program should be funded in the manner
which was originally promised. The Afro-American Studies Cen-
ter and the Black Student Center must be established. Current
evaluation of these programs is imperative.
The students on the Martin Luther King Committee should
have final control over the undesignated money in the fund.
The Tutorial *Program should receive adequate funding
from the University in order to prove the University's commit-
ment to the "disadvantaged" youth of Ann Arbor.
The Vice President of Student Affairs should be a person
who is attuned to the needs of college students.
Programs should be established for the tutoring of Uni-
versity students who desire the service. Such a program must
be funded by the University. so as to make it financially feasible
for the student to receive all the tutoring needed.

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