Page Six
Sunday, November 9, 1969
Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, t".Iovember 9, 1969
Both of us are incumbents seeking election to SGC as mem-
bers at large. We were appointed to Council about a month ago
to fill vacancies left by resigning members. Phil Anderson is a
graduate student in his second year of Medical School. Marty
Scott is a sophomore in the Residential College.
While our campaign encompasses a wide range of topics,
most of these reflect two basic premises:
A. There are many decisions made every day at the Uni-
versity which directly affect students. In most cases,
students are not actively involved in making these deci-
sions. This must be remedied.
B. Along with our desire to provide students with greater
decision making power in the University, we feel that
SGC, the main representative and governing organiza-
tion of the student body, should be more responsive to
student views.
On the basis of these two premises, we propose the following
specific actions:
A. To increase student decision making in areas which af-
fect students, we propose:
1. Students should be exempt from any non-academic
rules which cannot be altered by them as a demo-
cratic constituency.
2. Some students are serving on committees whose
functions are purely advisory. That we do not accept
this as student decision making should be emphat-
ically pointed out to the administration.
3. The establishment of an LSA Council to govern LSA
(as proposed by the LSA Student Assembly) should
be supported. SGC should also work to encourage
other schools and colleges to establish such student-
faculty governing bodies.
4. Dorm policy decisions should genuinely reflect the
interests of those whom they affect.
Students living in University housing should have
the option inherent in the offering of separate room
and board contracts.
6. Students should be invested with the authority to
order or veto the utilization of student fees for Uni-
versity construction projects, especially of non-aca-
demic facilities.
7. Students should share with the faculty in making
decisions concerning curriculum, course content, and
evaluation of students.
8. Committees determining tenure of faculty should in-
clude voting student members.
9. The Vice President for Student Services should legiti-
mately represent and view himself as primarily re-
sponsible to the students.
10. Frequent meetings should be arranged between SGC
and SACUA representatives.
11. A Committee on Communications should be formu-
lated as presented in chapter seven of the proposed
Regential bylaws.
B. To make SGC more responsive to student opinions, we
1. Renewed efforts to involve more graduate -students
and their groups in the student government and its
2. A more efficient attempt should be made to inform
all students of the services of SGC ILegal aid service,
SGC discount store, consumer studies, etc.) .
3. SGC meets every Thursday at 7:30 on the third floor
of the Student Activities Building. The meetings are
open, and any student may speak and present mo-
tions for Council action. SGC should make an inten-
sive effort to inform students of this practice.
4. The names and phone numbers of all SGC members
should be frequently advertised so that students may
easily contact them.
5. SGC should regularly send representatives to meetings
of subsidiary student governments throughout the
University, such as dorm councils and college student
governments, to explain pending SGC action, answer
questions, and invite suggestions.
6. School and College Governments are directly par-
ticipating in the, administering of this election in an
attempt to guarantee adequate representation of their
constituencies in the final decision. SGC should de-
termine to what extent this method increased voter
turnout. If the increase was substantial, SGC should
continue the policy in future elections. Such a sys-
tem might provide more legitimacy to SGC.
C. Besides these two concerns, there are other important
areas in which SGC should take action.
1. SGC should increase efforts to establish branches of
the University Discount Store on North Campus and
in some Dorms. The types of goods sold should also be
2. Surveys of prices in Ann Arbor should be updated and
distributed to students.
3. A permanent liaison should be maintained -between
SGC and the state legislature.
The challenge of SGC is to insure not only the existence of
change, but also to guarantee that students have a significant
role in providing meaningful reform.
The Issues:
Often the University is run not in the interests of students.
1. The Regents must enact the by-laws which will insure
greater student decision making power and provide for better
2. To help avoid crisis, SGC should sponsor open seminars
covering many issues.
3. Curriculum Reform: Students and faculty should con-
tinually evaluate courses and work on their restructuring.
4. Freshmen-Sophomore counseling must be revamped.
Trained student counselors should be used.
5. Teaching quality, not the amount of material published,
must be the criterion for tenure. Also, students must be able to
initiate proceedings against instructors.
6. Students should pass the referendum on control over
fees for University building construction.
7. The University discount store should be expanded with
branches at various dorms. The University should offer separate
room and board contracts.
8. The University must greatly expand its program of ad-
mitting high school graduates from inner-city areas who may not
meet certain educational standards but who can be prepared
for the regular college curriculum.
9. The state legislature appropriates much of the money
for the University as well as decides many of the laws which
students must live under. SGC should send representatives to
Lansing to facilitate communication.
10. I support the faculty committee's recommendations that
all academic and financial ties between ROTC and the Univer-
sity must come to an end. Chemical warfare and secretive re-
search are unacceptable at the University.
11. SGC must continue such programs as encouraging voter
registration. SGC with the mayor and city council must seek
ways to enhance cooperation with the community.
12. The independence and power of CSJ must be well
13. SGC reform: The legitimacy and representativeness of
the Council has been attacked.
14. Methods: SGC must both pressure and seek the coopera-
tion of those it must deal with. Through the Increased use of
studies and referenda its demands will be made more legitimate
and compelling. Non-violent disruptive tactics may at times be
justified if all conventional means have been exhausted and the
result is worth the possible consequences.
A student government must work WITH the students as well
as for the students. If any goals are to be attained, there must
be a greater effort by SGC to communicate with the students.
I seek re-election to SGC to make that body more relevant,
and more responsive.
The primary function of Student Government Council is
the acquisition and fostering of the rights of the students. The
areas of concern which relate to student rights are many, and
1D. A comprehensive evaluation of the academic processes
of the University community is long overdue. A need exists to
re-structure the academic establishment to involve students in
a greater and far-more meaningful role. A "meaningful role' 'ne-
cessitates the presence and participation of students with voting
rights on academic tenure committees.
2). Similarly, students with voting rights belong on curricu-
lum committees to provide a sorely needed input. Such a move
would allow the individual student greater freedom in determin-
in his academic life. New, and innovative courses should be en-
couraged; and relevant programs such as the tutorial project are
due greater University financial assistance.
3).Since the SGC Discount Store has moved to the Union,
to serve a greater number o fthe student body, the SGC Discount
Store should expand to dormitories, North Campus, and the
Residential College,
4). Students residing in dormitories should be able to have
separate room and board contracts. Such a program should not
be merely "experimental," but rather it should be addpted in all
dormitories offering food service.
5). All possible steps should be taken to insure that a situ-
ation similar to the one which happened this fall where the
University failed to supply adequate housing for several hundred
students does not occur again. Additionally, the University must
recognize its responsibility to the students, and initiate imme-
diately a program to build low-cost housing.
6). Effective programs by the Student Consumer Union are
needed to help students obtain the necessary goods and services
at the lowest possible cost. Selective buying programs should
be encouraged to assist students, and additional store boycotts
should be organized on local merchants who exploit student con-
7. Students should be seated, with voting rights, on Univer-
sity budget committees to insure representation of student in-
terests. Students should assume a major role in determining
how funds are to be spent.
8). Free evening bus service should be extended to all
areas of the campus comunity.
Now is the time to take effective student action to revamp
antiquated rules. practices, and organizations in the University.
The SGC now faces a great challenge and opportunity to move
student decision making into academics, bylaw reform, consum-
er protection, student services, and internal SGC changes.
Academics is by far the most important area for SGC con-
cern. SGC must support reform committees on interdepartment-
al and university wide scales. I urge such reforms as changes
in distribution requirements including final abolition of lan-
guage requirements, student equity on college wide decision
making bodies, a student voice in tenure decisions, abolition of
arbitrary counseling, and an extension of pass-fail grading
Bylaw reform is another important area for student concern.
Adoption of student control boards for the office of student af-
fairs; a student, faculty, and administration communications
council; and increased power for the student judiciary; are all
of essential concern. SGC must vigorously support the adoption
of these proposals.
Consumer protection must be continued and developed. I
urge support of the student book store and rent strike, low cost
university housing, inducement of outside competition, and
publicity campaigns to demonstrate inequitable price situations.
Structural changes within SGC itself must be instituted. As
it is now, the SGC is not truly a representative body in that it
does not engender student contact. Great attempts should be
made to educate the students to the everyday problems and
dimensions of SGC. Effective, regular publication must be estab-
lished and widely circulated. An effective speakers program must
be reestablished. The staff must be expanded to handle the re-
sulting greater programs in organization and publicity. Many
The students don't care about the Student Government
Council. Why? Because the Student Government Council doesn't
care about the students. Why? Because the students don't care
about themselves.
Most of the students at the University of Michigan are
quite content to sit back in their psuedo luxurious, over-priced
apartments and have a vast part of their existence at the Uni-
versity dictated by a small elite group that claims they are act-
ing for the good of all. A group in no way responsible to the
people they govern and very unresponsive to the people they
govern. A political science term might be rule by an oligarchy
This same elite, however, claims that the University is a great
democratic institution. Very strange indeed.
The students are content to be told what courses they shall
take. You must think that the faculty is omnipotent and must
know what is best for you. The students are content to be told
what dispensation shall be made of their tuition and to what
assessments they shall be liable. Do you want to pay fifteen dol-
lars for a new intermural building? Do you want to pay five
dollars each semester to the Union? Do you care? Do you like
having to pay a dollar to park at the All Events building which
you financed?
Most students marvel at the extensive role that the students
have in decision making. You fail to recognize it as tokenism.
There exists not one University decision making body other
than the Bookstore Policy Committee on which students have
parity or control and control of the Bookstore was gained by
coercion. Yet you are content.
I am not content. I do care and I care not to destroy but
to improve,
Student Liberation
Students have power. Students can effect change. Not only
in our University environment, but also in the social structure
of our communities and nation. The University should function
as an instrument of our design; the University should not dic-
tate its wishes upon a subservient student body.
How do we immediately restructure those policies which
deny us our basic rights and cater to those privileged few?
This can and must be -done through responsive leadership
which derives its power from the student masses.
Action is the mechanism by which we make our views
known. Talk is cheap-tell it to the phone company.
The Student and the University
1. ENROLLMENT POLICY-It is the University's respon-
sibility to bring blacks and other disadvantaged minorities into
the academic community and afford them the same chance in
higher education. We propose that the University immediately
adopt, 1) a program of increased admissions of these minorities,
and 2) a training year program during which remedial academic
assistance is given to these students.
2. ROTC-The removal of credits does not remove the study
of war from our campus. There are certain beliefs that cannot
and must not be compromised. We advocate the immediate and
unconditional removal of ROTC from the University.
3. WAR RESEARCH-When people are relegated to bomb-
ing buildings to rid this campus of pentagon endowed research
on war, certain conclusions are in order. Our funds, our campus
and our professors should not be tools for the furthering of the
military industrial complex which seeks to suppress and subvert
students and oppressed peoples around the world.
4. ACADEMIC REFORM-Student voices should mold cur-
riculum, not be molded by it. Student groups in each discipline
Student Liberation
The Student and the University and the Community
1. STUDENT HOUSING-Given the deplorable and high-
priced living situation in Ann Arbor, we 1) strongly support the
Rent Strike and the Tenants Union as a necesasry bargaining
agent. We emphatically encourage all students residing in realty
company-owned apartments and houses to withhold their rent.
Only a united effort by students can achieve the lowering of
rent and the improvement of living conditions 2) demand the
University build low-cost housing.
2. CONSUMER PROTECTION-Capitalist merchants are fi-
nancially taking advantage of students as well as the citizens of
Ann Arbor. We want 1) Continuation of Student Consumer Un-
ion's investigations of Ann Arbor's cost of living. We call for
boycotts of stores consistently charging inordinately high prices.
2) Expansion of the University Discount Store to include grocery
items and laundry facilities. We call- for investigations of poten-
tial gasoline and drug co-ops.
3. PARKING ON CAMPUS--Since the student already pays
tuition for his education, we do not feel 'he should be doubly
taxed to attend classes. We believe that parking should be free.
Thus, we call for two actions. 1) The University to provide
parking facilities for the students and 2) the City of Ann Arbor
to remove all parking meters from the campus area.
The Referenda
1. YES. We support the $5 rolling assessment fee as neces-
sary for the establishment of the student discoumt bookstore. The
question here is not just a vote for good economics but for a
vote of confidence-students can initiate, fund and make suc-
cessful a student-faculty run bookstore.
2. YES. We feel'that the students should have the right to
vote on whether or not they shall be assessed for proposed new