Thursday, November 5, 1969
Thrdy oebr6 99THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seen
Fromi Wire Service Iteports but Poi'
Ten Negro football players w ere wchen he
dropped from the Indiana football the coa,
team yesterday by Coach John over.
Pont after they missed practice Th
for the second straight day. two star'
Pont said the Hoosiers, fighting tiwbo
for a Rose Bowl berth, "will have di iduar
to pick up the pieces and go fromslis1
here."shp l,
"We're going to miss them, but Mike A(
sometimes decisions like this have Pont
to be made," Pont said. "I dislike presence(
the present situation because it the caw
is unpleasant to see young men ;not Ilea
give up competition."j several1
Pont met before practice yes-; getting
terday with 14 black players whol "Ther
boycotted a practice session TPues-i between
day. He told them they must comej problem
to practice Wednesday or' be fin-' about,"
ished with football at Indiana. Dismi;
Four black players reported for were ha
practice, A fifth, defensive tackle,E Gordon
Charley Murphy, was given ad-! vey, del
ditional time to make tip his mind, man, de
nt said he was dismissed linebacker Dion Silas and halfback
,didn't make contact with Greg Paxton.
ches before pjractice wiasII Pont said earlier yesterday he
dismissed players included
rters, junior speedster Larry
ugh, who won three in-
1Big Ten track champion-
lst year, and linebacker
said the black players had
ed no list of demands and
isons for the boycott were
ar,. Reports circulated that
players were upset with not
enough playing time.
re has been racial harmony
zthe ball players and no
1s that the coaches knew
Pont said.
issed from the squad also
alfback Bob Pernell, guard
tMay, fullback Greg Har-
fensive halfback Ben Nor-
efensive end Clarence Price,
had a longtime personal policy of
dismissing any player with two un-
excused absences from practice.
At another Big Ten school, 16
of 18 black members of the Min-
nesota football team reportedly
advanced proposals calling for a
black assistant coach and a guid-
ance counselor for black athletes
in a meeting with Gopher Coach
Murray Warmath Tuesday.
Another report said the black
athletes also asked that Warmath
and his lpresent assistants undergo
a sensi ivity training program in
black backgrounds and history.
Warmath, would not comment on
the meeting and none of the black
players would confirm or deny
making the presentation to their
Reportedly, the blacks had con-
ferred with a black student leader,
Richard Jenkins. 27, before mak-
ing the proposals.
Asked what would happen if
Warmnath failed to meet the blackj
proposals. Jenkins said, ~That re-
mains to be seen."
Out in Sate Lawyer Gary;
Gayton said he hatd "no alterna-
tive" but to file suit yesterday
against Washington oni behalf of
four black players'su, i l}ended by'
football coach Jim Owens
"We asked the schoo>l and the!
at~hletic departmenit to see that!
.these players wei cre reistated,",
Gayton said Tuesd.ay n<ight, "We
told them in a tlga Monday
that we would instit ute legal ac-
tion 'in 24 hours' if the boys
wveren't back on the squad.
Following the suspensions of
Harvey Blanks, Ralph Bayard,
Lamar Mills and Greg Alex, the
eight remaining black team mem-
bers and black assistant coach
Carver Gayton, Gary's brother,
stayed behind Saturday as the
team traveled to Los Angeles for
a game with UCLA.
Athletic Director Joe Kearney
made no statement Tuesday on the
situation. He was expected to make
a statement yeste.rday, but had
made none by press time.
Owens' only comment thuis far
was "When I make a sittement,
these questions all will be - i
All eight who ai mv eii d the UCA
thi is week,
Gayton saidI the o la
contend they were ciejveiU
their civil rigrhts in beinga~clo
swear a loyailty oath to wn...
Owens :saidlhe akdalta
members, individually, if he sill
supp~ort 100 per Cent cit -on
versity 's football pnrogram .
And elsewheremebroi P
iWestern A thl1e t i c C
Council calledi oliteriniin
yesterdayafe hor te
grotip of 150 blac_ stuents x V
into their ssina lx ti
Conference co isocr\
Hlallock said in a bii) : t~u
that the council "Fil1 om inI
berations in the ntar on
another time and pae
He declined to syxiu
j vhen the next i iui v 1
WAC Directo_ rs ofal IO
jfacultyrpisettiewh l'
up the council thnl -11 1w Pnz
or were prepr,..ingti tuX0
turn to their hms
' A release Irth s i uc i '
Nvalked intothecloseddoo' nI-
ing ident iiedti emt3,1inii,
of the "Black < le: A~
T hyag ain st th e r c o i a (f I
'mon Chtnrchi. x ihoe h
ham Young Ui estv tPixo
Utah, another ;VC Sea 1i.
1 t 0 1 i 'i a o ~ v i
an i i c nO.1 ot
1 iltiP s 'e i . nntnt
i ci I (I1(' C i en
cli n. 1v~ I t 1 '( toCii f'
it I , n'id ' I - obv on xe-
n im:
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1 1I i ii'i ci nt '
.0 t i, 1 a t~l HI P it
V. niH h1 ni Jin i'c
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..f.l rMA .
_..._ {
75c _
142 HilS.
D~i~y Classfied e eut
Victory comnes hard as offense
collapses for lackluster Illini
Gun You
S 1'ri,. n
D.. ' ,
The Fighting Illini are not
lighting. The fact that the Il-
linois griddei's have not one a
game this yeai' forces you to be-
lieve that there is something'
wxrong in Champaign.
At the beginning of the season
the nmini offense was billed to be
the strongest part of the team.
Head Coach Jim Valek introduced
the triple option, which wvas to be
headed by the throwing arm of
sophomore Steve Livas. ilsire-
ceivers included juniors John Kai-
ser, Doug Dieken, and Bob Burns:
and sophomores Mike Pickering
and Larry McKeon.
The running option centeired
around seniors Dave Jackson aiid
Bob Bess. Valek hoped his offense.
with the use of two xwide re-
ceivers, would keel) the opposing
defense spread out.
Seven losses later the situation
is about as sad as you can imagine.
The quarterback situat ion wxould
make any coach think twice about
the i'eality of it. Livas started the
season and after' sharing txvo
games with Gar'y Lange was re-
placed in the starting role xith'
Bob Quinii. Quinn received a
separated shoulder in the Ioxva
State game and was replaced again
by sophomore Lange.
Lange started against North-
wester'n and Indiana befori'e hrian
into Achilles tendon problems and
Livas took ovei' the starting role.
Finally you would think that the
quarterback problems would be
over'. But this week Steve Livas is
in the hospital wvith a streppedi
thi'oat and is a doubtful starter.
There have been many backfield
chances and this week Illinois
will star't with a full-house back-
field using Bob Bess anid Dave'
Jackson at the halves and regular'
linebackei' Ken Bai'go starting at
The Illini doldrums began . on
the first day of the season with
'36 seconds to play in their game
against Washington State. The
Illini led 18-16 when one of the
Illinois linemen blocked an at-
tempted field goal. The game ap-
peai'ed iced but the red flag was'
thrown amid Illinois xvas penalized
with a defensive holding penalty.
Of coui'se, Washington State's next
tr'y xwas good and the 19-18 defeat
set the patter'n fom' the next six
At this tinme Coach Valek de-
cided he was going to use his
entire 44-man 'oster' in the Mis-
sotn'i game. "Thei'e's too much
eniphasis on fir'st team' around
here," explainied Valek on his newv
policy. Ev'eryone played and Illi-
nois lost. It's true that themre is
gi'eat depth on the Illini squad.
The ti'ouble is that there are no
real "stars" on the squad. Valek
elaborated on this. "Our fir'st two
teams each wayl are pi'actically in-
terchanga rble ."
The fo)llowin1g game brought
about many changes including
Quinn starting at quarterback,
Mike Pickering moving to flanker-
back mnaking room for the healed
John Kaiser and Bob Bess re-
turned to the backfield. This time
the defense collapsed and Iowa
State crtushed the Illini 48-20.
In t his game Quinn wvas lost for
the eao and Gary Lange xxas
ready to start against Northwest-
er.The lowly Wildcats came up
w ithi a fine per'formnance and
knocked off Illinois 10-6 for their
foumth consecutive defeat of the
Illinois contimnued downhill w~ith
a 41-20 disaster at the hanmds of
Valek believedi his team xvas
playing 50-minute football and
"if we can sustain for an entir'e.
game what we have been doing 90
per cent of the time, we'll be a
good football team."
However Valek & Company's
crew proved other'wise in their
trip to Columbus. Illinois never
got closer than the Buckeye 40
yard line and went home 41-0
losers. Last week the smell of up-
set was in the air when the Fight-
ing Illini led Purdue 19-14 late ini
the first half. Unfortunately a
complete collapse occurred and
Illinois' streak was intact 49-22.
Lc.n,;,. js
k 4
d w
Cgridde P'Nek'9sa
Marcia c~
Well pizza lover's amid fun-seekers of the world, you thought wxe
wvould forget about you erudite people this week. But alas and alack,
don't be fomlorn! We have not foi'sakeni you. This xeek's cr'op of
gridde picks shall pi'ove just as earthy as ex'er.
But there ar'e those wxho doc not cherishm and look aftem' the
fortunes of coui'gmiddies as much as the Daily spoi'ts staff. In fact,
there ar'e some who are down-right om'ner'y. Jim Valek, football
coach of Illinois, is just such a man. This timid soul did mnot eveni
have the tenacity to project his Illini over' our ominous Wolver'ines,
refusing to render a pick.
It dioes not stop ther'e, however',fot' this shadoxv of a man deigmned
to pick the incompetent Student Counseling Ser'vice ovei' the revered
Daily Libels, and "in a rout", as well. Maybe he hasnt't heard that it
is the game of football xwe ai'e talking about, bitt that's obvious frm
his team's pemfommance,.
But we am'e not a vindictive lot, aiid exvem'yomne knowes that a fool
has a might to his opinion, so long as hie doesn't hur't anyone. Of
cour'se oiur last presidential election dispr'ovedl that theory. But xve
Nvon't ventum'e into the esoteric nowv, wililxve? But I will gix'e the stal-
warts an unprecedented tip-off this week. The revolutionar'y Libels
have even declined to practice this week. This was due not to the
inclemenit weather morx'erconfidence of the Libels (both which could
be true, at any rate, but the team adopted a strategy of conserving
its energy. After' all, lazy derrier'es pr'edominate our valiant team.
There wvas even talk of a payoff, which is highly possible judging from
the poor salaries of the Daily staffer's. Bitt we knowx better about our'
blood-thirsty Libels, don't wve?
Darts.. . grease stains. . .astr'ology. ., or eveni tea leaxes, What-
ever method you choose, have those p~icks in to the Daily by mid-
night, Friday, Let the Greeks of Cottage Inn grace your' abode xx~ith
a much needed, fine quality meal.
t ..
.3 f .. ,
ov. 1 3TJ~ '~j
Bus Tick ets are Avalah-)c iat the Urton
(9-4) . Need Drivers, as ides,Wrkt
For More Information Cortcct
.-melandlords have LeonwthrEatening ten-
cnt. with eviction if they join terent strike.,
Londlords have grown Used to controlling
4Qel(IftS with such fictions.
E3t te-,,-naLare [now di5 covt' ; g trright s
iti thir[ power. Le rn or ihtYou can- .
r -,v be evctd for str"ikin. 1
U3732. SA r
'79-25 1
{ Professional Standings
ABIA Standings
Ea~stern D.ivsion
t i. L Pct. (GB
Indiana 7 1 .8 75 -
Kent ucky 6 :3 .6117 11.
Pittsburgh4 2 .667 ,
Carolina 5 S5.500 3
New York 3 6 .333 41.,
Aiai3: 6 .333 41'..
Westecrn Division
D~allas' 7 4 .636 -
L~os Angeles 5 5 .500 1J.~
Washington 5 6 .455 2
New Orleans 5 6 .155 2
Detnve'r2 8 .200 4'.'
Yesterday's (Ganies
Indiana 104, Newx York 98
('arolina 121, Kentucky 109. doub le
Newt Orleans 119, Denv'er 105
De'nver at Kentucky
Mitami at Pittsburgh
E'astern Div isionl
D~etroit 7 2 1 15 32 T!
Boston 6 :? 3 15 37 31
New York 6 -1 214 33 :15
.Montreal -1 2 5 13 40 28
Toronto 1t-1 2 10 30 21
C1icago 3i 6 1 7 20 '_7
Western 1Divisioni
5t. Louis 1 3 -1 12 .40 ?8
Oakland 4 5 1 9 21 31
P'hiladelphia 2 2 5 9 19 26
Minnesiota -1 6 I
Pilttsburgh ? 6 3
Los .ingi'lt's .26 (
)Yesterdany's Results
Det roit 4, Pittsbu~trgh 2
Minnesota '', Montreal 2
C'hicago 3, New York 1
St. Louis 4, Boston 41
Today's Games
M~ont real at Philadelphia
St. L~oui~s at Detroit
k * *
NJI.X Standings
I asternDivision
w L1.
New ork 11! 1
Phiiiladelphia,.5 4
Mlilwxaukeet' 6:i
?7 31
15 26
G Is
5 54
4 7
5 1
I 5''
:Michigan at Illinois
MICHI. STATE at Purdue
Northwestern at MINNESOTA
Wisconsin. at OHIO STATE
VANDERBILT at Kentucky
Texas A&M at SMU
Syracuse at ARIZONA
Princeton at HARVARD
OKLAIIOMNA at Missouri
Alabama at LSU
GEORGIA at Florida
Texas Tech at TCU
Oklahoma State
18. MIAMLNI (0.) at Maryland
19. COLORADO at Kansas
20. Daily Libels vs. STUDENT
r-- - rs
;" _
. -
4J .:i1 :.! 'i '. :
" '
'K s
>aIiIni'ore 5 5 .5I
tosto01 3 5 .37:
i'troit 3 5 .37:
Inciininati 1 7 .36-
Mainta 7 3 .701
0,, Angele+s 5 3 .62 : i1rii lc 1 3 .7,II JFo5 4 .ii
loiix .3 6 .33~
atle 2 7.2
all Diego 1 8 .11
Cincinnati 133, San Diego 12?0
Blaltimuore 139, Philadelphia 1301
Atlanta 128, Roston 121
'Todaiy's Gams
At lainta at C'hicago
Sail Francisco at Cincinnati
15. Utah State at AIR FORCE
16. ARMIY at Oregons
Liberate Soviet Jews ~ ials
4-5 P.M. goe
SCHWARTZ 769-10/4 G~nf~ r
Y..: I ._ F
i:LV {4 n.. , . F. f r- it e
' ,
ri 4r
r '"
.lot back 3,vafd
imeu never stands st ill
neither does a Paiolist.
u3, 1'/
, o .
Issues are raised, conflicts aip-
pear and the wvorld changes, but
the Paulist i artp mof the
new . ledigthe bhest of
the old witr11 the op and promt-.
ise of the future.
~ /4
R .
'4 1 (
Because one of the major c~r
aeteristics of theC l'4alistisi
ability to cowet~h. a.ldxci
CCome , ,"et ieIter',Pl
to meet the needs of llt'dern
man: he uses-his t\ iitalent
to work for ( ih i .. ad is
the freed!omt do o
If xoiegte hu~it h
the order th.,t
Write today, for an illJ-:rated
. . . . . . _ . _