Page Six
Thursday, 1 ,lovQmber 6, 1969
Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 6, 1969
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Guard Baumgartner plans California trip
Bob Baumgartner has a uni-
que idea for a party to cele-
i brate his next birthday January
6th. The guest list includes some
hundred thousand people. The
jfestivities include a gigantic
parade and the choosing of a
The scene is to be the Rose
Bowl in Pasadena. The date will
be January 1, 1970. The party
will be sponsored by the grid
champions of the Pacific Eight
conference. Highlighting t h e
party will be a friendly game of
football. He even foresees plans
for it to be televised. Sounds
like a dream, doesn't it?
But who has a better right to
dream such dreams than the
man who thus far has played
such an important part in the
success of Michigan's Wolver-
ines on the gridiron.
FOR IT IS the little-known,
unpublicized Baumgartner who,
j at his offensive guard position,
helps spring those long gainers
"by Dougherty and Taylor, and
gives Moorhead those few extra
seconds to get off a bomb to
Baumgartner, called "Bomber"
by his teammates, wasn't always
interested in football, however.
In fact it took a good deal of
urging on the part of his mother
to get him started playing in
sixth grade.
At first, he confides, he did-
n't like it, but eventually he
learned to love the game, went
on to an excellent career as a
fullback at De LaSalle H i g h
School in Chicago. He subse-
quently won a scholarship to
Michigan, where he was im-
pressed by the friendly people,
the excellent academic oppor-
tunities, and the interested
coaching staff.
Thecoaching staff may be one
reason why Micligan has not
become a Wyoming. Baumgart-
ner explains, "I don't know how
I don't know how vocal athletes
should be, because of their prominence
..:.....r: ........*. .*....... ...
vocal athletes should be, be- going to the Rose Bowl; we
cause of their prominence. What knew we could beat them from
an athlete does reflects t h e the start. It was really great to
whole athletic department, so do it after all these years."
tha athlete must be careful to see Like all great athletes, he
that his opinion actually re- readily recognizes the ability of
flects that of the entire de- others such as Boilermaker
partment." quarterback Mike Phipps, whom
WVHEN BAUMGARTNER be- he feels will surely win the
gan at Michigan, he saw little Heisman trophy this year, and
action during his sophomore whom he regards as "a really
season. He got his first big good quarterback."
break in his junior year when
the first string guard injured his IN LOOKING TO the rest of
knee and was lost for the re- the season, he feels the Wol-
mainder of the season. Then, at verines must control the ball
the beginning of his senior sea- Saturday against the fairly
son fate turned the tables on tough Illini defense, and for-
him, as he, in turn injured his sees very few long, gamebreak-
knee, and sat out the season as ing plays. gainst Iowa the fol-
a redshirt. lowing week, he looks for the
Now in his last year of eligib- explosive Hawkeye offense to
ility for the Wolverines, he is provide a threat.
having a splendid season. Anxiously awaiting the final
Though smaller than most de- confrontation of the regular
fensive linemen he has to face, season with Ohio State, Baum-
at 6-Q'and 215 pounds, he has gartner is quick to point out
done a remarkable job of block- that as yet the defending
ing. The success of the running champion Buckeyes haven't fac-
game thus far testifies to that. ed any real competition. He feels
In his three years with t h e that either Purdue or Michigan
team, Baumgartner feels he has has a distinct possibility of
learned to read defenses w e 11 upsetting them, in spite of the
and has gained an immeasur- great talent of Kern and com-
able amount of experience in pany.
teamwork. He attributes his If the Wolverines snatch up
success to his love of football, the Rose Bowl bid, and he feels
a sixth sense of how to hit, hard the team has every chance of
work, and good coaching, doing so, he would like to face
USC and the talented twosome
LIE ALSO points to C o a c h of Jimmy Jones and Clarence
Schembechler's ability to ready Davis.
the team psychologically f o r
each game as perhaps one of CONCERNING HIS own team-
his most important talents. mates, Baumgartner has nothing
"When that adrenalin is flow- but praise. He looks for qu a r-
ing a team can do anything," terback Don Moorhead, whom
Baumgartner explains, he feels is a fine quarterback
Concerning the season, Baum- and team leader, to be great. He
gartner regards the win over considers Glenn Doughty and
Purdue as perhaps the greatest Billy Taylor both excellent run-
of the season. "The team really ning backs. Both will fight it
put it all together against them. out for the starting tailback
We knew we had to beat them if position for the remainder of
we were to have any chance of the season, and he adds, "An
-Daily-Sara Krulwich
Bob Baum gartner (60) leads bloCking around end
Soph Show
excess of running backs isn't a
bad problem to have." Baum-
gartner also lauds fullback Gar-
vie Craw's ability to constantly
throw the key block or make the
perfect play.
Looking to next year, Baum-
gartner, an economics major
graduating in December, hopes
to do some traveling in Cali-
fornia and Europe for a while
to do some thinking about his
future. He readily admits that
if the opportunity arose for him
to play professional football he
would jump at it. But he points
out that his size is not equal to
pro standards. Eventually
Baumgartner hopes to attend
grad school, tentatively at the
University of Illinois.
ANALYZING the outlook for
the Wolverines next season, he
looks for them to be stronger
than ever with the return of
nearly the entire offense and
most of the defense, the only
problem perhaps being the de-
fensive secondary. Concerning
his offensive guard position, he
predicts Reggie McKenzie, with
his great size and speed, to be
his successor.
In discussing rule changes, he
revealed that he would like to
see the Big Ten perhaps revise
their redshirt and traveling
team policies. Concerning recent
complaints lodged against some
of the referees' calls, he w a s
quick to point out that most of
them do an amazingly good job
under the circumstances.
No-hit hurlers swapped;
I Injurieshit lueldess Rams.
By The Associated Press
* ST. LOUIS - St. Louis traded pitcher Ray Washburn to the
Cincinnati Reds yesterday for pitcher George Culver. Each is a right-
hander and each has a no-hit game to his credit.
Washburn, who will be 32 in May, was used as a starter and as
a reliever during 1969, He won three and lost eight and had a 3.07
earned run average in 132 innings.
Culver, 26, vas on the disabled list with hepatitis from July 15
to Sept. 2 during the past season and finished with a 5-7 record and
a 4.28 ERA in 101 innings.
* SEAL BEACH, Calif - Myron Pottios, veteran linebacker for
the Los Angeles Rams, was injured late Tuesday in a head-on auto
crash and .the fortunes of the unbeaten Rams took their second nose-
dive in as many days.
Only Tuesday the Rams lost their veteran offensive guard, Joe
Scibelli, who underwent knee surgery for an injury suffered Sunday
against the Atlanta Falcons and is out for the season.
* *
0 PHOENIX - Major League baseball attendance rose to a record
28 million last season because of tight divisional races and the return
of the bat, Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn said yesterday.
He said the division format, started last season, was successful
in that three divisions produced tight, unpredictable races.
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Sociology Colloquium
George C. Homans
Dept. of Social Relations
at Harvard University
"The Defintions of ower"
4 P.M.
1025 Angell Hall
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D ayCalendar
Department Of Industrial Engineering
Mathematical Optimization Seminar:
R. M. Vanslyke, Associate Professor of
Industrial Engineering and Operations
Research and Electrical Engineering,
Ulversity of aCliforia at Berkeley and
Studies of Some Biological Molecules";
12:00 M., Nuclear Colloquium: J. B ry-
sowicz, "Core Polarization in Inelastic
Proton Scattering, 4:00 p.m., P & A
Colloquium Room.
Botany Sexnmnar: Dr. David Goodall,
Utah State Univ., "Uncommon Species
and Uncommon Communities", 1139
Nat. Sci., 12:00 M.
Piano Dept. Student Recital: School
of Music Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m.
'Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture Ser-
ies: John Ward-Perkins, Director, Brit-
ish School at Rome, "Men, Methods
and Materials: Some Practical Aspects
of Roman Architecture and Sculpture:
A Roman Architect at oWrk: The Sevi-
eral Buildings at Leptis Magna": Aud.
8, Angell Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Center for Chinese Studies and Nat.
Committee onhU.S.-China Relations
Symposium: Paul Kreisberg, Director,
China Desk, U.S. State Dept., Marilyn
'Young, Resilential College and Al-
len S. Whiting, moderator, Prof. of
Political Science and Center for Chin-
ese Studies, "Nixon Administration Per-
ceptions of China": Rackham Amphi-
theater, 4:15 p.m.
International Center Latin American
Seminar: Eric Wolf, Prof. of Anthropol-
ogv: International Center, 7:00 p.m,
{Continued on Page 8)
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