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November 05, 1969 - Image 7

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Wednesday, November 5, 1969


Page Seven


Huff lost for Illini game

Who said there's glory in play-
ing college football?'
robabjy nobody on Michigan's
team would make this claim after'
practicing about two hours Yes-
terday in a frigid drizzle. The
squad worked out on the regular
grass field before moving on to;
the lighted Tartan Turf area when
darkness descended.
Illinois does not have an arti-
ficial playing surface so Coach Bo
Schembechler wanted his boys to
have an opportunity to get used
to nature's way once again.
Starting middle linebacker Mar-
ty Huff and second string left of-
fensive guard, Reggie McKenzie,
have not practiced since their knee
injuries sustained in the Wiscon-'
sir game.
Huff was hurt in the first half

and remained on the bench for the
rest of the contest. Schembechler
said that the injury is not serious'
and that he expects the Toledo;
junior to return to action some'
time after this Saturday.
Sophomore Mike Taylor and
junior Ed .Moore are filling Huff's
slot in practice, but Schembechler'
is not certain which of the two
will start against the Illini.

.- I

McKenzie was clipped with
about two seconds left in the
game, and it is still not known how
long he will be out.
"It never should have happen-
ed," g r o w 1 e d Schembechler.
'Somebody came up and threw a
late block."
Also hurt last week was soph-
omore tailback Billy Taylor, who
sat out the second half because of
a hip point injury. Taylor appear-
ed to be all right yesterday, how-
ever, as his running showed no
signs of impairment.
Glenn Doughty, also a soph-
omore tailback who starred earlier
in the season, seems to have fully
recovered from the leg injuries
that have kept out of the starting
lineup since the Michigan State
game three weeks ago.
Michigan's coach was pleased
with his team's showing in yester-
day's workout. "We had a good
practice," he announced enthusi-
astically as he stepped off the
playing surface. "Everybody was
hitting out there today."
When asked if he could detect
any signs of the season's long,
drudgerous practice sessions wear-
ing down his players' enthusiasm,
he said, "Not at all The spirit
hasn't dropped a bit-we've got
something to shoot for now."
This is undoubtedly a reference
to the race for the Roses, a sub-
ject that Schembechler refused to
hear discussed as late as yester-
day. He said then, "I don't want
to talk about the Rose Bowl. We
don't even consider Illinois an
automatic win - it's a different
story entirely when you're not at

Indiana blacks cut practice;
Bavis' cage career finished
by The Associated Press
* BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - All 12 black players on the Indiana
football teams failed to show up for practice yesterday. Two of the
players reported, "no comment," when asked why the players, who
attended Monday's practice, missed yesterday's. Coach John Pont
said he was at the practice and did not know why the players missed
the session.
* INDIANAPOLIS-Doctors at the Indiana University Medical
Center said yesterday that they would have to remove the toes and
another portion of the left foot of Charles Bavis, the Purdue basket-
ball player injured in a weekend auto accident.
There was no report on when he would be operated on or exactly
how much of the foot would be lost
* CHICAGO-Bobby Hull and the Chicago Black Hawks were in
conference last night but no decision was expected immediately in
the squabble between the high scoring left winger and the National
Hockey League club.
Hull, who scored a record 58 goals for the Hawks last season.
announced his retirement before the present season started because
of a contract hookup.
* SAN FRANCISCO-The San Francisco 49ers, hurting in the
return department and with only one victory in the National F'ootball
League season, yesterday signed free agent Noland "Super Gnat"
Smith, who was cut by the Kansas City Chiefs earlier in the year.

(ridde Picki


-Daiy-Sara Krulwich

Marty Hluff in quich pursuit

(1( 11'PV

The game being played this Friday at South Ferry Field has
grown in national importance since the Daily Libels actually won a'
football game last week. Revolutionary Vanguard Elite super-scout
Phil 'Crazy Legs' Montgomery noticed the foul means by which the
student council counselling office is trying to beat the Revolutionary
Counselling office trainer is shown above with his new acquisi-
tion at fullback. Montgomery, observing the fullback at practice, stated
that the "guy has deceptive speed, he's even slower than he looks, but
he is tough to bring down."

Supersonis whip Pistons;
76' ers slip past Bulls

1. MICHIGAN at Illinois
(pick score)
2. Michigan State at Purdue
3. Northwestern at Minnesota
4. Iowa at Indiana
5. Wisconsin at Ohio State
6. Vanderbilt at Kentucky
7. Texas A&M at SMIY
8. Arizona at Syracuse
9. Princeton at Harvard
10. Oklahoma at Missouri

11. Alabama at LSU
12. Georgia at Florida
13. Texas Tech at TCU
14. Wake Forest at Virginia
15. Utah State at Air Force
16. Army at Oregon
17. Kansas St. at Oklahoma St.
18. Miami (O.) at Maryland
19. Colorado at Kansas
20. Daily Libels vs. Student
Counselling Service

DETROIT (A---Seattle's Super-
sonics registered their first victory
in their three-year history in De-j
troit last night when they built
up a 29-point lead and coasted to
a 116-102 National Basketball As-
sociation triumph over the Detroit
Seattle won only its second game
against seven losses for the sea-
son, as the Supersonics preserved
the lead that dwindled to nine
points twice in the fourth period.

stole the ball in the final seconds
and then sank a field goal at the
buzzer as the Philadelphia 76ers
edged the Chicago Bulls 113-109 in
the opener of a National Basket-
ball Association doubleheader last
S reer knocked the ball from
Chet Walker's hands and then
raced down the court for a basket'
to insure Philadelphia's victory in
the opener.

Office of University Housing
For Qualified Graduates and Undergraduates
Tuesday, November 11.




Order Cards located in college bookstore.
Send no money. Mail your card today.

South Quadrangle, 7 P.M.
Dining Room 4

Detective work uncovers winning play
By LEE KIRK dents journey across the hinter- an overcall. West preferred his have only three, and t h is will
Daily Bridge Editor lands to the tournaments at Ar- long club suit to his five card leave him with a doubleton heart,
One of the most popular diver- borland. heart suit, and North, for reasons and he would be far more likely
sions at The Daily and ia dens Often the hands are wild and best understood by no one, passed. to open firstseat vith a singleton.
of iniquity around the campus is the play ragged, and it is these East, trading on firmer groundI So, with a moderate degree of
bridge. Pick-up games are often hands that are usually the most now, bid three clubs, and an in- certainty, South led a small heart
started at The Daily when the interesting and the ones I would timidated South finally bid his six from his hand and ducked in
wires are slow, and many are the like to see, You can send them to card diamond suit. West sniffed dummy, confident t h at whoever
times that hard-core Daily bridge me or drop them off at The Daily a game and jumped to five clubs held tie trick would be endplayed.
lovers have played until break- Sports Desk. and North, his fifteen points sud- Note that this play will also end-
fast. denly 1 o o k i n g like something play East if he has a doubleton or
Fanatic Interest in bridge i KNORTH worthwhile, bid five diamonds. singleton heart king.
Fa6aWestiheldetheifirstdtrick with And so, with a little detective
tiynot confined to ,-A 4 3 2 the queen of clubs, although East work a-la Sherlock Holmes, South
It runs rampant in most every - diane tesmpe lyand
dorm on campus, and I have '#-K Q 6 5 3 could have sent the contract down disdained tha
ofe enfv amsi he -2 immediately by overtaking and re-,found a more difficult one that
often See five games in a three turning a heartSouth,owever,brought home the contract. But,
table lounge, WESTEAST was still far from out of the woods, as future hands will show, this
The weekly tournament at the 4-8 4-Q 9 7 5 4 2 The only safe lead left for West line of play doesn't always work'
Union is ususally jammed with ! -K J 10 9 5 -8 was his singleton spade, and South out.
bridge enthusiasts, and many stu- E*f-Void "# -Jxon9nhihandSout-dre
t,. .-Q J 9 8 7 5 3 ..-A K 10 6 trump and played out the spades
.SOuTH and then plopped down a couple Motorcycle storge
Pro $tan' in 5 4-A 10 3 of rounds of trump to create the only $5.00 month
Stndng-Q 6 impression that he was starting
NB A #-A 10 874 2 a squeeze. FREE PKK-Up
E astern Division ,,_ Declarer then sat back and tried
xNew York L .917 - Neither side vulnerable to figure out how he would avoid for any storage
PhIladelphia 5}o .57 :4 the loss of two hearts East fig- or service work
Milwaukee r 5 ; .s4 4, The Bidding: ured to have the King of hearts I ng a
Baitinore S .500 5 East South West. North for his opening bid, but a count of NIC LSU
Detroit 3 5 .429 6 14 Pass 2.4. Pass the hand and a little horse sense
Bostonat; 3. .42 3 4 3#5.. 5 gave South a better idea of how to
Cincinnati 3 7 .3q0 7 ;Pass Pass Pass make the hand M tryl ae
Western Division 224 South First
Atlanta 6 3 .667 - Opening lead -- queen of clubs East had shown up w i t h six 662-3221
San Franisco 4 3 .667 1 spades and two diamonds, and he_,
i os Angeles 3 The bidding on today's hand, had also supported clubs. W e s t -
Chi cago 3 4 .6 .5 1 ,
xPhoenix 3 :l ,,.375 a Residential College classic, is had had only one spade and no
seattle 2 7 .125 4 rather unusual. East's suit is a diamonds, yet he bid clubs first
San Diego 1 7 .125 4 ' little short .on strength for first apparently having neither the ace
x-Latesgaerd iesults seat opening, but the hand does nor king. Therefore, he is almost
Philadelphia 113, Chicago l have redeeming values. South certain to have more clubs than
Baltimore 124, San Francisco 105 chose to pass, even though his hearts.
New York at Phoenix (inc.) hand does have the essential for If he has eight clubs, East will;FOR
Seattle 116, Detroit 102
* * * *
Boston 6 2 2 14 33 27
New York 6 3 2 14 32 32 I
Mlontreal ,J 2 '4 12 38 26
xoront:3 $ 2 , 25 22 "POWER-LEADERSHIP-IDEOLOGY"
Chicago 2s6I1a517 26
ag est 1 vi ion1 9 1 26 'Power and Leadership - How Change Can be Affected"A
St. Louis 4 3 3 11 36 24 AUSTRA
xakland 4 2 9 19 26 Speaker: DR. WILLIAM GAMSON,
Phiiadelphiia ? ? S 9 19 2s
Minnesota 4 6 o 8 28 31 Professor of Sociology
Pittsburgh 2 5 3 7 25 27
tLos Angeles 2 6 0 o 15 6 ECUMENICAL CAMPUS CENTER, 921 Church
x-Late game not included ,
Yesterday's Games Cost-25c Reservations-662-5529 IrclUdes :
Toronto at Oakland (inc.)
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