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November 02, 1969 - Image 3

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Tuesday, November 4

news to day
b; The Associated Press and College Press Service
INDIA'S RULING CONGRESS PARTY split openly yester-


second front page


Sunday, November 2, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

The long-developing break was formalized as supporters of Prime
ROOM 3532 S.A.B. Minister Indira Gandhi boycotted a meeting of the party's top policy- " e"
making committee and held a rival meeting instead.
Mrs. Gandhi has pursued a socialist-oriented economic policy,
including bank nationalization, which has not won the support of theac e
more conservative "Old Guard," led by party President Siddavana-Namstss ar
when Mrs. Gandhi's support brought victory to an insurgent presi-; ,[t
dential candidate, defeating the official Congress party choice.
The most recent developments raised the possibility of the dis-
solution of the Indian parliament and the calling of new elections Thirty-two black coeds who had
occupied part of a Vassar College
two years ahead of schedule.
building since Thursday ended
*D L*7 0their sit-in last night after school
ITALIAN POLICE yesterday arrested the American marine officials agreed to most of their
dir. HOWARD HAWKS (1965) who had hijacked a TWA airliner after it took off from Los An- demands.
geles on Friday, and had flown it half-way around the world. The college said the settlement
The Red, White and Blue-Blooded World of Five hours after the plane's pre-dawn landing in Rome, police provides for an increase in the
AmNASCAR Raarrested Lance Corporal Raphael Minichiello in the Sanctuary of Di- number of black rofessors as the
merica Aacing vine Love near the Appian Way. scope and size of the black studies}
Police said the Italian-born Minichiello had signed an eight-page program requires and for letterI
"Bring your red-neck! statement detailing the entire episode. The officer in charge of ques- grades and a degree for courses
tioning said the Marine had committed the act "as a rebellion against in the program, begun this fall.
7 & 9 ARCH ITECTURE the Marines and against American society." At the time Minichiello In a statement, Vassar officials
75C hijacked the plane, he was facing court martial for breaking into a , b
662-8871 (CHEAP) AUDITORIUM Marine post exchange. would be aiowed to live in "con
It remained unclear yesterday which nation would bring Minich- tinguous residential space for the
iello to trial. American officials have drawn up an arrest warrant spring semester and thereafter"




raps police, courts,



- - 4th Big Week!
Program Information 662-6264
where the heads of all nations meet
1, 3, 5, 7,
9 P.M.

charging him with air piracy and kidnapping, and say they want
him extradited to the United States. But Italian officials, who plan
to file charges of kidnapping and hijacking, say he will stand trial in
SYRIA massed troops near the Lebanese border yesterday, as
Palestinian guerrillas continued intermittent artillary attacks
against Lebanese positions.
Meanwhile, guerrilla chieftain Yasir Arafat arrived in Cairo,
which has become the center of mediation efforts in the dispute. Ara-
fat was reportedly optimistic that a peaceful settlement of the con-
flict could be reached soon.
The guerrillas, aided by Syria, have been resisting the Lebanese
government's attempts to prevent them from using Lebanon as a base
from which to attack targets in Israel.

The college said it had refused to
commit itself to assigning a sepa-
rate dormitory for black coeds-
as the demonstrators had demand-
ed-because of "both educational
and legal reasons."!
The agreement was approved by
the school's 150 faculty members
who issued a statement saying,
"While we understand the feelings
of some of our black students, wet
cannot condone the use of force
or the threat of force on thv Vas-
sar campus."
There are 59 blacks among the
1,600 students at the fashionable
school - one of the "sister"
schuols to the Ivy League.

WASHINGTON ta'? - Bru-
tality, indifference and hos-
tility of police, courts and
prisons are breeding disre-
spect for the law and under-
mining crime-fighting efforts,
the National Commission on
Violence said yesterday.
Unless expenditures are doubled
a n d major reforms undertaken,
"The control of violent crime will
be a campaign fought with bold
words and symbolic gestures, but
no real hope for success," t h e
commission' said.
It recommended spending $5
billion more a year to cure what
it called the nation's bleak pic-
ture of criminal Justice.
Reforms would include a Na-
tional Criminal Justice Center to
help private - citizen grievance
groups work with officials on re-
forms, and an Office of Criminal
Justice in every city.
Police now unfairly catch all
the criticism, theycommission
said, but Judges and prison of fi-
cials also should come under
scrutiny of citizen's groups with
the power to help reform the sys-
"The poor-like the rich-can
go to court," but rarely have the
money, and courts too often favor
landlords and merchants against
complaining tenants and custo-
mers, the commission said.
The cadses of alienation and
lawlessness include landlords who
charge exorbitant rents, racial
block-busting that takes advan*
tage of both buyer and seller, un-
scrupulous merchants - and a
legal system that too often lets
them getaway with it, the com,
Imission said. It said there should
be more such aid as the Office of
Economic Opportunity's program
of legal services to the poor.
"Disenchantment with govern-
mental institutions and disrespect
for law are most prevalent among
those who feel they have gained
the least from the social order and
from the actions of government,"
it said.
Not only the poor, b u t many
middle-income Americans feel the

-Daily-Randy Edmonds
C;irooviig in the drizzle
It was pretty soggy at Island Park yesterday, but that didn't stop
these fun-loving students from engaging in that time-honored
Homecoming tradition-the tug-of-war.

7, 9 P.N
11 P.M



COLOR by DeLuxe [AAfAE 6HUN[TED ARJS fE CHM h intd1

Continued fromi ,I. t
presses the dilemma this way:
"How can you rationalize cutting
out the bottom 10 per cent of those
who are qualified, to provide for
x' number of special opportunity
students? You do have a multiple
obligation to the state."
At the same time, faculty mem-
bers and administrators are con-
templating the possible effects on
the University of admitting more
"high risk" students. And withI
standards for most applicants be-
coining increasingly competitive,
some are fearful that the student'
body may ultimately be composed
of two very different sub-groups,
one extremely well-prepared for

academic work and the other
struggling through school because
of a disadvantaged background.
"This is a worrisome point for
the future," says chemistry Prof.
Adon Gordus, a member of the
admissions committee, who sees
the possibility of having "two very
distinct groups" of students on
Others, however, are less wor-
ried about this question. V i c e
President Smith agrees that the

lapping between the two groups.
The ultimate solution to the
problem of whom to admit to the
literary college will depend on a
combination of factors--the polit-
ical and pragmatic limitations of
the University of the future and
the philosophical view of admis-
sions eventually accepted by mem-
bers of the University community
Most University officials agree
that some growth in enrollment-
although not presently possible-'

'This, he says, would include in-
creases in high school and stand-
ard test performance.
The basis of Fricke's argument;
lies in his belief that upgrading'
the standards of the student body,
would make teaching more ef-
ficient because all the students
would be at about the same level.
Other schools in the state, he says,
would also have homogeneous stu-
dent populations, but each would
be on a different level.

would be equalized and students of
all calibers would be rather rand-
omly scattered throughout the sys-
tem. The student body of each
school would be heterogeneous-
covering the wide range of abilities
represented in the state system as
a whole.
If the student bodies were made
heterogeneous, Kaplan argues, stu-
dents would be exposed to more
different kinds of people and thus
receive a more balanced education.

°uture admission policy


problem may exist, but suggests will gradually take place. But they On the other end of the philo- But few members of the admin- law is unresponsive to their needs,
it could be overcome through a do not expect this growth to keep sophical spectrum is a report, is- istration or faculty seem prepared the report said.
"gearing up of instructional pro- , pace with the increase in qualified sued by a committee of the Michi- to accept either of the two extreme "The festering and sometimes
grams and the institution of spec- applicants-a figure which Admis- gan branch of the American As- proposals presented by Fricke and violent antagonisms between low-
ial training programs that would 'sions Director Vroman estimates sociation of University Professors Kaplan. Vice President Smith, for er-middle-class whites and poor
reduce the gap during the time at about 10 per cent per year. about five years ago. A member example, points out that any plan blacks have their ironic side, for
the disadvantaged students are in Thus, choices among qualified of the committee, mathematics to equalize institutions across the the two groups share many needs:
school." applicants will still have to be Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, president of state is out of the hands of the better jobs, better schools, better
And Dean Hays is even skepti- made. And a good deal of work the state AAUP branch, explains University administration. On the police protection, better recrea-
cal of the real potential for such has already been done on develop- that the report also takes the en- other hand, he maintains his ob- tion facilities, better public ser-
a gap coming into existence. "I ing some widely divergent methods tire state system into account- jections to a limitless upgrading of vices," the commission said.
don't think this is as much of a of choosing. but with an entirely different ob- the student body based on stand-
problem as it may seem," he Benno G. Fricke, director of the ject. ards which he feels have become
says. "Even for people who look Evaluation and Examination Divi- "What we would like to see is meaningless for the University. le
like high achievers when they get sion of the University's Bureau of that the colleges and universities Instead, Smith expresses the
here, there is a high degree of Psychological Services, suggests all be regarded as high-level insti- hope that methods can be found +
variability," Thus Hays believes that the general level of the stu- tutions," he says. Thus the quality for distinguishing among qualified
there will be a great deal of over- gdent body should be upgraded. of the state-supported institutions students.reeotdniuosIuns


Admissions Director Vroman
agrees. "We've got a good enough
class in terms of ability," he says.
"The direction we should go is
looking for people who are able to
use that ability."I




Vroman suggests that students
who can present proof of their
exceptional creativity and produc-
tivity should be given priority in
future admissions. "That's the
next wave," he says, "saying where1
is the evidence you are going bey-
ond the call of duty and doing
something constructive for your-
self and society."
And this may be just the direc-
tion undergraduate admissions will
take in the coming years.
Murder, intrigue
In The WI


(Continued from Page 1)
ion spokesman D a v e Goldstein,
"but there will be no substantive
negotiations until McKinley rec-
ognizes the union."
Weiser said he wants to deter-
mine more clearly what Tenant
Union demands are. He motes that
any management company which
agrees to negotiate with the un-
ion in the future will already have
some idea, for instance, what the
union regards as a reasonable
"I'd like more information,"
said Weiser. "I'd like to get a
better idea what their guidelines

, Mixed Marriage
hite House






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