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November 01, 1969 - Image 4

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g4 C Ottdye an Bt 111
Seventy-nine ygears of editorial freedon
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan




the medical game

420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Order in the 'court:
Don't mess with Uncle Sam

JUDGE JULIUS J. Hoffman's action in
ordering the forcible restraint a n d
double gagging of defendant Bobby Seale
is only the latest outrage in the mimicry
of justice which is the trial of the Chi-
cage Eight. Although the issues at stake
are supposedly proper courtroom de-
meanor, and perhaps the right to coun-
sel of one's choice, Seale's treatment at
the hands of the U.S. marshals respon-
sible for maintaining order in the court
is just one more proof that the real pur-
pose of the Chicago conspiracy trial is to
intimidate those who dare to defy the
government of these United States.
It might be argued that Judge Hoff-
man acted with great discretion in al-
lowing Seale continually to protest the
absence of the counsel of his choice in
open court for over a month, before fin-
ally losing his temper and ordering the
outspoken Black Panther to be silenced.
IT IS particularly easy to adopt this
viewpoint if one believes - as the let-
ter of the law upholds -- that Seale is
in fact adequately represented by at-
torneys William Kunstler and Leonard
Weinglass. Both of these lawyers filed an
appearance for Seale on the assumption
that their "trial team" would be led by
Charles R. Garry, attorney for the Bay
Area Panther Party and the only lawyer
Seale trusts.
Judge Hoffman refused to allow the
trial to be delayed when illness prevented
Garry from coming to Chicago, and al-
though Seale Immediately "fired" t h e
other two lawyers, the Judge refused to
release them from the "duty" of repre-
senting the man who did not accept their
services. Kunstler and Weinglass insist
that they are defending only the other
seven defendants, as Seale wishes, and
they at least consider Scale to be with-
out counsel until such time as Garry
is able to appear in the courtroom.
MEANWHILFE, SEALE'S request for per-
mission to have law books in his cell
has been denied, and his attempts to
cross-examine witnesses on his own be-~
half have been repeatedly squelched by
the Judge.
Although the defense will probably at-
tempt an appeal of any conviction of
Seale on the grounds that he has been
denied counsel of his choice, in violation
of the Sixth Amendment, most lawyers
agree that the legal basis for such a claim
is unsound at best. As far as the letter of
the law is concerned, Seale is represent-
ed by not one lawyer but two, and the
constitutional requirements are fully sa-
NONETHELESS, IT IS easy to under-
stand Seale's position, and impossible

to condone Hoffman's response to the
challenge of a defendant who refuses to
sit down and be quiet while his fate is
being decided by others.
For, as far as Seale is concerned, he
has no lawyer - and although the law
may say that he does, he remains firm
in his assertion. With all his experience
telling him the opposite, Seale maintains
to a surprising extent the naive belief
that the courts are where justice is done.
The Constitution says that he may have
the lawyer of his choice, and he is man
enough to insist upon that right -as
he interprets it.
On the other hand is Judge Hoffman,
equipped ;with a good working know-
ledge of the precedents for his actions
and wielding absolute power in his court-
room. In this light, his action in order-
ing Seale to be gagged and strapped
to his chair, although it may be legally
correct, can only be seen as the latest
example of the legal terrorism Hoffman
has been practicing against the defense
since the trial began.
HOFFMAN'S REFUSAL to act on Kunst-
ler's recommendation that he poll the
jurors as to whether the gagging inci-
dent and ensuing scuffle had prejudiced
them is a much more serious breach of
conduct, from a legal if not from a
humanitarian point of view. It is en-
tirely probable that any such dramatic
occurrence could influence the attitudes
of those who witnessed it, and the Judge's
failure to determine whether or not the
incident affected the jury may well prove
to be legitimate grounds for an appeal
or even a mistrial.
However, speculation that the govern-
ment may have staged the trial in such
a way as to result in a mistrial - thus
keeping the Anti-Riot Act safe from
overrule on appeal --- can probably be
discounted on the grounds that the U.S.
government is neither intelligent enough
nor monolithic enough to carry out such
a plan.
IIUT THE government unfortunately
does have power, and that is what it
is showing the eight defendants in Chi-
cago and any who might be tempted by
their example to embrace activist dissent.
By gagging Bobby Seale, by arresting
Movement lawyers, by the whole sad-
funny drama that is the Chicago con-
spiracy trial, the United States is show-
ing its most concerned and promising
citizens that all they'll ever gain when
they mess with Uncle Sam is undeserved
Editorial Page Editor

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Nicholas
von Hoffman makes his second
appearance on The Daily edi-
torial page. Mr. von Hoffman's
column runs in the Style see-
tion of the Washington Post
and is distributed by the Los
Angeles Times Syndicate. It
comes to The Daily through the
auspices of the Detroit News.
Mr. von Hoffman is a belated
replacement for Murray Kemp-
ton's column that was syndi-
cated in The Daily.)
W E LAYMEN select a brand of
aspirin because we see a
funny ad for it on TV; we assume
that our doctors choose the drugs
they p r e s c r i b e on weightier
But consider this ad appearing
in a publication put out by doc-
tors for doctors. On one side of
the page there's an expensive
four-color photograph of a nearly
nude girl in a bikini. The chick is
in a large, transparent, plastic
bag held closed by a yellow satin
ribbon. "Maybe she won't . ."
the copy reads as the string of
periods draws our eyes to the next
page where it says "but 'if she
does get infective dermatitis . . .
Fluonid-n Cream is anti-infective.
anti-pruritic and anti-inflamma-
tory. It can break the infection-
itch-scratch-inflammation c y c I e
at any time." In the tiniest small
print at the bottom of the page a
physician with good eyes can read
the warnings, precautions and side
This magazine, RX Sports and
Travel, "the recreation and lei
sure magazine for physicians,"
claims to be read by more doctors

than any other publication. There
are 204,707 subscribers, according
to business publications audit of
circulation. That is almost as
many subscribers as the Journal
of the American Medical Associa-
tion, which the Standard Periodi-
cal Directory says has a circula-
tion of 207.946.
GOLF CLUB manufacturers,
resort operators and dude ranches
respect the circulation of RX
enough to spend money advertis-
ing in it. RX carries articles by
Lee Trevino and pieces that begin,
"a-weigh with the wind . . . char-
ter yachting in the Caribbean.
Avast there, Aristotle and Jackie
(exclaimer) nowhalmost anyone
can own'V a yacht for a tropical
All the drugs in RX are for
products manufactured by Mar-
ion Laboratories, Inc., of Kansas
City, and the technique used on
the doctors to get them to pre-
scribe this stuff is exactly the
same as that employed to sell
Tide XK. "For the wet hot itch
of athlete's foot," says another
full page ad, "'cool it' with
The height of something or
other is reached in another re-
clame which shows (full page in
color) a middle-aged woman on
a beach. In the background is a
man. The copy reads "will his
angina come between them again
tonight?" On the next page, the
copy continues, "with the stabil-
izer, tender is the night . .
sexual excitement -- particularly
coitus-puts a physiological stress
on many body systems including
the heart. In the angina patient
what can

this 'overload' can mean seizure
and pain . . . today there is Nitro-
bid, the stabilizer. Prescribe Nitro-
bid for your angina patients."
Next to the text there is a picture
of the same couple with expres-
sions on their faces which, it
must be suppos-d, indicate sexual
There is the three-page, four-
color ad for Os-Cal/Mone. An-
other vivid photograph of a good
looking, middle-aged woman. In
big print it reads, "perhaps when
they are ready to give up 'the
pill' they should be taking another
just to hold back time." The
model in the photograph is ex-
plained by these words, "you've
seen her before, and the chances
are you'll see her again: the Mrs.
Robinson type. The smart, alert.
zingy woman who looks and acts
far younger than her menopausal
IN CASE RX should be dis-
missed as too atypical to be taken
seriously, let's look at Medical
Economics, which circulates to
193,000 doctors in private practice.
It also is interested in the phy-
sician at play. The issue dated
Sept. 29 was a piece, not on
yachts, but on cruises which tells
the old family GP that "you must
be careful to pick the right criuse.
This is especially important now
when more physicians are taking
extended vacations, cruises are
becoming more popular with doc-
tors, and members of medical so-
cieties often cruise en masse . . .
a cruise, like a Cadillac, has be-
come an American status symbol."
If the magazine reflects its
readers' real interests, you can

understand why the profession
has gotten the reputation for hav-
ing a hemorrhaging money ulcer.
It is obsessed with harvesting the
long green. The pages are filled
with stock tips, advice on mutual
funds and tax shelters. "It's be-
coming steadily more difficult to
find a good investment counselor
to manage a small portfolio-one
worth under 100.000 dollars," the
magazine says commiseratingly to
its readers. Nevertheless, Medical
Economics tells its impoverished
following not to give up but to
invest in savings-and-loan con-
pany stock. Gains of 30 and 40
per cent are expected.
Should that not attract a down-
on-his-luck orthopedic surgeon.
he can do what a group of MD's
in Bluffton ,Ind, did to make
money. They formed a corpora-
tion to rent equipment to their
local hospital. They didn't call it
Hertz X-ray, but the profits are
just fine. Seven per cent per an-
num with a share of stock which
originally sold for 500 dollars now
worth 4,000 dollars. At those love-
ly capital gains.
REGARDLESS of how unusual
the doctor's problem, if he writes
in. the magazine has an answer
for him: "I'm thinking of build-
ing new offices in a location that
is otherwise attractive but next
to a large cemetery . . . Does
the cemetery's suggestive presence
make this a poor choice of site?"
Answer: "No . . . You can offset
the site's minor disadvantage by
landscaping it attractively and
facing your entrance or waiting
room away from the cemetery."
Another entertaining feature

gives tips on how your doctor's
office girl can collect bills more
efficiently. It's illustrated with a
picture of a chick in a nurse's
uniform looking out from a frame
in a dollar bill where George
Washington usually poses, But
even Medical Economics recog-
nizes the old adage that pigs make
money but hogs don't.
Another writer tells the doctors
who mistake the ailing human
body for a physiological klondike,
"You're not in any trouble finan-
cially. From the beginning of
1950 through June 30 this year',
the general cost of living rose 55
per cent. Your fees, if you're typ-
ical, have risen 106.8 per cent
during the same period. You can
certainly afford to slow down ..
if the rate of increase in the first
six months of 1969 should con-
tinue, the year will end with a
total increase of some 9 per cent
. . an unusual rise in fees will
almost certainly provoke fixed fee
schedules and a freeze . . . the
brutual fact is that many phy-
sicians aren't doing what they
could and should do to avert such
a catastrophe. They think only of
making sure that, when the smoke
clears. no. I will have been pro-
perly safeguarded.'
THE DRUG ads in Medical
Economics are as entertaining as
those in RX: "Mr. Asthmatic
worries a lot about air . . . help
relieve his attacks . . . help keep
him free of attacks withhBronko-
tabs"-" 'for all the happiness
mankind can gain it is notin
pleasure, but in rest from pain.'
John Dryden-give your natients
rest from pain (with) Empirmin
Compound with Codeine'"'-"Loss
of the ability of one generation
to communicate with another is
traec. For a parent, the sense of
guilt, shame and anguish follow-
ing such a loss may lead to path-
ological depressions. When you
diagnose depression. Tofranil may
be indicated for relief. "-"When
you prescribe the pill should you
recommend vaginal 1 a v a g e ? -
Massengill Liquid Concentrate."
The best testimonial for medi-
cine comes from the Jolly Green
Giant, who is shown in his family
GP's office listening while the
doctor tells him, "You can go back
to the valley. But, no 'Ho. Ho. Ho's
for a week. And for sore throat
pain, gargle with Chloraseptic."
c Los Angeles 'rimes Syndicate

you do with


Homecoming '69: Paint it black

"ODAY WE celebrate Homecoming and
football's centennial weekend, but the
glitter of the celebration should not blind
us to the injustices perpetrated by foot-
ball coaches and administrators against
athletes across the nation.
For years, the scholarship athlete has
been forced to subordinate his political
and moral convictions to his athletic cap-
abilities. He has been expected to consid-
er himself as an athlete first, a student
second and a person last of all.
The conflict between discipline and dis-
sent - between the coach's need to rule
his team and a player's right to express
his viewpoints - has exploded recently
at the University of Wyoming.
FOURTEEN BLACK players were sus-
pended from the Wyoming football
team two weeks ago for violating Coach
Lloyd Eaton's ban on player participation
in any form of political protest.
The players desired to protest the rac-
ial policies of the Mormon Church by
wearin black armbands in a game with
Brigham Young University, a school run
by the church. The players met with
Coach Eaton to discuss the problem of
wearing the armbands. Upon entering
his office, Eaton cited his rule banning
political protests and dismissed the play-
ers from the team.

proval not only of the actions of the
black athletes, but also of the right of
any and all students to engage in politi-
cal protest.
Eaton's only concession to those who
view his rule as antithetical to the role
of the university is to announce that the
rule will be suspended next spring, a
change that will in no way effect the
But the question of disobeying Coach
Eaton's rule becomes mute when viewed
in the context of the university commun-
ity. His rules prohibit "factionalism"
and "participation in demonstrations" be-
cause he claims such regulations are es-
sential for winning teams. Eaton seems
to hold the wire service polls in higher
regard than the US Constitution.
The NAACP, cognizant of the princi-
ples involved, has filed a $1.1 million suit
against the university on behalf of the
athletes. They are asking compensation
for loss of the fourteen's scholarships as
well as loss of future earning power on
grounds that the coach's rule was uncon-
BUT THE Wyoming 14 need more than
legal support -- they need the support
of concerned students on campuses
throughout the country.
The Wyoming Black Students Alliance

S0 MY OLD roommate Rich is going to be a biology teacher.
I wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't told me himself. The three
of us always used to kid around in the room last year--"Well, what are
you going to major in, Rich?" But now it's for real. It's sort of a
shock when you find out your old aimless roommate has finally chosen
a concrete goal in life.
Rich was interested in many things, but he just was never sure
about wha the wanted to major in, or what he wanted to be when
he grew up.
He knew he was going to have to choose a major soon, so he thought
about it a good bit. This summer, he told his family he might major
in philosophy or psychology.
"What could you do with philosophy," asked his mother.
".What could you do with psychology?", asked his father.
RICH IS A FIRST semester sophomore, but he came in with some
advanced placement credits, so he wasn't sure if he had to choose his
major this term or next term. He dropped into the junior-senior coun-
seling office one morning a few weeks ago to find out.
Rich told the girl at the desk he'd have 60 hours at the end of this
t erm.
"So what's your major?", she asked.
"I don't have a major," said Rich.
"Oh," she said sadly. "What do you want to major in?"
"I don't know," Rich said impassively. The girl began to
look distraught, and Rich, who hates to hurt anybody, was about to
pick a major at random when the girl composed herself. Brushing a
tear from her eye, she said, "Do you think there's someone in the fresh-
man-sophomore office who can help you?"
Rich went back to the freshman-sophomore office, hoping to talk
with his old couselor.
"She'll be back in three weeks," said the lady at the desk.
Rich figured he couldn't wait three weeks, so he talked to another
counselor. He told the guy he wasn't sure what'he wanted to major
in, but that he was interested in bio and psych, and the guy understood.
They decided it would be better for Rich to start majoring in bio, since
it would be easier to change from bio to psych than it would be from
psych to bio.
THEN RICh went back to the junior-senior office to meet a coun-
selor there. His appointment was at quarter to five, and the girl at the
desk locked the door behind him.
A few minutes to five, Rich heard a terrific scream.
~You better get in here before they throw you out!"
Rich dashed over to the cubicles, where a tall lady with gray hair
sat smiling.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly, "I didn't mean to scare you, but
if you're still over there when they come to clean up, they throw you
"There's no hurry," she continued, edging toward the door, "we
have ten minutes. So you want to major in biology?"
"Uh . . . well ... ah."
"That's wonderful! What we need today is more fine young
aspiring biology teachers."
Ah w..well ...er."
"You'll do fine. Here's this form and that form and here's an ed
school catalogue and you'll get a physical science minor. You can do
this to satisfy that and that to satisfy this and botany and zoology and
please bring these back on Monday."
Rich went home that weekend and told his family what he was


Letters to the Editor

Academic apathy
To the Editor:
.RICK PERLOFF'S article on
academic apathy (Oct. 24), re-
flects an unrealistic assessment of
both the content of freshman his-
tory courses and the desires and
needs of students.
Mr. Perloff criticizes history
lecturers for "linking names with
dates for an hour," asks for lec-
tures centering on ideas, and poses
some very good topics around
which to base a course. Evidently,
Mr. Perloff hasn't attended too
many history lectures recently.
however, for'these are precisely the
questions which the lecturers raise.
But oddly enough, it is the stu-
dents, rather than the lecturers
or teaching fellows, who want to
"link names with dates," and who
complain bitterly because the lec-
tures deal with the "philosophies
on man, property, and political
power rwhich ranthrough the
Middle Ages," r'ather than with.
say, a blow-by-blow narrative of
the Investiture Controversy.
THIS BRINGS me to Mr. Per-
loff's second error. Two assump-
tions underlay his essay: (1) Stu-
dents want freedom. i2) Students
know what to do with it once they
have it. Both are false.
Students do not want to think
about any of the issues raised in
History 101. and resent the teach-

MR. PERLOFF, while quite cor-
rect in stating that it is the stu-
dents' iresponsibility to impm'ove
education, has his priorities re-
versed. Rather than "shake the in-
stitution into caring," as he sug-
gests, let them shake themselves
-Denis G. Paz
Teaching Fellow
History department
Oct. 26
Down with Feldkamip
To the Editor:
I CAN EASILY share the con-
cern and disgust expressed by
Frost House through its secretary,
William Levy, in relation to the
gross stupidity and incompetence
of the members of the Office of
University Housing. Having watch-
ed this mob all summer, it was
easy to observe how they con-
tinued and intensified their dis-
positionato step on the maximum
number of people in the hardest
ways possible. All the details would
fill at least an entire issue of The
Daily, but there is so sense in list-
ing them, nor is there any sense
in asking, as Bill Levy did in his
letter. for explanations and prom-
ises of correction.
The reason is simple: no matter
how many times you confront
John Feldkamp or his cohorts
in hypocr'isy fand lying. Eduard

It is time someone was found to
run the housing office who has
mome sensitivity and ability than
expended fecal matter. Until Feld-
kamp and all the others like him
are replaced. Frost House and
others will scream themselves sick
to no avail.
-Paul Rapoport
Oct. 25
To the Editor:
REGARDING Mitgang's analy-
sis of the amendment to abolish
the E'ectoral College, I would like
to emphasize a few points.
1 Retaining the College in any
form is totally unacceptable. Two
Constitutional amendments (the
12th, 1804 and 20th. 1933) failed
to correct the substantial flaws in
the system.
2) Only direct election of the
President insures that the candi-
date with the most popular votes
becomes President. The Supreme
Court ruling that produced the se
nian, one vote doctrine applies to
chosing the President.
3) The Electoral College sys-
tematically disenfranchises all
voters whose candidates does not
carry the state. This is flagrantly
undemocratic and unjustifiable.
4) The ideological climate and
the political and environmental
conditions that influenced the au-

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