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October 23, 1969 - Image 6

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Page Six


Thursday, ,October 23, 1969

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 23, 1969

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By The Associated Press
Multicolored armbands, ex-
pressions of sympathy for the
University of Wyoming's Negro
athletes, will be part of the
uniform Saturday for the San
Jose State College football team.
San Jose State affirmed yes-
terday that it will play Wyom-
ing at Laramie Saturday, end-
ing speculation of a game boy-
cott by San Jose.
In a statement, San Jose. team
spokesmen said the players
would wear the armbands to
dramatize the plight of 14 black
athletes who were dismissed
from the Wyoming squad just
beforehthe Wyoming-Brigham
Young Universty game.
The 14 had worn black arm-
bands as a protest of alleged
racialhpolicies at the Morman
church school.
Spokesmen for the San Jose
team included end Tony Jack-
son and halfback Frank Slay-
ton, both Oakland Negroes, and
ends Glenn Massengale of Bar-
stow, Calif.. and Mark Woods
of Fullerton, Calif., both whites.

ring -the
Jackson read the prepared ed themselvest
statement, which said in part: for the 14, said
"we do recognize the difficult the 14 Negro pl
situation facing black athletes lated when W
on the Wyoming football squad. Lloyd Eaton p
Our team has had the experi- from joining a pr
ence of attempting to reconcile ing a game with:
individual conscience and the San Jose Stat
desire to play football. refused to show
"The plight of the black ath- with BYU last se
lete who is a member of a team similar to the W
which scheduled Brigham Young versy. BYU has
University is understandable, we all its football g
believe. Jose.
"As a visible symbolic ges- Meanwhile, in
ture of our understanding of the Western Athletic
feeling about BYU, all members nounced it wou
of the team will wear multi- situation at a r
colored armbands expressing our of the conferenc
concern for all racial minori- 3-5 in Denver.
ties, not just on the football Wiles Hallock,
field, but within the greater missioner who or
society." publicist at Wyo
Earlier in the day, 85 Univer- cussions would
sity of Wyoming students had whole problemt
sent a letter to the San Jose ''Whenever
campus newspaper urging San hember meets B
Jose to "boycott the game and ard procedure t
support our cause." andemrnedreto
Signers of the letter, who call- of demonstration



the Committee
civil rights of
ayers were via-
yoming Coach
revented them
otest over play-
Brigham Young.
e black players
up for a game .
eason in actions
'yoming contro-
since cancelled
ames with San
n Denver, the
Conference an-
uld discuss the
egular meeting
ce council Nov.
the WAC com-
nce was a sports
oming, said dis- :
refer "to the
of membership
ra conference
YU, it is stand-j
have one kind
n," Hallock said.
ed, however,
no talk of dis-
from the WAC.
the conference
n all directions
Ay honest with
said there may
ines conference
gree to "whichI

may help void some of the more
drastic things which have hap-
In Laramie, the Committee
for 14 said it planned to picket
a Wyoming Alumni Association
meeting Friday night and was
to hold a meeting last night.

At Tuesday night's meeting,
a spokesman said the committee
adopted resolutions which con-
demned Eaton's actions, asked
for reinstatement of the black
players and to "remove uncon-
stitutional and racist policies"
at the University of Wyoming.

gilt's 43 topples Lakers

By The Associated Press
CINCINNATI - Wilt Chamber-
lain's 43 pointsa- six of Los An-
gels' last 10 - and the ball-hawk-
ing of Jerry West and John Egan
paced the Lakers past Cincinnati
16-109 last night in a National
Basketball Association contest.
Chamberlain tallied 24 of his
points in the first half, helping
the Lakers to a 58-48 halftime
lead, and then converted crucial
shots in closing minutes after the
Royals closed to within a point at
SAtlanta dow ns Hacks
ATLANTA - Jeff Mullins' 20-
foot jump shot with seven seconds
to play provided San Francisco
with a 94-93 National Basketball

Association victory over Atlanta
last night.
Mulhins' clutch shot followed a
15-footer by Lou Hudson that had
put Atlanta ahead 93-92 with 17
seconds left.
Flyers squeeze Leafs
TORONTO - Andre Lacroix
scored his first three goals of the
National Hockey League season to
lead Philadelphia to a 4-3 victory
--its first of the season-over the
Toronto Maple Leafs Wednesday
Lacroix scored early in the firstE
and second periods in helping the4
Flyers to a 2-1 lead, then provided
the clincher at 7:39 of the final
period, minutes after teammate
Lav Morison scored his first mark-
er of the year.

Aga inst
Phil Seymour's
longest season
HE STOOD slightly off to the right of the action; his hands
stuck deep inside his pockets; his Maize and Blue jacket with
the cloth M embroidered on it strangely conspicuous amid the
flurrry of white and gold jerseys that moved on the field be-
side him.
He looked at the sky, and then gingerly bent his knees
against the cold autumn air.
He was Phil Seymour, and these were familiar poses for
him this season: standing to the right of the action, looking at
the sky, gingerly bending his knees.
But the standing, the looking and the bending were more
than just poses. They were symbols, too - symbols of a foot-
ball player waiting to hear when his injured knee would be well
enough for him to play again.
FOR SEYMOUR, the waiting had seemingly ended two
weeks ago, when he pulled on his number 91 jersey and prac-
ticed for the first time in five weeks. For Michigan football fans,
the waiting had seemingly ended last Saturday in East Lansing,
when Seymour, an All-Big Ten defensive end last year as a
junior, played his first game of the season.
And then Tuesday, the announcement came the Phil
Seymour will be lost to the team for the remainder of the
season and will undergo surgery for the removal of cartilage in
his right knee sometime in the next two weeks.
"I don't know any of the medical details," Seymour told
me during Tuesday's practice. "You'll have to get those from
(team physician) Dr. (Gerald) O'Conner.
"I just felt the knee snap on
a punt cover in Saturday's
game," he continued simply.
NOW* "It didn't feel too bad, though,
so I didn't say anything and

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Hie emphasize
there would bei
affiliating BYUI
Hallock said1
has to "look in
and be perfect];
each other." He
be some guideli
members can ag

State coverage lambasted

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To the Editor:
YOU HAVE AN excellent col-
lege newspaper with an excellent
reputation. But after 'reading the
accounts leading up to and the
summary of t h e Michigan-MSU
football game, one Is inclined to
wonder why you let your sports
department embarrass you as they'
In general, I'm appalled t h a t
your sports writers would allow
their emotions to so apparently,
interfere with their reasoning.!
The pre-game stories a n d col-
umns were loaded with half-
truths and innuendos about MSU's
agricultural programs, a vicious!
slur that bordered on libel regard-
ing Duffy Daugherty, and a wierd
account of how a woman wasn't
for MEN and WOMEN
alternations and remodeler spe-
cialties in shorteninq ladies
coats, slacks, and skirts. No
longer with Camelet Bros.. in
business for himself.
above the druq store

going to be allowed in the Spartan
Stadium pressbox because State's
athletic history is obviously in-
ferior to Michigan's.
THEIR ACCOUNT of the game
itself looked as if it were a take-
home assignment in a high school
journalism class. There were num-
erous paragraphs loaded with
complicated explanations of how
the Wolverines handed the game
to MSU through errors. This be-
comes ludicrous when o n e con-
siders that there was anotherI
team on the field that was ob-E
viously forcing those errors, and,1
incidentally, playing superior ball.
I can see where the Daily would
obviously be somewhat biased in
its appraisal of MSU. But by what

naturally overjoyed with the vic-
tory over Michigan's Wolverines.
Their poor performance might
well have been due to "the inex-
perience of the sophomores." yet
are we to believe that the executive
and associate sports editors are as
immature as they would have us
believe the Wolvertnes are?
OBVIOUSLY happy with the
prospect of a front page byline,
your sports editors endeavored to
make a lasting impression on thel
readers. We don't know how the!
U of M readers reacted, but weI
here at East Lansing were dis-
gusted. "Elements of immaturity"
in the play of the Spartans these
past two seasons has often been
disheartening to say the least, yet

kept playing.
"Then I went to practice on
Monday and I couldn't run on
it. It felt like it did at the
beginning of the season. The
x doctors looked at it and said
I needed an operation. That's
about all."
Judging from his perform-
ance in the last half of t h e
Michigan - Michigan S t a t e
game, it would have been im-
possible to tell Seymour w a s
playing on a knee that would
require surgery within t w o
weeks. The tall, strapping de-
fensive end made his f i r s t

Phil Seymour

perverted sense of fair play canj we cannot remember the school
you condone this type of treat-: paper used to launch such a vici-
ment of a major sports event? It ous attack on the team.
does nothing but detract from
y o u r journalistic reputation. ; While fans are apt to desert a
What's worse, some of it must not~ losing team, it would 'seem that a
even make sense to you. paper of The Daily's reputation
should be able to present an ob-
Uti dnnia ed re ort of the


ANN ARBOR can make Prague'
look bad in comparison when it
comes to reporting anything vag-
uely associated with MSU sports.
If it weren't for some of the "out-
side" newspapers, your readers
might never realize what actually'
What actually happened was
that Duffy's boys beat yours -
again. No amount of superfluous
name calling is going to change!
that fact. You do your readers a
disservice by implying that if they
yell "cow college" enough times it
will all go away.
-Thomas Garrett
Oct. 21
To the Editor:
"ELEMENTS OF immaturity",
were not only evident on the Tar-
tan-Turf here at East Lansing
Saturday, but also in the Michigan
Daily the following Sunday.
As students at MSU, we were

,jecrive an u 1Use ptJ iti
game, no matter what the out-
IT IS HOPED, at least for Bo
Schembechler's sake, that none of
his boys read The Daily, for if they
did, we fear he will have a hard
time finding enough members of
his third string willing to play for
We personally know of very
capable people on The Daily's
sport stall, and hope the authors
of Sundays articles might remem-
ber another song that Bob Dylan
never wrote for U of M and its
football team:
Come writers and critics who
With your pen,
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again.
-Elliot Frank
-John Cohn
-Zygi Goldenberg
Oct. 18

tackle of the game and of the season midway through the third
quarter, when he grabbed MSU's Frank Foreman from behind
after Foreman had swept 14 yards on an end-around down to
the Michigan 31.
Later in the same quarter, with Michigan trailing 23-3 and
State holding the ball second and six on their 33, Foreman tried
the same play. This time he ran right into Seymour, who stopped
him for a four yard gain.
The Spartans ran their next play at the center of the line.
The ball carrier was Don Highsmith. The tackler was Phil
Seymour. The gain was only one yard, and the Spartans had to
punt the football.
IN ALL SEYMOUR had a hand in seven tackles. Four were
solo tackles, the other three, assists. His total was the fourth
best on the team, and his overall play earned him a place in
Coach Bo Schembechler's Victor's Club. Said Schembechler,
"Seymour probably didn't even realize he was hurt in the heat
of the game. He was really keyed up."
For Seymour, getting keyed up for a big game is nothing
unusual. He was keyed up enou' h during last year's Michigan-
Michigan State game to make 14 tackles and knock down a
pass at the line of scrimmage in helping the Wolverines to a
28-14 victory. He was keyed up enough, too, to make 15 un-
assisted tackles in the season opener against California last
It was efforts like those that mada Seymour the team's lead-
ing tackler last season and an All-Big Ten selection at defensive
end. And it was efforts like those that made Coach Schem-
bechler and the Wolverines wait hopefully for the return of Phil
Seymour in the second half of the 1969 season.
Now, with Seymour's return come a-nd gone in the space
of three hours on a single afternoon ,everyone will have to wait
until next year for the real return of Phil Seymour. Schem-
bechler is confident the Big Ten will grant the senior end an
extra year of eligibility, since he will have only played in one
game all season, and since that game was in the first half of
the year.
"If I'm eligible to play," Seymour said the other day, "and
I'm physically all right and think I can play well, then I'll play."
Said Michigan Coach Bo Schembechler, "Phil Seymour
would play a good game if he went out on the field on one leg.
He's that type of competitor."


P y



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