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October 16, 1969 - Image 1

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YI e



Increasing cloudiness,
chance of showers

Vol. LXXX, No. 37

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 16, 1969

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




Classes struck


11 I[j


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Some twenty thousand people massed at Michigan Stad-
ium last night to climax a day of protest against American
involvement in Vietnam.
Sen. Philip Hart and SDS founder Tom Hayden, a mem-
ber of the Chicago 8, addressed the rally, along with
U.S. Rep. John Conyers, State Sen. Coleman Young (D-De-
troit), State Rep. Roger Craig (R-Flint), and others. Speak-
ers urged an immediate withdrawal of American troops
from Vietnam along with a complete overhaul of American
foreign and domestic policies.
A large majority of s dents stayed out of classes yester-

Massive rallies
stay peaceful
From %vire Service Reports
One million Americans across the country opposed to the
Vietnam war marked Moratorium Day yesterday with de-
monstrations that spread from college campuses to city
street corners.
The demonstrations were generally peaceful, with scat-
tered minor incidents of violence reported.
With black armbands and anti-war buttons, participants
of varying beliefs, militant and moderate, young and old, at-
tended rallies, solemn vigils, marches and teach-ins.
No official estimate of the total participation w avail-
able, but reports from all over showed that perhaps more than
one million Americans took an active part.

Sm.i Hart

On Today's
Isiide Pages 1
* The University D is c o u n t
Store is found to be in
"solid" financial shape at a
meeting of high University
officials (see Page 3).
0 Graduate students in the
political s c i e n c e depart-
ment are attempting to or-
ganize a union of literary
college teaching f e 11 o w-s
(see Page 3).
Many 'U' schools offered
symposiums and lectures as
part of their participation
in yesterday's moratorium
activities (see Pages 6 and
7). .
About 30 members of the
Women's Liberation peace-
fully picket the second floor
office of the selective serv-
ice office (see Page 10).

day in observance of the na-
tional moratorium.
Schools varied widely in the de-
gree to which students observed
the protest. In the literary college,
and the social work, education and
music schools most classes were
nearly deserted.
In the natural resources, engin-
eering, and business administra-
tion schools, att'endance was nearly
normal, although many classes
discussed the war.
President Robben Fleming call-
ed the campus moratorium activi-
ties "sound and constructive" last
night, and said the events of the
day had stimulated him to take
further action.
"I will do something, I'm not
sure what as yet." he said.
Fleming has said in the past he
would go to Washington to express
the feelings of the University
community if he felt there was a
common view to represent.
"If, there are some general pro-
positions we agree on, I'll do my
best to represent them," he said
"I don't have any illusion about
my ability to have an impact on
events in Washington," he said,
but added thath e felt it important
to try to contact representatives
and senators who should know the
feelings of the community.
Fleming said last night he would
wait to talk to advisers before de-
ciding on any course of action.
"I was not able, myself, to see
everything yesterday. I want to
get a good assessment of things
first. "
He said he would likely an-
nounce a decision on his future
actions next week.
Fleming stressed throughout the
day he was acting in a personal
capacity, and not as an official
of the University.
"This moratorium is a matter
of individual conscience," Fleming
said to a team of newsmen from
CBS television who asked about
the University's "stand" on the
At last night's rally, Hart de-
clared "those who feel we aret
doing a disservice to our country'
will eventually come to acknowl-
dge this is where they should
have been''
See STUDENTS, Page 10

Daily -Jay Cassidy

liy'le (1addresss st( i ( lly

Some Americans opposed to the
moratorium held counter-demon-
strations, contending the anti-
war protesters were acting against
the national interest. Flag rais-
ings, picket-lines, and burning
headlights showed displeasure
with the moratorium, which one
southern mayor said was "giving
aid and comfort to the enemy."
In Boston, a crowd police esti-
mated at more than 90,000 jam-
med the city's Commons for a
series of speeches.
Sen. George McGovern. D-S.
Dak.), told the cheering crowd
"the most urgent and resoonsible
act of American citizenship in
1969 is to bring all possible pres-
sure on the administration to or-
der our troops out of Vietnam
Nearby. addressing the W o r 1 d
Affairs Council, Sen. Edward
Kennedy rD-Mass.) declared the
United States should announce
"an irrevocable decision" to with-
draw all ground combat troops
from Vietnam within one year,
and other forces by the end of
In the nation's capital, a number
of demonstrations took place
throughout the day, topped by a
candle light march to the White
More than 3,000 persons, most-
ly young, staged a mass demon-
stration in front of the National
Selective Service headquarters.
Sitting in the street, they blocked
traffic. Police stationed at inter-
sections and along the sidewalks
helped marshals keep order.
Violence did break out, h o w -
ever. when a group of young black
militants at an afternoon r al ly
near the White House attempted
to break into the White H o u s e
Police armed with clubs made a
number of arrests and cleared the
demonstrators out of the area,,
sealing off a block in front of the
The Washington demonstrators
saved the best for last as 30,000
hushed, attentive persons huddled
on the damp, cold slope of t h e
Washington Monument grounds
See MILLION, Page 10

Former secretary of labor Wil-
lard Wirtz. education school Dean
Wilbur Cohen, former chairman
of the Council of Economic Ad-
visors Gardner Ackley, and pro-
fessors speaking on chemical bio-
logical warfare highlighted yes-
terday's moratorium symposiums.
"Not once in the five years of
the Vietnam war had the govern-
ment's policy been discussed in,
the cabinet as a whole or among
its domestic members," said Wirtz
at the law school.
Wirtz said he does not "know
by name the devils in the gov-
ernment, labor, or industry direct-
ly responsible for the Vietnam
policy." but the blame "cannot




protcs er
WASHINGTONi.' Pursuing
a studied business-as-usual course,
President Nixon concenmrated yes-
terday on Latin America and econ-
omic problems taking no public
notice of nationwide anti-,ar
Although the White Hous pre-
viously went out of its ay io
try to soften stop-he-war senti-
mnent by claiming noticable pro-
gress for Nixon policies the
Southeast Asian conflict llayed
no part in Nixon' announced ac-
tivities yesterday.
The President, it seemed evi-
dent, had decided in advance to
sit out the day without anything
that could be interpreted as mora-
However, the demonstrators did
not ignore Nixon.
Starting in late morning, dozens
of pickets of varied persuasions--
including "win the war" advocates
-began parading in front of the
,White House.
Press secretary Ronald L. Zieg-
ler said Nixon kept informed about
the national protest movement
throughout the day through news
reports and "normal staff discus-
Gen. Creigton W. Abramns. com-
mander of American Forces in
Vietnam, said he did not expect,
the antiwar moratorium to ma<ke
any difference on the battlefield.
"We've got our job to do here a nd
that's what we're doig," he said
A statement issued by the office
of President Nguyen Van Thieu
said the antiwar demonstrations
"have the paradoxical efect of
prolonging the war. insead of
shortening it, because a enuie
and lasting peace cannot be
secured simply by unilter con-

be pinned on corporate liberals or
the military industrial complex."
Responding to a question from
a student asking why those op-
posed to the government's Viet-
nam policy did not attempt to
influence its course, Wirtz replied
that when former President John-
son announced the bombing halt
last year, those members in the
cabinet who were opposed to the
war thought it was a vindication of
their position.
"But on Aug. 2, 1968 when the
country was told of the possibil-
ity of a new offensive in informa-
tion that I distrusted, the only re-
course for me personally was to
support the minority plank of the
democratic party," said Wirtz.
Wirtz claimed the moratorium
is a way of "getting public opin-

costs of war


ion to those who say it won't ef-
fect them anyway."
Wirtz added he would like to
see that government take a bold
step with a calculated risk to end
the Vietnam war and by that ac-
tion "show that we are sineerely
interested in ending all wars."
"I think the war is a colossal
mistake," Cohen told the nearly
300 people gathered at the Uni-
versity school playfield. "T h e
sooner we get the war over, the
sooner we can- deal with o u r
domestic problems."
A year and a half ago the form-
er secretary of health, education
and welfare had been booed at
Hill Aud. for supporting the Pres-
ident Lyndon Johnson's war pol-
And Ackley, not quite as vehe-
ment as Cohen, said he "fully sup-
ports ending the war as soon as
possible. But I can't agree with
those who say that the leaders
who got us into the war or who
havye failed to get' us out are
bloodthirsty or evil doers in a
military-industrial conspiracy."
Turning to the economics of the
problem, Ackley said, "If we are
willing to tax ourselves, we can
have 'guns' and public and pri-
rate 'butter.' We can .do almost
anything we need and want to do
if we are willing to pay for it."
Ackley said the war is costing
the country nearly $20 billion per
year. "That. looks like a little,
it's less than two per cent of the
Gross National Product, but it is
10 per cent of the budget," he
If the war were over, howeve,
Ackley warned that the $20 bil-
lint i- ,m , ot h irmorii n .

exerted; expensive civilian politi-
cal programs must be phased out;
and "we must not give away
growth by continued tax reduc-
Cohen. who concentrated on de-
fining the "priorities for the de-
cade of the '70's," said he "strong-
ly supports tax reform and tax in-
creases to aid social reform." "Up-
set" with the newest tax program
which has "more reductions tha'n
increases," Cohen said it is "im-
possible to get the money we need
to deal with education, health,
and urban blight."
In citing priorities for the next
See ACKLEY, Page 3

Regents to reconsider bookstore

Daily News analysis
Three months of regental discussions
on the bookstore issue will likely approach
conclusion today as the Regents meet to
consider a new proposal for a student-
faculty comntroiled bookstore.
Th Regents will discuss the plan at
4 p.m. in the Michigan Union with mem-
bers of the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs + SACUA +, S t u d e n t
Government Council and the student gov-
ernments of 'the schnolsa nd cnne-s

bookstore charter, and the University
would be freed from any financial liabil-
ity the store incurred.
Other provisions of the plan stipulate:
--The bookstore be set up as a non-
profit corporating operating on a break-
even basis. First year savings on text-
books would be expected to exceed five
per cent. This includes the four per cent
sales tax exemption for which any school
or education institution selling books or
food to "bona fide enrolled" students qual-
-The manager of the store would be ap-
wointed heoo h ie vnoar h d:

ministration-run. and funded through a
$1.75 student fee assessment. The Regents
said that the referendum should be run
by the schools and colleges and that stu-
dents must be bound by the vote of their
The central issue in the new proposal
focuses around whether the bookstore can
qualify for the sales tax exemption. The
problem arises since an educational in-
stitution like the University has no direct
control over the store and is not liable
for its debts.
Law Prof. L. Hart Wright - considered
one of the nation's vnerts in tax linaw

, M

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