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October 04, 1969 - Image 1

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Fair and warming
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Vol. LXXX, No. 27 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 4, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Flint aculty
supports war
The faculty of the University's Flint campus voted over-
whelmingly Thursday to support the Oct. 15 class moratorium
on the war in Vietnam.
The faculty did not formally cancel classes for the day, al-
though some professors are expected to do so. The faculty
asked the administration to make facilities available to any,
student or faculty member who wants to conduct moratorium
The administration of the Flint campus has made no







Arrest of
The attorney for John Col-
lins, accused murderer of
Eastern Michigan University
coed Karen Sue Beineman,
charged yesterday that Collins
was arrested illegally.
Speaking at the third pre-trial
hearing at Washtenaw County
Circuit Court, defense attorney
Robert A. Francis claimed that
police arrested Collins "solely for
the purpose of obtaining a finger-
print sample."
Francis moved to suppress evi-
dence taken from Collins' car,
room, and the basement and in-
cinerator of the house where he
was staying.
Francis charged that the search
warrants used against Collins did
not "list with particularity the
items which were suspected to be
contained in the said automobile
and said room."
He argued that the warrants'
were "just asking for everything
under the sun," and resembled "a
fishing expedition."
Francis also said that the search
warrants did not list any reason-
able belief for the police agencies
involved to believe that the items
which were seized were contained
in Collins' car or room.
The Washtenaw County Sher-
iff's Department, the Ann Arbor
police, the Ypsilanti police, and
the Michigan State police, all took
part in the search for the mur-
derer of the seventh girl sexually
molested and killed in the area in
two years.
Francis said that under Mich-
igan law, hearsay evidence or be-
lief or suspicion are all insuffi-
cient reason for a magistrate to
issue a search warrant.
He claimed that the search
warrants "were issued on hear-
He gave as an example the con-
tention that the warrants asked
for the fingerprints of Joan Schell,
the first victim, in Collins' car.:
However, Francis explained that
Collins' car was a 1968 Olds which
couldn't have been manufactured
before the autumn of 1967 while
Miss Schell was murdered in the'
summer of 1967.
Francis also allegedly charged
that police were working from a
list of motorcycles which did not
match any of those owned by
He claimed that the blood and
hair samples did not constitute
valid evidence.
"The blood samlen was A. 40
per cent of the population has A
blood. Blood type does not con-
stitute evidence," he argued.
See ILLEGAL, Page 6

*'comment on the faculty's
The Flint moratorium is sim-
ilar to activities expected on this
campus and on many other cam-
puses nationwide. Although t h e
administration here has also not
cancelled classes, President Rob-
ben Fleming has said he will make
some University facilities avail-
able for discussion of the tvar.
A tentative program for the day
at, Flint drawn up by a joint
student-faculty committee, calls
for workshop and panel discus-
sions. a massive rally and a me-
morial service for the soldiers
killed in Vietnam from Genessee
County, which includes Flint.
The faculty resolution called for
a "collectivepublic expression of
our condemnation of the contin-
uing military involvement in Viet-
nam and for a reversal of na-
tional priorities away from mill-
tarism in all its guises and tow-
ards social reform in this nation."
The call was made, the faculty
said, "in keeping with the concept
of the University as teacher, as
guardian of civilized values, and
as a critical and moral intelligence
which may lead the community to
ponder its courses of action .,.
Flint College public relations
head Richard McElroy said he ex-
pects little campus opposition to
the moratorium. He also predicted
that citizens from largely working
class Flint will also participate in
the discussions.
One campus organizer was not
so optimistic, however. Prof. Frank
Richardson, who helped direct the
action at Flint, was skeptical about
community support for the mora-
, torium.
He said Flint citizens would not
likely favor the devotion of class
time to discussions on the -,var.
Richardson said the idea of in-
cluding Flint in the national mira-
torium movement germinated in a
golf shop conversation he had with
a few friends.

SL CIA cluiirnuinProf. Jose ph1*Plyne list


Attorney claims m1
identity in 'Chicago

Special To T ' Daily
CHICAGO-'Chicago 8' defense
attorney William Kunstler stir-
prised the court yesterday by con-
fronting a prosecution witness
with abear'ded, helmeted, "ex-
hibit" named Robert Levin and
asking whether perhaps witness
had confused the stranger with
defendant Jerry Rubin.
The witness, Sgt. Robert Mur-
ray, of the Chicago Police Depart-
ment, denied that he made a mis-
take, insisting that Levin was "too
tall" to be the man he saw in-
veigh against police in Lincoln
Park on Aug. 25, 1968.
Defendant Rennie Davis ex-
plained at a news conference that
the defense was convinced that

something was wrong with Mur-
ray's testimony because they knew
that Rubin, who was allegedly
seen wearing a blue and white
football helmet and throwing a
cigarette butt at policemen, -ever.
smokes and never wore a helmet
during the convention week Ois-
Rubin, serving a 45 day "n-
tence for a misdemeanor com-
mitted in California, was in jail
and unable to meet with reporters.
Davis claimed that Rubin was
not even in Lincoln Park on the
day stated, and that the plain-
clothes officer my have made a
mistake, since a Yippie named
David Boyd had been followed for
days preceding the convention by
police detectives who believed he
was Rubin.

The Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs
(SACUA) indicated informal
support for the concept of
a student-faculty controlled
bookstore at a three-hour
meeting with students yester-
However SACUA would not
commit itself formally at a spe-
cial meeting later.
Following the discussion with
-i students, other faculty members
-i and Arthur Ross, vice president
for state relations and planning,
SACUA called for another meet-
ing with students Tuesday to dis-
cuss "proposals for a student-fac-
ulty controlled bookstore which
will accommodate the concerns of
the Regents."
During the discussion there was
little disagreement raised on stu-
dent-faculty control. SACUA vice-
enst 1 (1 uestion chairman Prof. Robert Knauss of
. the Law School said this was a.
"given," and said he wanted to
spend time ironing out other as-
pects of the issue.
One faculty source later indi-
cated that the concept of student-
stuk nbe acceptable to most fac-
ulty members.
The Regents have stipulated
tia that the bookstore be controled
by Vice President and Chief.Fi-
nancial Officer Wilbur Pierpont,
Accordingly. Davis said, he tele- with students serving in an ad-
phoned Boyd, a 21-year old stu- visory capacity.
dent at Brooklyn College in New However, a plan adopted byE
York City, and learned that Boyd SGC and ,the Bookstore Central1
had indeed performed all the ac- Coordinating Committee calls for
tions attributed by Murray to Ru- six faculty members and three
bin on the day in question. But students to operate the store. c
Boyd's helmet, it turned out, was SACUA members will continuej
not white with a blue "88" written to discuss the bookstore issue on
on it. "My helmet has a peace an informal basis over the week-
symbol on the front." Boyd told end.
reporters. Student Government Council1
Boyd did tell Davis that the President Marty McLaughlin said
blue and white helmet Rubin is he was pleased that SACUA mem-t
supposed to have worn is "a am- bers favored the concept of a stu-
ous one," and that it belonged to dent-faculty controlled bookstore,
Levin. but said he would have liked theI
Levin, a 27-year-old asst. prof. group to commit itself more for-t
of psychology at Merrimack Col- mallai.
le McLaughlin indicated that a
lege in North AndoverMassverl- rally Monday to assess progress on.
fied that ise too had performed the negotiations would be held ast
the actions attributed to Rubin, previously scheduled. He reiterat-
and that his helmet was the only; ed his hope that. the Regents
one in the park that fitted Mur- dhshp a heRgns
one's inethparthatiwould meet in a special session
rays descri n "before their regular Oct. 16 meet-
"I wore the helmet, and I was ing in order to consider the book-
in the park." Levin said. "That store issue.t
was the only relation bet ween Some of yesterday's discussionE
reality and Murray's story.I on't centered around a suggestion fromt
smoke either," he added. SACUA member Prof. Gerhard
Levin had speculated that per- Weinberg of the history depart-
haps Murray had "taken an aal- ment. Under his plan for the
gain of several people he saw in bookstore, both students and fac-
the park and called them all Jerry ulty members would be assessed a
Rubin." fee when they entered the Uni-t
Davis said the defense will use versity. The money-to be return-..
films, photographs and the testi- ed when the individual leaves ther
mony of these and other witnesses University-would provide a sourceI
to demonstrate that Murray's of capital, Weinberg said.
testimony was inaccurate. "We will Weinberg said his plan wouldk
prove that the Chicago police sidestep the problem of whether
couldn't tell one Yippie from an- S t u d e n t Government Councilt
other," he said. should sponsor a referendum tos
Another prosecution witness, raise additional funds, or whether
Miss Marie Dahl, a Chicago police- the schools and colleges should, as
woman, testified that she had the Regents stipulated, poll them-
overheard defendant Abbie Hoff- selves.t
man tell a small crowd that "To- Since his plan raises new ques-
morrow we're going to storm the tions, Weinberg said, it might bes
Hilton," on Tuesday, August 27. necessary to hold another referen-
Miss Dahl, also an undercover dum altogether.
agent, described her dress at the Following yesterday's discussion,,1
time as casual; "Slacks, a blouse several Bookstore Coordinating
See ATTORNEY, Page 6 See SACUA, Page 6

Nixon urges Swenlate
OK for Haynsworth
WASHINGTON iAj -- President Nixon pressed the Senate
yesterday for swift confirmation of his appointment of Clem-
ent F. Haynsworth Jr. to the Supreme Court in the face of
further senatorial requests that the nomination be withdrawn.
The President's personal intervention came at the climax
of a day of administration efforts to blunt the attacks on
Haynsworth who is at present a judge on the U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals.
Earlier in the day a Republican senator, who declined to
be quoted by name, had underscored Nixon's concern by tell-
ing a reporter: "The White House says this is a do-or-die
thing. We have to have this." - ---~
Nixon in a letter to Sen. Hugh "
Scott, the Republican leader from
Pennsylvania, expressed hope that )
the Senate will "proceed with dis-
patch" to give Haynsworth the
approval of the Judiciary Com-
mittee and confirmation from the
And he said "I will do all that re-organiz
I can" to bring this about.
Copies of the letter were sent to Th Cony elaeRgt
Sen. Jam,;es0.Eastlanid D-iss.t, The County Welfai'e Rights
the Judiciary chairman, and to Committee (WRC) and their sup-
Sen. Roman Hruska of Nebraska, porters were unable to mobilize
the senioi' Republican on the cor-enough support yesterday to form
mittee. Nixon asked Scott to make a picket line at the Washtenaw
the letter's contents known to oth- County Bldg.
er senators. Gloria Fuller, member of WRC,
Hruska made the letter public says that the mothers will use the
and arranged to have it printed in weekend to mobilize both the
the Congressional Record. mothers and their supporters and
In ith Nixon claimed there is attempt to picket the meeting of
nothing in the record to impeach the County Welfare Board on
Haynsworth's integrity or to fault Monday.
his position on civil rights or la- Miss Fuller said the mothers
bor issues. will "continue demonstrations and
Nixon said he had "noted spec- try to get another meeting with
ulation as to my intentions re- the Board of Supervisors."
specting the nomination . . . The mothers are requesting an
"In order that there be no mis- immediate allottment of $73.50 per
understanding on the part of any- child for school clothing. The
one, I send this letter to confirm county would be required to al-
that I steadfastly support t h i s locate only $46 per child, since the
nomination and earnestly hope difference of $27.50 has already
and trust that the Senate Judic- been provided for by recent state
iary Committee and the Senate and county appropriations.
will proceed with dispatch to ap- The mothers will meet Sunday
prove the nomination." at 6:00 p.m. at the Goodman-Cen-
Nixon said he was familiar with ter in Ypsilanti to plan other ac-
See NIXON, Page 6 tion for next week.

Prof. Weinberg

Marty McLaughlin

Pliys Ed makes change over

t0 'eCCi1Ve-o11V

pTro grams

The Physical Education De-
partment has begun to rebuild its
program to appeal to freshmen
and upperclassmen on an elective
basis. The changes are a result of
the dropping of the required phy-
sical education by the University
beginning this semester.
The physical education program,
which has until this year re-
lied on the freshman requirement
to augment interest, has seen its
enrollment drop to less than 25
per cent of last year's level. It
has thus had to add many new
features to become more attrac-
According to Professor Howard
Leibee this has resulted in "no
tuition and only nominal fees to
cover equipment cost. In addition
all courses are on a pass-fail

basis and many art, now co-educa-
Marie Hartwig, Professor of
Physical Educational said "new
courses such as scuba diving and
skiing are being offered" as well
as a new variety of courses still in
planning that should appeal to
many students. She also added,
"the flexibility now afforded the
department should encourage
students, if they want a course
dnot offered, to ask that it be
Miss Joan Peters, an instructor
in Women's Physical Education
says. "the instructors are happier
because they now have kids whoE
wanted to take the class."
Allan Smith, Vice-President for
Academic Affairs, said the initial'
reason behind the ending of the
Irequirement was a need to make
better use of the resources at hand
and a need to increase the role of
the Intermural program.
"I never was particularly happy
with the freshman requirement,"
Smith added. He stated the phys-
ical education department had
been in from the start on the dis-
cussions to drop the requirement.
Last spring the committee issued
a report to the Regents which lead
to the abolition of the requirement.
The report stated, "The university
is an institution of higher learning
and we see no demonstrable con-
nection between fulfilling the
functions of the university and a
compulsory pr'ogram of physical
F On tod(1V'S

Professor Paul Hunsicker, asso-
ciate director of physical educa-
tion recalled the department's
stand on the requirement. "We'
suggested that some type of
screening test be given, so only
students who obviously needed it
would be required to take it." The
Regents rejected the testing.
Prof. Hunsicker also reflected a
feeling generally shared in the
dept. that it was too early to as-
sess the longe range effect an all
elective progi'am would have.
"I predict from studies we have
done on other colleges that have
done away with their required pro-;
gram, that in five years we will
have just as many students in the
elective program as we previously
had in the required one," he said.


Communist professor
barred from UCLA
LOS ANGELES (CPS) -i- The earlier this week that his office'
regents of the University of Cali- "will take no initiative" in re-
fornia voted 14-6 yesterday to moving Miss Davis.
forbid Prof. Angeila Davis from Both Young and California Gov.
assuming her teaching position at Ronald Reagan refused to com-
UCLA when classes begin Monday. ment following yesterday's meet-
Miss Davis, an avowed rnember ing.
of the American Communist Party. Last week, the UCLA faculty
was fired by th regetnts Sept. 16, voted 539-12 to condemn the re-
because of her afiliation, but was gents for the firing of Miss Davis.
then allowed to take her position In addition, support for Miss
pending the outcome of her court Davis is reportedly gathering
challenge of the firing. among the chancellors of the uni-

History department introduces reforms

While students agitated for
changes in the distribution and
language requirements in LSA
last year, the history depart-
ment, with some student initia-
tive, was quietly going about
improving its own program.
The department introduced
three changes aimed at easing
the students' load and making
college a little more productive.
All department undergrad-
uate courses were increased

students work out a program
with their faculty counselor.
The senior seminar and the
30 hour over-all credit require-
ments for the major remain.
Students will take pretty
much the same area courses as
before," Prof. Glen Waggoner
predicts. "Most students real-
ize the importance of securing
a well-rounded history b a c k-
Acting chairman Prof. Sidney
Fine is quick to warn that the

benefit from the history cours-
es hlt elects."
The department had hoped
the entire college would follow
its lead. A proposal to that ef-
fect was given to the LSA cur-
riculum committee, but when
no action was taken the depart-
ment asked that at least i t s
courses all be given for four
hours credit.
All hope is not lost, however.
Fine says he hopes his depart-
ment's action will have a "band-

student-faculty curriculum com-
The third change --in o r e
counselors and a lower stu-
dent-counselor ratio --- is not
unrelated to the other changes.
"The counselor will become
less a bookkeeper whose main
concern is that the student meet
stipulated requirements a n d
mnorĀ° an advisor who discusses
with the student the logic of the
program that he wishes to
take." Fine says.

economics, with 415 students,
has only three counselors.
"We hope this expanded pro-
gram will help preserve the
spirit of 'breadth-plus-depth'
approach formally outlined by
the old field system," he adds.
The reaction of the students
to the department's changes
seems to be largely favorable.
Most appreciated, they say, is
the decision to raise the credit
c P , . aV CC. 5 iT ' flT lIu 0

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