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'gee Editorial Page


Sri igaux


High- 0
Fair, little chance
of rain

Vol. LXXX, No. 26 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 3, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

denies asking
to witdraw
Judge Clement Haynsworth late last night denied
reports from congressional sources that he had asked
President Nixon to withdraw his nomination to the
Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON :-- Some congressional sources said
yesterday Judge Clement F. Haynsworth was asking Presi-
dent Nixon to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme
Court but the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee
denied it.
The White House press office said its latest information
"indicates that this report is absolutely untrue."



to continue protest

NR group
m ad
6 students
Student representation on
the Natural Resources revie'w
committee, which is re-eval-
uating the school's programs
and their relation to the rest
of the University, may be
finalized next week.
At a meeting of an ad hoc
committem yesterday, two deans,
faculty members and nine stu-
dents recommended that the re-
view committee be enlarged to
include ten students and 13 facul-
ty members and that a steering
committee be formed.
These proposals will be sub-
mitted to the Review Committee
Oct. 9.
Frank Cajka, one of three stu-
dents already on the review com-
mittee, said he expects the group
will approve the addition of six
There are now 13 faculty mem-
bers and three students on the
committee, which Vice President
for Academic Affairs Allan Smith
appointed last July "to review
the program of the School of Na-
tural Resources, its relationship to
other programs of the University
and its future growth and develop-
Bill Bryan, another student
member of the review committee,
told the group last week that stu-
dent representation should be in-
creased because students are
"able to look at a problem and ask
questions without the vested in-
terests the faculty might have."
Prof. Donald Michael, also a
member of the ad hoc committee.
took a different view. "Students
are not bound by the rules of
gentlemanly relationships among
faculty members," he said. Stn-
dents have a "different sense of
who they are and what they want
to do" than the faculty.
Cajka added that if the com-
mittee forms subcommittees, stu-
dents feel they cannot be ade-
quately represented by t h r e e{
The steering committee that was
recommended yesterday will con-
sist of two students, two faculty
members, the school's acting dean
Stephen B. Preston, and D e a n
Stephen S. Spurr of the graduate
school, who is chairman of the
Review Committee.
Both Spurr and Doug Scott, one
of the students recommended for
appointment to the committee,
suggested that students from out-
side the college be added to the

And Sen. James O. Eastland,
tD-Miss., the Judiciary Commit-
tee chairman, told a reporter,
"The man's had no idea of com-
ing down. He has had no idea of
doing such a thing. He's never
had such an idea."
Eastland said he had spoken
with Haynsworth briefly after thet
judge conferred at the Justice De-
partment with Atty. Gen. John N.
Mitchell. The department itself
said there would be no comment
about their confirmation.
The congressional sources who
spoke of a proposed withdrawal
said the White House had taken
an informal poll of the Senate and
found at least 40 members pre-
pared at this point to vote against
"There are the votes in the
senate to confirm him," Eastland
said. "It will be a comfortable
He a d d e d of Haynsworth,
"There is nothing against him.
This man has done nothing
At the Senate, Republican Char-
les E. Goodell, of New York, and
Democrat Walter Mondale, of
Minnesota, called on Nixon to
withdraw the nomination. Sen.
Thomas F. Eagleton, (D-Mo), an-
nounced he would vote against
In Chicago, Sen. Ralph Smith
4R-Ill.), told a news conference
he does not support the nomina-
tion because justices "should be
above reproach and above suspic-
ion of reproach."
Earlier in the day Nixon re-
layed word through White House
press secretary Ronald L. Zieg-
ler that he was standing behind
the nomination.
Labor, liberal and civil rights
organiations have attacked Hayns-
worth's decisions at the U.S. Cir-
cuit Court in Richmond, Va., nd
have suggested, additionally, that
this ethical behavior is question-

-Daily-Jerry Weehier
ADC WELFARE MOThERS and supporters picket the County Bldg. to demand that the county
provide more funds for school clothes for their children.

Extra funds
not slated
for clothing
The County Welfare Rights
Committee (WRC) and i t s
supporters will continue pick-
eting the County Bldg. today
in response to the Board of
Supervisors' refusal yesterday
to increase the allowance for
purchasing school clothing.
The Supervisors met with the
welfare mothers for the f i r s t
time yesterday afternoon, and in-
formed them that the budget sur-
plus of $124.000 which the moth-
ers believed was available is. in
fact. earmarked for other county
Earlier, seven of the welfare
mothers and 18 of their student
and community supporters inter-
rupted a closed meeting of wel-
fare officialsand the Supervisors
to highlight their' demands for an;
increased clothing allowance.
The meeting was called by sev-
eral supervisors last week in order
to provide them with a better un-
derstanding of welfare operations
in the county.
The Supervisors, the County
Board of Social Services, and
WRC have been negotiating f o r
s'veral months on WRC's request
that the county provide them with
additional money for purchasing
school clothing.,
The mothers have requested anC
immediate allotment of $73.50 pert
child, similar to the $70 they
received last fall after several de-
The county would be nequired to
allocate only $46 per child, since
the difference of $27.50 has al-
Sready been provided for by recent
state and county appropriations.
According to board chairman
Bert Nielsen, part of the $124,000
surplus in the county budget has
already been slated for the 1970
budget. The rest of the surplus
has been divided among variousa
departments of the county govern-j
ment by the County Administra-t
"This has been standard pro-
cedure in all county governments
in the state," Nielsen said.
Last fall, the Supervisors al- u
located part of the surplus rev-
enues for their $70 per child set-f
tlement with the welfare mothers.n
"At that time, the State At-a
torney General declared an emer-v
See ADC, Page 7



-Daily-Jerry Wechsler
SHERIFF'S DEPUTY stands beside welfare mother during yes-
terday's protest at the County Bldg.
SGC attacks any use
of academic penalties
Student Government Council voted 6-1 last night to
"severely censure, abhor and condemn" any use of academic
discipline for non-academic actions-such as the LSA Bldg.
takeover last Thursday.
University officials are presently considering .academic
discipline-which might involve probation, suspension or ex-
pulsion-against the 97 students who were among the 107
arrested in the building last week.
Any academic punishment would be in addition to the
misdemeanor charge of contention which the demonstrators
currently face. This carries*- --



The executive committee o fthe
literary college has released a list
of "proposals for discussion" con-
cerning changes in the goverance
of the college that would eliminate
the meetings of the 1.000-member
The proposals include:
-A "straight-forward" Faculty
Council with proportional repre-
sentation by departments:
-A Faculty Council composed
of members elected by the college
faculty at iarge or perhaps with
divisional social and natural sci-
enees and humanitiesi represen-
tation; and
-A council which would include

govern1 i
the opinions of s udm'uts in install-
ces in which students have a
"legitimate interest. in the facul-
tys action.'
' lhe report gives the current
lack of faculty participation as
one of the reasons for reconsider-
ation of the colleges government.
Over the last two decades, actual
attendance at literary college fac-
ulty meetings has remained con-
stant as the size of the collele
increased. Even at its peak, at-
tendance is seldom more than one
half of the faculty eligible to
attend, the report states.
Criticism voiced to the execu-
tive committee on the poor at-
tendance, combined with the suc-

ig body
cess of the Senate Assembly oi
the University level. spuirred the
committee to propose that changes
be discussed in the college,. LSA
Dean William Hays said last
night. The changes have been
discussed in the executive com-
mitteetfo' over a year now, he
Although the executive com-
mittee "at this time has no fixed
idea about the most. appropriate
form of model which might be
considered by the faculty," the
report emphasizes the proposal
which includes departmental rep-
"Dpartmental representation
seems to be the model with the
fewest problems," Hays explained.
The details of this model are
sketched out in an appendix at-
tached to the body of the report.
"If there is 'a legitimate role for
student influence, then the lack
of a mechanism for' introducing
responsible student opinion in our
deliberations leaves us prey to
the small minority of irresponsible
students who seek only chaos. For
this reason, the committee would
like to regularize student input
into college legislation." the re-
port. states.
Although the report then goes
on to suggest as models for stu-
dent representation unicameral
and bicameral student-faculty
legislative bodies, it. concludes,
See LSA. Page 6

CSJ hears final arguments
in recruiter disruption case

Final testimony from the de-
fense and closing statement from
both sides were heard by Central
Student Judiciary last night in the
trial of six students accused of
locking-in a naval recruiter last
CSJ will deliberate at an open
meeting next Wednesday at 8:30
p.m. in the Union before an-
nouncing its verdict.
Closing statements for the de-
fense by law students Neal Bush
and Ken Mogill, outlined the two-
pronged defense.
First, the defense maintained
the prosecution failed to prove the!
defendants participated in a dis-
ruptive action.
"The prosecution has only prov-

ed that there was a disruptive
action and that the defendants
were present- -he has failed to
prove any connection.' Moguill said.
The defense's second recourse
was aimed at justifying the action
if CSJ finds the defendants guilty
of disruption. However, Bush em-
phasized that this defense was
i no way an admission o guilt.
"The United States is engaged
in illegal activity all over the
world. The war in Vietnam is in
violation of the United Nations
charter and other international
treaties," Bush said.
"Because the University is in-
volved in research contributing to
such illegal activities." Bush con-
tinued, "it is to be considered an
accomplice to a criminal act."

Bush said the alleged crime of
disruption would be justified be-
cause it was committed in defense
of a third party-the Vietnamese
and other third world people- -
who are victims of the Univer-
sity's criminal act in complicity
with the U.S. military.
University Attorney Peter For-
sythe interrupted the defense's
closing statements saying the de-
fense had never proved its 4llega-
tions that the University is partner
to a criminal act or that the al-
leged disruption was aimed against
this crime.
There has been no testimony to
the effect that the war in Vietnam
is illegal," Forsythe said, "and tie
defense has never connected re-
cruitment with University re-
In closing, Bush said the judi-
ciar'vboard must considem whether
the evidence introduced is suf-
ficient to prove guilt but more im-
portam-itly it must consider if :t
"is jutl ,?o convict."
Forsythe's closing statement de-
fended ti-i case he had pmesented.
He claimed he had proved that the
defendants were present at the
time of tie alleged crime, and
added that their presence alone'
did, in fact, constitute the crime.
"The nature of the disruption
was not incendiary or active in
any other way," -Forsythe said.
"We have introduced as evidemnce
photographs showing the defen-
dants standing grouped in the re-
cruiter's office."
Xt,- o-nitnr A 0 t--


Ott todaysI
Page Three
I Il
0 Mayor Daley's administra-
tive aide is cross examined
in 'Chicago 8' trial.
* Puerto Rican government
arrests 19 persons on con-
spiracy. The arrests relate
to growing dissension f o r
U.S. conscription,
* Medical students will join
Oct. 15 strike.

c 1

penalties of up to 90 days in
jail and $100 in fines.
In other action last night, SGC
appointed Phil Anderson, '72 Med,
Douglas Hadden, '71 and Marty
Scott, '72 RC to temporarily fill
three seats vacated by Larry
Deitch, Shelley Kroll and Panther
The three vacancies will come
up for election in November.
In addition, SGC supported wel-
fare mothers who are seeking'
more money for school clothing
and urged students to demonstrate
with them, if it proves necessary.
The motion on discipline-passed
in a speedy vote-also encourages
the 17 schools and colleges to
eliminate w~hat SGC called "in-'
valid rules on disruption."
The schools presently can dis-
cipline students for disruptive
action, although SGC recognizes
only the authority of the Central
Student Judiciary to make these
judicial decisions.
Under Chapter 7 of the pro-
posed new University Bylaws on
the role of students in decision-
making-slated for Regental dis-
cussion at the Oct. 16 meeting-
CSJ would be given original juris-
diction in all cases pertaining to'
See SGC, Page 10

Law school
students j*oin
Oct. 15 strike
The Law School Board of Dire-
tors yesterday passed a resolution
supporting the Oct. 15 strike
against the war in Vietnam.
In the resolution, the board ex-
presses its "opposition to the con-
tinuation by President Nixon of
our government's war upon the
people of Vietnam."
The m'esolution urges all faculty
members to cancel classes, students
not to attend classes, and staff
members not to report for work
"in support of the demand for
immediate and complete with-
drawal of American troops from
Law School Dean Francis Allen
said that the Law School admin-
istration would issue a statement
on the Board's resolution within
a few days. Dean Allen said that
the statement would set forth the
official position of the law school
on the Oct. 15 strike.


Fleming talks

Model Cities I)oard emphasizes
community, student cooperatio
By STEVE KOPPMAN of theim neighborhoods. The with Dr. George Bowler, of
The Model Cities policy board program is different from urban city's Depamrtment of Health
emphasized last night that all renewal since it calls for the Safety.
efforts by University, student, improvement or development of The program, which will op
and community agencies to or- social services, housing, and ate over a th'ee-yea' perio(
ganize citizens and seek infor- schools rather than for total re- bring housing up to code sta
omation in the model area must building of an area. ards in a large section of
be coordinated by the board. The program has gotten of city including the Model C:l
The board met in their new to a slow start. however, and area) will be financed with o
office at 107 Miller for the first the Nixon administration has third city funds and two-thi
time, with their new director, indicated it will cut substan- federal funds.

TO! -
-td !o
i r s

books tori
"Differences will be resolved
and the bookstore will go into
operation," predicted Preident
Robben Fleming last night in
a question-answer session with
approximately 250 students at
Mary Markley dormitory.
Flemming cautioned studemnts
against being "overly optimistic
about the discounts such a store
will give you."
"Only serious disagreement
between students and the Re-
gents is in the area of manage-
ment control," said Fleming.
"The problem is to find a
mechanism which will satisfy

sion" of whether to call in po-
lice, he said.
"If the injunction had been
obeyed," Fleming said, "nothing
would have happened."
He added. "We mnake evry%
effort to persuade police to use
the least possible show of force
and weaponry," but he admit-
ted, "We have no authority over
the police."
Fleming defended the be-
havior of the police, calling
them "remarkably disciplined."
When asked if his stand
against the war in Vietnamm is
in conflict with his justification
of military research on campus.
Flaming chalfinmgPr1."T -.could



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