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Sunny and

Vol. LXXX, No. 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 30, 1969 Ten Cents

Eight Pages






Greater communication













urged in 'U' community


action by

Senate Assembly yesterday supported President Robben
Fleming's handling of last Thursday's bookstore sit-in but
criticized the events which brought police on campus and
called for better communication in the University community.
Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution introduced
by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) expressing support for a University bookstore and
instructing SACUA to enter into negotiations with students
and the administration on the bookstore issue.
The faculty representatives also adopted a resolution,
introduced by SACUA Vice Chairman Robert Knauss, which
deplores "the circumstances which resulted in police on cam-
pus" and urges faculty, stu-

- - . w - - -m-b- 'W -


class strike




successf Li
The Michigan Petition Drive for
Peace called its trial petition drive
last Sunday a success as nearly
700 signatures were collected.
Working for two hours, the 25
workers of the new organization
found favorable response from all
age groups as they went door-to-
door in the Burns Park area of
Ann Arbor.
At a meeting after the drive.
held at the home of history Prof.
Sam Warner, plans were made for
future drives. Regular meetings
'wvere set for 7 p.m. each Wednes-
day night at Guild House, so that
anyone interested in helping the
drive would always know at least
one way to make coitact.
At this Wednesday's nietng.
an outside target will be chosen
for the coming weekend. A com-
inittee is at work making asign-
ments in the Ann Arbor <ria.
"What we hope to do is be pre-
pared to send organizers to any
group that, asks us. They will be
ready with petitions, lit erature,
and street assignments ,it a mo-
ment's notice," Warner explained.
One veteran petitioner in the
group said that response to the
drive that afternoon -'was far
greater than any other drive I've
been in." It was not all smooth,
though, as one pair of girls found
themselves in a conservative
neighborhood, and consequently
collected considerably fewer sig-
natures than those in other areas.
One couple ran afoul of a women
whose son had spent three years
in Vietnam. She kept hitting both
of them with her umbrella and
called the two "communists."
The Petition Drive was organ-
ized during the Vietnam Teach-In
and claims affiliation with no
other organzation. To quote its
own literature, the Drive "is a
group of citizens who seek to
create a climate of opinion which
will bring an early end to Amer-
ican involvement in the war.-
The Drive is concentrating its
efforts in six Michigan Congres-
sional districts where the con-
gressman's margin of victory in
the last election was 15,000 votes
or less. A temporary office has
been set up in Lane Hall, Room

dents, and administrators "to

avoid confrontations which (1 SC S
have this result."
The resolution also asks SACUA
to investigate methods to develop ,
better com m unication and repre- s n t n b w n ai s
sent ation between various seg-
ments of the University com- EI'rOR'S NOTE: This report was
munity. compiled by Rick Perloff, Martin
The SACUA motion, adopted by I rselman, Jim Beattie, Dave
Cliiidwin, Tammiy Jacobs, Ira
a vote of 53 to 1, also praised ;Hoffman, rim Brandyberry, Nance
Fleming for his handling of the Tardifr, Cathy Gofrank, Russ (ar-
bookstore sit-in, his concern with land and David Egner.
faculty and student interests, and Although class attendance
his courage in stating his views on in most University schools
Journalism department chair- and colleges remained vir-
man William Porter, a member of tually unaffected by yester-
SACUA, said, in support of the day's strike, a large number of
motion "the students and admm- lit l s d
istration have been in difficult lerary colege easses discus-
positions and the faculty has had sed the strike and the book-
nothing to say. For God's sake, store movement for part of
let's say something." the hour.
The meeting, held in Rackhamc
Hall, was attended by over 300 LSA class attendance ran, on
students, most of them strikers. the average, between 10 and 20
During a half-hour discussion per cent lower than usual, with as
period several of them criticized much as 50 per cent drops in at-
the motion and blasted the Re- tendance reported in some an-
gents' refusal to allow student thropology, psychology and Re-
control of the bookstore. sidential College courses.
"I suggest the faculty members Literary college Dean William
condemn Fleming because he could Hays estimated yesterday's drop
have avoided the whole incident if in attendance at 10 per cent and
he had agreed to have the Re- said this was a normal amount,
gents meet," said SGC Executive University News Service report-


Suspeni mass protests
pending Regents reply
A rally of 500 students last night voted to suspend mass
action on the student-faculty controlled bookstore issue for
one week to allow the Regents to hold an emergency meeting
and begin "meaningful negotiations" with students.
A mass meeting on the Diag at 2 p.m. Monday will decide
whether students are satisfied with the Regents progress and
what further mass action should be taken. If the stddents are
satisfied, the rally will be a declared "victory party."
Until Monday, a large-scale drive will be conducted to
educate students and faculty on the bookstore issue. Com-
mittees will be organized tomorrow night at the Student

Activities Bldg. to meet with
every organization on campus
for discussions.
Strike committee chairman Dan
Halloran said the proposal to sus-
pend mass action and hold edu-
cational meetings will encourage
the Regents to act because it will
show that "not only the radicals
are leading the students" and that
there is "no coercive action."
Mary Livingston, a member of
Student Government Council, sup-
ported further education on the
bookstore issue even though it
"can be boring," and said that
next Monday is the time "to take
action if there is no response
(from the Regents)"
Miss Livingston said a deadline
for meaningful negotiations should
be set because she believed the
Regents might bury the bookstore
question in a committee.
The rally sent a message to
President Robben Fleming inform-{
ing him of its actions and re-
question a special Regents' meet-
ing or forum.

Arraign 106
s1t-111 ease
All but one of the 107 people
arrested last Friday morning after
the LSA Bldg. sit-in were arraign-
ed yesterday on charges of con-
tention, a misdemeanor.
All those arraigned before Dis-
trict Judges Pieter Thomassen and
S. J. Elden stood mute, and the
judges entered pleas of "not
guilty" for the defendants.
The judges also ordered the de-
fendants to post $25 bond each.
Although the trials are sched-
uled to begin Oct. 13, they may be
delayed until after the county
prosecutor's office finjshes several
no to. of tnn to i in,, ..o ltii c fr

Vice President Marc Van Der
Hout. "There should have been no
building take-over, and no police
on campus.'
"It's not the job of the Regents
t protect. the businessmen of Ann
Abor," charged Gary Baldwin,
'72. "It should be our money, our
bookst ore, our responsibility.,
Economics Prof. Frederic Sch-
erer, echoing Baldwin's comment
on student control, said it was
"intolerable" to entrust bookstore
policy to Vice President for Finan-
cial Atfairs Wilbur Pierpont.
Scherer contends Pierpont has
been blocking a bookstore for
nearly 20 years.
See FACULTY, Page 8
Ott today's
I Pear;e Th~ree
9 The Army drops charges
against eight Green Berets
accused of murdering a
South Vietnamese.
* Students at the University
of Wisconsin launch a rent
Some 2000 demonstrators
occupy the Wisconsin State
capitol in Madison to pro-
test cuts in welfare.
* Journalism Prof. Edmund
Wooding dies at 54.

There are approximately 16,000
students in the college and ac-
cording to a Daily survey conduct-
ed yesterday between 2000 and
3000 students did not go to class-
The Daily sampling was taken
by a team of reporters who sat in
on classes and interviewed pro-
fessors and students afterwards.
The survey also discovered an
average of over 85 per cent LSA
attendance in the science, foreign
language and mathematics cours-
Attendance was only slightly off
in the Law, Medical, Natural Re-
sources, Engineering and Archi-
tecture and Design Schools.
In addition, the survey f o u n d
little correlation between attend-
ance in lecture and recitation
The strike began at 8 a.m. yes-
terday morning with students
manning picket lines at Mason,
Haven and Angell Halls, the
Chemistry Bldg., Natural Science
Aud., Freize Bldg. and East En-
gineering. The number of pick-
ets grew from about 35 at Mason
Hall at 8 a.m. to nearly 50 around
11 a.m.
Through the day, there were in-
formal discussions of about 100
parsons on the Diag.
The strikers attempted to pur-
suade students not to cross the
picket lines. but generally the
See STRIKE, Page 8

Stud(entIs on strike puiet Fis$Ili('


considers academic

The rally also asked that the thesturbnc esltJne on
Regents "specifically consider the disturbances last June on
strie cordintingc sSouth University Ave.

di seiplin
University officials acknowledg-
ed yesterday they are considering
use of academic discipline against
the 97 students who were among
the 107 arrested in the LSA Bldg.
Friday morning.
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan F. Smith said he will
meet with the deans of eight
schools and colleges sometime this
week "to review the applicability
of college rules."
Such disciplinary action would
be separate from the civil action
now pending in Ann Arbor Dis-
trict Court, where those arrested
w e r e arraigned yesterday on
charges of creating a contention,
a misdemeanor which carries pen-
alties of up to 90 days and $100
in fines.
In discussing the possibility of




proposal" which is an alternative
to both the original SGC and Re-
gents' bookstore proposals.
The strike committee's alterna-;
tive plan stipulates that students
in an SOC-run referendum would;
authorize the Regents to cover any
deficit in the bookstore's budget
through an increase in tuition

After the arraignment, lawyers
for the defense expressed confi-
dence that no one will be con-
victed on the contention charge
which carries penalties of up to
90 days imprisonment and/or $100
"Disturbing the peace doesn't
include sitting in buildings until


academic discipline, h o w e v e r,
Smith attacked the concept that
the existence of civil and academ-
ic discipline would constitute
"double jeopardy."
Rather, he said, there is con-
siderable legal precedent for dif-
ferent charges in different courts
on the same act - notably where
both state and federal law applies.
Smith admitted considerations
other than whether college rules
had been broken would be weigh-
ed when he and the deans office
decide appropriate action. These
factors will include the possible
effect of initiating academic dis-
ciplinary procedures on campus
tension, he said.
At present. Smith said. the ad-
ministration is not considering
bringing the case before Central
Judiciary, which has authority to
hear violations of Student Gov-
ernment Council's ban on disrup-
The vice president expressed
dissatisfaction with CSJ's hand-
ling of a case, pr'esently in pro-
gress, concerning the disruption of
a Naval recruiter last spring. The
case was brought to the judiciary
by President Robben W. Fleming.
Smith said he was especially dis-
satisfied with CSJ's decision "with
reference to relevance" of testi-
mony on the nature of University
ties with the U.S. military.
The deans who will be involved
in the decision are those whose
students were involved in the LSA
Bldg. seizure.
They are William Hays of the
literary college: Associate Dean
James Robertson, director of the
Residential College; Gordon Van
Wylen of the engineering college;
Wilbur Cohen of the education
school; James Wallace of the
music school: Tom nRowe of the
pharmacy college: Stephen SI)urr
of the graduate school: and Step-

was "a violation of either of the
two bylaw drafts now under con-
sideration." The two drafts, iden-
tical on most points, were ap-
proved by Senate Assembly and
SOC this summer.
U n d e r the proposed bylaw
drafts, only properly constituted
student judiciaries would be com-
petent to hear cases like the LSA
Bldg. seizure.
McLaughlin also said he thought
the faculty would probably not
be inclined "to hand out aca-
demic discipline" in this case.E
Professors are interested in lettingj
the controversy die down as quick-
ly as possible, he said.
If those arrested last Friday are
disciplined by the schools and col-
leges, possible penalties would be
the same as those for cheating
and other academic offenses -
probation, suspension or expulsion,

3;Ei." airavd odseithe
"We feel that this proposal gives+3 a.m., said David Goldstein
President Fleming and the Re- lawyer who is coordinating the
gents adequate time to take action preliminary legal work for the
and feel that this is a solution to defendants.
the Regents rejection of meeting Goldstein claimed the conten-
under coercive pressure," stated tion charge does not apply to the
the message. defendants because there was "no
Strike leaders were cautiously blocking of the entrance and
pleased with the results of the minimal damage to or in the
class strike yesterday. "The most building, because it can not be
important thing to recognize to- proven that these people did the
day is that we won," said Peter damage, and because there was
Denton, an organizer of the strike. no force or violence threatened
Denton claimed the size of the or used."
"multiversity" would inhibit larger The Michigan Penal Code stip-
strike, and that the limited turn- ulates "any person who shall make
out yesterday was impressive be- of excite any disturbance or con-
cause extensive education on the tention in any place of business
bookstore issue did not begin until shall be guilty of a misdemeanor."
last Thursday. See ARRAIGN, Page 8

Fleming asks

faculty support

Judge drops contempt charges
against 2 TChicago 8' lawyers

University President Robben Fleming re-
viewed the events of the past week and
made a strong plea for continued faculty
support last night in his second "State of
the University" speech at Rackham Aud.
Speaking to momecthan 1300 faculty
members, aciniistrators. andi theim' wives-
an unusually lam'ge turnout for this an-
nual event-Fleming said he was "grateful
for the support you have given me." and
asked that it be continued .
Describing tie tenuous position of a
university president responsible to many
constituencies, Fleming said that a presi-
dent like himself "simply has to have their
Fleming's speech was unmarred by dbs-
rupt ions from 1 he nea 11 v 100 st udents in

"We cannot tolerate continued harass-
ment and disruption which make our pri-
mary purpose for being here impossible."
he said last night.
Fleming received strong support froom the
laculty and the mood of the audience was
intense. SACUA chairman Prof. Joseph
Payne of the Education school touched off
an enthusiastic standing ovation for Flem-
ing when he read to the audience a near-
unanimous resolution of support for Flem-
ing passed by the Senate Assembly earlier
in the day.
Fleming discussed the bookstore con-
troversy specifically, saying he saw the
dispute mainly as a "perfectly legitimate
difference of opinion on how to establish
the store.".
However, he added that he saw another

of tactics, I see myself in Germany during
the war where I saw things I hoped
never to see again.."
Fleming also described his views of the
events leading to his decision last. Friday
morning to call police to arrest the stu-
dents occupying the LSA building.
He explained that he and several mem-
bers of the faculty had previously dis-
cussed the possibility of a large-scale dis-
turbance to some extent. After again con-
sulting them. Fleming said, and after see-
ing that the students were not respond-
ing to his request to leave at 6 p.m..
he decided to seek a court restraining
"If they followed the court order, the
problem would be solved." Fleming said.
"The very reason we tried it was to at-

Special To The Daily
CHICAGO - Judge Julius
Hoffman yesterday vacated con-
tempt of court citations for two
defense lawyers for the "Chi-
cago 8" ami allowed all four of
the pre-tmrial lawyce's to with-
draw from the case.
The action followed the re-
lease from custody Saturday of
Michael Tigar. a professor of
the UCLA Law School, and Ger-
ald Lefcourt, a member of the
New York Bar, by direction of
two judges of the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
Two other attorneys, Michael
J. Kennedy amd Dennis J. Rob-
erts. escaped arrest over the

ingless. The four lawyers were
given feave to withdraw from
the case and leave Chicago.
Defense attorneys William
Kunstler and Leonard Wein-
glass presented an emergency
mnot ion requesting Hoffman to
declare a mistrial, or alternately,
disqualify himself in favor of
another judge on the grounds
that his treatment of the defense
attorneys had so prejudiced the
jury against the defendents that
a fair and impartial trial was
Hoffman denied the motion,
and impounded the original copy
pending "such consideration as
the court may wish."
Kunstler called the Hoffman's

monished the press to "limit it-
self to reporting what occurs in
the courtroom and not to help-
ing the defense."
Defendant Rennie Davis later
told reporters "this trial is re-
peating what happened on the
streets 1 a s t summer." He an-
swered Forans accusation of the
press, affirming; "This trial is
not limited to the courtroom.
Our jury is the people of this
To the charge that the de-
fendents were" making a circus
out of the trial" Davis said, "It
is a circus, am-d Judge Hoffman
is the ringmaster."
Between motions, t h e cross-

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