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September 21, 1969 - Image 9

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Sunday, September 21, 1969


Page Nine

Sunday, September 21, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine




Vanderbilt upset chances

Executive Snorts Editor
It's usually trite to say that the
difference in a game was due to
size and speed. However, Michi-
gan's victory over Vanderbilt yes-
terday was largely due to just
these two factors.
"We knew that they were big-
ger than us," commented Vander-
bilt's Coach Bill Pace, "but we,
thought our speed would make
up for that. What we hadn't real-
ized was that they were just as
While everyone seemed to agree
that the game was closer than the
42-14 score showed, Pace was very
pessimistic in describing his team's
efforts. "We were whipped in
every department," he felt. "We'll!
be going home today with our tail
between our legs."
Pace reserved special praise fors
two members of Michigan's squad.
(Glenn) Doughty's running Nvasi
especially tough against us," hei

dai~ly sports
Night Editor:
Joe Marker

to a total of 138 yards for the day.
Doughty credited his perform-
ance on two things, the offensive
line and the Tartan turf. "The of-
fensive blocking couldn't have
been better. They were continual-
ly opening the right holes," he in-
dicated. The turf helped him after
he ran through those holes. "It
gives the running back a definite
advantage," Doughty concluded.
"Because of the increased trac-
tion, I'm able to make sharper
cuts: and since I know where I'm
going while the defensive man
doesn't,. it's easier to elude tac-
Doughty also felt that quarter-
back Don Moorhead's faking was
"tremendous" and helped his run-
ning by keeping the defense off
balance. A couple of Moorhead's
handoffs faked out the crowd as
well as the Vanderbilt team.

felt. "and (Henry) Hill was in our history. It topped
backfield all day." run against Navy
Doughty playing in his first When Doughtyr
game for the Wolverines, was very sidelines after th
impressive. His 80-yard touchdown bechler slapped h
dance in the second quarter after and added, "By t
he broke through the middle of through the wro
the line was the fourth longest whether he ran V
run from scrimmage in Michigan's not, the touchdow

I Ron Johnson's
by eight yards.
returned to the
ie play, Schem-
iim on the back
he way, you ran
ong hole." But

Three yards and no dust

Rushing 13
Passing I
Penalty 0
NET YARDS-Rushing 36;
Passing 56
Completed 5
Intercepted by 1
Yards interceptions
returned 45
(Rushes and Passes) 65
PUNTS, No. 6
Average distance 39.5



KICKOFFS, returned by
Ball lost by
Yards penalized

3 7 Harrison






D Joughty
M oorhead
{ Craw
65 Scheffler
8 Seyferth
40 Federico

Tries Gains1
15 138
II 103
1? 28
5 33
5 ?5
3 33
1 0
I 5

Pass Re


Net Doughty
138 Mandich
103 Staroba
28 Henry
33 Totals
-l j Werner

PI'll t

:he right way or As much as Doughty and Moor-
n run helped him head did to kee the ball out of
the Michigan backfield, they were
nearly topped by middle guard
Henry Hill keeping the ball in the
Vanderbilt offensive backfield. He
1 s o 6 was so effective against the Coin-
1 34 I I;; modores in the first half, that he
was double teamed by Vanderbilt
ing for the entire second half of the
%tt. Comp. Int. Yard'game
9 a 1 4 ae
1 0 1 4 "At the beginning of the game.
1 o i ) I found I could beat my man and
11 5 1 56 was having a' ball in their back-
ceiving field," he remarked. "I thought.
Nuiber Yards though, that it wouldn't last and
, 4 was expecting to be double teamed
2 '8 at any time. When they waited
1 111 around, I certainly wasn't the one
1 14
56 to complain.' By the time the
tin game ended, Hill had hauled down
No. Yards Avg. 10 opponents."
6 : ?3W9.5 hen Vanderbilt threw its ir-
atsu~rsources into stopping Hill, it. found
hng that two other Wolverines plowed
ries Gains Los Nt through the new holes to continue
15 46 '4 T the pulverization of the Commo-
n 38 41 -dore backfield. Pete Newell and
S 14 -.Al Carpenter dropped the oppos-
.1 i o 14 ing quarterbacks five times behind
40 109 54 55 the line of scrimmage for 37 yards.
This didn't include the innumer-
itt. ('onip. nt. Yards able times John Miller and Watson,
1 9 1 InBrown, the Vanderbilt quarter-
4 1 0if Isbacks. had to get rid of the ball
to avoid a loss.
te3F',ng Coach Pace did not feel that the
umber Yard' loss as due to Vanderbilt miis-
3 44i takes, rather that "we were simply
1 16 outplayed by Michigan." He add-
13 ed, "While I could say that things
? '' like playing on the turf hurt our
1 16 performance. it really wouldn't
14 1I? have decided the game."


-Dail-Eric Pergneaiux
Ref fr'eakI~s outilover IHuff toitchdoti

Ti- toe through the


=, I

te dei


-~ Bill Cusumano-
Princeton and Rutgers
wouldn't recogtzci
Football has been around for 100 years now and the nice
thing about it is that basically it hasn't changed much.
People still go out on the field with only two things in mind:
scoring the most points and belting the hell out of each
Michigan has been playing football for 90 of those years
and the nice thing about it is that basically the results haven't
changed much. Usually the Wolverines score more points and
belt the hell out of the other guys.
None of those things were different yesterday, either, as
the Michigan offense took care of scoring more points than Van-
derbilt, and the defense performed the task of belting the hell
out of the Commodores. The obvious conclusion would be that
Michigan football is in a rut and not worth watching.
But the obvious just ain't necessarily so, because a new breed
has arrived to represent the Wolverines. In their one appearance
they got the same results as their predecessors but the style was
beautifully different.
Michigan has gone mod, the old ways are buried, and it
looks like it'll he a lot of fun. The revolution began with the
arrival of Don Canham as Athletic Director and it hasn't
stopped. No longer is there grass in the stadium (unless the
fans bring it in); now there is Tartan Turf. Player aren't
just announced, the starting lineups are introduced in the
center of the field. There are even women reporters in the
press box and female photographers on the sidelines.
And performing against this backdrop, on the giant green
stage, is Bo Schembechler and his exciting Michigan team.
Schembechler really doesn't use a 12 man offense like he once
said and he doesn't have a Chuck Hixson who passes on every
down. As a matter of fact, he doesn't even have a soccer style
kicker to provide something in the way of the unusual.
So what's so different? It's variety, man, variety. Schem-
bechler uses an offense based on running and passing, just like
every Wolverine coach in the past, but he does it out of a dazzling
variety of formations.
Yesterday he displayed several offensive sets to Vanderbilt,
and the Commodores couldn't solve any of them. In most cases
the Wolverines started out in an I-formation with a wingback
and a split end. Unfortunately for Vanderbilt, things had usually
changed by the time the ball was snapped.
Many times the backs would shift out of the I, creating
a Wing-T. Added to that was a man in motion. At other
times both ends were kept tight. Then, just to ice the cake,
Schembechler reached into the past and even ran a straight,
full-house backfield with the two tight ends.
Variety, right? But it didn't stop there, as Don Moorhead
further confused the Commodores with his option running. No
defender really could decide whether he was going to run, pitch
or throw. Neither could the fans and that made for more fun.
To go along with the new formations there is also a variety
of new faces. No one can count on seeing Ron Johnson run every
play. Now everyone runs. There is a good chance that several old
fans had heart attacks the first time that John Gabler carried
on a wingback reverse. No one at Michigan has seen that play
in a few years.
But that's what made yesterday's game fun, the unexpected.
The stadium was filled with people watching an unknown quan-
tity, yet anticipating an instant replay of former teams, By the
time Glenn Doughty had hit the end zone in the second quar-
ter, such thoughts were disspelled. Old pros at playing Guessing
with the Coach were losing badly,
Schembechler has made Guessing with the Coach a
much more sophisticated game. Now the fan must first guess
the formation before he even attempts to prognosticate the
actual play. It could make being in the stands almost as
dangerous as being on the field. I can .iust imagine the snide

J. hiller
Brow n
S1at hen

Pa issi
Pass ',Ret

"Tartan Turf
makes you sterile"
The above grafitti is inscribed
on the wall of the third stall of
the first floor men's john in the
UGLI t Undergraduate Library
for those of you who are not ac-
quainted with the halls of learn-
ing at the Big U.
The Michigan Daily, not satis-
tied with such a one-sided opinion
of what we affectionately refer
to as "The Rug", decided to con-
duct an informal poll of as wide
a group of Tartan Turf experts
as possible. The results are print-
ed below:
Mike Hankwitz. Michigan of-
fensive end: "I don't think the
Turf gave us an advantage. It

was the same for both teams. It's
easy to get a good jump off the
ball but it's the same for them. It
gives you great traction fo' cut-
ting on pass patterns. There's no
slippage and it makes for a fast-
er game.
Samuel White, sophomore en-
thusiast: "Tartan Turf is ano-
ther manifestation of the bour-
geois fascistic movement that is
exploiting our natural resources."
Andy Bateman, Michigan
cheerleader 1male>: "Because of
the new Turf we're getting and
have sprained ankles and wrists.
But the surface is dependable,
though: you know what it'll be'
Rick Kohn, Head Michigan

Poni 4 ulg
smith 8

Then he finished by noting, "We,
Ymkrds Av would have lost no matter where
32? 40 'we played them."

Football Manager: "I think it's
great. It makes my job a lot eas-
ier; there's no mud, no mess, and
it's fun. Now we don't have to
go out on the field during time
outs to clean off the players'
Mike Willie, Michigan Assist-
ant Trainer: "Even though we
had no serious or even slightly
serious injuries today, I don't
think it was the Turf. If you re-
member, last year we got through
with hardly any injuries."
Davey Eaton, rabid freshman:
"It looks fantastic; it's crazy. I
don't think it's green enough, and
it doesn't look enough like grass."
William D. Revelli, Director of
the Michigan Marching B a n d
It feels better than grass but
it's more difficult to turn on.
Marching ei'rors are much more,
noticeable now because every-
thing is so neat. There is n o
acoustic difference but I get a
much better response from the
band because they're less fati-
gued on the new surface."
Glenn "Bo" Schembechler, the
Michigan Head Football Coach:
"It seemed like the same Turf as
in practice. Noise of the physical
contact seemed muffled from the
sidelines like the acoustics on a
Vanderbilt cheerleader, anony-
mous (female : "It looked nice.
It seemed when we did our cheers
we could jump higher."

High School band members --
Lapeer High: "I definitely like
it. It's no better to march on, it's
just neat. There's no rocks on
this field."
Romeo High: "It's fun and dif-
Plymouth High: "It's hard to
turn on the stuff."
Linden High: "At least it
doesn't get muddy.''
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-Ken Kelley, edi-
tor and publisher of the Ann
Arbor Argus and Plun Planon-
don, Minister of Defense of the
White Panther Party, were ar-
rsted yesterday by Chicago au-
Robert Ahronheim. astute jun-
ior: "I want it on my living room
William Pace, Vanderbilt Head
Coach: "It didn't affect the re-
sult of the game: however, it does
aid the team with the most quick-
Glenn Doughty, Michigan wing-
back: "The Tartan Turf is real
hard and if you hit your head on
It you really feel it. It gives the
running backs a definite advant-
age because they know where
they're going to cut."

1M' offense sparkles,
1ouIes Vaiidy, 42-14

Continued from Piige 1
Craw finally hurtled in from the
Then Huff scooped up the
blocked punt for the clinching
Less than three minutes later
Tom Curtis picked up where he
did last year by picking off a

Daily-Randy Edmonds
Quairierbuck on loorhead strikes pay-dirt (rug?)


Houston rocked by Florida State, 59-34

Miller pass and steamed down
the right sideline 45 yards to the
Commodore 26 yard line. Moor-
head called his own number
three straight times before div-
ing into the endzone off right
tackle from the four.
The second team came in to
score the final tally as Jim
Betts took charge of the offense.
Betts and Lance Scheffler did
most of the running with a pass
to Preston Henry to break the
monotony. Eric Federico took
the last handoff from the five
for the score.
Vandy's scoring drive that
opened the second half prompt-
ed Schembechler to comment,
"We were not ready to play
football in the second half."
After scoring 28 points in the
final st.anza one wonders what
being ready entails.
Pro Standings

By The Associated Press
Reeves turned in a sensational
performance in his college foot-
ball debut Saturday, equaling a
Southeastern Conference record
with five touchdown passes in
leading underdog Florida to a
crushing 59-34 upset of seventh-
ranked Houston.
Reaves, who played only three
quarters, hooked up with anothei'
super soph, Carlos Alvarez, for six
completions and 182 yards, in-
cluding two touchdowns.
Reaves hit 18 of 30 for 342 yards,
a school record. It erased the 289
yards by All-America Steve Spur-
r'ier in 1965 'i axin. tAuburn. Al-

Jimmy Jones made a sparkling
debut as heir-apparent to the
quarterback spot held last year
by Steve Sogge, and led Southern
California's Trojans to a 31-21
football decision over Nebraska's
Cornhuskers Saturday.
Jones, a 6-1, 190-pound Harris-
burg, Pa., product, shook off mid-
week back trouble which had made
him a doubtful starter and threw
for a pair of second quarter

touchdowns to put USC firmly in kicked a school-record four field
command. goals, the last with 15 seconds to
USC led 28-7 before Nebraska play. and lifted Missouri to a
rallied for two touchdowns in the tense 19-17 victory over Air
fourth quarter. A 34 yard field Force Academy Saturday in the
goal by USC's Ron Ayala closed Tiger's season opener.
out the scoring. Brown's final field goal, a 30-,
yard boot with a stiff cross wind
:1i s011 ri sju eezes IND blowing, capped a dramatic wind-
up which saw the Falcons score;
COLUMBIA, Mo. -- H e nr y a touchdown with only 32 seconds
Brown, a third-team split end, remaining to take a 17-16 lead.
sass~seni ae ess%:when

row last year, including a Cotton
Bowl victory over Tennessee.
While taking a 14-0 halftime
lead, the Longhorns rolled for
192 yards on the ground against!
a team that had held opponents
to an average of only 109 yards
rushing per game last year. The
Longhorns finished with 311 yards
on the ground.
The second time the Longhorns
got the ball, they drove 70 yards
in 11 plays with Bertelsen, a
sophomore, going 11 yards around:
right end foi' the score.
Tile rolls
BLACKSBURG, Va. -~ Thir-

College Scores

Missouri, seemingly beaten,
when Gary Baxter calmly t o o k
the Falcons 78 yards on two long
passes for the Air Force's go-
ahead touchdown, responded'with
a 56-yard bomb of its own.

Eastern Division
W L 'r Pet.
New York 1 0 ) 1.000
Boston I0 1 0 .000
Houston 0 1 0 .000
Miami 0 1 0 .000
Buffalo 0) 1 0 .000
Western Division
Denver 1 0 1 1.00
Oakland 1 0 0 1.000
Knn~ric Cit ) it 01.00

Pt, s. OP
3 19
17 35
t7 21
?1 27
19 33
33 7
21 17
' 9I

MICHIIGAN 42, Vanderbilt 14
S '?,7, Washingtlon 11
Washington State 19. Illinois 18

Bucknell,24, lofstra tiuiv. 19
Rutgers 44, Lafayette "t2
SlipperyRock '27,Waym,esburg 7
Syracuse 14. Iowa State 13

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